Do you like PvP? No Arguments!




If the maybe can mean a change of some sort, just not your proposed change, then Maybe for me.

If maybe has to mean only your proposed change, then I am with Brad in saying Yes.




10/12ths of my active characters have PvP builds of some kind, or are at least specced out to be PvP-capable. I like the PvP aspect of this game quite a lot.

But yeah, there are plenty of flaws with the system. It's still interesting enough to keep my attention, though.

The Ballad of Iron Percy



I don't know how to give a one word answer.

I've tried it a couple of times and didn't see what the big deal was. I don't really think about it one way or another. I don't hate it, don't love it. I don't really know anything about it to be honest.

Does that mean "no"?



No, Dont see any use for it what so ever.




"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



I like PvP when I have an opponent who's mature enough to be graceful in defeat and courteous in victory.

So most of the time, no, I don't like PvP.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



I don't know how to give a one word answer.

I've tried it a couple of times and didn't see what the big deal was. I don't really think about it one way or another. I don't hate it, don't love it. I don't really know anything about it to be honest.

Does that mean "no"?

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Do you like it when you participate? It doesn't have to be about extreme feelings. If you really don't have any interest then the answer would be 'no'.




Issue 23: All your base are belong to us?



In fighting games: Yes
In FPS games: Yes
In racing games: Yes
In RPGs: No



In MMORPGs? A thousand times no.

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I enjoy it in FPS-style games where in-game resources tend to be uniform, and victory is a function of player/team skill and/or experience.

Anytime it becomes a function of having better loot or involves stark rock/paper/sicissors? Forget it.

In this game? No. It can be enjoyable on a mass scale which tends to smooth out the things above I dislike. In general it revolves around them too much.

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Pretty much, yea.

Needs to be more than Deathmatch.












Eh...I don't really agree with what you assigned as "maybe" I'm going to have to say:

Yes. I like PvP, but I don't like it in CoX. Instancing wouldn't change that.



Eh...I don't really agree with what you assigned as "maybe" I'm going to have to say:

Yes. I like PvP, but I don't like it in CoX. Instancing wouldn't change that.

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There's a few reasons behind it.

That's a 'no' then.



Greetings, all!

I'll answer that question after a minor rephrase:

Do you like PvP the way it is now?

No, absolutely not. I refuse to play it and none of my characters will ever set foot in a PvP zone for anything other than badges.

Now the question you might want to ask next time: Do you like the CONCEPT of PvP in general?

Absolutely yes. If all the assininity can be taken out of it, I'd be there in a heartbeat.



I want to like it. But since you've limited the discussion to trivial non-informative responses that's all I can say.



I want to like it. But since you've limited the discussion to trivial non-informative responses that's all I can say.

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A link to the discussion version of this thread about PvP was posted by _Castle_ earlier on in this post (it's in the PvP General forum). This post was purely to gather numbers.

Actually, sometimes the straightforward straight-out responses cut through the 'well, maybe this and maybe that, or maybe this...or perhaps that' bunch of complaints that happen all too often in PvP discussions. I wanted to answer a couple of simple questions. Are all the people who constantly claim numbers about liking or not liking PvP anywhere near correct in what appears to be assumptive statements? And also...Can I see a reflection of the numbers in a cross-section of the community with a simple question without getting a load of negativity and 'I wanna give everyone a lecture' posts?

(I'll wait for the irony (or is it hypocrisy) of my own post to sink in...)

OK, I'm going to count numbers up tonight and see what we've got..




Do you like PvP?

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I like PvP quite a bit.

Unfortunately I dislike the way it's handled in this game quite a bit.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



In fighting games: Yes
In FPS games: Yes
In racing games: Yes
In RPGs: No

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Pretty much sums it up. PvP in RPGs, including this one could dissapear entirely and I wouldn't miss it. At all.



PvP is like poker night at a buddy's house. If you show up and have fun you will come again. There is a small yet active portion of the PvP community who are jackoffs and ruin everyone's fun. Right now PvE has to tools available to deal with these people. All you can really do in PvP is keep teleporting them into NPC mobs for debt.