Victory PvP University presents: "PvP Boot Camp"





· As this event will be used to increase the interest and players PvPing on Victory, this event will be open to players from the Victory Server only (unless all 20 spots do not fill at which time we will open it to anyone willing to roll a new character on Victory).

· You must have an open character slot to roll a new character.

· The season will last for 8 matches (note: this is not weeks as we will take breaks for holidays).

· We will be gaining xp/levels at an accelerated rate so participants must be willing to either participate in the accelerated xp gaining teams or be able to keep up with the current team threat level on their own.

· Participants must be willing to follow some drop/roll/marketing guidelines so they will be able to fully slot their PvP character by the end of the season.

· Participants must be willing to come to practice/events (missing 2 or more practices without clearing it with the team captain may (but doesn’t not have too) lead to being released from the team and dropped from the event.

· As with any event I host, sportsmanship will be key. There will be no tolerance for trash talk, degrading, mocking of other participants.

· This event is designed for new players, and as such if someone who is deemed a veteran player may not be eligible to participate at the host’s discretion. (While this eligibility requirement is very subjective and I hate to have it, I am trying to grow the current population of PvPers on victory and having people who already PvP would not increase the current population size.)

Design of Event:

· All participants will roll a new character specifically for the purposes of PvPing. Builds and advice will be offered by the host.

· Participants will be divided into two teams by the event Host. All effort will be made to make teams balanced with regards to: potential skill/buffers/debuffers/damage dealers/disruption.

· Team rebalancing will occur at least once during the season.

· The season will last for 8 matches (Note: we will be taking breaks for Holidays)

· For the first 4 weeks both teams will be coached by the event Host (or guest coaches), after which both teams will elect a team Captain to lead their respective teams.

· Every other week the teams will battle in various PvP arena matches as designated by the commissioner, these will consist of: 1v1 duels, team fights, free for alls, and zone events.

· Points will be given to the teams as follows:
1 Point for each player on a team that shows up for the event.
10 points for the team that wins that weeks PvP match.

· Prizes will be awarded weekly to the winning team in the form of influence/infamy/recipes/crafted IOs.

· Further prizes will be awarded at the end of the season.

· If we fill all 20 slots and there are additional players interested I will keep a list of these players and if people drop from the league, the interested players will be able to join at that time. These players will be considered the ‘free agent pool’ and will be eligible to participate in the accelerated xp teaming along with the active players.


· As stated, prizes will be awarded after each match to the winning team.

· In addition, prizes will be awarded to players who show marked improvement, take over leadership roles, or randomly.

· The total amount I have personally set aside for this event is in excess of 4 billion influence. Additional prizes have been offered and will also be given out.

The ultimate goal of this event is to allow anyone who is interested the ability to have a functional pvp character, without having to endlessly grind for xp/recipes/inf. While having fun and learning about PvP.

“So you are saying you will PL me a 50 and fully outfit it with purples/pvp ios and make me a l33t pvper?”

No, I am offering everyone a chance to join some accelerated xp gaining teams (we may not reach 50 by the end of the season). I am stating that by following some simple guidelines anyone should have a ‘fuctional’ (not purpled/pvp’d) pvp character with specifically designed pvp build, by the end of the season with “MINIMAL/NO” cost to themselves. We will not be designing characters with purples (unless the player wants to invest their own funds or has them stored up already).



I would like to do this actually; Ele might qualify as a PvP player but I certainly don't. Scheduled events, however, are usually a no-go for me because you-know-who doesn't like me being tied to the computer, but I might still be able to do this.

You have my bow

Dusty Trophies



Ele would be eligible for this event.



I would be willing to take part in this as long as it isn't being held on Wednesday nights.(I'm betting my infrequent forays into PvP-land don't qualify me as a PvPer)

Also, when are you planning on starting? I need to free up a slot on Victory.

Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.



We will get rolling once all 20 slots are filled.

Oh one more thing, having Mids will help you a lot.



Static day? Time frame per session? Actual start time on whatever day? Clue me in on the 20 slot thing and only having 2 teams.......?

I like prizes. If I think of it like a carnival game, it might be fun.....

I've already forgotten about most of you



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
Static day? Time frame per session? Actual start time on whatever day? Clue me in on the 20 slot thing and only having 2 teams.......?

I like prizes. If I think of it like a carnival game, it might be fun.....

Time frame for the season is looking to be about 16 weeks (if that gets to be too long we may cut it down as needed)

There won't be a static day for the gaining of accelerated xp, as that will be fitted into both the players and my schedule.

Most arena matches will occur on the weekends- again this will have to be very flexiable due the nature of this being a team event.

20 players divided into 2 teams of 10. We can call them red/blue for now. I am hoping that by the end of the season we still have between 6-8 on each team.



count me in masque, sounds like a lot of fun

@Teh Pyro




15 more to go!

At this point guys think about what you want to play (dont think by AT or by power set) what you want to pick from for now is:

Buff- think emp/pain
Debuff- Think rad/cold
Damage- think stalker/blaster/dom
Disruption- Taunt bots/cagers/Force bolters/Trick arrows

We will be rolling 1 toon per person, unless you have the ability to gain quick levels on your own in which case if you want you can roll 2 or more just please keep up with us on the levels.



Sign me up. TYVM.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



masque has a lot of people on ignore

I've already forgotten about most of you



Adding Lin and Voodoo(I think?)



Do I get a chance to play in this one?



sorry rock are you pro status.



This looks interesting. Pretty sure this is what was being discussed on the MoKahn this evening. I'd be interested in joining this - while I consider myself a veteran player, I'm certainly a novice when it comes to PvP.

At first blush I think I'd go for either a disruption character or maybe a buff character.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



I'm in... wait a minute:

There will be no tolerance for trash talk, degrading, mocking of other participants.
Crap... count me out.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
I'm in... wait a minute:

Crap... count me out.
You aren't even the real mental giant you are just stealing his account while he waits for i19... away ye troll!



Current list:

1) Ryxx
2) Flux
3) MP
4) Sunny
5) Pyro
6) Voodoo
7) Lin
8) Justaris



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
I'm in... wait a minute:

Crap... count me out.
I think you read that wrong, because we all know you don't have it in you to do any of those things personally. In fact, that should be incentive for you to participate because you should be realatively safe for once from those things considering all the nub stuff you do

I've already forgotten about most of you



Count me in MF'in Masque!!!!



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
Current list:

1) Ryxx
2) Flux
3) MP
4) Sunny
5) Pyro
6) Voodoo
7) Lin
8) Justaris

updated: participants please read the Victory PvP University thread:

There are a lot of the basics there that we will be talking about. Also I will be posting some of the builds you should choose from when you are ready to pick what you want to play in the league.



By me I mean Gris and I.... LOL He just asked if I included him in it.



Am I going to be able to pick the combo I want and try to make it viable? or is it more of a "pick from this select group only" kind of thing?

I've already forgotten about most of you