212 -
Quote:Thank you very much for this.It's not over.
They staggered. HIT HARDER.
To quote Larry Dixon (Yes, that's Mercedes Lackey's husband, they've both been in on the fight since day 1):
Larry Dixon: *shrug* It's as "real" as anything else NCsoft says or does. That'll flip if they want it to. What it *is* is an admission that they've noticed enough to respond to it "on company letterhead." Its face value is meaningless.
The REAL takeaway from this is "Hey this is starting to hurt, stop it guys!" If the revival efforts meant nothing, NCsoft would not post what amounts to "Elvis has left the building." And that is all that is. They want the negative attention to stop. That is an official attempt at deflection. Or, in political terms, an "Un-Answer."
It appears to be a response but actually accomplishes nothing except silence those who weren't very into it. Like I say, what it says is irrelevant; the thing to take notice of is that it was put there at all. And that means time to step it up because the other fighter just staggered.
If the "Save CoH/We love Paragon" etc. efforts were ineffective, we'd never have seen such a statement. The hidden meaning of that note is that it has dawned on somebody that this is developing into "anti-NCsoft," not "Save-CoH," so they issued a mollifying statement with a lot of buttonpushing feel-warm cozy buttons about how special what they just murdered was to them.
Now they reap the mistrust they sowed, they can see the coverage increase, the caution against them and the players taking their money away in droves, and we can look them steely in the eyes and reply "Too bad. It's just business. Isn't it."
The "exhausted all options" is bizspeak for "We didn't get what we wanted, so we stopped bothering to find solutions." Businesspeople who truly WANT a result ALWAYS find a way, they never "exhaust all options." So right there is an admission from NCsoft that they're very bad businesspeople. Most certainly unimaginative and inflexible.
Shortest form: As a strategist, the hits are being felt by NCsoft, and they've barely begun.
Second message: This is the murderer issuing an official statement that they "really tried hard" not kill what they had a choice about murdering, and hoping that "Oh they loved it like I did, they're really sorry!" should be your takeaway from that and that should make EVERYTHING just fine, right?
I don't take "We loved it too!" as anything but an insult to our intelligence.
Nah, this is a "There, that'll shut'em up" attempt, as if talking to six-year-olds. -
Quote:I personally would use a corrupter for beam/traps. I think Disintegrate and scourging would be pretty awesome. I can see the appeal for a defender though, but my more aggressive play style suits more for corrupter.I can't sleep. I can't eat. I'm wrecked with indecision and I just can't make up my mind on what to do. It directly impacts my future and I just don't want slip into a spiral of misery.........
Beam and Traps - Defender or Corruptor version!?!??!?!?!?!I got some pros and cons for each, but I just can't commit yet.
Street Justice - SR scrapper or Invuln Brute flavor?!?!?!?!?!?! I don't think Justice has the same pitfalls as Kinetic melee for Brutes (which I'm slogging through now). I could very well do both at some point, but I want the full POW! BAM! now (when it's available).
I'm so distraught
I know it's not a choice, but I would go SJ - SR brute. Then again I'm pretty bias for brutes. But take the brute, because they rock. -
Just the same as contacts in any other zone, you've outleveled that one. Try Warburg.
Quote:I agree with the Doms +damage, Doms damage numbers are right up there with blasters, some slightly more, some slightly less in the identical powers... With the exception of elec assault's Thunderstrike, which hits like a truck.I would suggest- +Damage for Blasters, +recharge emps and grav/ta, Doms I am a bit on the fence I think +damage though.
Also range could be useful... but not nearly as much as say a blaster using boost range. -
Set bonuses, enhancements, even Alpha slots not subject to Enhancement Diversification are all still subject to Diminishing Returns.
Diminishing returns is subtracted from the SUM of all the totals, not from only 1 thing or another, so what Psyrene is trying to get at is that just because you have more sets, or a bit of a curve on Enhancement diversification, or even global alpha slot reduction, the sum of the totals of all your recharge bonuses are at the very end subtracted by Diminishing returns.
That is why he is saying it takes upward of 190% recharge or something. Because in PvE, Enhancement Diversification is the only factor that effects enhancements directly. While as we know, set bonuses are untouched, but in PvP they are. -
Wow, it took a while to see this post (Thanks, Fallout New Vegas). Masque, if I can be of help, let me know. I can do some builds if you want or by request.
For those not familiar with me, been playing since issue 1, and pvping actively since it started in issue 4. Done my fair share of non-fotm builds in both zone and arena styles, as well as keeping up with the current fotms. -
Quote:srry im not much of a "Forum Posting type" *obviously if u seeze me post log* but w/e the math is i am an extreamly active PvP'er wheter it be zone or arena, and 1st thing i gotta say is WHOA!!!!!!.....stop the QQing ppl this is a video game designed for MILLIONS OF PPL (atleast tentionally
its not designed for just YOU, NUCKLEHEAD (meaning u if i think i do) yall need to learn to adapt and prevail, this game gets better every patch (EXCLUDING the release of AE, wich i personally think it DESTROYED this games population) PvP atm is very well balancend its just most the time your getting ganked by 5 or more ppl cuz most crowd and favor sides, yall somehow forgot not any At is supposed to beat any At 1 vs 1 if that was the cae then YES PvP would be UNBALANCED and would be TOO easy, all u would need is 1 toon if anything can beat anything DUH.......and why would we EVER wanna go back to i12 PvP rules? r u SERIOUS? u wanna go to PvP or arena just to sit through 2 minutes of being held unless yur a scrap/tank/brute/stalk? ok then lets make it back to the 4 major PvP toons minus Doms wich lets face it were good back then BUT.......ur gonna get *****/ganked/gagged and bagged in zone soon as ppl knows yur there so what fun is that, im not the type to look for easy kills and i dont wanna kill the same person repeaditly thats RETARDED i wanna kill 1 and move on now that i13 is out we dont have to worry about toggle dropping, or being held by any well slotted hold toon until u die, and YES the system they has now DOES work VERY WELL actually, if u really think about it. Its not hard to tell, its still very challenging for Veterans due to excessive AT & build compition and keeping up with FotM as well as easy to learn and expeirience as a NewB. the DR helps for ppl who DONT know how to slot and use crap like SO's and reg IO's w/e. Yall just need to Man-Up and adjust, its a video game YOUR SUPPOSED TO DIE....
as for the new i19 fitness pool inherent.....its a feature that should have started standard that way.......fitness Always should have been an inherent its about TIME.....ofc it will make PvP more diff but ISN THAT WHAT WE WANT? DONT WE BEG FOR A CHALLENGE? PvP aint easy......its just easy to Gank!!!!!
Also to touch down on ppl who use "Phase Shift" lmao u guys r NooBs NOBODY needs Phase.......again ITS A VIDEO GAME YOUR SUPPOSED TO DIE........besides all u really need is invis and some decent run speed if u dont has that then u should expect to die more than not, phase doesnt stop u from being killed.....its just a waste of power wich u coulda used for somthing that WOULD HELP u kill instead of being killed or needing to pop phase in the 1st place XD
oh yea 1 nire thing before i go.......NOTHING IS O.P......NOTHING!!!!!!
if we were all in PvP with 0 enhancments what AT would just be GOD?......NONE because with out enhancments yur toon aint squat......with that said.....different strokes for different folks, ppl build/slot differently SO some r BETTER than others i.e. i can hit u with "Brawl" for 500dmg but u can only hit me for 100dmg why? cuz i slot better XD nothing is OP so stop QQ'ing and maiking the devs tyena fix **** that aint broke YOUR BROKE or u cant MAN-UP and ADJUST -
It is my understanding that this proc has a chance of firing when the pet activates a power. Also those are the correct numbers in PvP, BEFORE diminishing returns. Mids does not display diminishing returns... and as far as Diminishing returns goes for pets or Mastermind Henchmen, that I don't know.
And always remember to have someone warm you up before a fight.
Quote:Still very true today. A damage bonus of 20 to 25% will not get DR'd much at all. Adding in Build up might slightly diminish it, and adding aim on top of that will diminish the Aim bonus.With DR and set bonus's, how much differance would say dmg of 15% as compared to 20% to 25%? Is DR on sets the same for recharge or acc? Guess what I am asking is if the DR returns effect everything equaly or did they just have a monkey fling poo at a board?
For a while I thought the saying was in PVP you want more RES then DEF, is that still true today?
And +Resist bonuses also resist -damage debuffs. I'm sure someone can explain the reason as I admit I completely forgot why it was programed like that. -
I had a lot of petsay jokes when I would use my mastermind. This is good news for me, and bad news for my teammates.
Quote:What he means is that Pvp Io drops are not part of the rep timer, they are separate as is getting an insp drop from beating a player. So your chances of getting an IO drop are still the same no matter if you've defeated him 10 or even 100 times before you're able to receive an IO again.Player A defeats player B. Player A gets an IO roll, and the Rep timer that suppresses further rolls for defeating Player B starts. Player B comes back in less than one minute and is defeated by Player A again, but this time there is no IO roll due to the Rep timer suppressing it.
I'm getting something wrong here, but what?
P.S. Thinking further about it, if there's a Player C that defeats Player B, Player C gets an IO roll. OK, I think I see why people are saying this will increase IO drops base on this, even if my original premise (Player A continuously defeating Player B results in no additional IO rolls) is also true.
Doubtfulness as to IO drops becoming more common overall redacted. -
Just think about it this way, Damage buffs are not on a very steep slope until you're getting like in Fulcrum shift levels. A blaster with Aim and build up running will still get near full benefit from both damage boosts. Like if he's got multiple damage buffs and then does aim and build up though it starts to curve downward.
I've always thought of melee duels like this.
Quote:1) Not even close. Cryo ammo is a minor effect.With i17 changes for defender, I was considering rolling an ice/dp although I have a few questions.
1) With Cryo ammo and ice combined, is it enough to slow through SS?
2) With Chemical Ammo combined with ice -damage, does that have anything equivilant to capped resists with Temp Invul and Tough? (mids shows 111% resists with these two, but it has a 40% buff as standard, does this apply still and how heavy would DR hit it?)
3) Would it actually be possible to hit anyone with sleet in pvp? from my experience (which is fairly limited) target based AoE attacks rarely hit for more than a second or so because people run out of them.
4) Is hover still web grenade proof and is it worth taking?
5) This ones for anyone who has used test. Does defenders new inherant ability change make them viable to PvP with solo?
6) Does DP really suck that badly damage wise if you get power boost from defender epics?
Thanks in advance guys, il stop making new characters for PvP soon... honest
2)You may be mistaking what -damage does compared to +resist. -damage draws from damage bonuses, not the total. +resist is vs damage total.
For example an attack that deals 145 damage, enhanced 98% does 287 damage. When you hit you do -12% damage, so it draws from the 98%, instead of the total which comes to 269. Now if it were resisted instead it would be 287 - 12% = 252
Mathematically speaking, +resist has lots more bang for buck than -damage. And you don't even need to make a hit.
3) Yes, if you see the opportunity. The debuff lingers for 30 seconds.
4) Hover does not resist webnades. Worth taking? As an IO mule sure.
5)Not that much, no.
6) It has a MUCH higher recharge than Build up. 90 secs vs 240 secs. It's because it tries to be both Powerboost and Build up at the same time that it ends up taking so damn long to recharge. Dual pistols as it's been said just isn't all that good at all. It's too gimmicky, although it is above AR in overall damage. Not that that's saying much. -
Was a good turnout, had enough for 8 on 8, 8v8v7, 14 FFA, 7 on 7. Let's be sure and do it again.
I might just be thinking of just -tohit mac. See last test I ran, I had 3 hurricanes, first one took me to -22% tohit, 2nd one to -25%, all 3 at once was -26%.
And that was on a corrupter. I'm fairly sure nothing has changed as far as that goes. -
Just wanted to say thank you for this. The in game maps have always been a great help to me.
Here's another pvp video I wanna show you guys, it's from M3zm3r1z3, who I consider to be the best dom I've ever seen. This is the few Issue 13 footage he has, most his stuff is before the changes though.
The point of showing you this is to show you how having a high damage character, and good support is important in pvp. Dominators are pretty much the redside blasters. Just look at how much damage he deals.
Here is is. (Watch in HD)
Quote:Now wait a minute, slows yes do not slow people unless you're stacking it insanely high, but -recharge still works fine and dandy. Even if they can move around, they still will have no recharge on a Dark/cold.OK, this thread has peaked my interest in pvp a bit. I used to pvp with a dark/nin stalker and a dark/cold corr. My dark/cold was a killer in duels, but now that slows are useless, I guess she'll stay shelved.
But how about the Dark/Nin? I also have an Enr/Enr blaster that I was just beginning to work with when i lost all interest in PvP. SO my question is, which on is more viable in Zone?
Also -tohit caps at 20% just the same as regular tohit does.
Dark/Nin is still good in zones. Energy/energy has some high mag knockbacks in both primary and secondary. Take a look at the video I posted above to see the usefulness of both an energy/energy, and high mag knockback in team pvp. -
Quote:Oh you don't lose regen bonuses, like from IO's, fast healing, or Integreation. You lose your base regen, like from starting regen. It's still a sizable chunk. Regen is still king of scrapper pvp, regardless.Crazy... Sharks sounds a little broken then, if it's as good as AS, only from range.
Wow, so when you are suppressed, you lose your base regen (I'm assuming this is your regular character regen, not counting all your powers and bonuses)? That's... just bad. I know I get annoyed when Malta titans use that one power and drop your Regen to zero, even though you're a fracking Regen Scrapper, but that's pretty limited, not every fight you are in.
That almost makes me feel like not bothering with this.I know I'll still have all the heals and all that, but little things like that do have a tendency to bug me more than they should. I was going for more HP, too. I think I'm at about 1880 or so with that build, but I can monkey with things to see what I can get... hitting the rule of 5 with some of the +hp bonuses as well, though.
If Knockback is so useless, wouldn't Air Superiority also be bad (I know it's KU or whatever, but I don't think the number is high enough to get around meleer's KB resists)? I could go with CJ/SJ and then have room for Tough if I dumped AS/Fly. I'd like to get Tough, as I know it makes it a lot easier for a Regen to have time to hit their heals (I encountered that in PvE, so I'm sure PvP will be the same), so I'm trying to find some way to get it in there.
Knockback isn't useless. It's actually very good when your character has a few dedicated knockback moves.
Like in my example, my force bolt was mat 56 knockback. The most I've seen on a squishie was mag 51 knockback protection. That was a buttload of KB protection IO's, and acrobatics. And the force bolt would still keep knocking him over.
Force bolt, Power Push, and Power Thrust have such high knockback numbers, enhanced it's enough to get past acrobatics + multiple KB protection IO's.
Just to strengthen my point, here's a pvp match... "Travel Suppression Off", but this guy is Vindizzle. He's using a very high knockback Power Push. He sets them up and the 2 stalkers follow him waiting on his knockback to go off. Here