Think Of The Happiest Things




Here's another discussion topic/chance to talk about your characters:

How do your travel powers work?

Flight - wings, jet pack, anti-gravity, telekinesis, pixie dust?
Teleport - folding space, stepping through shadows, riding the lightning, walking the spirit world?
Leaping - super muscles, wuxia wires, zero-g packs, bitten by a mutant grasshopper, spring-boots?
Speed - okay, "running really fast" tends to be a constant, but how/why?

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Well All of my characters fly and I have used any number of stories to explain it.

My Demon Summoner is a Succubus and sports wings.. So does my BS/SD Scrapper (my Valkyrie)

A number of my characters have magic as their origin .. Hey that's easy I cast a spell and off I go. I have also used this with some mutant origins characters.. Hey if I can mutate and shoot electricity out of my fingers who says my body couldn't have mutated allowing me to fly as well... As example Johnny Storm.. can manipulate fire and shoot fireballs .. also flies very well :-D

With some of the others I have acquired Rocket Boots and that covers it nicely.. this including my SoA Crab Spider.

and when all else fails I resort to Reason # 1 ... I like FLY. I'm to lazy to use teleport, Super Speed gets a little hard to use in areas with a lot of ups and down .. and especially tough in the Shadow Shard. I NEED to get from Point A to Point B to run this mission with my team so if you don't want to teleport me everywhere.. JUST DEAL WITH THE FACT THAT MY CHARACTER FLIES! lol

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



My concept of Movement Powers is also based a lot on Origin.

Archerina, my Magic TA/Archery Defender, has a pair of mystic boots (the Pegasus Winged Boot costume piece) that allows her to run at super speeds.

Pyrefrost, my Mutant Fire/Ice Dominator, can manipulate warm and cold air currents to allow her to fly.

It just depends on my concept, I guess.

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."



Hummm. My character Symphony of Light's powers are magic in origin, so she's a traditional flies around and bricks and such

Harmony of Light, her primal is a Peacebringer. Snapshot Partisan is a regular human. The closest to being remotely special about her is that her boots are sort of springy, so she can hop around with alot more agility than average joe. (Ninja run!)

Antebellum uses the Antebellum Protocol's built in rocket boots while altering her kinetics at the necessary moments to maintain a swift flight.

Cthonic Rite uses magic! So some kind of air incantation.



Got a couple that I'm quite happy within this lot, though I must admit most of my characters are just able to fly/teleport/jump/run fast because of the great last word in RP, "Because I said so, shh."

The Elysienne teleports by stepping from the real world to the pocket of limbo she discovered and calls the Grey World. It corresponds with reality to a great deal, but time moves oddly there. She's able to use this distortion of time to move near-instantaneously from one place to another.

Troposphera, a mutant Ice-wielder, uses super-speed. It's RPed as her skating around on a thin layer of ice that she lets melt quickly behind her. A little "The Incredibles" I know, but it seemed the only logical way to explain any travel power for a character whose sole mutation is the creation of ice.

Exodus Terror's super-jumping is down to her polymorphic nature. Simply a matter of reconfiguring her lower body into something akin to a jumping insects and propelling herself. Simple, effective, and kinda boring as explanations go.

Leytap's flight is explained by her technomagical control over electricity. Running electricity through a coil of copper wire creates a magnetic field. She manipulates the electricity and magnetism to raise her copper-wire and metal costume into the air, directing it with magical impulses to warp the magnetic field generated.

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



All my "Lasher" characters are beings made up of pure energy. I guess I could explain the reason they can fly through means of shifting the energy around their bodies?

Zegan, my warshade who I don't RP as one uses does not really 'teleport' I RP him steping through the shadows as mention above. He also pulls people through the shadows. Have a bind saying '$target allow the shadows to consume you.' heh

Many of my demonic type chars have SJ (or Ninja Leap) it's mostly training I guess.

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



Most of my toons are fliers. Two, whose powers share a common origin are powered by their confidence: If they are confident they can fly, they will fly.

Another is using earth's magnetic field to repel himself off the ground, and a fourth uses an alien device to achieve an anti-gravity field.




Lt. Ferber, Bots/FF uses Jet Boots to fly.

BBQ_Pork has strong, albiet short legs and can Super Jump.

Dr. Johansen (Elec Brute) uses Piston Boots, as does my Biker-turned Techno-Viking Scrapper, Mighty Zugg.

Sally May and Sally May Nott are both FF bubblers. Thier (Tech) force fields allow them to "Hampster-Ball-Bounce", thus: SJ.

Cinae Exodus (Fire/Kin Corruptor magicly siphons and re-uses the energies of her foes (Siphon Speed+CJ/SJ.)

Terrible Two (Tantrum/Stubbornness Toddler-Brute) uses SS because he is, as he claims "SUPER FASTEREST RUNNER!"

Awesome Possum (Claws/SR Mutant Scrapper) doesn't have any advanced travel powers, (swift+hurdle+CJ+Quickness+sprint, though) because even for a mutant critter, being able to be faster than cars wouldn't be very "Possum-y"

Incineration Unit (Tech Fire/Dev Blaster) was an SG's trash incinerator, made mobile and sentient. Jetboots were part of the design.

Operative 33 (Crab) wears Rocket Boots to fly, because before he joined Arachnos he used to Hench for a Goldbricker-style outfit.



My jumper, Miss Cricket, has exceptionally strong legs which enables her to super leap all over the place. I consider it her "primary" power and took Martial Arts as her attack set not because she's a trained martial artist but rather because she can just kick really hard.



((Interesting thread!

Gemini Rose, my archer, is able to jump incredible distances because her footwear is treated with an amazing compound created by a Professor Brainard.

HEROID is able to leap to so high and far simply because of the strength of his robotic legs. Of course at around a thousand pounds, when he lands, he tends to do some damage to the street or sidewalk. Those potholes you see around the city... yeah.

Alias Smith levitates through TK.

Rogue Atom teleports using her quantum powers.

Canine does the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon type of running/leaping.

Winter Girl's superspeed is explained by her creating a layer of ice between her feet and the ground, thus reducing friction and effectively skating at high speeds through the Rogue Isles.

Anola skitters and leaps like a lizard.

My Praets are all still using Ninja Run, so...

Rogue Ion uses her ion powers to increase her natural speed.

Speed Date is just beginning to master her energy manipulation powers in order to give her super speed.

Anthrosaur is Anola's analogous brother, so he does the lizard thing.

Rhythm Thief? He's usually cloaked when he's in motion, so no one really knows *how* he moves through the city. He just... appears.

And those are the main characters I'm playing atm. ))



Most of my characters that fly are using Magic. One of them is a fairy who, despite having wings, still cannot fly fully without using magic. The "normal" fliers are a sort of "Eagle" character I made who sports wings, and my Peacebringer/Warshade.

X-330, my AR/Dev (and sometimes Huntsmen) has prosthetic legs which are modified to sort of "glide" along the ground and thus he can move around very quickly.

My Ill/Storm Controller is a water nymph whose body is composed of nearly 99% water, and because of her ability to manipulate hydrogen, she can actually evaporate her body when she jumps which enables her to move upwards very quickly. Fortunately moving vertically at such high velocities usually forces her to re-solidify and thus return to Earth, or she might accidentally fly off into space.

Most of my characters have Super Jump because... They can just jump really well, and I wanted combat jumping.



Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
TOGGLE MAN runs Super Speed and Super Jump constantly through the power of TOGGLES. He doesn't have a backstory for this or anything, though. TOGGLE MAN is not exactly a font of roleplaying depth.
TOGGLE MAN still lives?? What level is he at now. I remember reading all about him when he was first created.



Well let's see...

Terra Aureus, Valerie Vincent, Raze Taonga and DJ Facade have no travel powers, just fitness. Bya-ko has ninja run which is more being swift and well versed in parkour in nature.

Wyld Fyre's inherant mutation is energy generation, fire is sort of friction byproduct of sorts, she has super speed via just making energy, but it does have a fiery superheated air trail...she can teleport in her line of sight sort of like throwing a rock harder with the right spin makes skip across water, she just skips across physical space.

Lina as Dark-wave has superjump due to the power assisted pneumatic pistons in her suit, as Argent Arcwave she flies due to the nature of the Arcwave suit gathering static charges, specifically in this case repulsive charges on vanes on its boots

Ashe Phoenix has enough control over fire/air superheating to fly via thermal lift. Roxy Acetylene did as well, but doesn't any longer.

Blaize flies cause she has wings. Duh. Farrah Templaria too. Kai has wings, sometimes, but really flies or whatever whenever she feels like it because thats just what hackers do in systems, whatever they feel like.

Black Symphony flies because Azkythe has wings when she's in control, Zeke has a magic ring that lets him when he is.

India Ink's appropriated suit grants her superspeed. She's not exactly sure how it works, its sort of came with her current body and its previous owner wasn't much of a thinker, more of a 'wear this, kill these people'

I have a lot of psis who do stuff mostly because they just do. Kyle Rymes, BlackRadiance, and Gina Myers all teleport, Psiamese flies, Wirewolf will teleport through electric current, he's a technopath.

Sekhet flies because she's an ancient magus and they just know how to do these things, Nanotyche's Mu blood allows her to teleport via lightning.



I'm only riding in the sidecar of my brain currently (successive doses of decongestants are the reason), but...

The Electric-Knight flies by creating a field of static electricity around himself and then using electrical propulsion. Mainly by energizing/ionizing the air around him and the ensuing friction creates motion and... Actually, I can normally explain this better, but...

Damn it, Jim... I'm a Role-Player not a scientist!!

He also sticks balloons and children to the ceiling for birthday parties, via static cling. I did a bunch of reading up on things one can do with electricity (anyone ever heard of the internets? It uses electricity, apparently) and was very fascinated... Unfortunately, I can't seem to access that information at the moment.
Instead of not posting this, I will hit that submit reply button and see what happens.

Also, DarkRanger uses grappling hooks and such to get up to higher places (He only has slotted-up Hurdle [and now Ninja Run] to aide in that).

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



My one character that I'm seriously playing, Galvanic Flash, has no travel power mechanically. In RP terms, I use Ninja Run, Swift, and Sprint to approximate Superspeed style movement. He's a mutant that produces an overabundance of energy, and part of what he does with it is move and think really fast.



Almost all characters have Super Jump for me.

My explanation: Anime-phsyics. ; )

inb4 haterz gonna' hate >_>;;



Quinch: A pair of rocket boots he swiped from a downed super before they hosported. Flight and superspeed, and he has no idea how exactly they work. Like the cat, they always come back whenever he tries to get rid of them, with similar destruction to his other footwear in their wake.

Mender Quinch: Short-range subordination of local medicom nodes.

Quinch Ballistic {Praetorian}: Got a pair of "wings" from Neuron as a "reward" for rescuing IVy. The wings themselves are actually a pair of stabilizers for the back-mounted antigravity unit, but were thrown away due to their power consumption. Also, they're unfixably lime-and-pink, continuing the tradition of embarrassing modes of transportation for the character.

Marty Faversham: Magic bunny, with parrot-like wings. Rocket engineering, it ain't.

Ambient Light: Kheldian. Came bundled.



Hmm, let's see...

It seems that most of my flyers are magic in nature and their flight is just a side effect of said magic, be it a spell, device or part of the nature of the being. One is a demon and flies by use of wings. (Physics be damned!) One is tech based and uses a combination of rocket boots and wings.

My leapers are either powered by super strong muscles or piston powered mechanical legs. One I no longer play was based on manipulating their personal gravity to leap long distances.

My speedsters have the most diversity. One is hand waved as riding a motorcycle, one is based on time manipulation and sort of "time skips", another has an enhanced neurosystem ala Shadowrun "wired reflexes".

My only current character with a teleport power is "recall friend" and I haven't decided if that is by use of a device or a spell.

A number of my characters get by with just Ninja run and fitness and those are a mixed bag of explanations based on the character background, be it training and free running, acrobatics, or some form of enhanced reflexes.

I think the nature of my travel powers comes more from the look and feel of the character. Whatever works best and justification be damned.

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



Rand Tanner: His work with Portal Corp has landed him a device that distorts distances by semi-shifting him into another dimension. This gives him his "Super Speed", and explains why he's harder to spot while using it.

Most of my others are fairly obvious as to how/why they travel like that.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
Quinch: A pair of rocket boots he swiped from a downed super before they hosported. Flight and superspeed, and he has no idea how exactly they work. Like the cat, they always come back whenever he tries to get rid of them, with similar destruction to his other footwear in their wake.
"Gotta be the shooz."

Mender Quinch: Short-range subordination of local medicom nodes.
That's actually how one of my characters justifies Recall Friend, which is handy for teaming but not actually part of her regular powers; she has a SERAPH-issue remote control for the grid. Technically this means that I shouldn't be able to use that power outside Paragon, but...

Quinch Ballistic {Praetorian}: Got a pair of "wings" from Neuron as a "reward" for rescuing IVy. The wings themselves are actually a pair of stabilizers for the back-mounted antigravity unit, but were thrown away due to their power consumption. Also, they're unfixably lime-and-pink, continuing the tradition of embarrassing modes of transportation for the character.
Unlucky in any dimension, I see.

Marty Faversham: Magic bunny, with parrot-like wings. Rocket engineering, it ain't.
MAAAGIC! </henning>

Ambient Light: Kheldian. Came bundled.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Kid Leech/Amelia Stone can burn through energy at a higher rate than usual in order to make herself move at superhuman speeds.

Sapling has the super speed power, but she isn't "super" fast. She does some parkour and is a strong runner, so she generally gets from place to place quickly.

Sulphurous only uses Ninja Run, which represents that she's pretty good at running away.

Secondhand Dreamer teleports using someone's old pocket-sized teleportation device science project that she found in a storage room. It used to overheat regularly, explaining why she sometimes ran out of endurance and fell while porting across zones.

Iceworm also uses a teleportation device, but his worked better from the start.

Borderwalker "teleports" by stepping as far into the spirit world as she can. Distances aren't quite the same, so it's usually faster than walking. She can't maintain it for very long and is never entirely sure she's still aimed at her destination though, so she keeps disappearing and reappearing as she travels.

Hexblaze finds that magically allowing herself to jump higher than normal and land softly is easier than controlling flight.

Street Valkyrie's ability to fly is divinely granted. Ectoplasmic floats around because she's a ghost, and Allekto flies because she has wings.



Ascendant flies by converting minute amounts of Energy Prime into directed kinetic energy.

Doctor Crom gets around by a combination of motive strategies.

Quiver's "super jump" is actually a combination of grapple arrows and Parkour.

I'm not sure how the Announcer's teleport ability works, but I suspect it depends on being wherever The Script needs him to be.

Ramshackle's flight boots can use virtually any moderately combustible liquid to attain a flight profile, however, they're most effective when using a very high-proof grain alcohol he distills himself which is based on an old family moonshine recipe.

Now, more than ever, Paragon City needs heroes. Do your part to save it.



Mariel Martog uses Elvin magic to fly
Irken has a Jet Pack
Marhiel Martog (praetorian Mariel) Has rocket boots
Tiburon Ordo Malleus
has both Rocket packs and a Teleport homing beckon (ok so he's based on 40k)
Malkavian who is a warshade ...
Vo1tair is a fallen Angel
Evil Irken is the same as the Irken
Racheal MW is a Ninja Spider Scout (she only gets Ninja run, being a Spider Scout is something but good)
Feathery Wings is also a fallen Angel
Kontrol Faktor will have Sonic Power Noise lifters (ie flying on sound waves made from heavy Industrail music)

ok there is my current list of Played characters...



For Seraph Teleport and Hide both double as heightened reflexes. Originally Fly was used for the previous toon where it was described as basically hurling himself around high level objects such as building walls and the like and then kicking himself off of it to land in the next chosen location. With Hide/TP he simply vanishes in the blink of an eye with careful precise movements to designated areas. Basically parkour with a huge emphasis of supernatural abilities.

Saber Wolf's suit (which is similar to the nanosuit from Crisis) bestows speed mode (which is basically swift and quickness three slotted for speed). Super Jump is basically just reinforcing the muscle fibers of the legs to reach high heights (which is funny and OOC due to being able to jump half way across Martial Island from one side of the map; it's a little too extreme :P).

Most other toons of mine are self explanatory where if it's Hide, they're in the shadows. Ninja Run? They're just practitioners of extreme conditioning and balance.



Flea uses leaping. The name is a hint.
Zero uses leaping. Zero is essentially an alternate Flea from a more messed up timeline.
Despair flies - this is mainly due to the symbiotic Wraith as the host is essentially little more than a brittle, crumbling dead husk.
Coyote XI flies. Because it's not powered armour without flight. Sometimes it's via boots. Others via jetpack and wings.
Alexander (Jackal XI) uses teleport - again, inbuilt into the armour.
Hannah flies due to red feathered wings.
Emma should fly but her demonic wings were underdeveloped and she never learned. So she sort of leaps via glide-hopping instead.
Dani teleports due to syncing the ability off a friend of hers. Mostly she uses no travel power.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!