Top Issues 2.14.07




It's been a while since I posted a top issues list, and for that I am very sorry.

We've been working on a few of the bigger bugs that have been hindering your overall gameplays and I just wanted to chime in and let you know that we are looking into the following with a high priority:

* Framerate drop when exiting a mission
* Missing (invisible) objects on mission maps.
* Client crash due to capes.

The last thing on the list (the cape crash) is causing us some major headaches and long nights, so it might not get fixed fully in the next build for Training Room, but hopefully it will be improved. For the meantime, if you find yourself on a team that is crashing a lot, you may want to have everyone switch to non-caped costumes for the duration. This includes trenchcoats unfortunately. Not the best solution I know, but we are working hard to get this completely fixed. Watch the boards and patch notes for when it's safe to put your capes back on.

In addition, we've made a bunch of fixes to power FXs for various powers to improve framerates. I don't have a list in front of me, but if I get one today, I will post it into this thread.

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Thanks for the update, but would the cape crash cause non cape wearers to crash? I stopped wearing one and was crashing quite a bit.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Posi, any idea/workings on the bug of becoming disconnected from yourself?

As in:

You enter the mish. You move forward like normal. However, your teammates observe that you are still at the gate. Even though you are right next to an enemy, when you attack you get the message "out of range". Only way to fix is exit re-enter the mish, or get a teleport.

I have not suffered this as of yet, but i know of a few people who have on Victory.

@Death Conqueror

-Goal for 2011: Survive, stay alive, and continue to thrive.



Thanks for the list, Posi. Now, if I may hi-jack the thread a bit since I know you'll be reading ( ), may I ask about salvage storage bins... specifically why can't we (at least) view (and maybe even use) salvage that is in a storage bin from worktables in our bases? The patch notes for issue 7 specifically state that you can "see" salvage in the bins from a worktable, but this has never actually been the case in game.

I know it may be a minor issue given crashes, lag, and framerate drops, but it's a fairly big issue for base architects. It would also be nice to hear if there are any plans to change the permissions scheme for base storage to make it a bit more secure and still allow new (read: untrusted) members to take from specific bins without giving them access to everything.

On topic: I really appreciate the work you guys are doing to make the game a better experience. A lot of folks undoubtedly think you're not working fast enough, but I think most of us still have faith in you guys.



Please take a look through at least these threads. The "out of sync" thing cropped up a little under a month ago and is incredibly frustrating.

Out of sync thread #1

Out of sync + other issues

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Interesting. I have yet to experience this in CoH/V, but I see it a lot in WoW (or at least something very similar -- specificially constant "out of range" messages when I'm right next to mobs). With WoW, it corrects itself after a short while, and it sounds like it's a bit more extreme here, but I wonder what causes it and if it might be the same in both cases...




Please take a bit of time and click on this link. Lighthouse has already commented on it, as well as a few here already, and it has an awesome list of Issues that are still effecting CoX.

Current Unofficial List of Performance/QoL Issues



It's good to know that performance is being given high priority. I'm sure BillZBubba will be pleased.



The Out of Sync issues are becoming unreasonable. Please check into that after implementing the crashing fixes. *points up to VoodooCompany's post*.

Also, the organization of salvage in bins and with worktables in it's current state makes it almost impossible to craft items (or even know what you CAN craft) in a reasonable amount of time - to the point of not wanting to do it at all. *Points up to Hellguard's post*. Please look at this as it will become unfathomably worse once invention salvage is implemented.

And thank you for trying to figure out these crash issues.



Just a note about the "cape crash" ... the only people I see talking about the cape crash are devs and mods. The only time normal forum users bring it up is to mention that capes don't seem to have any effect on whether they crash or not.

There are more crashes lately though!



Posi, any idea/workings on the bug of becoming disconnected from yourself?

As in:

You enter the mish. You move forward like normal. However, your teammates observe that you are still at the gate. Even though you are right next to an enemy, when you attack you get the message "out of range". Only way to fix is exit re-enter the mish, or get a teleport.

I have not suffered this as of yet, but i know of a few people who have on Victory.

[/ QUOTE ]

I actually saw that for the first time last night. GF was next to me on her screen, but still at the door on mine. When I tp'd her, she showed up on my screen.

Wierd. This was on Protector btw

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Just a note about the "cape crash" ... the only people I see talking about the cape crash are devs and mods. The only time normal forum users bring it up is to mention that capes don't seem to have any effect on whether they crash or not.

There are more crashes lately though!

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, there has been this weird bug with capes getting stuck in my body's geometry (right-buttock, specifically) and requires switching cape types (old-style, one shoulder, trench) to fix it on the screen.

Still here, even after all this time!



Just a note about the "cape crash" ... the only people I see talking about the cape crash are devs and mods. The only time normal forum users bring it up is to mention that capes don't seem to have any effect on whether they crash or not.

There are more crashes lately though!

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, there has been this weird bug with capes getting stuck in my body's geometry (right-buttock, specifically) and requires switching cape types (old-style, one shoulder, trench) to fix it on the screen.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not what they'll be working on, lol. It's the possible crash they're seem to be causing. I did read gamers saying capes (and especially? trenchcoats?) tend to make people crash. While I don't have any problems with it, it seems to be quite a bug for others.

Brutes are built to kick @$�, not to save that of yours - Double Electro

My DeviantArt |




* Client crash due to capes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is this a "tell us what happened" crash, a lockup crash, or it can go either way? I've had weird bursts of instability, and I'm trying to figure out if it's this or not. I did the whole rigamarole with support, but then it went away on its own around when the winter event ended.



Thanks for the update, but would the cape crash cause non cape wearers to crash? I stopped wearing one and was crashing quite a bit.

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Most likely, the cape crash is caused by the client program trying to render the capes and getting hung up on the geometry between the cape and the character. From what I've seen, it shouldn't matter if you're the cape wearer or someone else is. The client (I believe) doesn't see any difference between your toon and other people's toons, other than the fact that your camera angle is always relative to your own character. So a cape crash can be caused by you wearing a cape, or any other on-screen character wearing one.

Arc ID#30821, A Clean Break

The only problem with defeating the Tsoo is that an hour later, you want to defeat them again!
"Life is just better boosted!" -- LadyMage
"I'm a big believer in Personal Force Field on a blaster. ... It's your happy place." -- Fulmens



FYI Positron:

One other "frame rate affecter" power is Oil Slick Arrow (specifically the "post-burned" version left behind after setting the slick on fire). I /bugged it but its still a problem as far as I know.

1. Shoot Oil Slick Arrow. No problem with framerate.
2. Set Oil Slick on fire. Still no problem.
3. Oil Slick burns out, leaving a "residue patch" that is similar to #1 in effect (knockdown/slow on mobs, etc.). THIS is the one that seemingly has "splat" graphics (I see the lines up the walls) and causes a huge framerate drop for everyone nearby.

From my understanding the Oil Slick is actually 3 or 4 separate "pets" depending on which stage its in. It looks like the "splat" is only on one of these versions.




Thanks for the update, but would the cape crash cause non cape wearers to crash? I stopped wearing one and was crashing quite a bit.

[/ QUOTE ]

Most likely, the cape crash is caused by the client program trying to render the capes and getting hung up on the geometry between the cape and the character. From what I've seen, it shouldn't matter if you're the cape wearer or someone else is. The client (I believe) doesn't see any difference between your toon and other people's toons, other than the fact that your camera angle is always relative to your own character. So a cape crash can be caused by you wearing a cape, or any other on-screen character wearing one.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wait, wait, let me get clear on this-so what you're saying is, even if I'm playing solo on a non-caped toon, that when I 'see' a toon with a cape on my screen, I'm potentially at risk for a client crash (as my comp tries to cope with the goofy geometry stuff)?

If that's so, it might explain the sheer randomness of my crashing a bit more...jumping through a zone, there's a caped hero in my LOS, BAM, crash. Moving through a mish, there's a caped/trenched/winged MOB, BAM, crash. Might make the whole thing make a bit more sense, then.

Basically too many 50's to count, but I'm generally a brute/scrapper/tank kind of guy.



i am having issues since the double xp patch with


its whether im in a mish or hunting out on the street ,my framrate is next to nothing for about 7 seconds and then it returns to normal

never had it before the patch for double xp



Glad to see this on the boards again, Positron.

Be well, people of CoH.



Thanks for the update, but would the cape crash cause non cape wearers to crash? I stopped wearing one and was crashing quite a bit.

[/ QUOTE ]

Most likely, the cape crash is caused by the client program trying to render the capes and getting hung up on the geometry between the cape and the character. From what I've seen, it shouldn't matter if you're the cape wearer or someone else is. The client (I believe) doesn't see any difference between your toon and other people's toons, other than the fact that your camera angle is always relative to your own character. So a cape crash can be caused by you wearing a cape, or any other on-screen character wearing one.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wait, wait, let me get clear on this-so what you're saying is, even if I'm playing solo on a non-caped toon, that when I 'see' a toon with a cape on my screen, I'm potentially at risk for a client crash (as my comp tries to cope with the goofy geometry stuff)?

If that's so, it might explain the sheer randomness of my crashing a bit more...jumping through a zone, there's a caped hero in my LOS, BAM, crash. Moving through a mish, there's a caped/trenched/winged MOB, BAM, crash. Might make the whole thing make a bit more sense, then.

[/ QUOTE ]

You've described what appears to be the case. For those of us that never crash, around capes or not, I certainly don't have an explanation of why we don't.

Be well, people of CoH.



Thanks for looking at these issues Posi.

Most players would want these crash/performance issues fixed before new content: Thread.

Also, there's a performance issue with large teams and sound where some people's framrate will drop to sub 4fps during combat if there's more than a couple people on the team, but FPS are fine if we turn the sound f/x slider down to 0% in game: Thread. It's an old thread but there's new versions floating around too.



Thank you for letting us know these issues are important to you as well.



Silly Question:

Do you have to be accually wearing the cape for it to cause the crash? I often use my capeless costumes, but have caped costumes im not wearing, and I crash.........often.



Silly Question:

Do you have to be wearing the cape for it to cause the crash? I often use my capeless costumes, but have caped costumes im not wearing, and I crash.........often.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm pretty sure a cape has to actually be rendered somewhere near you for the cape related crash to occur. I would "assume" capes on costumes not currently in use wouldn't be a problem.


Be well, people of CoH.