Top Issues 8.10




You forgot "No teleport surface detection beyond 100 yards getting teleporters killed because they can't get a valid teleport reticule in time to stop from falling to their doom."

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If you look elsewhere, Positron may have discovered / realised why that is happening.

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Ya, he said that about a month ago...and no fix is on Test yet even...I'd still call it a major issue, particularly with Team teleport, since it can get entire TEAMS killed, not just the teleporter.

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Well, no. He said that today, actually.

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



Thanks for the update Posi! So it looks like that the top issues is going to be a regular update now?

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Oh, I hope so! Thanks, Positron!



* Ability to drop missions. Coming soon!(TM) I know this will make a lot of players happy that they don't need to contact Customer Service just to continue thier story arcs.

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Thanks for the info!!!



Most didnt affect me much but glad to hear of things coming.

Though why 8.10? O-o Is this stuff coming after Issue 8 is out?

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8.10 is today's date. These our the top issues as of today.

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8/10 would've made it more obvious

This space is intentionally left blank.



Just adding my name to the list of those concerned with lag/FPS/memory leak/long zoning time issues. It really takes a lot of the fun out of the game when your toon keeps freezing/rubberbanding when all you're doing is superjumping or even flying to your next mish ...

Performance has taken a major hit in the last couple of issues. Let's give it a hug and some warm cocoa.

It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.
-- Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World



Thanks for the update Posi!

-Dr. Rob




* Ability to drop missions. Coming soon!(TM) I know this will make a lot of players happy that they don't need to contact Customer Service just to continue thier story arcs.

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This one actually scares me the means that there are so many bugged missions, it would be more efficient to make a way to drop a mission than fix em (I hope not....ouch! Thatza lotta bugs!)

The Optimist says the glass is half full.
The Pessimist says the glass is half empty.
While they argue about it, the Opportunist comes along, drinks what's left, and removes all doubt. - Redwood

Alvays remember, schmot guy...any plan vere you lose you a BAD PLAN!




* Ability to drop missions. Coming soon!(TM) I know this will make a lot of players happy that they don't need to contact Customer Service just to continue thier story arcs.

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This one actually scares me the means that there are so many bugged missions, it would be more efficient to make a way to drop a mission than fix em (I hope not....ouch! Thatza lotta bugs!)

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Or, it could be that it's a feature that players have been requesting for awhile.




* Ability to drop missions. Coming soon!(TM) I know this will make a lot of players happy that they don't need to contact Customer Service just to continue thier story arcs.

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This one actually scares me the means that there are so many bugged missions, it would be more efficient to make a way to drop a mission than fix em (I hope not....ouch! Thatza lotta bugs!)

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Or, it could be that it's a feature that players have been requesting for awhile.

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Or it could be an attempt to discourage players from using the (rumored) recently outsourced by NCSoft CS staff. The quality of my last three encounters with the GM's has really left me shaking my head. If this had been announced a year ago, I wouldn't be anywhere near as cynical.

"Can play" is not a binary. It's a float.
There are some pretty low values of "can play" out there.

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off




* Ability to drop missions. Coming soon!(TM) I know this will make a lot of players happy that they don't need to contact Customer Service just to continue thier story arcs.

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Love the game, but good choice here.



This game doesn't have very many bugs. Really. Go play Galaxies for a couple of days and then come back and tell me this game has a lot of bugs.

Customer Support staff should come from the player base. CS's should be people with hundreds of hours logged in the game they're supporting. You could probably hire players fairly cheaply, too.

The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!
WARNING: I bold names.



I have faith in you folks to fix these issues, but please be more straight-forward with us players. Don't try to hide things.

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Saying that Cryptic is intentionally trying to hide their bugs is just plain silly. With as honest as Statesman, Positron, and the others are in admitting when they goof up, claiming some kind of conspiracy rather than simple human error is counter productive.



Whats happening with the PPP Respec?

Dropping missions. Are the people begging to do that also the people who complain there is not enough end game content? Or "they ran out of stuff to do"....

I wish yall would fix it so I could finish contacts.. just gimme no exp. I hate when my contact bar is in the middle and the stupid person wont give me anymore missions. If I outleveled them fine, keep the exp. But I would like to be able to finish the content.



* Debt in PvP Zones. Currently we "Pro-Rate" debt depending on how much damage you took from NPCs vs. PCs. When this is fixed we will zero out any debt if the killing blow comes from PCs, and Pro-Rate debt if the killing blow comes from NPCs.

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I would like to ask, again, if you could use this same tech to give due credit for defeats in PvP. If you can track what damage came from where for the application of debt, then I can't see it being a huge leap to use the same tech to figure out which players contributed to a players defeat and give them a share of the reward. As it is now, certain ATs and Sets easily, but not always intentionally, kill steal while others labor hard to get an enemy into position to get defeated only to loose out at the last second.

Dominators don't need mitigation from their secondaries. Even if they did, there's ice (slows), psi (-recharge), and fire and elec (death).
-Talen_Lee commenting on Energy Assault's Utility



and since i am in an asking mode... how about a hosp in hollows. god knows that that is the ONE place that needs it the most. travel is dangerous enough for we really have to make them run from atlas on every death?

there has to be a way to make hollows less annoying than it already is... unless there are more mish in atlas from levels 1-14 and up hollows entry to 14 at travel (or travel at 10)

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NO hospital in the hollows. Unless its REALLY close to the AP exit. Like...right next to it.

Whenever I ding in the hollows (before level 10) I almost always take the AP hospital express to see Ms. Liberty.

Of course, knowing posi's sense of humor...the hospital would be in a back corner of the hollows....

Proud member of the Cole-a-lition.
Fighting to make every reality, a better reality.



at first i thought 'dropping missions? who'd want to drop missions? theres so little content in this game to begin with.'

then i realized: 'i could start dropping those silly hunt # skulls/vahz/clockwork/rikti/etc missions. and get back to doing real content without having to zone 5 times in CoH. '




Customer Support staff should come from the player base. CS's should be people with hundreds of hours logged in the game they're supporting. You could probably hire players fairly cheaply, too.

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I agree with your reasoning (that CS should actually have some idea what they're talking about), but using players for GMs has been shown time and again to be a bad idea. The corrupting influence of power and all that...

Saying that Cryptic is intentionally trying to hide their bugs is just plain silly. With as honest as Statesman, Positron, and the others are in admitting when they goof up, claiming some kind of conspiracy rather than simple human error is counter productive.

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Actually, it's not silly at all. Statesman had acted as the figurehead, driving force and central inspiration for this game for some time when he tried to tell us, "Oh--well, when I said 'No more major changes to powers' I wasn't thinking about enhancements. Those are a totally different system." It is, in fact, my great respect for his intelligence and skill that makes me unwilling and unable to believe that he could actually say anything so stupid and actually mean it.

While I haven't been following the Hami-O issue, I think that ruling out the idea that they weren't as open as they might have been simply because you don't think they would do that is jumping the gun. And, if a company is interested in customer retention, the most counter-productive behavior is to not tell the truth.

That said, I think that Posi, States and the rest have been more direct, honest and truthful than any other dev team I have ever seen. I have great respect for them, for their skill, ambition and achievements. But to claim that they have never stretched the truth or tried to hand off a white lie as the truth is a little silly.




I wish yall would fix it so I could finish contacts.. just gimme no exp. I hate when my contact bar is in the middle and the stupid person wont give me anymore missions. If I outleveled them fine, keep the exp. But I would like to be able to finish the content.

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The last time someone asked for this we got the current hero side "you must finish all story arcs of all contacts you ever talked to" problem so that you end up being FORCED rather than ALLOWED to complete a bunch of outleveled content.

I hate doing outleveled content. I'm not a completist. Please don't make this problem worse A way to view a list of currently open Story Arcs + drop ones you no longer want to do (they should be re-offered if they are not yet outleveled, in case you do this by accident) would be above dropping missions in my list.



For the love of whatever.....fix the trams. Seriously...make that #1.

Oh, and if you could make ALL trams like King's Row's....I'll send you guys cookies.

I've already forgotten about most of you



* Ability to drop missions. Coming soon!(TM) I know this will make a lot of players happy that they don't need to contact Customer Service just to continue thier story arcs.

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Never getting the Statesman's Pal badge (due to being stuck with the Tyrant mission): priceless.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Hey Myrm, this will make it easier to get our PL missions from contacts!. Now we wont have to clear all those dreadfull kill alls, to get a good farmable mish. w00t!



Teleport reticle and Patron-granted Respecs are two I should have mentioned, but since our guys have already fixed those internally here, they fell off my list. Sorry.

As for players who think they will just be albe to drop every mission they get to PL off a contact... think again; we're crazy. Not that crazy.

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Dropping missions is gonna be great! lol I still have the Snap tooth mission that i never bothered to finish...




Teleport reticle and Patron-granted Respecs are two I should have mentioned, but since our guys have already fixed those internally here, they fell off my list. Sorry.

As for players who think they will just be albe to drop every mission they get to PL off a contact... think again; we're crazy. Not that crazy.

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devs are too smart for us



The simplest way I'd see a drop mission system working is that it would just clear the mission from your mission list. The mission isn't completed and it would still be available from your contact, but it means that if you do have a bugged mission you can drop it and get one you can actually finish.

Otherwise, as people have said, I can see it screwing up a lot of content. SFs / TFs would be done in 15 minutes as every mission but the last one gets dropped...

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Im sure this change will be safeguarded for TF/SF missions. And as for the 30 fir bolg mission. Any chance in making it somewhat more possible?

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