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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by houtex View Post
    No it isn't.
  2. Thanks for the advice, Ukase: I'll definitely look into it.

    HP/HV: Peace. I reacted badly, and I regret it. I consider this all water under the bridge, and will move on. Thank you.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by High Voltz View Post
    From what I have been told pvp drop rate is based on a global number not just you....that can be completely false but either way it doesnt matter anyway.

    I like to kill AFK farms and it'll happen again but I am not going to send rezers to the hosp.
    Thanks, HV, I do appreciate it. As I said, you're more than welcome to use the rezbots yourself, if you like -- I leave them running on a second computer for just that purpose. I'd rather have them rezzing and benefiting some other player than standing around the hospital doing nothing.

    AFAIK, the drop rate is completely random: I am unaware of any dependency on zone population or activity. Everyone has exactly the same odds of getting a drop at any time, regardless of who is, or isn't, in the zone. However, I'll admit that I'm not certain about that, so I'd love to see some references that indicate that the PvP drop rate is anything but random.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
    I don't get it. If you go in a pvp area expect to die .... we should all expect to die and have the stones not to whine about it when it does.
    I'm not whining about being killed: I know that PvP zones aren't safe, so I'm not expecting safety nor immunity. As HV pointed out, I did switch characters and attempt to engage them in legitimate, honorable battle. But they schooled me -- as they should have: I'm no PvPer (I have little experience and no PvP gear of my own). But at least I tried to give them a good fight: I thought that might be enough entertainment for them, so they would move on.

    If I was "whining" about anything, it was about HP/HV's team /petitioning a GM, and their waiting there for almost 2 hours for the GM to arrive. While they were waiting, they were the ones whining about how they couldn't get at me, and how I was going to be banned for it, etc. Then when the GM arrived and ported me to the surface, they swarmed all over me like a pack of hyenas.

    They could've /petitioned me for exploiting and simply gone about their business to let the GM handle the situation. But they didn't: they sat and waited and gloated like stuck-up brats that report everything to teacher and then smirk with satisfaction at having one-upped the offender. It was all just so juvenile.

    I guess I expected more maturity from these veterans with whom I'd previously had no quarrel. Obviously, I misjudged them, and suffered the consequences. I know better now, and will adjust accordingly.

    As I've indicated earlier: I accept the risks, and am willing to accept the consequences. Is it too much to ask for or expect a little respect or honor? Perhaps I'm still being a naive...
  5. Ukase, you've just demonstrated one of the reasons I like you so much.

    I'll admit I'm really sore about what happened, but I'll get over it, eventually.

    And I'm not trying to go to war with HP or HV: I'm trying to get them to understand a different perspective. It seems to me that they just "don't get it": killing bots is a silly waste of time for everyone involved. It benefits no one, but hurts reputations (theirs and our server's).

    However, I do appreciate your efforts at peacemaking. I have been on PvE teams with both HP and HV, and didn't have any problem with them. That's why I was all the more dismayed by their behavior in Warburg -- they were like completely different people. Perhaps that's just the way it is with PvP: maybe it brings out the worst in people.

    I'm willing to bury this hatchet with HP and HV. What's done is done, and we can move on. Heck, even after all this, I didn't /gignore either of them. They're more than welcome to to look me up and chat with me, if they wish. And I won't avoid/quit any teams that we may happen to wind up sharing.

    Thank you, Ukase, for being the mature one here -- unlike me. :P
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by High Voltz View Post
    I know Rath you are just raging on here because you got tp'd out from under the map in Warburg and it's ok I think everyone understands. And I don't think anyone is proud of killing your afk farm I personally just find it F'n funny because we know someone will just come rage about it. (Case and Point)
    Yes, I am raging on here for those very reasons. I'm definitely upset by childish and senseless behavior like that. I'm glad that my anger amuses you, but I'm also disappointed by that, because it confirms my assertions.

    To be clear, let's start out with what I did wrong. I now know and understand that it was wrong of me to exploit a terrain bug to farm bots without risk. I wasn't previously aware that this was considered an "exploit" until after the GM explained it to me. The PvP zones are supposed to entail risk, to justify the rewards associated with those risks. Hiding my bots underground eliminated that risk, allowing me to earn rewards unethically. I have accepted this; consequently, I won't do it again. My bots will always be left in the open from now on, because that's the way it's supposed to work.

    Now that I've acknowledged and made clear how I was wrong, let's consider another perspective regarding your actions, and those of HP and the others.

    First and foremost, you guys like to hunt and kill unattended farm bots. Technically, there's nothing wrong with that. However, just because something is legally right doesn't make it ethically right. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean that you should do that thing.

    As we've already discussed, farmers have to accept the risk of their bots being killed in the PvP zone. However, because the bots are basically programmed to farm themselves, they pose zero risk to anyone else in the zone. So basically, they offer no risk to you, either. Even though it's legally right to kill farm bots, how is it ethically right to do so, when you know they cannot or will not retaliate?

    But that's just the rational bit. Let's get to the irrational bit that really bothers me. I hadn't intended to, but I sat and watched you guys try to get at my bots. You didn't go elsewhere in the zone to attack any other players: you were completely fixated on just my bots under the terrain. And when your efforts to get at them failed, you /petitioned a GM for help, and then waited for the GM to arrive after the better part of 2 hours.

    In other words, you tattled like a bunch of children. "Mommy! So-and-so is taking candy without permission! *waah!*"

    As I admitted, what I did was wrong, and I was reprimanded by the GM. But did you guys really have nothing better to do than snitch and wait for "justice" by the GM? You were ecstatic when the GM finally showed up and ported my bots to the surface. Then the 4 of you jumped right in and destroyed them -- they offered no resistance. Even when the rez bots came back up, you made sure to kill them again, to make sure they ended up in the hospital. Where was there any skill or honor in that?

    Even so, I'm still going to ask you a favor. I have no problem with you guys killing my burn bot if you find him in the zone. I accept that risk, and respect you enough to let you play the game the way you want to play it.

    But if you kill the rez bots, please let them rez and stay in place, instead of killing them twice to send them to the hospital. It's really annoying to have to move them from there afterwards.

    Heck, if you kill the burn bot and leave the rez bots, you can keep killing them every 5 minutes for the reputation/drops for yourself, if you like. I honestly don't care if you do that, because they were created for that purpose. I'll eventually return to take them back for myself: if so, we can then do battle with honor, if you like. I don't mind losing in a fair fight.

    The bottom line here is that you guys may complain about the players on Freedom being irritating, but to me, you guys are just as irritating.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Karmaa View Post
    As far as belittling another player because they attacked you in a pvp zone is well, silly.
    I am not belittling another player because they attacked me in a PvP zone. I was saying that HP might have other reasons/motives for giving up on Freedom. Perhaps he couldn't hack it there, so he's back here with his tail between his legs? I was just speculating on that possibility.

    I was also trying to suggest that perhaps Liberty might attract more players, or attract more players to PvP on Liberty, without bad apples that affect our reputation. It takes no skill nor honor to kill unattended bots, or to /petition a GM to get at unattended bots. Those who approve of, or even delight in, such behavior hurt all Liberty players, simply by association. Why even bother with Liberty, or try PvP, if you have to deal with childish crap like that?

    I played on Virtue for 7 years, and only recently migrated to Liberty a few months ago. I came to Liberty because of great people like Cinder Frost, Ukase Rex, Project Jade, Mystic Fortune, and many others. I found on Liberty a great little community of players that made CoH fun again.

    But players that do the childish, stupid, and down right mean things exemplified by HP, HV, and their pals ruin that community. I don't think there's anything wrong with calling them out for it, if it will help make things better for everyone else on Liberty.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heavenly Perverse View Post
    So, I have decided to stay on Liberty, because most of the plp on freedom just irritate me.
    Is it possible that the people on Freedom irritate you because you can't get away with the stuff you pull on Liberty? Maybe you can't hack it there, because Freedom has real PvPers playing on it, not just posers that kill bots (and are actually proud of this)? And I can't imagine any Freedom player wasting 2 hours waiting on a GM to respond to a /petition to tattle on the bots you can't reach.

    Perhaps you're not up to the challenge of facing other players or SGs that would crush you easily? I think you like being a big fish in a small pond.

    Every post in this thread concedes that Liberty has a small population, and this contributes to its lackluster teaming and events. I wonder if Liberty wouldn't be more appealing to more players if they didn't have to worry HP's shenanigans (and those of his ilk).

    It's a good thing that Liberty also has outstanding players like Ukase, who take the time and effort to learn, plan, lead, and complete events and Incarnate trials -- not only for their own benefit, but also for the benefit of others. It's players like these that make Liberty appealing to me and many others.
  9. I think the bottom-line here is SUPPRESSION, which has been suggested/requested before. I think that most players would be satisfied with the non-combat travel powers if they were to to SUPPRESS toggles, not disable them entirely.

    There are already powers in the game that function this way, so it shouldn't be all that hard to change these powers to suppress toggles or trigger "affect only self" status. No, I haven't seen the code, and no, I'm not a programmer for Paragon Studios (although I have written computer programs), so I cannot assert that with absolute certainty. However, given the obvious evidence of other existing game features and my own experiences in programming, I can infer that it might be relatively easy to accomplish using existing tech.

    Whether or not Paragon Studios wants to make such a change a priority is entirely up to them. It might indeed be fairly easy to do, but they simply don't think it merits diverting resources assigned to other higher-priority tasks. Like everyone else, we're all bound by time and resource constraints.

    So, the best we can do here is make the suggestion and hope for the best.
  10. The costume creator interface definitely needs some work. Alphabetical sorting would be a great first step, and additional categorization would be the next step. I think that doing just those two things would almost totally eliminate the need for searching, in most cases.
  11. Thanks, Stormbird: I just saw and /signed your thread about unlocking Cimerora, which is an even better idea. The story arc could be simplified or reworked to grant the Midnighter/Lost Savior Badges for those that are into that kind of thing.
  12. /signed

    Unlocking the zone is a good idea: the arc is tedious and offers nothing new to anyone who has done it once already. Cimerora is just another hazard zone, so it should function as such. The ITF can continue to have a level 35+ minimum requirement, just like any other TF with such requirements.

    RPers or those who want the badges can continue to run the arc, if they wish to do so.
  13. This suggestion is inspired by another thread I posted here, but it's not entirely the same (so it's not cross-posting).

    Basically, the new suggestion is to remove a bit of tedium of the Midnighter arc, at least for Heroes. Now that everyone must complete the entire arc to get access to the MC and Cimerora, the arc could use a little touch up to streamline it a little.

    1. Combine the "Investigate the Lost and Rikti's Involvement" and "Aid In Rescue Operation" missions. The maps are the same, the boss is the same: why do these have to be separate missions? Why can't we defeat Celine Dion, access the computers, AND rescure Argot Burgwot in the same mission, instead? Radio/Tip missions are no more complex than that already.

    2. Combine or sequence the "Talk to Azuria" and "Craft Lost Cure" missions, so that both can occur together in City Hall/Atlas Park. Either have Azuria craft the cure for us, or have her send us to another Contact or Mission Objective inside City Hall/AP to craft the Lost cure. That way, we don't have to zone to a University, RWZ, or an SG base with a crafting table, before we then have to zone again for the "Cure Lost" mission.

    Even though these two suggestions will require minor tweaking to eliminate/change the existing missions, they can also be accomplished easily with existing tech. Thanks!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    Some invention tables in DATA or SERAPH under City Hall would be appropriate, IMO.
    This, please. Thanks!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Your base is more convenient than a crafting table in AP because there are no Lost in AP. So, you *must* leave AP to cure the Lost. The question is: where is a convenient crafting table on the way to the Lost?

    Answer: Your base.

    TP to your base, craft, then use a telepad to Faultline and there are Lost within 100 yards of you.
    Not everyone has, or wants, an SG base with a crafting table and/or zone teleporters. Yes, I hear your gasps of shock and horror, but it's true, for some.

    I actually do have a small SG base with a crafting table that I keep for me and my alts. However, because it's a small SG, and I'm the only one in it, I don't have, or want to get, enough Prestige to add a Teleporter room and the Telepads. So using my SG base for crafting is actually a bit less convenient, because I have to zone IN from AP, and then zone OUT to AP again, before I can zone somewhere ELSE to actually cure the Lost. :P
  16. Or, if it would be all that terrible to have a crafting table in AP, here are some other alternatives:

    1. Have Azuria craft the cure for us, as part of the story. She's already there and involved in the arc anyway. If other NPCs can grant temporary powers, so can she.

    2. Change Craft Lost Cure mission to send us to another Contact in City Hall for assistance, like Rick Davies or Jonathan St. John Smythe. They craft the cure and give us the temp power, as suggested in item 1 above.

    3. Put a glowie/mission object that crafts the Lost cure temp power in the M.A.G.I., D.A.T.A., or S.E.R.A.P.H offices in City Hall. As I said above, that would be consistent with the aesthetic of the story arc and game universe/lore.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    There are no Lost in Atlas and there is no valid reason to add crafting tables to Atlas Park.
    "No valid reason", really? None at all? I already posted at least one valid reason in my OP: it would remove an unnecessary bit of tedium from the Midnighter arc (blue side). Today, a player must:

    1. Zone to AP to talk to Argot Burgwot and Azuria.
    2. Zone somewhere ELSE (PU, RWZ, or SG base) to craft the Lost cure power.
    3. Zone somewhere ELSE to actually cure the Lost.
    4. Zone to Steel Canyon to talk to the Latin Student.

    If there was a crafting table in Azuria's office (or anywhere else in AP), we save at least one zone map load step. That seems valid enough to me.

    I try to avoid zoning as much as possible, mostly because my computer is old and slow, but also because it's just no fun. It's no fun to be forced to zone for a FedEx mission like Craft Lost Cure. Don't we already have to zone enough for regular missions? I can't be the only one who hates zoning, especially for trivial tasks like Craft the Lost Cure.

    Ultimately, the valid reason is "convenience". CoH has lots of things that add convenience: Contact cellphones, the PTA, Base/Mission TP, Ouroboros, etc. And recently, the devs made Radio, Tip, and newer TF missions more convenient by keeping them more localized to the current zone, specifically to address the inconvenience of the almost constant zoning associated with the older story arcs (remember the agony of the original Positron?).

    If there's "no valid reason" for the convenience of a crafting table in AP, then maybe there's no valid reason for these other conveniences, either?

    I'm not asking for an "I Win" button. I'm merely asking for a tiny bit more convenience that can be easily accomplished with existing tech.
  18. Is there a crafting table anywhere in Atlas Park? It's really annoying that I have to zone to a base, RWZ, or one of the Universities in order to complete the "Craft Lost Cure" mission in the Midnighter arc.

    Is it too much to ask for a crafting table in Azuria's office at City Hall? To prevent it from being used/abused 24x7 by players for general crafting, perhaps it could be flagged as a "glowie" mission object for only that particular mission?

    Now that we all have to complete the entire arc for Midnighter access to Cimerora, this minor QoL change would be really nice for those of us with altaholism, like me. Thanks!

    BTW: one or two public crafting tables at Wentworth's/Black Market would be a nice solution, too. However, that might be a little too convenient, so I won't push my luck by asking for that. But I suppose this paragraph is my passive/aggressive attempt at doing just that.
  19. Rathulfr


    Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
    I think we need to stop saying "Gold/Silver age" as that kind of created some confusion in the last thread.The Gold Age and Silver age have different design aesthetics and the silver age has more in the way of patterns while the golden age had mroe in the way of "Texture" if you're putting folds and wrinkles and seams, that's golden age, if you're giving us more thematically minded patterns, and things to facilitate that like "Pattern" belts and "Pattern" shoulders, that's Silver.*
    Now that you mention it, I think you're right on this. I'm more of a Silver Age kind of guy, rather than Golden. My formative comic-book years were the 70's and 80's, so I'm strongly influenced by Alex Toth, John Romita, Chris Claremont, John Byrne, etc. Their "tights" were simple, seamless, form-fitting tights with few (if any) folds/wrinkles.

    The Golden Age costumes were definitely looser, baggier, foldier, etc., like The Shadow or the original Green Lantern. Superman and Batman had costumes that were clearly inspired by circus/carnival strongman costumes, and their success made "tights" the norm for "classic" super-heroes ever since.
  20. Rathulfr


    Originally Posted by Rathulfr View Post
    3. Simpler shoulder options, such as the abiilty to apply Tights to the Shoulders with different pattern/colors than those of the Chest. Also, simple, small, and/or flat two-tone epaulets, circles, squares, diamons, stars, etc. (similar to the Brooch options, except without needing to also select a Cape).

    4. Simpler belt options, such as the ability to apply a simple band of two different colors or patterns, like Flash and/or Spiderman. Patterns could be a single color flat band; a band of circles, squares, or diamonds; a band that matches some of the existing patterns for Chest/Bottoms, like Checkerboard, Camo, Lighting, Fire, etc.; a flat band with a flat "buckle" that can select/match the Chest Detail symbol/letter.
    One more thing to add on simple/flat Shoulder/Belt improvements: simple geometric patterns that can improve the transition from Chest to Gloves or Chest to Bottoms, perhaps to even fill in the "gaps" created by selecting certain Glove or Bottom options like Small Glove and the various Bikini bottoms. I often use a combination of Stripe #, Pattern #, and Sharp patterns to try to achieve these effects on Chest/Gloves or Chest/Bottoms, but cannot do so with Shoulders or Belt.

    I often find myself using the Standard, Metal Band, Peak, Tech Flat, V, and occassionally Enforcer belts because they are the plainest/least-complex options I can use to create or mask transitions between Chest and Bottoms/Pants (especially when the patterns don't match up or the colors don't match due to texture differences).

    I'd also love a "Lone Skull" belt that was not a skull. A simple 3D circle, oval, square, diamond, or star (again, similar to Brooches) would be great. And while we're wishing, 3D objects that correspond to the Symbol/Letter options in Chest Detail would be ideal (but I won't hold my breath on those).
  21. Rathulfr


    I think the key to improving Tights is to make things simpler, not more complex. When I create a Gold/Silver age character, I think of of simple elements, primary colors, and basic patterns.

    I'm not opposed to adding complexity, textures, and accessories -- the more the merrier. But if we're talking about just improving basic Tights (as the thread title reads), then I would like to suggest the following:

    1. Consistent naming and matching of Tights options across all body elements. For example, You can select Tights Sleek as Chest, Gloves, Bottoms, and Boots, but not for the head/Mask, so the Mask's texture doesn't match the rest of the outfit. Another example: You can select Tights for Head, Chest, Bottoms, and Boots, but not for Gloves (you have to select Full). Final example: there doesn't seem to be a Tights Smooth for Gloves or Boots, which means my character (especially Male/Huge) have exceptionally muscular forearms and calves, compared to their smooth chest, abdomen, and thighs -- this makes no sense.

    2. The ability to put the same symbol/letter chosen as my Chest Detail on my Cape, ala Superman. Superman's big red S diamond is on his chest, and it's a big yellow S diamond on his cape. I want that, too.

    3. Simpler shoulder options, such as the abiilty to apply Tights to the Shoulders with different pattern/colors than those of the Chest. Also, simple, small, and/or flat two-tone epaulets, circles, squares, diamons, stars, etc. (similar to the Brooch options, except without needing to also select a Cape).

    4. Simpler belt options, such as the ability to apply a simple band of two different colors or patterns, like Flash and/or Spiderman. Patterns could be a single color flat band; a band of circles, squares, or diamonds; a band that matches some of the existing patterns for Chest/Bottoms, like Checkerboard, Camo, Lighting, Fire, etc.; a flat band with a flat "buckle" that can select/match the Chest Detail symbol/letter.

    It seems to me that these suggestions could be accomplished with existing tech, and would not require any re-tooling or re-design of fundamental costume elements. Thanks!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    In order for someone to lose slots they'd have to have fewer slots than when they started. You can't lose something you didn't have in the first place.
    Ah, but I do have something in the first place: I have slots on Virtue. I purchased/earned those slots years ago, prior to CoH:F.

    Now you're telling me to go buy new slots on Liberty. Sure, I could do that (in fact, I did buy 2 more slots for only 400 pts, because they're having a sale); however, I'd be doing so to gain MORE slots, not to re-purpose the slots I already own on Virtue.

    My point was not to gain more slots, but rather to re-use the slots I already own. I simply wanted to avoid paying twice for something that I thought I'd already paid for. But now that I know that I cannot do so (under the current terms of use), that point is moot.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
    They would have to write code for this, and provide a mechanism for you to choose the option. That's a new service. It costs them money to write and test code, and inter-server transactions are always tricky things to program. Since only a small subset of the user population would likely use this new service, it's not something that would benefit all users equally. So it would make sense to charge for this service only when it's used.

    It also opens up a can of worms. If you can freely (or more cheaply) transfer a slot you bought, people will wonder why you can't transfer the 12 slots you "bought" on every server when you got a VIP subscription. And then they'd wonder why you should have to pay for additional slots at all, since you're given dozens for free on the other servers. And if you can transfer an empty slot for free, why should you pay for transferring a slot that holds a character?

    Historically, inter-server operations have been treated as resource-intensive transactions and have had a monetary cost associated with them.
    Actually, I don't think I there's any new code involved in this at all. There's already code to unlock slots: you can purchase tokens for that in the Market today. And there's already code to lock slots: that happens automatically when your VIP runs out. So some mechanisms to lock/unlock slots already exists. Would it be that much more difficult for them to apply those existing mechanisms for new purposes?

    Here's how I figure today's code for the existing slot unlocks works:

    Step 1: Player purchases Character Slot token(s) from the Market.
    Step 2: Player selects "Unlockable" slot on Server A.
    Step 3: Player is prompted about redeeming slot token, player clicks Yes.
    Step 4: System unlocks slot in Server A.

    I'm thinking that the only new code that might need to be created is the addition of a new "Move" button to the top menu bar, next to the "Unlock", "Renames", and "Transfers" buttons. Here's how I suggest the code for an empty slot move might work:

    Step 1: Player purchase Empty Slot Move token(s) from the Market.
    Step 2: Player clicks on "Move" button on Server A where they have empty slots available (this button would be greyed-out/invisible/zeroed on any server where they do not have empty slots, just like it is for Unlocks/Renames/Transfers).
    Step 3: Player is prompted about redeeming slot token, and asked to choose a target server (B).
    Step 4: System unlocks a slot on Server B.
    Step 5: System locks an empty slot Server A.

    So it seems to me that most of the code is already there: it simply needs to be re-purposed and made available for QA and player testing.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
    There needs to be a Godwin's Corollary to cover this.
    AFAIK, "slap in the face" is a metaphor in common usage in written and spoken English, and is not novel or restricted to internet usage. I meant it as "rude awakening" or "sudden, painful realization".
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    This is not something the company has just started doing with Freedom. The policy on character slots being permanent once unlocked has been in effect since the day they feature went live years ago.

    So it's funny how this only becomes an issue for the OP after he's found new friends to play with on another server, and is considering dropping to Premium.

    He questions NCSofts morals and ethics on this, when the truth of the matter is that he is trying to weasel his way out of buying new character slots on, and transfers to another server.

    If anyone morals, ethics, and motives should be questioned it's the OP's.
    It's not "funny" at all: I thought I made it perfectly clear that this became an issue for me precisely because I found new friends to play with on another server, and was considering dropping to Premium. I wasn't masking my motives at all.

    I'm not trying to "weasel" my way out of buying new character slots on another server. I was trying to figure out how to use the character slots for which I'd already paid/earned on another server. I paid for/earned those extra character slots on Virtue prior to CoH:F, and I simply wanted to move them to Liberty, now that I prefer to play there, instead. I made no secret of that, nor did I have any malicious intent.

    My mistake was believing that owning the slots entitled me to use them on any server I wished, even though NCSoft/Paragon Studios previously made it clear that the slots I was claiming would be restricted to the specific server on which I'd claimed them. I forgot that this was a condition of this perk prior to CoH:F -- I mistakenly believed that this was a new condition implemented with CoH:F.

    As I've indicated in a previous post above, I now know and admit that I was wrong, and I apologize for that, and for my disparaging comments about NCSoft/Paragon Studios.