44 -
Someone's drunk on our vent every night.
In the past it's just been Omega, but now it floats around from person to person.
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Posty -
hoj, new avatar owns me.
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Not to mention he's overrated and blows kangaroo genitals.
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JC you're strange -
I just think it is BS what has happend because of this thred.
my sig says it all..
I diddn't believe some people would actually be affected
by all of this [censored], but I guess if you ride an sg to the ground as hard as you guys do, it's only a matter of time before people break..
Just put FoL 1st on the ladder and call it good.
I'll be on fury.
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sorry for breaking your sg with the truth, and OS should be #1
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The only truth is TGIA made a ruling that you don't agree with...I said a couple days ago to place us at #4, we could care less.
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k -
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hasn't been on in months -
i woulda expected your avatar to have david hasselhoff doing the same dance
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I just think it is BS what has happend because of this thred.
my sig says it all..
I diddn't believe some people would actually be affected
by all of this [censored], but I guess if you ride an sg to the ground as hard as you guys do, it's only a matter of time before people break..
Just put FoL 1st on the ladder and call it good.
I'll be on fury.
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sorry for breaking your sg with the truth, and OS should be #1 -
I removed my post because Sorrows and Anichi just quit, which I didn't know until after posting. I had spoken to Ajax about doing the match a week from Tuesday, but was told we might have some people out of town next week, so thought Thursday might be better.
However, just learning we had two members quit, forced me to re-evaluate whether we'd be ready by Thursday and do a head count to see what kind of line-up we'd be able to bring. Contrary to popular belief, our active line-up is probably the smallest out of all the groups...however, that was mostly due to the fact Sorrows and Anichi were in our group so that may turn things around, lol.
Anyway, losing two of our starting members means we would not be able to do a match as soon as Thursday, so I removed my post. I had no indication or idea beforehand that those two guys would be quitting at this exact moment in time. I've done everything under the sun to make it work with those two guys, but everything must at some point come to an end.
Practicing with a team for months...being given officer status and captainship over the team...and then quitting on your team the day of the big game pretty much shows the lack of character I've had to deal with from day one. We move on and I can do so knowing I did everything humanly possible to try to make it work.
We're still looking forward to the FOL match, unfortunately I wanted this match to take place as soon as possible seeing all the antics on the boards, but can't do it now, lol. Honestly, I've got no ill feelings towards FOL...a ruling went one way and we agreed with it, FOL and other groups didn't.
In the end, it will make no difference whatsoever as each ladder rung is extremely fluid and will be owned by several teams. I will have to talk to Ajax and we'll see if a week from Tuesday is still a good day/time as I believe you guys have a match with OS this Tuesday night.
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Just wait till Arc gets home
mt -
and people wonder why pvpers think the pvpec is nothing but a joke. i guess in the end, it just comes to whichever group that [Censored] the best.
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"The End" - Fates -
Hey Psy why did you remove your post
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I'm not a leader but I'm pretty sure we accept -
the ladder seems to be going well
Not to cause any more trouble, but I'm a little confused about the rankings.
According to JAL's website, they didn't get a chance to fight ESK. So, they won four fights against OS, Vel, SW and HR, and lost one to us. That gives them an overall record of 4-1
Freaks fought all the groups in the ladder. We beat JAL, SW, HR, Vel and ESK, losing to OS. That would make us 5-1. I'm not sure how many people OS fought, but I think I remember them getting in all the matches.
If we're 5-1 and JaL's 4-1, how is JAL ranked above us? Or, if you're doing the "no fight counts as a loss" rule that you mentioned in the OP, they'd then be 4-2.
Tgia, is there any way you could clear this up? At this point with two wrong listings, I'd kind of like to see all the math open to the public.
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i predict epic failery from you.
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And the only map is eden
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Boo hiss
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sorry but every other map is too cheap -
HoJ vs FoL
No travel powers
No temp powers
Tactical Start
No insps
No Perception
Yes Invis
You have to kill me to win
Fair enough? -
Well, I will say that vengeance can def change the momentum of a fight. LD would AT LEAST 5 stack it every time someone died. You could argue that that was the only reason we won, but hey you can't argue the outcome of a fight. It seems that if a team dies they automatically say that it was vengeance that tipped it, maybe you should think about how you could improve your own team rather than blame the tactics of others. Getting 5+ vengeances when its up isn't a hard thing to do. LD did it vs others and I'm 100% sure they did it to LD. The reason you did end up seeing LD on top was because we ran multiple drills everday for months and months about how to evade and anticipate incoming spikes.
In my opinion, it boils down to how your group can handle a loss, complain about the other teams strategies or to learn to adapt and find a way around it. -
Lost. The role-playing forum is a few down from here.
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Ah, so there are in fact only three categories into which all CoX gamers fall into. Good to know.
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Okay, I don't do this a lot, but that officially made me LOL.
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One thing I keep reading is that 'PvPers are not loyal' and 'they end up going to other games.' This may be true however it is mainly due to the lack of support from the devs, I mean they haven't even fixed what we play this game for since i4? What if you couldn't get any badges since i4, would you still play?
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Well...the Devs gave the PvPers the Arena and the ability to PvP...outside of new powersets and accolades to add spice to the mix, what else do you need really? You have your tools.They've added zones as well to draw neophytes and Accolades to help performance.
Honestly, I started with issue 5 and if there hadn't been new badges added I'd still be here...because there has been other content added. New zones, new missions, new contacts, villainside...it's still enough to keep me happy and busy for a long time.
But...that's me...I don't ask for much outside for what I'm given, I tend to make my own fun...part of being an only child I'd imagine.
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I appreciate them giving us PvP, but it working as it should would be swell -
I don't like PvP. I also think badge hunting is pretty senseless. What does that make me?
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Lost. The role-playing forum is a few down from here.
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Ah, so there are in fact only three categories into which all CoX gamers fall into. Good to know.
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Other -
For example I kill a badger I get an ear full about how they're only there for badges and blah blah so I keep killing them then get petitioned.
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Hoj, this is the part I don't get. Why do you keep killing them until you get petitioned?
I mean, yes-- I agree-- a badger in a PvP zone needs to realize they're in a PvP zone. You kill them, they get upset, and you've proved your point: you have forced them to acknowledge they're in a PvP zone.
But killing them over and over until they petition you? Why? They're not a challenge to you, and probably not a threat to you, and so it's unlikely they're going to suddenly cut loose with their insane PvP skills and give you the good fight that I would imagine you want.
It's kinda like kicking a puppy, hoping it will turn into a werewolf, until the ASPCA shows up and hands you a summons.
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If they're an orange name why not kill them? Am I not there to PvP? As for killing them till they petition me, it's humerous that they are really going to cry to a dev that I killed them in a PvP zone. -
I'm not sure why it always seems to become badges vs. PvP. Both sides tend to accuse someone who doesn't agree with them of being from the other group. Aren't there players out there besides just badgers and PvP'ers?
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I don't like PvP. I also think badge hunting is pretty senseless. What does that make me?
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Well you're from virtue so Im going to go out on a limb here and say you're in RPer -
One thing I keep reading is that 'PvPers are not loyal' and 'they end up going to other games.' This may be true however it is mainly due to the lack of support from the devs, I mean they haven't even fixed what we play this game for since i4? What if you couldn't get any badges since i4, would you still play?
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Yes, I would. Then again, I do not really badge.
I'm not sure why it always seems to become badges vs. PvP. Both sides tend to accuse someone who doesn't agree with them of being from the other group. Aren't there players out there besides just badgers and PvP'ers?
Not to attract the hate-- if you need someone to hate, keep on keeping on-- I'm just commenting that I find it curious.
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Sure there are others out there besides badgers but they dont really both more pvpers as much as badgers.
For example I kill a badger I get an ear full about how they're only there for badges and blah blah so I keep killing them then get petitioned.
Where when I kill a PvEr, a majority of them just click respawn and are on their way.