What is your RP strength and weakness as a Role Player?




My strength is I am very creative and I treat others with respect no matter how odd the roleplaying is. My weakness is I let ooc comments get to me the latter I am working on thankfully.



My main weakness is my low-tolerance with those with bad grammar. I'm too quick to judge.

Also, another weakness of mine is whenever my VG's do IC missions... I fall asleep at the wheel.



My strength: I am really pretty easy going, so most stuff really does not get to me. I tend to create, at least I hope, decent characters with interesting backgrounds and stories. I do not mind sharing the spotlight at all, it does not always have to be about me.

Weakness: Time frame, I work nights and don't get home and onto CoH until almost midnight EST. And two, which is the way more huge one, is my shyness. I am so afraid to take the plunge and say anything. I find myself quite often typing something, and then backspacing over it and instead just standing around. *sigh*

I even did it here.
You have no idea what it took me to post even.



Originally Posted by Mind Phobia View Post
Weakness: Time frame, I work nights and don't get home and onto CoH until almost midnight EST. And two, which is the way more huge one, is my shyness. I am so afraid to take the plunge and say anything. I find myself quite often typing something, and then backspacing over it and instead just standing around. *sigh*

I even did it here.
You have no idea what it took me to post even.
Heh, same here. I miss most RP events because I'm not on Eastern Time and only very rarely log in before midnight EST.

My main weakness is that I freeze up badly around new people. I want to interact and make a good impression, but it's so hard to make myself say anything that I end up doing very little and then trying to stick to people I know for a while afterward. I can make myself meet and RP with new people, but it's stressful enough and the chances of running into them again are low enough that it's hard to convince myself it's worth the trouble.

I suppose another of my weaknesses is that I hate having to identify my strengths because it feels like bragging, so I'll stick to a strength people have commented on before. I tend to focus on weaknesses and quirks when I'm making characters, so my characters are generally well-rounded or at least interestingly flawed.



hmm see I don't really RP, but what I do, if it passes for RP, my strength is: manipulating people by making them think they are manipulating me. So basically passive aggressive behavior.

my weakness is: passive aggressive behavior.

I guess some folks are dumb enough to think I don't have a plan.



I don't know what my roleplaying strengths might be because my weakness is that I can't seem to find any roleplaying. I'll go with "experienced", since I've been roleplaying for over 20 years now.

Other weaknesses are that I'm picky and lazy.

I'm picky so I don't want to just stand around in the D and pretend to drink - that kind of roleplaying quickly gets boring to me because it resembles nothing so much as a reality show on TV, or possibly a soap opera with superheroes. You'd never know they were superheroes though because they hardly ever use any superpowers or do anything heroic.

I very much prefer roleplaying while doing missions, or at least engaging in some kind of game activity, where our characters can shine in a truly superheroic (or supervillainous) fashion. I'm however also too lazy to organize such events myself.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
I don't know what my roleplaying strengths might be because my weakness is that I can't seem to find any roleplaying. I'll go with "experienced", since I've been roleplaying for over 20 years now.

Other weaknesses are that I'm picky and lazy.

I'm picky so I don't want to just stand around in the D and pretend to drink - that kind of roleplaying quickly gets boring to me because it resembles nothing so much as a reality show on TV, or possibly a soap opera with superheroes. You'd never know they were superheroes though because they hardly ever use any superpowers or do anything heroic.

I very much prefer roleplaying while doing missions, or at least engaging in some kind of game activity, where our characters can shine in a truly superheroic (or supervillainous) fashion. I'm however also too lazy to organize such events myself.
I hear you on the drinking point, I wish there where other areas in the game without spawns that your character could go to hand out, like an aquarium, or Botanical Garden, Maybe a Cafe or restaurant. I know not everyone roleplays but really its the small stuff which makes a game setting from a drab lifeless grindhole to a living breathing world.



Originally Posted by Quinz View Post
My weaknes is me having trouble intigrating characters into RP. I have trouble meeting other RPers and BEGINNING something. If they, my characters, are locked together in an RP already, I'm fine, but getting the ball rolling is very difficult for me, no matter the character.
That's it for me as well. I have a hard time getting anything started in the D because all the tiny little personal canons just seem overwhelming. Also, roleplaying dating or deep personal drama doesn't really interest me much these days but that seems to be what goes on when you're all just standing around. I suppose I'd really rather RP-along on some missions where you're doing something besides staring at one another doing the drink emote but that doesn't seem to happen much.

Edit: I posted this without reading the rest of the thread and it seems I'm not alone in my opinion but didn't mean to repeat what others were saying already.



I cannot RP and fight at the same time.

My friends can run and attack and fire of impromptu quotes. Not even macros. I can spot macros. These are relevant to the conversation.

Also... I tend to remain within the same groups when I RP. It's somewhat of a weakness...



I don't really think I have any strengths, if I do they are overshadowed by my nimber 1 glaring weakness, communication. I've always been lousy at typing. No matter how many years I've been plugging away in games and message boards, I never seem to make much, if any, real improvement. This leads to slow responses from me as I attempt to put together a response with as few typos as possible, but I type so slowly that many people lose interest and go to find others they can carry on a decent conversation with. That's why my characters tend to be quiet wallflower types in social situations, and I do like gatherings and special events even though my poor typing ability keeps me from participating as much as I'd like.



Weakness: Bad and slow typist. Miss-tells, misspells and typos on a constant basis. If Firefox didn't have a spell check in it, my posts would be horrible.

Strength. Support. I'm fine with others being in the limelight, but I do like being invovled and not just an audience for others to perform in front of. I try not to do that to others as well. ( not sure if I succeed or not, but I try)

Heck even posting this makes me feel like I'm trying to step into the spotlight and get attention. Bah.



My strengths as an RPer I have to say are...having unique-ish or interesting concepts for characters, and also conveying different personalities quite well....

my weakness, I would have to say...I'm bad at writing longer, cohesive backstories(I write lots of notes >_>) and I also tend to...give every character the same temper, which may be stemming from none of my characters REALLY being human.

Magisterum- 50+3 Fortunata--Virtue

Lukerion- 33 Emp/Rad Defender--Virtue
Noah Heartily- 34 SS/SD brute- Virtue
Mika Heartily- 50+1 Fire/MM blaster-Virtue



Ah hell.

Time to waddle into here.

My greatest strength is my greatest weakness. Yes, characters I make do have thought out backstories, histories, explanations of their capabilities and cultures...the works. But by the same respect it can be a nightmare for others dealing with said characters the first time if they don't have any idea regarding that developed background and I figure it leads to some OOC explaining of what things do and don't do.

That and I live in the future.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



I think my greatest strength is slipping into character; each character has their own voice, and I like to think I'm pretty good at conveying them. But this is also a weakness, because if I'm not in the mood to slip into a particular character, they don't get played.

A big weakness I have is the whole "RP Post" thing. I've done online roleplaying, but never of the sort I've seen done on MMOs; to me, what goes on around here is mostly fiction, perhaps a bit interactive, but giant text walls of information. "Roleplaying", to me, doesn't generally involve paragraphs, but a back-and-forth between people. I've been online for a long time (20 years), and been through a lot of different kinds of games, but I'd never seen the forum-post version of "Roleplay" before I played WoW. It's just not something I can really do.



Strength: I have a very cinematic bent to my RP. I like to make things flashy and viscral so that my readers feel like they're right up in the action, whatever it may be. Even when just talking, I like to include little snippets here and there that are descriptive of my character's perspective, even if they are not spoken dialog, or even noticeable IC. I'm a strong believer in the Theory Of Narrative Causality. Things don't necessarily happen because they are rational or because we noticed something, but because that is what is meant to happen to advance the story and thereby, tell a good story.

Weakness: I am a large ham by nature, and usually try to hog (haha) the spotlight. I like my characters to have a defining lead role in plots, but I dislike the logistics of running what I consider a 'good' plot (also another weakness; my personal editor never shuts up). It earned my a bad rap in another game where my character got too out of hand because of my hammyness and, after a massive shark jumping incident, my reputation as an RPer never recovered. It is a shame too, because I liked that character

The internal editor is a plague on my being, because he always reminds me of things not being up to snuff, but never gives me advise on how to fix it. Even when people say they like something, it never really sticks. It's also why I have trouble running tabletop games (working on a Traveler game right now, actually). So, maybe it's less the internal editor and more a lack of personal confidence.

And the shark jumping? I'm easily influenced by outside sources and other media. I say that nothing is truly original because of personal experience. There is always some inspiration for things I want to do, no matter what they might look like. Sometimes this can get a little... weird.



Originally Posted by Operative 667 View Post
Strength: I have a very cinematic bent to my RP. I like to make things flashy and viscral so that my readers feel like they're right up in the action, whatever it may be. Even when just talking, I like to include little snippets here and there that are descriptive of my character's perspective, even if they are not spoken dialog, or even noticeable IC. I'm a strong believer in the Theory Of Narrative Causality. Things don't necessarily happen because they are rational or because we noticed something, but because that is what is meant to happen to advance the story and thereby, tell a good story.

Weakness: I am a large ham by nature, and usually try to hog (haha) the spotlight. I like my characters to have a defining lead role in plots, but I dislike the logistics of running what I consider a 'good' plot (also another weakness; my personal editor never shuts up). It earned my a bad rap in another game where my character got too out of hand because of my hammyness and, after a massive shark jumping incident, my reputation as an RPer never recovered. It is a shame too, because I liked that character

The internal editor is a plague on my being, because he always reminds me of things not being up to snuff, but never gives me advise on how to fix it. Even when people say they like something, it never really sticks. It's also why I have trouble running tabletop games (working on a Traveler game right now, actually). So, maybe it's less the internal editor and more a lack of personal confidence.

And the shark jumping? I'm easily influenced by outside sources and other media. I say that nothing is truly original because of personal experience. There is always some inspiration for things I want to do, no matter what they might look like. Sometimes this can get a little... weird.
Traveler...Traveler? Who said Traveler? My Hubby and I and our friends have been trying to get a Traveler game up for YEARS!

I completely understand the internal editor, and the spotlight thing, both are the bane of my rp existence. The writing is never what I deem to be satisfactory, constantly picking out flaws and foibles. I also have a big turn for the action packed high stakes drama stories and plot lines and though I've never Jumped the Shark as you say, I have in the past been on the receiving end of people who take the game aand rp waaaay to seriously. Not fun times to be sure.



Strengths: I'd like to think I'm a creative person. Honestly, I can't say for sure, because what I think is creative, others may not. Anyways, I'm great at the thinking area, coming up with ideas, solutions, etc.

Weakness: My greatest weakness is a carry over from Real Life. My career is based on efficiency and that sadly is reflected in my writing and RP. I will make a 'paragraph post' if its the only way to get the thought/action across but, the majority of the time, I use a sentence or two, making the post/thought/action as clear and succinct as possible. I've tried to veer away from that but, 20+ years of being as efficient and succinct in writing as possible, broke me, I think.

That and I just really don't have a large vocabulary, for the same reason as above, it simply has never been required in my career.



I like this thread a lot. My post is off-topic. Sorry.

I've been purpetually frustrated with CoX RP in general, so much so that I've been thinking of leaving the game at the end of the month. RP is the main reason I joined, and I've had plenty of wonderful moments in the whole of my nine months in the game, but...well, I can't seem to find enough consistant enjoyment out of it to really justify the time I spend with the game. The biggest problem for me is that Good SG/VGs (active and creative) seem hard to find. I don't like the idle chit-chat, eerie lingering of Pocket D. It feels stagnant. I don't like generic Avengers/Justice League style teams, it's too tired and cliche.

A lot of the strengths/weaknesses people have mentioned here happen to be exactly what annoys me the most about the experience (or lack of, I should say). The two major ones I've found (in others) are (I suppose this woul belong in that 'Pet Peeves' thread that seems to have digressed into a debate on beastiality(?!)):

(1) players with too many alts means that days or weeks can go by without a story moving forward. Characters that link themselves, and their movement, to another character/player can become bottle-necked by the need for that character/player's presence. (This is even more deep when a SG/VG *leader* becomes that linking force.)

(2) players who multi-task or provide little to no response to RP leave me feeling empty. Thanks for wasting my time.


So, sorry for the whining. It may be that my hopes CoX RP are unrealistic, or merely just not there. Maybe I just haven't stumbled onto the right crowd.

To pretend I'm on topic...

I'd say that my biggest RP strengths be: engagement with others. I think I'm good at having my characters respond and play with a particular event or situation. I think I'm pretty good at immersion--allowing myself to see the world from their eyes, and not metagaming. I think I'm good at challenging ideas--two of my "mains" are definitively "challenger" types.

I think my weakness is possibly the same thing: While I'm fine with random-stranger encounters, when it comes to storytelling, I'm far too much of a "responder" type, rather than a "initiator" type. I think this has developed out of the fear of wasting my time developing something that will merely echo into the void.

So, in summary: hell is other people. I'm wonderful at support and group interaction, but I'm finding that strangely lacking... thus, I've spent the last few months essentially not RPing much, and just listening to people discuss recharge rates and IO sets. ... yeah. .. Fun. Really!



So, you want more rp to happen to you, because you are better at responding to people, but the RP your finding is not up to snuff for you to interact with. Well, as Elizabeth Bennet once said about her skill as a performer ""My fingers, do not move over this instrument in the masterly manner which I see so many women's do. They have not the same force or rapidity, and do not produce the same expression. But then I have always supposed it to be my own fault- because I would not take the trouble of practicing..."

In short if you want something bad enough you will find a way to get it, so perhaps if this thread has done anything I hope it has drawn your attention to your weaknesses and it has given you a new resolve to try and improve your skills as a role player. I know I have been working harder at dialogue since posting this, and I will continue to do so. Perhaps its time you started storytelling the sort of plot lines and intrigues that you would enjoy with others and I will guarantee someone will surprise you.

Now not to be too harsh upon you I have a similar problem at times,for me its the grass is always greener on the other side, I had some really very excellent rp comrades about 5 years ago in a PW in NWN's 1, we started with a single area and our RP grew a whole world. The rp was vivid, detailed, quick, flowing, witty, and smart as a razors edge, even on the worst days, but to be perfectly honest some of the RP that I pine for was really so rare that I was lucky to have gotten it in the first place. I know enough now and have learned in MMO's that that sort of level of rp was not the norm, and the Virtue RP community is definitely heads and tails better than the norm.

Not everyone can be as experienced as you are, not everyone can share the same interests, have a big vocabulary, or an ease for a good turn of phrase or be the Kevin Smith of Dialogue, but if you set an example for others who's to say there isn't someone out there who has the makings of a great role player and all it takes is role playing with you to make it happen. Also, to be fair the setting for this game is Super Heroes, not steam punk, dark horror or Gothic fantasy. It will be a bit light hearted, ultra-violent and super-sexed because that is what comics are! I mean if I wanted to make a Neil Gaiman inspired toon like my take on Sandman then I would not expect the wonder woman and spiderman clone to get his deal, I would find other like minded individuals and weave a story with them.

In short, be thankful enough that in an RP community as healthy, alive and as willing to include anyone as is the Virtue community, while it may not always be the best the diamonds in the rough make all your efforts worthwhile, so dont judge the whole for really what is the efforts of a few.



Originally Posted by Lady_Cyrsei View Post
So, you want more rp to happen to you, because you are better at responding to people, but the RP your finding is not up to snuff for you to interact with. Well, as Elizabeth Bennet once said about her skill as a performer ""My fingers, do not move over this instrument in the masterly manner which I see so many women's do. They have not the same force or rapidity, and do not produce the same expression. But then I have always supposed it to be my own fault- because I would not take the trouble of practicing..."

In short if you want something bad enough you will find a way to get it, so perhaps if this thread has done anything I hope it has drawn your attention to your weaknesses and it has given you a new resolve to try and improve your skills as a role player. I know I have been working harder at dialogue since posting this, and I will continue to do so. Perhaps its time you started storytelling the sort of plot lines and intrigues that you would enjoy with others and I will guarantee someone will surprise you.

Now not to be too harsh upon you I have a similar problem at times,for me its the grass is always greener on the other side, I had some really very excellent rp comrades about 5 years ago in a PW in NWN's 1, we started with a single area and our RP grew a whole world. The rp was vivid, detailed, quick, flowing, witty, and smart as a razors edge, even on the worst days, but to be perfectly honest some of the RP that I pine for was really so rare that I was lucky to have gotten it in the first place. I know enough now and have learned in MMO's that that sort of level of rp was not the norm, and the Virtue RP community is definitely heads and tails better than the norm.

Not everyone can be as experienced as you are, not everyone can share the same interests, have a big vocabulary, or an ease for a good turn of phrase or be the Kevin Smith of Dialogue, but if you set an example for others who's to say there isn't someone out there who has the makings of a great role player and all it takes is role playing with you to make it happen. Also, to be fair the setting for this game is Super Heroes, not steam punk, dark horror or Gothic fantasy. It will be a bit light hearted, ultra-violent and super-sexed because that is what comics are! I mean if I wanted to make a Neil Gaiman inspired toon like my take on Sandman then I would not expect the wonder woman and spiderman clone to get his deal, I would find other like minded individuals and weave a story with them.

In short, be thankful enough that in an RP community as healthy, alive and as willing to include anyone as is the Virtue community, while it may not always be the best the diamonds in the rough make all your efforts worthwhile, so dont judge the whole for really what is the efforts of a few.
Seriously: This.



I'd like to list all my strengths and weaknesses here, but I'm not sure I really know them.

I've gotten compliments on things I thought were crap, and ignored for what I felt was brillant work. People still put up with me though, so I must be doing enough right to make myself tolerable.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



My weakness is myself.

"I do what I want." -- Raine Heartfall
Hellgirl. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
