Do you like PvP? No Arguments!




yes, team PvP moreso




Always remember, we were Heroes.












I don't like PvP in CoH.




Not really
But out of loyalty to my great SG/VG groups I participate in our supergroup rumbles
I enter into PvP zones only for badges/missions and do it EARLY when no-one is there LOL



OK. I've tallied up the numbers so far and we now have:

No = 51.8%
Yes = 38.1%
Maybe = 10.1%

It was interesting to see how people approached a genuine direct question. Some insist on having to complicate the issue, others just answer...the figures hold some interest...but I want to see how the numbers change with more answers...



<= My answer coincides exactly with _Castle_'s answer.






This game has PvP?

Seriously though, yes.

What's the difference between a healer and an Empath? Join The Repeat Offenders and find out.






OK. I've tallied up the numbers so far and we now have:

No = 51.8%
Yes = 38.1%
Maybe = 10.1%

It was interesting to see how people approached a genuine direct question. Some insist on having to complicate the issue, others just answer...the figures hold some interest...but I want to see how the numbers change with more answers...

[/ QUOTE ]

Two quick things:

How were sort ofs and sometimes counted? Not at all?
I'm not particulary fond of your use of maybe. It seems a lot of even the yes-es could fall under that.

That is all, carry on.

@Deadedge and @Dead Edge

Peace through power! Freedom is slavery!
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a yo-yo



Not really

I can hold my own in the PVP zones, but I really do not enjoy it for long periods of time.

Plus I solo alot, and PVP is really a team event.




Am I too late?







High Beam - 50 Blaster Energy/Ice - 1228 Badges
Munitions Mistress - 50 Mercs/Traps
Many Other 50's, Too Many Alts, All On Freedom
Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should!




It was interesting to see how people approached a genuine direct question. Some insist on having to complicate the issue, others just answer.

[/ QUOTE ]
Nobody has to "complicate" the issue, some just insist on oversimplifying. =)

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



OK. I've tallied up the numbers so far and we now have:

No = 51.8%
Yes = 38.1%
Maybe = 10.1%

It was interesting to see how people approached a genuine direct question. Some insist on having to complicate the issue, others just answer...the figures hold some interest...but I want to see how the numbers change with more answers...

[/ QUOTE ]

Two quick things:

How were sort ofs and sometimes counted? Not at all?
I'm not particulary fond of your use of maybe. It seems a lot of even the yes-es could fall under that.

That is all, carry on.

[/ QUOTE ]

You'd be surprised how many of those comments actually answered the question really with a yes or no if you read them with the question in mind.

My reasoning behind the maybe was because I wanted to see how people are with the current system, but if they could possibly do without the ***eholes that plague the zones as they are. The idea behind the 'instanced zones' was that if you could get 2 entire SGs into it by invite you could really possibly enjoy the zone PvP...

I figured the arena players would be happy with PvP (relatively) and would answer with a 'yes' anyway...




Ah, I see. Then while my sometimes should be translated as yes I like pvp as is when the mood strikes me. That said I'd like your suggestion (or a variant on it) in addition to what exists.

@Deadedge and @Dead Edge

Peace through power! Freedom is slavery!
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a yo-yo




There seem to be enough zones and variety, they just need to fix all the bugs so we can really test all of them.

*cough*base raids*cough*



My reasoning behind the maybe was because I wanted to see how people are with the current system, but if they could possibly do without the ***eholes that plague the zones as they are. The idea behind the 'instanced zones' was that if you could get 2 entire SGs into it by invite you could really possibly enjoy the zone PvP...

[/ QUOTE ]
In light of this, I'm not sure if you want to keep my "Maybe" in the Maybe column. I couldn't care less about smacktalkers and poor sports in the zone -- I learned long ago to ignore anything that wasn't prefaced by "Tell" or "Team", and to ignore half of communication prefaced by "Tell." My issue with PvP is primarily with the game's lack of "fair fight" enforcement and skewed motivation system.

Put simply, I enjoy Arena matches far more than Zone chaosfests, but no one goes to the Arena, at least on an ad hoc basis. With some changes made to the current PvP system (some feasible, some probably not so feasible) I'd enjoy PvP a lot more. People acting like posterior headgarments doesn't really enter into that.