Top Issues 8.10




Patron-granted Respecs are two I should have mentioned, but since our guys have already fixed those internally here, they fell off my list. Sorry.

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The last Email that was sent about the PPP Respec:

Thank you for the update. It appears the fix for that issue we were provided is not working correctly, which resulted in your characters not recieving a Ptaron Respec when we attempted to grant one to the character. Unfortunatly, until the developement team determines what caused the character to not recieve the respec the support team is unable to assist with this matter. We are going to set this ticket to an "In Progress" status so that it remains open while the issue is being investigated.

We apologize for the inconvience and the delay in resolving this issue. Please contact us if you have any further questions or concerns.

Soooooooo, Does this mean? We might get our PPP Respec sometime soon? Do you have an ETA for this fix?



As for players who think they will just be albe to drop every mission they get to PL off a contact... think again; we're crazy. Not that crazy.

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Good to see this on the top list (and good to see the list as a recurring topic) but Posi, you could prevent a lot of confusion and anxiety by explaining what will be the actual mechanics of mission-dropping.

I mainly want that feature for my characters who out-level an old story arc, so that I won't have to spend an hour or so running around doing ancient missions for no xp. I assume (?) it will work for that scenario. And you've asserted that it won't let people skip across TFs, which is good. But how [u]will[u] it work for the general case? You lose nothing by explaining, and someone might even notice an exploitable flaw in the logic that could thus be prevented.

Take five minutes to type it up. It'll be good for everyone.

And fix the trains. Please. Hope to see that on the list soon. As non-destructive QoL bugs go, it's really annoying.

Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



the key to the fir mission is not have a full 8 team...peeps dont realize..sometimes a smaller team is best, this applies to TF and other missions as well =P



Dropping missions is gonna be great! lol I still have the Snap tooth mission that i never bothered to finish...


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You know you could simply fail that mission on purpose, right? Simply enter the mission, and wait for the timer to run out, or for Snaptooth to destroy the portal, whichever comes first. The mission fails and you exit, and return to DJ Zero. Just don't take any more missions from him, and you're done.

At least, that's what I did.



Teleport reticle and Patron-granted Respecs are two I should have mentioned, but since our guys have already fixed those internally here, they fell off my list. Sorry.

As for players who think they will just be albe to drop every mission they get to PL off a contact... think again; we're crazy. Not that crazy.

[/ QUOTE ] What about thos dreaded go see this person and find outwhat they do.

those kind of mission suck for player that know what they do and dont ever use them that kind of info need to be and the nearest sighero that you level at. i can see people dropping wincot and go see hero corps anylist and security cheif mission.

"Never attempt to balance mechanics through Role Playing."





I currently have a AMD Athlon 64 3500+ with 2 gigs of ram and a 7600GT graphics card and I have never had that much problems with lag. Sure, if I go into Atlas when it's really crowded, or in a Hami raid or something, I notice lag. But I am repeatedly seeing posts with people griping about lag on midsize to fullsize teams.

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I have a slightly less beefy setup, and I don't have noticable graphics lag either... on large HERO teams.

In the Rogue Isles? Well, crazy nuts lag is on the list of reasons I don't log in my villains much.




Just started playing my heroes a bit more after playing Villains so much since release. Nice to be back on the good side, but still no store in Kings Row??? Not even one???



Will we be able to do this? Can you give an example of what WONT work? I'm not sure what the PL angle is from a mission perspective, I'm hoping a "some ruin it for the rest" thing wont prevent me from just being able to drop any mission and get a different one or a different contact.

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Actually, UnicyclePeon, there is an easy fix to the whole PL problem that we have had several threads about. Just have everyone in a team lower than the active mission level SK'd directly to it (just like a PvP zone SK). Then, adjust the XP rate accordingly. Problem solved (if the tech can handle it).

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Pling is no longer a "problem". There arent 800 ppl spamming the channels. The Plers do their thing, the non Plers do theres.

Oh, and you're system would make the normal lvl grind...a [censored]. Nobody would enjoy that.



Teleport reticle and Patron-granted Respecs are two I should have mentioned, but since our guys have already fixed those internally here, they fell off my list. Sorry.

As for players who think they will just be albe to drop every mission they get to PL off a contact... think again; we're crazy. Not that crazy.

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If it is not too soon can you at least tell us how this will work. I know the concern would be to drop missions just to get the story arc bonus at the end but that could just be prorated based on the missions we actually finished. I hope that there wont be too many limitations on this. There are times when contacts give awful missions back to back like the dreaded hunt the cot mission in perez park followed up by a hunt in boomtown.

Also I wanted to know will there ever be anything done for making contacts give out the phone number asap. I know this has been tweaked once before but honestly other than just being a huge waste of our time there is no reason for the contact not to give us the cell phone number after we initially talk to them. There are a few contacts that dont ever give the phone number out no matter how many missions you do for them. Lastly for the contacts that send us to contacts in other zones I think there should be a higher xp reward for talking to these folks, most of the time it is not worth our time to even do missions in those zones.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



As for players who think they will just be albe to drop every mission they get to PL off a contact... think again; we're crazy. Not that crazy.

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Hoping at the very least it'll allow me to delete missions from contacts 5 levels or more below me, you know the fun ones that still are offered even though there are no open clues....

Nothing more fun than to go back and spend 15-30 minutes clearing out missions from an old contact, especially without a way to auto-exemp back to that level.



As for players who think they will just be albe to drop every mission they get to PL off a contact... think again; we're crazy. Not that crazy.

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I just would like to, when some contact thinks I'd like to wander to some forsaken place to talk to a Security Chef to hunt X, I can finally just accept it, delete it, no exp, and move onto a better mission.

Seriously. I can have 5 hungry contacts that want to send me to the same Chef. No PL desired; I'd just like to move on to the instanced stuff. Please.

Now if these guys gave cool minigame outdoor missions like the Warburg nukes or the Shivan shard, I'd never try to skip another one again...

President of the Arbiter Sands fan club. We will never forget.

An Etruscan Snood will nevermore be free



Not really game breaking, but it would be really nice to get a fix of the no lieutenants in solo missions bug. I keep hearing a fix is in the queue, but I'm very tired of minion-only missions. Also appears to be happening on 2-person teams, at least at the normal spawn size difficulties (heroic/rugged/invincible).



I'd say something...but I cana't take my eyes off your Avatar.....weeee!!!!



Will we be able to drop the "hunt 10 thorns in Perez" mission and the "go run talk to the Hollows guy/the PvP zone contact" missions?

Ie, is this for bugged missions only, or is a general QoL fix? I know that those missions in particular are really an enormous pain when I'm playing the early and mid-game hero side, and I'd much rather simply be rid of them.

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Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.

If the "drop mission" code doesn't allow me to skip these missions and ditch outleveled arcs in their entirety, it's all but useless to me.

And, note that I'm not asking to get a single point of XP for missions I drop in this manner. All I want is to (1) never do an "introductory" mission for a zone I've already street-swept two dozen times with my alts, and (2) never have to spend hours clearing out ancient arcs for every contact that I've ever done a single mission for.

(You think I'm exaggerating about that last point? Schadenfraulein on Virtue had to clear nineteen outleveled arcs before any of her current contacts would offer her one. At least six of those were from contacts for whom she had done only one mission previously.)

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This is not true. You can have as many story arcs open at once as you want now. I have had 3 open at once. You haven't had to finish one arc to get another for quite some time.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



Forgive me if this was already mentioned. I didn't see it.

Posi, any new news on fixing the Brute Fury bug issue in PvP? The last _Castle_ related post on this was on 4/4/06. LINK

4 months is quite a long time to be, as _Castle_ put it, "exploring possibilities" with no fix or Dev update.

This issue is still important to many of us.



* Debt in PvP Zones. Currently we "Pro-Rate" debt depending on how much damage you took from NPCs vs. PCs. When this is fixed we will zero out any debt if the killing blow comes from PCs, and Pro-Rate debt if the killing blow comes from NPCs.

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Posi, what about this situation:

Fought NPC and Players at a pillbox, managed to get away with a sliver of health, probably less than 50. . .very hard to tell which side was doing more damage. . .inspirations were used a couple of times. . .went back to base without dying. Healed to full. Came out of base and was two-shot by a Stalker. From zero debt to 40k. If my health was at full, why'd I get debt from the very first death immediately following?

Is there a time-issue we also need to worry about?



This is not true. You can have as many story arcs open at once as you want now. I have had 3 open at once. You haven't had to finish one arc to get another for quite some time.

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The "open arcs" thing is still somewhat of a pain in CoH. However, it IS a result of being unable to please everyone all the time. I prefer it this way, since the alternative is being cut off in mid-arc.




Teleport reticle and Patron-granted Respecs are two I should have mentioned, but since our guys have already fixed those internally here, they fell off my list. Sorry.

As for players who think they will just be albe to drop every mission they get to PL off a contact... think again; we're crazy. Not that crazy.

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Could someone really Power Level off of that? I mean, sure, you would get the story arc completion bonuses but if you add up all of the story arc completion reward experience for every single contact in the game would it even add up to half a bubble's worth of experience from 49 to 50?



Teleport reticle and Patron-granted Respecs are two I should have mentioned, but since our guys have already fixed those internally here, they fell off my list. Sorry.

As for players who think they will just be albe to drop every mission they get to PL off a contact... think again; we're crazy. Not that crazy.

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So, dropping a mish will not give you the completed exp. But if you drop a mission from a story arc, will the arc continue? Or will the entire thing be dropped?

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



and since i am in an asking mode... how about a hosp in hollows. god knows that that is the ONE place that needs it the most. travel is dangerous enough for we really have to make them run from atlas on every death?

there has to be a way to make hollows less annoying than it already is... unless there are more mish in atlas from levels 1-14 and up hollows entry to 14 at travel (or travel at 10)

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NO hospital in the hollows. Unless its REALLY close to the AP exit. Like...right next to it.

Whenever I ding in the hollows (before level 10) I almost always take the AP hospital express to see Ms. Liberty.

Of course, knowing posi's sense of humor...the hospital would be in a back corner of the hollows....

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My gut feel is that the Hollows won't get a hospital. Ever. Based on the current state of affairs, there isn't a hazard zone in the game that I'm aware of that has a hospital, and a "non-hazard" zone that doesn't have one. Admittedly, I've never had a toon make it way up to the end game, so that might break north of level 40.

However for all sub level 40 zones I think you'll find that to be the case. And since the Hollows is a hazard zone .....

Scrappers are just like chainsaws. Somewhat hard to handle, EXTREMELY dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane.
@Alissara - an Angry Angel
The Angry Angels. When it absolutely positively has to be spanked today.



When are heroes going to get Newspaper-type missions? Also, what happned to the skill system? Did you just totally give up on that?



Posi, what about this scenario with regard to mission-dropping:

My characters (not alone in this) actively seek Story Arcs over non-story mission series, using resources like nofuture to recognize the first mission in the arc. Often, when you first touch a new contact with the potential to offer an arc, they won't do so until you've performed a nuisance hunt, or something similar. Does the drop system mean that my Arc-seeking character can continually take and drop irrelevant missions from the new contact until I finally find the starter mission I'm seeking? The same question applies to certain important badge missions, like Spelunker.

Since I know you guys want for people to experience the "content" of missions, and for other reasons, I assume that won't (or shouldn't work). But what prevents it? Do you have to fail a mission before dropping it? Or out-level the contact who offered it? Or what? If I drop a mission from an old out-leveled arc, is there something in the system that says "don't offer any more missions from this arc," or do I have to keep continually dropping the old missions until the old arc is finally "finished"?

If the details aren't settled yet, then that's one thing. But I'm still really curious.

Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



Will we be able to do this? Can you give an example of what WONT work? I'm not sure what the PL angle is from a mission perspective, I'm hoping a "some ruin it for the rest" thing wont prevent me from just being able to drop any mission and get a different one or a different contact.

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Actually, UnicyclePeon, there is an easy fix to the whole PL problem that we have had several threads about. Just have everyone in a team lower than the active mission level SK'd directly to it (just like a PvP zone SK). Then, adjust the XP rate accordingly. Problem solved (if the tech can handle it).

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Pling is no longer a "problem". There arent 800 ppl spamming the channels. The Plers do their thing, the non Plers do theres.

Oh, and you're system would make the normal lvl grind...a [censored]. Nobody would enjoy that.

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Add in some double XP or some teammates.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



However for all sub level 40 zones I think you'll find that to be the case. And since the Hollows is a hazard zone .....

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The Rikti Crash Site now has a hospital.

Be well, people of CoH.



Teleport reticle and Patron-granted Respecs are two I should have mentioned, but since our guys have already fixed those internally here, they fell off my list. Sorry.

As for players who think they will just be albe to drop every mission they get to PL off a contact... think again; we're crazy. Not that crazy.

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Could that mean that when you drop a mish, you actually drop that entire contact and can't get it back? If so, fair enough for me.