10 -
Quote:That's just idiotic. That's like saying that if you really like...Big Bang Theory, and you intend to watch it again when the new season starts, well tough! You should have been watching the reruns that are on every single day of the week, streamed it online every day, watched video on-demand of BBT AND bought the DVDs! Otherwise, you just don't support them.Lots of people are saying that. Forgive me, but... if you truly wanted to support the game, you'd have already been a paying subscriber.
Not pointing any fingers, but those who "were going to come back" have contributed greatly to this outcome.
People tend to leave games and come back for new updates/expansions. Just look at WoW with Mists of Pandaria. -
Eh...I don't really agree with what you assigned as "maybe"...so I'm going to have to say:
Yes. I like PvP, but I don't like it in CoX. Instancing wouldn't change that. -
I agree with the others. This "guide" really doesn't help anyone. There is no information found in this guide that someone who needs help would really benefit from.
Try putting your own thoughts and ideas, or how to use the abilities and why. -
Anyone have any other ideas for the next City of game? Im thinking:
City of Porn
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I thought they released that as 'The Sims Online"
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Ever play SWG? There was a hella lot of "porn" going on in that game.
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Ahh the good ol' days of SWG were "porn" was possible!
For those of you that don't know, there is a job in SWG called Merchant. Merchants could create NPC shop-keepers that would sell their items for them.
Now, you could customize all your shopkeepers(wish we had that here with pets). You could tell them what to say, when to say it and you could even dress them up. If you handed them armor and a weapon they would automatically equip it for you.
However, they forgot to check one thing when they made this system. The NPCs did not know how to check first if they could wear something or not. So if you gave a female shopkeeper something Male to wear or Wookie to wear, they wouldn't be able to wear it, but the game would still take the previous clothing off of them. They would then be completely naked(and when I say naked, I mean really naked. "porn" naked with full details).
This led to people taking Merchant as a job for the sole reason to create a house and fill it with nude NPCs and call it a strip club. -
Well everytime I see people looking for groups, they are either MMs or they are a group looking only for healers. /sigh
Maybe if everyone wasn't playing MMs or thinking that you need healers to survive, we would have more people to team with. -
I don't get the fuss. I used to play with a group that met on a regular basis: fire tanker, fire blaster, and me, illusion/emp controller. After a while me and the blaster became completely superfluous. As a matter of fact, try to be a controller was actually COUNTERPRODUCTIVE to the fire tanker's herding.
I gave up xp powerleveling after grinding multiple 50s in DAoC. Games are meant to be played and experienced, not rushed through as fast as possible. Each combat can be a unique experience. Changes made so other players using their powers don't interfere with fire tankers is not a bad thing. Changes made so there is not just one tactic for every mission is not a bad thing. Bringing diversity to a game that already is in dire need of it, given that combat is all we do, is not a bad thing.
So rather than scream nerf all the time, embrace change for the new experiences it can bring.
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How about this. You go looking for a new car to buy. You find a car that you don't like. You don't like the body of it, the engine of it, the interior of it, etc. Instead of finding a car you DO like you demand that they completely change that car into the one you want.
Make sense? Only if you have more money than you know what to do with and want to be incredibly stuburn.
Same thing goes here. You had things you did not like about CoH(i.e. Herding). There are plenty of other games out there that don't have herding. Why don't you play those? For one, me and most of my SG mates love herding because it brings with it a sense of power(note: Superhero game). Now, when I wanted more teamwork based play, I went to EQ2. When I wanted more in depth quests and items, I went to WoW. When I wanted to beat the ever loving crap out of baddies in the most insanely fun way possible, I went to CoH.
All I ask is this: CoH is a superhero game. If you don't like that it is a superhero game, go to another MMO. Asking for the game to be balanced and teamwork oriented is like taking the Super Friends and telling them their powers must be balanced with each other!
I'm sorry Superman, but you are no longer allowed to have superstrength and fly. It just doesn't balance well with Aquaman's powers. Oh and Batman, you need to lose about 75% of your gadgets, it is simply too much in comparison to Hawkman. -
Anyone that considers Spawn and Punisher to be "good guys" and "heroes" has no reason to be commenting on comic books at all. Unless you definition of good guy is killin people?
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No...obviously if you kill anyone you cannot be a hero. Screw the police and the military. They must be all pure evil since they kill people when they have to! You have opened my eyes! No longer will I think or Police or Military are heroes that keep us safe! -
OK - here's the most likely outcome...
If you own both games, you get all options - the new CoV sets will be accessible for your heroes.
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Sounds good so far, but how will those that don't own CoV see us heroes that are wearing those costume options?
If I'm wearing the cool looking open motorcycle jacket from CoV, will non CoV people see me in that jacket or will they see me with a random costume piece?
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They would have to see you wearing what you picked out. The reason is that if you don't own CoV you still HAVE to see the villains dressed normally. Therefore you will have to download all the CoV graphics even if you don't own it.
And to Statesman: PLEASE! If you add this in we will be ever so greatful. I know that your statement is only a "Maybe" but I hope you can come through on this one. If your goal is to stay true to comic books, you must make this happen. There are far too many anti-heroes(as someone else pointed out) for CoH to not get these costume options. This would be another reason for me to actually want to buy CoV. -
Hehe, I remember an old Thundercats cartoon where two alien species were fighting each other. One was a very nice kind looking race that talked about just wanting peace etc. The other race was very ugly, mutated looking creatures with throaty voices.
The Thundercats began helping the kind old race and eventually later learned that THEY were the evil agressors. The ugly, evil looking race was actually the ones hoping for peace that didn't want to fight.
As we have said: "Never judge a book by its cover". I mean...if the Thundercats can learn a lesson like that...can't we learn that too?! -
This is definitely crap, why people want to look "evil" and yet be heroes is beyond me, I say keep the costumes different because like the above poster said when you go to AP or GC the crowd there is much different from the crowd in Mercy Island and I love that, I love the look and feel of both games because they are really different.
I consider this a big big mistake if they end up putting everything together for everyone to use...hell I thought it was bad to even have 1/3 the stuff shared between them because I knew somewhere down the line somebody who only wanted to play COH would say "well those guys got a 1/3 of the hero stuff they should start sharing some of their costume options"
Bad play States, bad play indeed please keep them seperate
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Ahh...because obviously there are no Heroes that don't look goody-two-shoes right?
We don't have Ghost Rider, the Punisher, Blade, Various evilish looking X-Men, etc etc. Of course not. From now on all those heroes must wear baby blue and red ONLY! No more black trenchcoats and makeup, no more skulls or spikes!
Bah...you guys know not what makes a hero or a villain. As someone wise once said "The clothes do not make the man", or as another wise one once said "Never judge a book by its cover".
Personally, the first thing I did when I got on CoV Beta is notice the awesome additions to the creator that let me make the kinda of heroes I always dreamed of. In fact, if I ever buy CoV(which looks very unlikely at the moment as I do not want to be a villain) I will be making Heroes instead of Villains. Why? Because I cannot make the heroes I want in CoH. Fact is that the CoV generator is WAY better than CoH's. If CoH doesn't get the same sort of options, the entire DRAW of CoH is out the window.
The Character Creation system was always a very large portion of the marketing that the game had. To see CoV surpassing it completely is stupid. The way I see it right now, it looks like Cryptic/NCSoft is working very hard towards making CoV look amazing in Comparison to CoH. They are heavily nerfing everything in CoH RIGHT before release and CoV has cooler ATs and Costume options. The smarter move here would to make you need both to get all the best features of both. If they do that it will make buying both the best option.