What is your RP strength and weakness as a Role Player?




So I've been considering for a while now how to amend my own RP weakness which is Dialogue. I can not come up with fluid one liners, inspiring speeches or stirring anecdotes for my characters. Grant it most of my characters are of the shy or stoic personality type but that is more of my own crutch because my own writing skill at writing dialogue is so unbelievably stilted and with a shy toon I can make up for my deficiencies with loads of poetic description.

So here is a question I put to you Virtue, What is your own RP Strength and Weakness as a Role player?



My weakness in RP is...typos. Every single time I type a typo slips in.



Originally Posted by Pedro Schwartz View Post
And i'm also having a hard time finding good RP groups and SGs to develop my toons =/
This goes for me too.



My strength is usually solid character concepts/designs with powers and abilities explained by well thought out backgrounds.

My weaknesses are first and foremost a lack of patience. My real life personality quirk of being short with people tends to creep into my characters and it does alienate a lot of RPers. Tied in with that is that I am a very direct and at times blunt person in real life, and even when it does not fit the character, it creeps into their RP... especially if I play too long and get tired :P

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



((My weakness is just keeping up with the chat around me. I miss some great stuff sometimes that I don't catch until I look back through the chatlog. Or my own character goes silent because I'm eavesdropping on a nearby conversation.

I think my strength is that I'm pretty willing to let things happen to my characters. Things said and done in roleplay tend to have an effect on my characters. It keeps me from scripting my dialogue and rp, and lets me be surprised by the turn of events.

As far as dialogue goes, the best thing you can do is listen to people talk in real life and keep that in mind as you voice your characters. I play both teen and adult characters. I'm lucky enough to have a lot of nieces and nephews (my own two kids are adults now) so I'm able to hear teenagers talk all the time. Also, I try not to play characters whose voices I can't hear in my head. ))



My own vocabulary. I just don't know a lot of words. Trying to RP complex or tough situations often leaves me wondering what the hell to say. I can make easy small talk, but my writing skill could use a class or two.

(V)Thomas Peterson -- The Plain Walker(H)



My strength (and also a weakness) is that I prefer to roleplay in literate, multi-post paragraphs, and if people don't want to spend the time and effort at least acknowledging this fact (i.e. respond to a paragraph with one or two words), then I decline to roleplay with them.



Strengths...well formed characters with depth who are easy to talk to and speak in their own 'voices.
Weaknesses...I can't RP with characters who live in a different 'world' as mine do. Even the silly ones don't get too far away from normal/serious. For a long time I had a serious ninjitsu based character and running across people with dumb/silly ideas of how ninjas in the City of world just irritated me, once a character referred to Vocaloid as an interest and someone decided to go off about how they exist in the City of world as AIs and it pretty much ruined the RP for me....stuff like that



Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
My strengths:

- Experience RPing online: I would not be surprised to discover that I've got more online roleplaying experience than anyone else currently playing CoH. My dad worked for IBM back in the 70s and 80s, and I got involved in a play-by-post D&D campaign on his rig with some other company kids when I was just a wee tyke, a hobby I've kept up consistently all the way through adulthood. Plenty of players around here have more total gaming experience than me, but online play is its own class of beast, and I have studied it extensively.

- Detailed approach to storytelling: I have an easy time getting my head wrapped around all the fiddly little details that can contribute to helping one's characters and stories feel like they fit in with the world around them. I'm the kind of player who devours published setting lore, and retains most of the information very easily.

- Willing to be a "support" character: Not in terms of rolling a Defender or whatever... but that I don't need to be in the spotlight. I'll happily play a character whose defining purpose is to shine that spotlight on someone else's character.

- Talent for description: I've been told many times that my use of words is very evocative, and that I've got a special knack for making a character seem more grounded in their own reality than just an avatar for a person at a keyboard. Unfortunately, that seems to go hand in hand with one major weakness...

My weaknesses:

- Overly verbose: Other players get the job done in fewer words. I'm used to playing in all-text environments, and have a habit of trying to tell things that I could be showing instead. I also tend to over-explain, because I don't like to leave people room to misinterpret (deliberately or not) and twist my words.

- Overly strict standards: I'll admit it, I'm an RP snob. I've seen some amazing stuff, and I've seen some utter crap. The bulk of online RP seems at first glance to drift towards the Crap end of the scale... but looking back, I realize that a lot of it is really just OK, not spectacular but not actively offensive. I've just let some of the really amazing stuff overwhelm me, and set my expectations too high. Thus, I pass over opportunities for pretty-good-but-not-great RP all the time.

- Can't multitask: I can very rarely RP and play the game at the same time. Like, on missions and strike forces. Whichever aspect of play is occupying my attention, my focus on it is absolute.
Wow you basically wrote out my own strengths and weaknesses with more verbosity minus my dialogue issues.



My strengths are that I am willing to be a background or support character, and that the backgrounds and personalities that my characters have are detailed.

My weaknesses have to do with my sometimes not being as into it as I could be, and letting the dialog slip back into how *I* would say something rather than how my character would. I can't do accents, and it usually comes across as word choice and sentence structure.

Also, when I am tired it all goes to heck. My characters become more like me and less like them, and if I get tired enough I lose the ability to pose out...to leave the scene in character. I'm stuck. =P

Shae Firewarder



Everything, well as far as weakness goes. I'm a terrible RP'er.




  • I am a very vibrant RP'er who gets other people involved. I am not afraid to put myself out there and take center stage, but I also do my best to help others shine and I will step back once other people feel comfortable enough to step up to the spotlight.
  • Good with dialogue
  • I can think (and type) on my feet, giving quick and perfectly in character responses.
  • I have a large yet accessible vocabulary. I do use "big words" but not for their own sake and I do not use archaic words and definitions.

  • Terrible with short story writing (So I don't forum RP.)
  • Unimaginative when it comes to descriptions so I tend to use the same prose to describe actions. (I know I should think about action, touch, sight sound and smell but I think about it and it slows me down so I stick to a handful of actions.)
  • I am dyslexic so my spelling can be pretty bad at times.



Strengths: I'll chime in and say I think my concepts, backgrounds, and personalities are pretty solid (at least on paper). Furthermore I don't need to be the star of the show and have quite a bit of fun playing support. I also type quickly which leads to quicker posts than most I've dealt with (not that slower posting is bad, I just challenge myself to not make those I RP with wait very long).

Weaknesses: I usually have a great handle on my character's personality and concept as I take them into RP. However the moment I start RPing it takes a mind of its own and there've been lots of times where the personality and concept didn't match beyond the second or third post.

Beyond that I have an easy time writing short/long stories but the moment I get into RP my descriptive tendencies have a habit of falling to the wayside and I end up typing /e smirks, /e chuckles, et cetera. I catch myself doing it and hate it, but I just occasionally have such a hard time of following RP and thinking about what my character would/will say/do at the same time. When it then comes to my turn to post I feel rushed, and thus don't take the time to think it out.

@Psyrius, player of: Solborne, Seer Dezya, and Evanescent

Success is not measured by what you accomplish but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.
-Orison Swett Marden



Strengths: Cool, well-thought out concepts that just come out of left field. Fast, entertaining dialogue and immediate responses to in-the-moment RP. Being entertaining for others to RP with is something I work at, and I think it pays off.

Weakness: I'm crap when it comes to RP stories. My SGmates are probably very ready to vouch for that. I'm intensely self-critical about my writing, and also very sensitive about it, so it's tough to come up with something that makes the cut in my eyes and then be comfortable putting it out there for people to read.



Strengths: For online RPing, not many. If at all. My main experience online is with various writing newsgroups I've participated in, which leads me to being fairly good at big scenario-setting and running multiple side-characters during those scenarios. I'm much more experience with PnP systems with live face-to-face interactions with friends.

Weaknesses: Starting up conversations with people I don't know. This is a big one, and it hurts me a lot with online RP. That, and tracking multiple chats running simultaneously. Not so good with that.




+ Visually active mind. I hate to come across as a self-absorbed twit, but I have a knack for imagery. Little inflections, actions and gestures are some examples. I can see the actions in my mind and then take them and put them into text with fairly vivid clarity.

+ Depth. I really like to flesh out a character. When I imagine a character, I create their family, friends, pets and other little miniscule details. I like to think that every hero that I create had a past, and that past was instrumental in shaping who they are now.

+ Thorough. I make a habit of researching anything I'm RPing about instead of winging it. If I have a character who hurls plasma? I read into how Plasma acts, functions and is created and manipulated. I like to have a basic knowledge of 'how stuff works'

+ Adaptable. Insofar as working with other people's styles, I'm usually pretty open to stories, complexities and character quirks.


+Altitis. Yes, folks, that overactive imagination has its downside. I can create new character concepts on a whim. However, this leads to my attention being split and a total lack of focus on the ONE character.

+Fringe Dweller. In large RP conversations, I tend to fall silent and listen more than participate. Cliques make me twitchy, as I feel as I'm shoe-horning my way into the conversation a lot of the time.

+ Scientific mind. This is both a blessing AND a curse. I can RP a tech or natural-based character with the best of them, but I struggle with arcane-inclined characters. This also applies to mutant characters, but I AM getting somewhat better with that.

+Chatty. I tend to RP in any and all circumstances. However at times I pause to type something witty during a mission and often end up miles behind the group or (if playing an important role) get muddled between fighting and RPing.

I'm sure there's more to add here, but I'll leave it at that for now.



Originally Posted by Hollowpoint_Hero View Post

+ Visually active mind. I hate to come across as a self-absorbed twit, but I have a knack for imagery. Little inflections, actions and gestures are some examples. I can see the actions in my mind and then take them and put them into text with fairly vivid clarity.

+ Depth. I really like to flesh out a character. When I imagine a character, I create their family, friends, pets and other little miniscule details. I like to think that every hero that I create had a past, and that past was instrumental in shaping who they are now.

+ Thorough. I make a habit of researching anything I'm RPing about instead of winging it. If I have a character who hurls plasma? I read into how Plasma acts, functions and is created and manipulated. I like to have a basic knowledge of 'how stuff works'

+ Adaptable. Insofar as working with other people's styles, I'm usually pretty open to stories, complexities and character quirks.


+Altitis. Yes, folks, that overactive imagination has its downside. I can create new character concepts on a whim. However, this leads to my attention being split and a total lack of focus on the ONE character.

+Fringe Dweller. In large RP conversations, I tend to fall silent and listen more than participate. Cliques make me twitchy, as I feel as I'm shoe-horning my way into the conversation a lot of the time.

I'm sure there's more to add here, but I'll leave it at that for now.
Ditto on all fronts here as well man, know your pain on these points.



A unique weakness that I'm sure many of us share--too many connections.

You have those characters who have made friendships and relationships and pacts and families with other characters of other players...who have since left the game. Now you're left with a character with a huge extended family...who is suddenly an orphan. How do you deal with that? What do you do? Thoughts?

That and well, many of the above. :/

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



I write well, I've been RPing in games, via email, and on message boards for years, and I like to think I'm fairly creative.

This is a huge one. I cannot break into someone else's RP. For an example - I'm playing STO, standing around in Quark's Bar on Deep Space Nine, and there are a good number of other folks standing around and chatting, RPing merrily away. I... sit there and do nothing. Because, for whatever reason, I can't help but feel that it would be rude, IC and OOC, to break into a stranger's conversation. And I do it all the time. Gemini Park, Pocket D, the Prancing Pony, wherever. It doesn't help that the few times I've tried to slip into a conversation I usually get ignored, or at most told to go away, sometimes in rather rude terms. So finding RP is, for me, an exercise.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
A unique weakness that I'm sure many of us share--too many connections.

You have those characters who have made friendships and relationships and pacts and families with other characters of other players...who have since left the game. Now you're left with a character with a huge extended family...who is suddenly an orphan. How do you deal with that? What do you do? Thoughts?

That and well, many of the above. :/
Yeah, I have a few of those. It felt kinda weird to be playing Kae when her family and close friends were all just not in the game. You build up this entire context that the character lives in, and then it can all essentially vanish while IC'ly remaining there, unless the people kill off their characters when they leave or something. Yeah, you can still play them with other people, but after a while, it feels a little weird ICly talking about their family and friends who never ever show up... or having the character outright avoid mentioning them. Plus, if the character has any ongoing plots or anything, that also means that most of the people who were involved with them have left.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
A unique weakness that I'm sure many of us share--too many connections.

You have those characters who have made friendships and relationships and pacts and families with other characters of other players...who have since left the game. Now you're left with a character with a huge extended family...who is suddenly an orphan. How do you deal with that? What do you do? Thoughts?

That and well, many of the above. :/
((Yeah. This is a huge problem for me too. I still don't have a solution.))



Strengths? Hrmmm, well I can pretty much make a character out of anything. Many of the one shot testing-powerset heroes I've made over time all have their own little creative backstories that usually throw a twist in the normal super hero origin cliches...not that I even RP with them.

Weaknesses, being addicted to tvtropes. I'm always either a) finding interesting little tidbits on the site to add flavor to a character or b) outright avoiding cliches and tropes on characters which leads to near -constant- retoolings of characters.

And altitis. As soon as a character RP's enough to join a SG I usually get bored and start making another alt...to repeat the same cycle.



Originally Posted by Hollowpoint_Hero View Post

+ Visually active mind. I hate to come across as a self-absorbed twit, but I have a knack for imagery. Little inflections, actions and gestures are some examples. I can see the actions in my mind and then take them and put them into text with fairly vivid clarity.

+ Depth. I really like to flesh out a character. When I imagine a character, I create their family, friends, pets and other little miniscule details. I like to think that every hero that I create had a past, and that past was instrumental in shaping who they are now.

+ Thorough. I make a habit of researching anything I'm RPing about instead of winging it. If I have a character who hurls plasma? I read into how Plasma acts, functions and is created and manipulated. I like to have a basic knowledge of 'how stuff works'

+ Adaptable. Insofar as working with other people's styles, I'm usually pretty open to stories, complexities and character quirks.


+Altitis. Yes, folks, that overactive imagination has its downside. I can create new character concepts on a whim. However, this leads to my attention being split and a total lack of focus on the ONE character.

+Fringe Dweller. In large RP conversations, I tend to fall silent and listen more than participate. Cliques make me twitchy, as I feel as I'm shoe-horning my way into the conversation a lot of the time.

+ Scientific mind. This is both a blessing AND a curse. I can RP a tech or natural-based character with the best of them, but I struggle with arcane-inclined characters. This also applies to mutant characters, but I AM getting somewhat better with that.

+Chatty. I tend to RP in any and all circumstances. However at times I pause to type something witty during a mission and often end up miles behind the group or (if playing an important role) get muddled between fighting and RPing.

I'm sure there's more to add here, but I'll leave it at that for now.
Are... are you me?

Although, I play tanks, so the Chatty part rarely happens in missions, and I come off as a bit to quiet for a class that has taunting the enemy as a power ( though I am rather proud of the fact that I was able to tell Babbage that "His mother was a Mac" and get the entire Synapse TF and extended SG to laugh).

I also handle Mutants fine, having played a lot of X-men Play by Posts. It's magic that really get's me to role my eyes, as the first two SGs I was in on this game began running Magic story lines over and over and over, despite advertising themselves as a Justice League or other wise all origin inclusive group. It's the "Magic, so I don't have to explain it" mentality most of them had, where as a good number of Science Fiction stories need you to make your statement "plausible" .

