99 -
Frankly ... They wasted a lot of potential in TR.
After you play for a week you've seen all you need to see. -
Might I remind you that this game is played by people who make 20 foot tall nekkid women ???
Wonder what their custom content would be like ???
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Probably something better than the Positron taskforce...
[/ QUOTE ]
Something like a series of 20 missions, all in the same physical door, all in a warehouse, all just three rooms of +1 and +2 spawns ...
Quick, easy, fast mission completion bonuses ... Repeatable.
What's not to love ??? -
Might I remind you that this game is played by people who make 20 foot tall nekkid women ???
Wonder what their custom content would be like ??? -
Uh ... For those of you who are struggling about the intent of the OP ...
DUH !!!
[/ QUOTE ]
But... but... but you're Spud_Lover! We've come to expect irrational, extremist, and utterly absurd rants of impending doom. How are we to tell the difference?
(Kidding, of course- your posts are actually very rational, centrist, and only mildly absurd rants of impending "meh". )
Do smilies really help convey that this was a friendly jab and absolutely not serious in any way?
How about now?
[/ QUOTE ]
I actually USED to have a sense of humor ... I'm trying to refind it -
Uh ... For those of you who are struggling about the intent of the OP ...
DUH !!! -
Geek friends of mine used to have fun going to late-night restaurants and engaging in absolutely meaningless, but very animated gibberish conversations as they ate, just to watch the faces of the people who were listening in. It became a little game (they were actors) to keep the voice and tone totally serious while stringing together absolutely meaningless phrases- and responding appropriately.
Now they just post on gaming forums.
[/ QUOTE ]
This explains a lot. -
But seriously. Something as silly as "waah costumes dont drop" warrants a dev reply, but something that has entire now pointless systems developed around it has slid to the status of "Lock the official thread and hope no one notices"
I mean, seriously, If its gotten to this point, let us convert the 30000 metric tons of worthless base salvage to invention salvage since without a CoP, base raiding is pointless, so base defenses are pointless.
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I think CoP is working as intended ... It's subtle, but it's working perfectly.
I mean you're hurting about this aren't you ???
Feel the Pain -
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I'm so disappointed ... I thought for sure that contained a secret message regarding the silence of the devs ...
The Horror ... The Horror ...
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[/ QUOTE ]
I keep highlighting the nothingness -
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm so disappointed ... I thought for sure that contained a secret message regarding the silence of the devs ...
The Horror ... The Horror ...
Because you knew it was coming.
But nevertheless ... They are being pretty quiet about being pretty quiet.
Coincidence ??? I think not -
I haven't read the replies, so I don't know if I'm the first to ask this, but ... Why on test ???
Why would you have an "Event" on a disposable server ??? -
Forget the BS. WHen you PVP your blood pumps and it is FUN.
Try it sometime.
[/ QUOTE ]
Physical Exercise pumps your blood better ... Try it sometime. -
Ah, but are you aware of the essential difference?
Unlike you, the Devs have access to, and make their decisions upon, facts. Data obtained in a reasonably scientific manner by professionals.
Not the opinions of the tiny, tiny, TINY group of people who have the luck to know of this survey of yours, the time and interest to respond to it, and the self-delusion to believe that it matters in the slightest way.
But if this is what makes you happy, by all means, continue pleasuring yourself. I'm done and out.
[/ QUOTE ]
You're operating on a false premise.
First of all ... Forum posters are a decent representation of the playerbase. With the qualification that we are more opinionated/passionate about the game than the average player ...
But in all forum populations you will have an appropriate, comparable, sampling of the playerbase. Casual and power gamer, PvPers and PvEers, RPers and PLers, teaming freaks and soloists ... You'll have it all.
So polling a forum population is a good way to get a quick read of a playerbase ... Is it accurate 100% ??? No ... But it's good enough to get an idea.
Secondly ... The datamining the devs do doesn't show what you think it does. And what's more ... The devs are incapable of objectively interpreting the data.
They might be able to see what percentage of the playing population enters a PvP zone, but they have absolutely no information on WHY. Or if the experience was enjoyable.
So uh ... There's no harm in taking a poll ... And some new information might pop up.
Lighten up Frances™ -
OK. I've tallied up the numbers so far and we now have:
No = 51.8%
Yes = 38.1%
Maybe = 10.1%
It was interesting to see how people approached a genuine direct question. Some insist on having to complicate the issue, others just answer...the figures hold some interest...but I want to see how the numbers change with more answers...
[/ QUOTE ]
To be fair about it ... Your simplification lacked clarity.
Yes and No are obvious, but your Maybe was conditional and too restrictive to be the catch-all, gray area a non-absolute should have been.
I'm a Maybe ... But not by YOUR definition of it. At the same time I'm certainly not a yes and not a no.
I saw you take someone who said they were a maybe (based on the fact that they weren't a yes or no, but weren't your maybe necessarily) and explained a bit ... And toss them into the No category ... But they clearly stated they were a maybe in their mind.
I'm not saying your poll is bad, in fact I kinda like that you are trying to find out where the community stands on one of the most controversial (and emotional) parts of the game.
But don't be surprised about the inability of people to simplify their opinion to a one word answer, when your definitions for the one words, aren't all encompassing.
Maybe you should have made it ...
Yes is ... Yes I enjoy and do PvP in CoH/V.
No is ... No I don't PvP in CoH/V.
Other is ... Anything inbetween Yes and No for whatever reason or condition. The reason and condition is unimportant, that you aren't a Yes or No is.
That way you find the definite yeses and noes and better understand how big (or little) the gray area between is (or isn't).
The way I saw a lot of answers, people were forced into a yes or no, when they didn't really feel like a yes or no.
I find that in most things the absolutes are very rarely where the majority sit ... It's kinda like politics. Most people are neither ultra conservative, nor ultra liberal ... They sit somewhere (to varying degrees) inbetween.
The world really is one big gray shady area -
I'm an "Occasional" Maybe (when the mood strikes I'd dink around with it a bit, if it were better in this game, but I'd quicky tire of it and go back to PvE), not a "Regularly" maybe (as your options are too limited to describe my PvP tastes).
So uh ... Maybe, sort of ... Once in a while. -
I12 then? I predict the uproar over no new sets in I9 or 10 will be enough for them to push whatever else off to 12 and make 11 then new sets (or Villain EAT) Issue.
[/ QUOTE ]
Am I bad person for wanting both new sets and the villain khelds in I-10 or I-11?
[/ QUOTE ]
No ... I seriously doubt you have the ability to be a bad person.
Overly optimistic maybe -
I12 then? I predict the uproar over no new sets in I9 or 10 will be enough for them to push whatever else off to 12 and make 11 then new sets (or Villain EAT) Issue.
[/ QUOTE ]
This isn't going to sound (read) right, and I don't mean it this way but ...
Get over the villain EATs ... They're most likely (not for sure, but most likely), never going to be done. Posi said that they simply are more work than they're worth, and have been pushed each issue since I4. -
I didn't see anyone say there wouldn't be any new powersets, just ATs...
[/ QUOTE ]
Very little or none ...
Posi said they were dinking around with a couple ... Pistol Corruptors in particular.
But he also said that new powersets are a lot of work that don't hit a large target audience. He also said that list on the white board had been all but scrapped.
Combined with the constant pushing of villain EATs since I4 comment ... I extrapolated.
We may get the Pistol Corruptors (and presumeably the hero side counterpart for Defenders or Blasters or both), maybe I10 or I11, but I wouldn't be expecting much else anytime soon.
My guess is that from here on out it'll be additions to the invention system ... Now that they have the mechanic in game they can add recipes and salvage without really having to code much ... And zone revamping.
I wouldn't be looking for much in the way of all new from the ground up till MUO. -
nice big article that doesn't tell us anything except this:
Issue 10 will focus on a level range that you guys have been clamoring about for a while.
[/ QUOTE ] and even that doesn't really tell us anything.
[/ QUOTE ]
35 to 40 (particularly 38 to 40)
It's the only range of levels in the game you completely run out of missions and are forced to grind out a zillion experience.
Scanners helped (they got me over the hump), but that's not "content".
People have been screaming about that range for over two years now.
They'll likely add content to a range larger than just 35 to 40 (my guess would be 35 to 45), but I'd bet the farm on that range (35 to 40) being included.
As for the rest.
How can anyone be surprised that there would be no new ATs (Villain EATs specifically), or powersets or any of that sort of stuff ???
They as much said there'll be very little or none of that from here on out.
Such short memories. -
When you base an event on two different player bases, you sort of need them to be relatively equal.
[/ QUOTE ]
But that would require planning, forethought, and the general recognition that the game demographics isn't the same as it was a year ago ... Or at least some sort of effort to determine what all was on the servers.
It's so much easier to just slap the same event onto the server year after year (and only a few weeks after the last event with the same boss people just spent weeks pounding on) and declare it ... Fun™
The two biggest reasons I didn't bother with the event were:
1) Snaptooth is worn out (we were running him just a few weeks ago for the Winter Event) and during that even I ended up wasting a ton of time doing Snaptooth missions, because the devs took away the temporary power rewards from all the heroes I bothered getting them for ... Including several I made specifically to get the temporary powers. After it being live for over a month with NO WORD from the devs that there was an issue with the way those powers were working in game ...
2) Any event which forces you to team for any reason, takes the player's control of their fun away from them. I did waste an hour in Pocket D early on in the event (which for my play schedule is an entire play session), and was not able to get a team as most people were running the missions with their mains and I was wanting to run it with a lowbie alt ... Which in turn motivated me to ... NOT waste my time again. -
Man, I've wanted robotic legs like that for a long time. Also the ability to have just one robotic leg.
[/ QUOTE ]
A Robot Pirate ???
Kin-Keeeeey -
Oh man...let me see...
I've played:
- Meridian59
- Ultima Online
- Asheron's Call
- EverQuest
- Dark Age of Camelot
- Star Wars Galaxies
- City of Heroes / Villains (!)
- EverQuest 2
- Earth and Beyond
- Anarchy Online
- Guild Wars
- Disney's Toontown Online
- World of Warcraft
So I've played a few, both beta and live.
[/ QUOTE ]
Woha. So far War Witch is the only Dev who actually play CoH/V!
That explains so much...
(I kid! I kid! Don't hurt me again!)
[/ QUOTE ]
The other Devs probably can't tolerate CoH/CoV crashing as much as it does, that's why. :-b
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Oooh ... ZING -
<throws a potato in the thread so Spud_Lover can engage in some (fanboi? potatoboi? fanpotatboi?) fun too>
I think my first MMO was Microsoft Hearts.
[/ QUOTE ]
heh ... It's not that kind of thing -
I'm going to say this once, and I'm going to say it as nicely as I can.
Chill out.
This isn't off topic - nor is it quite on topic - it's an inbetweener (as are many of our topics). Our devs are, quite obviously, CoH-related - on the other hand, other MMOs aren't.
However; you may have noticed the following things:
A) General is under the "For Fun" heading.
B) There is a very specific Technical Issues forum.
C) This was a fun thread - in fact it still can be.
D) Finally - Yes, it is in fact only OK to jack certain threads. If you jack a whiny "i'm leaving *insert randomness here*" thread to make something fun out of it - then more power to you. If you jack a fun thread like this so you can start griping about something that can be griped about in a more effective place - that's bad.
There's more to it than all that, but I'll sum it up real simple like:
This section of the boards is intended to be at least to some degree /fun/ - rather than for major, serious, heavy duty discussions. It doesn't always stay fun - but for the love of all that is semi-holy when you see people getting along and having a *gasp* GOOD TIME - don't rain on their parade because you just have to be Mr. Black Raincloud, ok?
As for your problem - I haven't crashed more than 5 times since CoV came out. I'm not kidding you. The thing that made the difference for me? New memory. I don't know why, but ever since I haven't crashed hardly at all in CoH. Mapserving too is really low except on rare occassions. So it may not hurt to check your own end as well.
Now then...
Back to our regularly scheduled fun things.
[/ QUOTE ]
I thought so too ... I LIKE OT posting and have engaged in it many times myself ... But ... I've been mod'd quite a few times lately, for being off the "City of Heroes" Topic.
Just thought that since the guy who deleted my threads and other posts, for being not related to City of Heroes, had posted in this off-topic thread ... Well ... I bet you can guess the rest of that.
And as for thread-jacking ... It would be easier to count the threads that do not get jacked, than the ones that do ... It's not limited to "I'm Leaving" threads, it's more or less all threads. So people asking that this thread not get jacked, when every other thread is ... Riiiiight. I just wanted to point out to them that all threads get jacked around here.
As for chilling out ???
I actually like cake ... Pie sucks, except for Chocolate Pie.
Chocolate Pie > Cake > Pie
Oh and
Cold Pizza > Hot Pizza
Just thought I'd take this opportunity to remind people that just telling people to stop whining cause their problems aren't real, when there is no more real problem than NOT being able to play the game we all love the most (speaking of on-topic) ... And to stop thread-jacking OT threads ... Is hypocritical.
I just have a really minor problem with Double Standards ... They never seem to get applied evenly.