Melee duels and events?
i hear Justuce was FC server ..urgh
I hate that Justice has become known for that It wasn't always tru warrier bs.
I blame Con.
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
Hello everyone. We are a group of friends who like to do melee duels and we are looking for a server that reflects the way we play, rather than pvp zones etc.. Currently we have a VG on Freedom and organizing tournaments and arenas. But we are little, also because people here love RV. RV has become boring, too many gangs, too many spammers trying the drop at all costs. Anyone with information on a good server full of clubbers or want to join us on Freedom (Ask to FENOMENO AND TITAN MAN) is welcome. Thanks
Well done good sir!
I agree Emp, this one has spirit don't use the troll spray.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
He is serious. I have been receving tells about some monkey cage fightclub. Also Titanman was talking in RV bc about the uneven sides in zones not being able to find any 5v5 and stuff.
I told him if he liked all melee team he could start kickballs.
CCK is the greatest RVer in the history of RVing. When CCK HOH and V all team up nothing can be done to stop them.
It's a shame freedom doesnt reflect your way of pvp. I'd like you to stay. Anyway , Justice will be the perfect place for ya bud
stay on freedom we need to farm u for IOs
A duel is an engagement in combat between two individuals. Can someone tell that to Lil Water Boy aka Demon Slayer. He is always posting up in RV listed matches of 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3,
those are not duels. Some people just need to go back to school and learn the english language.
A duel is an engagement in combat between two individuals. Can someone tell that to Lil Water Boy aka Demon Slayer. He is always posting up in RV listed matches of 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3,
those are not duels. Some people just need to go back to school and learn the english language. |

A duel is an engagement in combat between two individuals. Can someone tell that to Lil Water Boy aka Demon Slayer. He is always posting up in RV listed matches of 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3,
those are not duels. Some people just need to go back to school and learn the english language. |
A duel is an engagement in combat between two individuals. Can someone tell that to Lil Water Boy aka Demon Slayer. He is always posting up in RV listed matches of 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3,
those are not duels. Some people just need to go back to school and learn the english language. |
Pistols at dawn?
Former King of PWNZ
Franziska Von Karma says you will listen to every word I say.

Hello everyone. We are a group of friends who like to do melee duels and we are looking for a server that reflects the way we play, rather than pvp zones etc.. Currently we have a VG on Freedom and organizing tournaments and arenas. But we are little, also because people here love RV. RV has become boring, too many gangs, too many spammers trying the drop at all costs. Anyone with information on a good server full of clubbers or want to join us on Freedom (Ask to FENOMENO AND TITAN MAN) is welcome. Thanks