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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
    I restarted the client a few times before getting the patch. Worked fine for me after that.
    I got the patch first thing and still can't get a server to respond.
  2. Rawhide

    New to Virtue

    Hoping to find an SG/VG soon.

    I chanced upon the server list of SGs. . .and none really seemed to fit. So if anyone knows an SG/VG that doesn't really care about RP, likes to PvP frequently, and enjoys doing TFs. Toss me a line. I have 12+ 50s of just about every AT across Hero/Villain sides, and I'm always willing to help out with any content, builds, badges.

    And sorry, I refuse to put on cat ears. . .
  3. Rawhide

    New to Virtue

    Thanks for the well-wishes. Been having a blast. Look forward to earning a lot of badges heroside with you all.

    See you in-game!
  4. Rawhide

    New to Virtue

    Just wanted to say hello to everyone.
  5. Rawhide

    Hello again

    Originally Posted by PureAmerican View Post
    seeing you post actually brought back all the funny memories of a certain friend of mine who always had a melt down when you jumped him. You have no idea the epic lol'z you created, I mean I can't even keep a straight face thinking about it. This guy used to SCREEAAAM your name. AHHHHHHHHH I can hear him now it was so funny.

    "ARRRRRGH *blanking* Jason the *blanking* X that little *blank* nugget on my *blanking* heavy get in here and kill that little *blank* with me" then 2 hours and a huge bloodbath later..I was exahausted I had so much fun.

    lol we went and helped him just to keep him quiet. Jason I can't tell you how much fun you caused..and I KNOW you know who I am talking about.
    I got my heavy. Come and take it from me.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    "Hi everyone. Yes, I stopped playing for a bit. Real life is approximately 60% more fun, although I do dearly miss Test Server PVP and forum flame wars.

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    Yeah, everyone enjoyed farming you.

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    Is that what Alloric calls it?
  7. Another PvP death attributed to emo.
  8. Hey, Teldon. . .how about a "Where are they now?" recap Issue. I get such a kick out of watching those shows. Kid stars, Kato Kallen, Baby Jessica, Scooby Doo. . .
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    Please tell me I can customize robots, that'd be so awesome! Either way really neat things going into this one, liking the sound of dual blades combo system...reminds me of the guild wars assassin

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    Sorry, no. See weapons guide in my sig.

    [ QUOTE ]
    My apologies if I missed it, but will we be able to have different weapon looks for each costume slot?

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    Yes. See weapons guide in my sig.

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    I'm sure many of us would like to if it wasn't blocked as 'games' where we work.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    Even the why is this back on page 1 is months old. This happens from time to time, it's kooky.

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    And altogether Ooky.

    Actually, is Anya still playing?

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    I think that's kinda like a tree falling in the woods. . .
  11. Dude, her [censored] are pixels. Let it go. Have your older brother buy you a magazine.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    <3 Also. WWE wouldnt be the same at all without her. (She loves me)

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    It's amazing how things change in a week.
  13. THESE are the top issues?
  14. Rawhide

    Top Issues 8.10

    [ QUOTE ]
    * Debt in PvP Zones. Currently we "Pro-Rate" debt depending on how much damage you took from NPCs vs. PCs. When this is fixed we will zero out any debt if the killing blow comes from PCs, and Pro-Rate debt if the killing blow comes from NPCs.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Posi, what about this situation:

    Fought NPC and Players at a pillbox, managed to get away with a sliver of health, probably less than 50. . .very hard to tell which side was doing more damage. . .inspirations were used a couple of times. . .went back to base without dying. Healed to full. Came out of base and was two-shot by a Stalker. From zero debt to 40k. If my health was at full, why'd I get debt from the very first death immediately following?

    Is there a time-issue we also need to worry about?
  15. Does anyone have a screenshot of the Captain Mako Brute pet? I believe it's called the Coralax Guardian Sentinel. Thanks!
  16. Kinda disappointed that these Mace Mastery powers for Black Scoripion aren't going to be melee-based. The concept for my brute would have been completely perfect for the set.

    Incidently, I'm running an EN/EN brute. . .though I do like the thought of the DEF shield in Black Scorp, I might just go for more -END powers from the other Patron, Sirocco. *shrug*

    I'm all twisted up inside.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    * Caleb is the only Zone Event that can be spawned by players. (CuppaJo)

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    Can we get a link to the post where she said this?

    Because I have redname confirmation through PM that you can summon Deathsurge, too.

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    Let's see it. Copy and Paste.