Think Of The Happiest Things





Jericho Stone flies through his own magic and it being his dream as a kid.

St Elmo's Fire Teleports since part of his mutant ability is electrical, it's what allows him to jump short distances so quickly.

Ardarel flies. He has wings.

Pyre has rocket boots that harness his own flame ability and uses it to power jet turbines. He bought them in a hero catalog.

Mr Dark flies via a spell. If I could give him a small whisk broom to hold I would.

Phrenic Arrow teleports through his own ability at telekinesis.

Shadez is invisible most of the time so no one really sees how he travels from place to place.

Desert Cossack runs fast. Uses Ninja run. Looks good with two sabers in his hands.

Fire Forged runs fast. Hes' a demon. He could probably fly and teleport as well if he wanted.

Street Viking rides a Harley. ( uses SS, but I generally keep him on the streets if I can)

Ahklun, My Praet, is only about 7 and a half feet tall. He can run pretty fast on his own.