Top Issues 8.10




Teleport reticle and Patron-granted Respecs are two I should have mentioned, but since our guys have already fixed those internally here, they fell off my list. Sorry.

As for players who think they will just be albe to drop every mission they get to PL off a contact... think again; we're crazy. Not that crazy.

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For the TP one--any ballpark ETA? Please? Pwetty please? I love my sonic/sonic SO much but the TP bug drives me bonkers...



I can't remember who said it but I thought that the current medium graphic settings is what used to be high. So you're really not downgraded on your graphic options, just the ceiling is now much highter.

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Mmm...that'd be interesting to know if it's true or not.

Even if it isn't totally true...I can make myself believe it is and therefore be a little bit happier Thanks

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The graphics improvements are in the release notes for Issue 7. Not sure where the detail description went to as far as high now being medium, but read the Issue 7 Release Notes (graphics). This basically comes down to increased mipmaps for the graphics and some other processing changes.




When are heroes going to get Newspaper-type missions? Also, what happned to the skill system? Did you just totally give up on that?

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During the w00t Radio Interview, POsi said that the invention (i.e. skills) system has been delayed to a later release. They have sections complete already but will be rolling the entire thing out as a seperate issue. Lots of cool things in the interview and I highly suggest giving it a listen, or just read the highlights .




" In terms of balance, is there an equivalent power set available to the heroes in CoH, or is this a villainous advantage?

Matt Miller: The Patron Powers are stronger and more powerful than the “equivalent” powers in City of Heroes (the Ancillary Power Pools), because there is less diversification and the fact that Patron choices are permanent alterations to your character."

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How about PPPs that are even as good as APPs, let alone "stronger and more powerful"? I cannot believe how Positron can make that statement. Show me the PPP that is as good as Temp Invulnerability, PFF, Focused Accuracy, or Force of Nature, let alone better.



I would like to second the brute pvp fury issue. At the very least a status update would be helpful.



" In terms of balance, is there an equivalent power set available to the heroes in CoH, or is this a villainous advantage?

Matt Miller: The Patron Powers are stronger and more powerful than the “equivalent” powers in City of Heroes (the Ancillary Power Pools), because there is less diversification and the fact that Patron choices are permanent alterations to your character."

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How about PPPs that are even as good as APPs, let alone "stronger and more powerful"? I cannot believe how Positron can make that statement. Show me the PPP that is as good as Temp Invulnerability, PFF, Focused Accuracy, or Force of Nature, let alone better.

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I love you, but you forgot conserve power, Hibernate, telekinesis, mind over body, list could go on and on. The PPP are soooooo poor, lvl 47 power is a super squishy pet you get only 16 mins in 1 hour? All MM's get is a hold which most already have in there secondary? All scrapper and Tankers can get FAcc. Hero epic > Villains PPP, by far.



Perfect example from another thread-

Tank Fire mastery fireball- "Does a hell lot more damage than ANY of the brute PPP AoE attacks."

So, it is painfully obvious that the villain PPP powers are *not* more poweful than hero APPS. It'd be nice if Positron could explain what he meant by his statment.



Wouldn't the ability to drop missions make it easy for people to skip the ones they don't want? Maybe only make them droppable if the mobs in them are grey?



It'd be nice if Positron could explain what he meant by his statment.

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Don't hold your breath.

It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.
-- Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World



Wouldn't the ability to drop missions make it easy for people to skip the ones they don't want?

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Why would this be considered a negative?



Wouldn't the ability to drop missions make it easy for people to skip the ones they don't want?

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Why would this be considered a negative?

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Exactly. I got a "Hunt 20 Archanoids" mission in Grandville last night. I hate hunt missions. I ended up dying during the course of it so got double the debt from what I would have on an indoor mission.

As soon as they add that feature I will skip every single hunt mission.




As soon as they add that feature I will skip every single hunt mission.

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I know one type of mission I'll definitly drop: "Go see representative for PVP Zone X"...

Don't you just hate when you have to go from deepest Brickstown or Founder's Fall to Kings Row and back, just so that you can be given a lecture about a feature in the game you know about since forever, while your team is badgering you all the way with "Lets get on with a real mission! Aren't you done yet?" etc...



* Ability to drop missions. Coming soon!(TM) I know this will make a lot of players happy that they don't need to contact Customer Service just to continue thier story arcs

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...provided that it doesn't lead to a drop in your commitment to fixing bugs in individual missions.

Don't get me wrong. It will definitely be good to know a mission can be dropped if we can't complete it, but at the same time we do want to complete those missions too.

Many missions, especially the ones prone to being bugged, have something special inside them that makes them more important to players than a standard one. People will invariably get more upset over not being able to do the 30 Fir Bolg mission, for example, or the last mission of a story arc than a regular "Defeat X and his minions" one. Being able to drop the mission is less desirable than being able to complete it.

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/signed, DeathBee. I'd rather finish a mission than chuck it, given the chance.

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse:



* Ability to drop missions. Coming soon!(TM)

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Man, Issue 13 is gonna be AWESOME!

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Thanks, Righter!

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse:




As soon as they add that feature I will skip every single hunt mission.

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I know one type of mission I'll definitly drop: "Go see representative for PVP Zone X"...

Don't you just hate when you have to go from deepest Brickstown or Founder's Fall to Kings Row and back, just so that you can be given a lecture about a feature in the game you know about since forever, while your team is badgering you all the way with "Lets get on with a real mission! Aren't you done yet?" etc...

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Fixed since having base teleporters go to all zones.

Be well, people of CoH.




As soon as they add that feature I will skip every single hunt mission.

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I know one type of mission I'll definitly drop: "Go see representative for PVP Zone X"...

Don't you just hate when you have to go from deepest Brickstown or Founder's Fall to Kings Row and back, just so that you can be given a lecture about a feature in the game you know about since forever, while your team is badgering you all the way with "Lets get on with a real mission! Aren't you done yet?" etc...

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Fixed if you have:

- City of Villains
- a supergroup
- a supergroup base
- enough teleporters and beacons to cover this situation

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It'd be nice if Positron could explain what he meant by his statment.

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Don't hold your breath.

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LOL Vio, I love you.

Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company. Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me. ~ PsyFox



I'm betting that if it isn't an instant mission, in which case it's hard to say it's bugged or incompletable, you won't be able to drop it. Therefore you'd still be stuck with the "report to" missions and the hunts.



* Ability to drop missions. Coming soon!(TM) I know this will make a lot of players happy that they don't need to contact Customer Service just to continue thier story arcs.

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50Soulsunder: DM/Regen Scrapper
50Limitshift: EM/WP Brute
Victoria Nox: Dark/Dark Dominator
And about 5 others that change constantly...



* Debt in PvP Zones. Currently we "Pro-Rate" debt depending on how much damage you took from NPCs vs. PCs. When this is fixed we will zero out any debt if the killing blow comes from PCs, and Pro-Rate debt if the killing blow comes from NPCs.

* Salvage disappearing from storage objects. If you click too fast, some salvage may get lost in the transaction when pulling from a Storage Object. This is a high priority bug to fix.

* Back Alley Brawler gives debt in Recluse's Victory. Yeah, he was not set up as "debt free". Sorry.

* Ability to drop missions. Coming soon!(TM) I know this will make a lot of players happy that they don't need to contact Customer Service just to continue thier story arcs.

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Are these still the top 4 issues? Think we can get an a Top Issues 8.26 thread?



I would like to see the ability to go back and complete missions for old contacts even if i will not get xp for them it bugs me that most of my contacts have NEVER givin me a mission because i out leveled them. Besides it is fun to just run through and destroy everything in your path because there is no threat of anything killing you



Just curious, maybe a high up can help out here... Whatever happend to the plans of making new powers for some of the heroes? I'm glad that sonics and archery came down the pipes, but shields for tanks and spears for scrappers were proposed way back around Issue 1 or 2. So, surely you've made some progress on those designs almost 7 issues later... right?

I was thinking... and then I realized that wasn't exactly the smartest thing for me to be doing.



A Redname mentioned in passing that several new sets were coming for a later issue (I think it was in the paid expansion, so 10 or 11). They said about 1-2 new primaries/secondaries for each.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Clean up user experience issues:
-Contact enumeration performance is insanly slow.
-Allow user to sort contacts based on available missions. This could also assist the first part.
-Show bind keys in tool tip help for a power. so if you use binds and leave an alt you don't have to come back and not know what your key setup is.
- Allow players to have a universal setup for keys, video, sound, and even costume pieces. Since this game is great and being able to quickly setup an alt having to reset every single piece of UI, keybinds, default prefrences and basic toon costumes would be great.
- Fix HEROES: COV showed what you learned about setting up story lines and zones. Fix the HERO side of the world for the same. Contacts that done send you on zone runs just to come back. in COV you keep things nice and clean and there is not a lot of run around in early zoning. Add newspapers. Update the zones to be more active. add story arcs from the very start. Add a more fantastic villian group then skulls and hellions. Provide unlockable contacts based on achievements like you have in COV. Hero side Mayhem missions. Remove security Zones completly; in villians i can play with friends regardless of my level with Side Kicking in heroes, nope if you in a security zone can't go. These will help raise the HERO game play compared to COV.
- stop making me guess what my power/effect does based on slots. Show me all the numbers based on a white minion. Stop hiding the details of the game from me. I want to know the damage I want to know the percentage debuff i want to know the defense increase. Not the percentage of the power; i want numbers. Every enemy has some special ability that would change those numbers, so what the number are needed so I know if I throw in a debuff vs an end redux I know the result at time of switch on a baseline im not guessing; hmmm that was a 10% end redux, of an unknown end cost.
- WE CAN DO THIS!!!! Whoot: Provide a bind to inspirations. for example let me bind F1 to heal inspirations. if there are heal inspirations in my tray when i hit it they get used. If there are not I bonk.
- Provide a means to manage SG's outside of people being logged in.

New Features
- Still find bases absolutly pointless. Primarily because our group is small 4-6 players and we just don't see any add to the game with them. We were looking forward to it but way disappointed. this was even more so when basically all our level 50's would have to re-level to gain the prestige to start a base.
- let one of lvl 50 hero/villian be my nemesis. AV fights, shows up to defeate me in missions, random hunts where he may appear in my missions and seek to defeat me.
- Fix Teleport. Time to port waaaay to long. unable to port around corners like the enemy can. I don't view teleport as a movement power, ie long distance. Need a port TO friend. Not a port friend. need a combat oriented teleport not a long distance port. as it is I find the power only usefull for PVP and for that it feels cheap.
- Fix flight. I am always amazed at some of the design decisions that seem absolutly wrong. Super heroes, faster then a speeding bullet, jets. Our flight is like flight of the bummble bee, slow and ponderous. Remove the stupid ED restriction for movement powers period. If I want to sink 6 slots into flying faster and it has no other effect then why/what is soo damaging to the game to make that happen.
- END use in my opinion is still broken. Adding a lot of end redux to toggles just does not have the massive effect as stamina. it is still toooo required. Make end redux more powerful or something but it is sad that most players still choose fitness as a must have.
- Make the secondary power pools more usefull and add more powers to the pool.
- Sorry but I do not like the alien squids added to COH. Can we get new AT's across the board for shape shifting.
- Skills, tinkering or what else you call it you need to add a means in which players can do more with thier toons.
- PVP make instance style PVP objective based games: assault, dominion, king of the hill, capture the flag, etc.



- Provide a bind to inspirations. for example let me bind F1 to heal inspirations. if there are heal inspirations in my tray when i hit it they get used. If there are not I bonk.

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The ability to do that alredy exists. Ths following bind will use healing inspirations from your tray from smallest to largest. Replace <KEY> with the name of the key that you would like to use.

/bind <KEY> "inspexecname Resurgence$$inspexecname Dramatic Improvement$$inspexecname Respite"

This can also be done for other types of inspirations by using substituting the appropriate names.