Do you like PvP? No Arguments!




It's okay but nothing I go out of my way to participate in.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I'm going to make a special request of everyone on these forums to only post once in this thread. Ignore all baiting, arguments, opinions....

Could everyone just state once and once only with a 'yes', 'maybe' (maybe means you would play it regularly if it was changed to something like instanced invite-only zone-sized maps), or a 'no' to the simple question:

Do you like PvP?

Ranting diatribes are unnecessary. All I'm trying to see is that if the 'majority' of people that are always claimed to hate PvP really ARE the majority and to what degree they are the majority.

I start the proceedings with:


[/ QUOTE ]

No! I can count the hours I've spent PvP'ing on one hand and still have fingers left.

Dark Tower. SL50 Stone/Stone Tanker
Founder The Freedom Phalanx Reserve
An Infinity Top 25 Super Group
Founded January 4th 2006








AE Arc: 305214 Blood Diamonds (Villainous)







I enjoy it, yes.






No -- not in this game.




Former King of PWNZ
Franziska Von Karma says you will listen to every word I say.



Emphatically, yes. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN






No, I originally came to CoH because it was PvP free.



Only tried it a few times, but enjoyed myself so I guess I would have to say yes.



Flawed survey methodology.

Results worthless, IMO.

(and for the record, I'd say the same of ANY forum poll claiming to be able to determine what the majority of players feel about anything, considering the number of filtering steps involved - people who read the forums, people who see the survey, people who care enough to answer, etc etc. You'd be astonishingly lucky to get an accurate sampling of 1% of the population - that's one in every one hundred players.)

EDIT: Heck, Cryptic themselves would be lucky to get that level of response, and they have everyone's email addresses.

At any time that the OP or anyone else thinks that the posts on a given forum thread accurately reflect a "majority opinion" about anything, please compare the number of unique posters on said thread to the current approximate number of subscribers to the MMO.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



OK. I've tallied up the numbers so far and we now have:

No = 51.8%
Yes = 38.1%
Maybe = 10.1%

It was interesting to see how people approached a genuine direct question. Some insist on having to complicate the issue, others just answer...the figures hold some interest...but I want to see how the numbers change with more answers...

[/ QUOTE ]

To be fair about it ... Your simplification lacked clarity.

Yes and No are obvious, but your Maybe was conditional and too restrictive to be the catch-all, gray area a non-absolute should have been.

I'm a Maybe ... But not by YOUR definition of it. At the same time I'm certainly not a yes and not a no.

I saw you take someone who said they were a maybe (based on the fact that they weren't a yes or no, but weren't your maybe necessarily) and explained a bit ... And toss them into the No category ... But they clearly stated they were a maybe in their mind.

I'm not saying your poll is bad, in fact I kinda like that you are trying to find out where the community stands on one of the most controversial (and emotional) parts of the game.

But don't be surprised about the inability of people to simplify their opinion to a one word answer, when your definitions for the one words, aren't all encompassing.

Maybe you should have made it ...



Yes is ... Yes I enjoy and do PvP in CoH/V.
No is ... No I don't PvP in CoH/V.

Other is ... Anything inbetween Yes and No for whatever reason or condition. The reason and condition is unimportant, that you aren't a Yes or No is.

That way you find the definite yeses and noes and better understand how big (or little) the gray area between is (or isn't).

The way I saw a lot of answers, people were forced into a yes or no, when they didn't really feel like a yes or no.

I find that in most things the absolutes are very rarely where the majority sit ... It's kinda like politics. Most people are neither ultra conservative, nor ultra liberal ... They sit somewhere (to varying degrees) inbetween.

The world really is one big gray shady area



sometimes, when I'm in the mood



Flawed survey methodology.

Results worthless, IMO.

(and for the record, I'd say the same of ANY forum poll claiming to be able to determine what the majority of players feel about anything, considering the number of filtering steps involved - people who read the forums, people who see the survey, people who care enough to answer, etc etc. You'd be astonishingly lucky to get an accurate sampling of 1% of the population - that's one in every one hundred players.)

EDIT: Heck, Cryptic themselves would be lucky to get that level of response, and they have everyone's email addresses.

At any time that the OP or anyone else thinks that the posts on a given forum thread accurately reflect a "majority opinion" about anything, please compare the number of unique posters on said thread to the current approximate number of subscribers to the MMO.

[/ QUOTE ]


Strangely enough, I'm not stupid enough to even consider that the forum population is representative of every player in the game.

What I do know is:
1) The forums are responded to by the developers.
2) That a cross-section (as previously stated) can actually give an idea of the amount of people who are swayed one way or another.

In today's world ANYONE would be stupid to trust the results of a survey....after all, it's amazing how on the TV adverts for beauty products they always come up with a 70%+ figure (high enough but not so high as to arouse suspicion) from a completely random number tested (why such a random number? Because they used the surveys they wanted..).

Actually the results of this have been quite interesting to me. Especially if I wait 6 months and ask the same question and see the results then.

If you didn't want to participate then fine, please keep out of the thread, coming in just to point out what you believe are flaws and mistakes is a very poor way of participating in the community.



OK. I've tallied up the numbers so far and we now have:

No = 51.8%
Yes = 38.1%
Maybe = 10.1%

It was interesting to see how people approached a genuine direct question. Some insist on having to complicate the issue, others just answer...the figures hold some interest...but I want to see how the numbers change with more answers...

[/ QUOTE ]

To be fair about it ... Your simplification lacked clarity.

Yes and No are obvious, but your Maybe was conditional and too restrictive to be the catch-all, gray area a non-absolute should have been.

I'm a Maybe ... But not by YOUR definition of it. At the same time I'm certainly not a yes and not a no.

I saw you take someone who said they were a maybe (based on the fact that they weren't a yes or no, but weren't your maybe necessarily) and explained a bit ... And toss them into the No category ... But they clearly stated they were a maybe in their mind.

I'm not saying your poll is bad, in fact I kinda like that you are trying to find out where the community stands on one of the most controversial (and emotional) parts of the game.

But don't be surprised about the inability of people to simplify their opinion to a one word answer, when your definitions for the one words, aren't all encompassing.

Maybe you should have made it ...



Yes is ... Yes I enjoy and do PvP in CoH/V.
No is ... No I don't PvP in CoH/V.

Other is ... Anything inbetween Yes and No for whatever reason or condition. The reason and condition is unimportant, that you aren't a Yes or No is.

That way you find the definite yeses and noes and better understand how big (or little) the gray area between is (or isn't).

The way I saw a lot of answers, people were forced into a yes or no, when they didn't really feel like a yes or no.

I find that in most things the absolutes are very rarely where the majority sit ... It's kinda like politics. Most people are neither ultra conservative, nor ultra liberal ... They sit somewhere (to varying degrees) inbetween.

The world really is one big gray shady area

[/ QUOTE ]

See? Now THIS post is actually suggesting something, at it's intelligently written.

The point of this thread was to NOT be like _Castle_'s discussion thread in the PvP General forum. The discussion thread there is for the grey areas. What I wanted was for people to not go 'ahh umm, but and erm', it was to actually see how people would answer when confronted with a direct question asking for a direct answer.

As you can see, alot of people could actually answer yes or no, and to me that is fantastic. It sparks off more debates and interest in the subject (I daresay some people have visited the PvP General forum since I put this up? yes/no? )

What this post has generally managed to do, which I think I deserve a medal for, is it actually asked a question about PvP which didn't turn into 'omgz, gankers!' vs 'omgz, carebears!'.



Ah, but are you aware of the essential difference?

Unlike you, the Devs have access to, and make their decisions upon, facts. Data obtained in a reasonably scientific manner by professionals.

Not the opinions of the tiny, tiny, TINY group of people who have the luck to know of this survey of yours, the time and interest to respond to it, and the self-delusion to believe that it matters in the slightest way.

It's not a cross section. You've chipped a speck of bark off of a tree. Clearly the tree is made of bark all the way through, top to bottom!

But if this is what makes you happy, by all means, continue pleasuring yourself. I'm done and out.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City