PvP SG Ladder Official Thread




Links to participating groups roster:
Pwny Xpress Ranked #1
After School Special
Awesome Avengers

Not Ranked
Sitting Ducks Redux
Shadow Kings

Ladder Entry:

All new teams to enter the VG ladder must post acceptance of the below rules along with a roster designating the players and leaders. After that is done, the VG can officially enter the ladder in one of two ways:

1) A team can first challenge and fight an existing team on the ladder to determine their initial ranking. If you win the match, you assume the second to last spot on the Ladder, jumping ahead of the last ranked team. If you lose the match, you assume the newly created last rung on the Ladder.


2) Two teams entering the Ladder at the same time may choose to fight each other, rather than a currently ranked team. This will create two new rungs on the bottom of the current Ladder, with the winner earning the next to last rung and the loser earning the newly formed last rung. In this instance, the outcome of this match will not affect any teams already on the ladder; the outcome of this match would only decide the order in which the two participating teams are placed at the bottom of the Ladder.


NOTE: “Eligible for Waiver” is noted on rules that the participating VG’s may choose to ignore prior to the match or up to 48 hours after the match. The spirit of a Waiver is to overlook simple mistakes and misunderstandings that do not affect the outcome of official matches. This will also serve to prevent vengeful enforcement of the rules from non-participating players. VG leaders will represent their team in their decision. If the rule-breaking team (forfeiting team) and the winning team do not agree on a Waiver, than the existing rule stands. If leaders from the same VG disagree, the rule stands. No teams are ever obligated or expected to agree to a Waiver.

Team Regulations:

Supergroup leaders must post an initial roster of players that they plan to have participating in matches and must designate themselves along with the other leaders with the title “leader” after the global. The initial roster must be posted at the time of signup and acceptance to these rules, it is part of your admission into the ladder. After the initial roster is posted, it can be added to or subtracted from at any time by making follow-up posts on that thread.

A group’s roster is based on test server global names, do not use live globals. If someone changes their global you must update accordingly with a post. A global name may only belong to one Hero group and one Villain group within the ladders.

A new player must wait one week before becoming eligbible to play in an official match per timestamp on the roster update post. A player changing VGs must wait two weeks to become eligible to play in an official match per timestamp on the post. If a player is not on the roster, they are not eligible to play with that group.

Match Regulations:

All challenges are to be made in this thread.

All challenges within two rungs must be accepted and the matches completed within 2 weeks from the time the challenge was issued (assuming test server is available). If a group is unable to participate in a match within this time frame, it is automatically a win for the challenging group. Eligible for waiver.

The winner of an official challenge will be the first team to win two matches

Matches are to be set to SHW and no special options selected.

All matches will be 8v8. They may be larger if agreed upon by both groups prior to the match. And any group may play up to two men down meaning that there could be instances of 7v8, 6v8, 7v6, 7v7, 6v6.

Official matches will all be 10 minutes unless agreed upon by both groups in advance, in which case it can be 20 minutes. All matches will be timed at either 10 minutes or 20 minutes.

The only inspirations allowed are tier one inspirations. If you can purchase an item from the arena store, then it is allowed in official matches. If you are required to buy or obtain an item elsewhere, then it is not allowed in an official match (i.e. base buffs, IoPs, SoWs).

Vengeance stacking is not allowed as it is a known exploit. Until this exploit is resolved, Vengeance will not be allowed in any match. Use of Vengeance is an automatic forfeit for that match.

The first round of an official match must begin within 15 minutes of the designated start time. If the match is not started within this time frame, it is an automatic forfeit of that match by the team that is not prepared. If another 15 minutes pass and the delaying team is still not ready, the prepared team takes the win. Eligible for waiver

Between every match there is up to a 15 minute down time, but the 2nd/3rd match must start within 15 minutes of the previous match. Eligible for waiver.

For all official matches, groups are to report to Port Oakes Ruby if requested.

Groups may request to view their oppositions Supergroup Base and to do an inspiration swap. If a group is caught using anything but tier one inspirations then they automatically forfeit. Evidence must be provided.

Groups may request a reset only one time due to slow loading for each round of play. A team has 30 seconds to report ‘all in’ and if both teams are missing people then the match is restarted with no penalty to either team. Eligible for waiver.

Both teams MUST say ‘all in’ once all their teammates are present. If a group engages before this is announced then the team at fault automatically restarts or forfeits that round at the discretion of the offended VG.

In the event of a disconnect, a team has 90 seconds of a 10 minute match or 3 minutes of a 20 minute match to report such and request a restart. The opposing team must oblige if it is within this time frame. If a disconnect takes place after this time frame, then the match is to continue and it is scored as an official match.

There is an automatic reset if any of the following maps are drawn: Office Map, Monkey Cage, and Cave Map. Teams may also agree before the match to reset on other maps, but they are under no obligation to do so.

All results of matches should be posted in the ladder challenge thread following the match and within 24 hours.

In case a match is contested, a screenshot of the final score is required. It is for this reason that VG Captains are encouraged to take screen shots of the final scores of each match.

Ladder Movement and Regulation:

A team who wins in an official challenge against a group above them on the ladder moves up one rung of the ladder regardless of the placement of the group challenged.

A group will only move down the ladder one rung and only in instances where the group directly below them is the group who is replacing them.

A group can challenge as high above them on the ladder as they so desire. If a challenge is made outside of two rungs, the challenge may be declined by the higher ranked team.

“Bar code” teams are not to be permitted. (A bar code team is where a team has almost the exact same name as to make spiking nigh impossible. This issue has arose from the new ability to change ones name.) Deceptively similar names (ie. Bill and BiII) are also not permitted. Additionally, from the time a player joins an arena event to the completion of that match, they are not permitted to change their names. Eligible for Waiver.

If a group is inactive for more than two months they are to be removed from the ladder.

Rules may be revisited and added or modified at a later date as participating groups see fit. In order for this to occur, a meeting must be called giving all participating groups a chance to express their views and vote.

Purpose of this thread:

Make all official challenges here in this thread.

For any rosters updates use the links at the top and change them on your own thread.

Any group who wishes to join shall signify their intent here by accepting the rules and then creating a thread with their group’s roster. (It is also requested that each individual group list what times are best for them for official matches in their roster thread.)

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~SNES, NES, GCN, N64, GB, Wii, GBC, GBA, SP, DS~|
|_| \_| |_| |_| \_| .. |__| .. |____| |_| \_| |___/ \___/



Current SG Ladder Rankings

1. Justice for all League
2. Old School
3. Freak of Legend
4. Velocity
5. Esk
6. Hell Raisers
7. Statesman's Watch

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~SNES, NES, GCN, N64, GB, Wii, GBC, GBA, SP, DS~|
|_| \_| |_| |_| \_| .. |__| .. |____| |_| \_| |___/ \___/



Velocity would like to extend an open challenge to Old School for a match.

We look forward to meeting you guys in the arena, and the upcoming matches during the ladder!



Hey Psy why did you remove your post



Hey Psy why did you remove your post

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not a leader but I'm pretty sure we accept



Per the initial challenge thread:

FoL issues challenges to both OS and JAL in that order. (these are mandatory)

JFaL challenges Esk. (This is in no way obligatory to Esk)

Could we please keep this thread as clean as possible so people do not have to siphon through 200 posts of my yours. Seeing as how challenges to groups above you on the ladder require mandatory acceptance it would be kind of everyone to not spam this thread so challenges are more easily found. Thank you.

|� |�| |�| |� |�| |�����| |����| |� |�| |��� /���
~SNES, NES, GCN, N64, GB, Wii, GBC, GBA, SP, DS~|
|_| \_| |_| |_| \_| .. |__| .. |____| |_| \_| |___/ \___/



I removed my post because Sorrows and Anichi just quit, which I didn't know until after posting. I had spoken to Ajax about doing the match a week from Tuesday, but was told we might have some people out of town next week, so thought Thursday might be better.

However, just learning we had two members quit, forced me to re-evaluate whether we'd be ready by Thursday and do a head count to see what kind of line-up we'd be able to bring. Contrary to popular belief, our active line-up is probably the smallest out of all the groups...however, that was mostly due to the fact Sorrows and Anichi were in our group so that may turn things around, lol.

Anyway, losing two of our starting members means we would not be able to do a match as soon as Thursday, so I removed my post. I had no indication or idea beforehand that those two guys would be quitting at this exact moment in time. I've done everything under the sun to make it work with those two guys, but everything must at some point come to an end.

Practicing with a team for months...being given officer status and captainship over the team...and then quitting on your team the day of the big game pretty much shows the lack of character I've had to deal with from day one. We move on and I can do so knowing I did everything humanly possible to try to make it work.

We're still looking forward to the FOL match, unfortunately I wanted this match to take place as soon as possible seeing all the antics on the boards, but can't do it now, lol. Honestly, I've got no ill feelings towards FOL...a ruling went one way and we agreed with it, FOL and other groups didn't.

In the end, it will make no difference whatsoever as each ladder rung is extremely fluid and will be owned by several teams. I will have to talk to Ajax and we'll see if a week from Tuesday is still a good day/time as I believe you guys have a match with OS this Tuesday night.




So you're bagging our your own former SG members now?



I removed my post because Sorrows and Anichi just quit, which I didn't know until after posting. I had spoken to Ajax about doing the match a week from Tuesday, but was told we might have some people out of town next week, so thought Thursday might be better.

[/ QUOTE ]

lol k



You just threw your boys under the bus, but they're the reason you were talking [censored] to everyone before. At least now I know why you changed your tune all of the sudden and you're being all respectful. Back to brown-nosing while you rebuild?

What a [censored] artist.



Velocity would like to extend an open challenge to Old School for a match.

We look forward to meeting you guys in the arena, and the upcoming matches during the ladder!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey man you can PM myself or Shocker here with details and we would be happy to set a match up with you all. Also I know the freaks challenged us. So if Ajax could PM me or shocker we can get that match setup.



I removed my post because Sorrows and Anichi just quit, which I didn't know until after posting. I had spoken to Ajax about doing the match a week from Tuesday, but was told we might have some people out of town next week, so thought Thursday might be better.

However, just learning we had two members quit, forced me to re-evaluate whether we'd be ready by Thursday and do a head count to see what kind of line-up we'd be able to bring. Contrary to popular belief, our active line-up is probably the smallest out of all the groups...however, that was mostly due to the fact Sorrows and Anichi were in our group so that may turn things around, lol.

Anyway, losing two of our starting members means we would not be able to do a match as soon as Thursday, so I removed my post. I had no indication or idea beforehand that those two guys would be quitting at this exact moment in time. I've done everything under the sun to make it work with those two guys, but everything must at some point come to an end.

Practicing with a team for months...being given officer status and captainship over the team...and then quitting on your team the day of the big game pretty much shows the lack of character I've had to deal with from day one. We move on and I can do so knowing I did everything humanly possible to try to make it work.

We're still looking forward to the FOL match, unfortunately I wanted this match to take place as soon as possible seeing all the antics on the boards, but can't do it now, lol. Honestly, I've got no ill feelings towards FOL...a ruling went one way and we agreed with it, FOL and other groups didn't.

In the end, it will make no difference whatsoever as each ladder rung is extremely fluid and will be owned by several teams. I will have to talk to Ajax and we'll see if a week from Tuesday is still a good day/time as I believe you guys have a match with OS this Tuesday night.


[/ QUOTE ]
Just wait till Arc gets home




Velocity would like to extend an open challenge to Old School for a match.

We look forward to meeting you guys in the arena, and the upcoming matches during the ladder!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey man you can PM myself or Shocker here with details and we would be happy to set a match up with you all. Also I know the freaks challenged us. So if Ajax could PM me or shocker we can get that match setup.

[/ QUOTE ]

Awesome. I'll let Xhiggy know ASAP so he can set up details with you guys. Really looking forward to the matches.



Could we please keep this thread constructive, the spam really isnt necessary here. Thank you.

|� |�| |�| |� |�| |�����| |����| |� |�| |��� /���
~SNES, NES, GCN, N64, GB, Wii, GBC, GBA, SP, DS~|
|_| \_| |_| |_| \_| .. |__| .. |____| |_| \_| |___/ \___/



i blame Psypunk



Per the initial challenge thread:

FoL issues challenges to both OS and JAL in that order. (these are mandatory)[/color]

[/ QUOTE ]

so.. when is this going to go down



I will have to talk to Ajax and we'll see if a week from Tuesday is still a good day/time as I believe you guys have a match with OS this Tuesday night.

[/ QUOTE ]
We haven't discussed dates yet as far as I know, but I do know it will be the following Sunday, Monday, or Wed (*likely* one of those 3 days at least), Tuesdays aren't a normal night for us.



For the SG Roster threads, to update the roster simply make a new post with the new up to date roster.

|� |�| |�| |� |�| |�����| |����| |� |�| |��� /���
~SNES, NES, GCN, N64, GB, Wii, GBC, GBA, SP, DS~|
|_| \_| |_| |_| \_| .. |__| .. |____| |_| \_| |___/ \___/



Was just wondering about the status of maybe getting a seperate forum for this? Doesn't need to be alot, just one section where challenges can be made with out having to dig through pages of [censored].