410 -
I think the fog thing would be great IF the newly revealed portion showed up as 50% gray or something, so we could see the whole map but still easily tell where we haven't been.
As it is it's doubtful I will ever use it. -
My teammates actually thought it was just because I was killing crowds of them that fast.
That made me feel good. -
Haven't read NEARLY the whole thread yet. Just wanted to slow down the wrecking ball a bit -
No AE in Atlas or Galaxy? Cool. But why Kings Row? By the time the normal course of the game takes you to Kings Row, you have plenty of experience with normal contacts and arcs. You've already done at least two full contacts' worth of missions. At that point I'd say you're mature enough as a player to make a competent decision.
And if the evil vets are in KR, lying in wait to recruit new players against their will, they're going to be lying in wait in Steel Canyon, too, if we decide to make that the lowest level AE zone.
The case FOR Kings Row AE: I honestly believe that everyone (new and old) should be able to start doing AE content at a very early level, should they make the competent choice to do so. Sure, it's easy for us vets to take a 1st level character to Icon in Steel if we change our minds about a costume piece, or to take them to the Peregrine AE if that's the only one there is, but it'd be damn scary for a newbie. I don't believe they should be forced to become true vets before having realistic AE access. -
Niviene, please link this in the Guide to Guides. Flawless.
I never said anything that should lead you to such a presumption.
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You did, but there seem to be a lot of communication problems surrounding you lately. I'm happy to admit that I didn't understand what you meant, but what you said absolutely did lead to my conclusions. Your say your motivation has waned right in the thread title, then claim nothing you've said implies lack of fun. You really want to play a VEAT, and I suggested trying other ATs, then you turn around and say that none will ever be as good as your MM ... who you're not motivated to play. I'm getting a very schizoid message from you here.
I think you are missing the intended point of anything I said.
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Fair enough. Good luck with ... whatever it is that you're trying to figure out. Zombra drop thread now. -
That isn't at all what I said. I'm not prepared to throw anything away. I didn't state my objective in this one I don't think but I have told other people that one of my primary goals is to get purple IOs.
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You said right in the first post that you really really wanted to unlock VEATs. Right in that part I quoted. You strongly implied that that was your only motivation for hitting 50.
But I understand that there are other reasons to want to hit 50 - purples are another good example. Personally, I find the quest for purples to be somewhat diverting, but still DEFINITELY not worth it if playing the character is not a rollicking good time in and of itself - and I'm saying this as someone with several 50s and a number of purples, even a few full purple sets.
My advice remains the same: don't force yourself to toil away on a character you're not having fun with to try to get to the actual fun "later".
If you really can't bring yourself to try any other AT, and your MM is boring, I suggest a break from Co* altogether. Go play Duke Nukem or Civilization or Whack-A-Kitty or street hockey for a little while. Seriously, when you come back to Co* in a couple weeks you'll fall in love with your MM all over again. -
I sooooo want to unlock the VEAT for my next Main
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This is the key. If you didn't want the shiny, you wouldn't care about hitting 50.
Please don't get your first villain to 50 because you're already prepared to throw him away and play something else! That's the lamest reason I can think of to keep playing a character you no longer enjoy.
I strongly suggest finding a different character you do enjoy. Come back to your 48 when it's fresh and fun again (and it will be - I just came back to my 49 Blaster I haven't played in 3 months. She's awesome!)
The VEAT may seem like the bestest shiniest thing in the world - and they are fun - but they're not THAT fun. I mean, they're not SO MUCH BETTER than all the normal ATs that they're worth 20 hours (or whatever) of tedium to get to them. Try a Dominator or something - with the new buffs they're much more exciting than before. Or if your 48 is already a Dominator, try a MM or Brute or ...... -
Giant monster attack the hospital
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This gave me a probably very BAD idea. But I thought I'd throw it out there.
Giant monsters (or supervillains, or whatever) that rampage in city zones and actually wreck stuff if they're not stopped.
If they knock down WW, you'll have to go to another zone to access the market for the next half hour.
If they knock down the train station, you'll have to use the road tunnels through the War Walls.
If they knock down the hospital, you'll end up being teleported to another level-appropriate hospital after defeat.
If they knock down a vendor, or a Super Group portal, or the AE building ... the list goes on.
OBVIOUSLY this can't actually happen, because then it would become "forced content" ... I really wouldn't want people who just want to play the market to have to fight GMs if they didn't like fighting GMs. But I would love to see GMs have actual STAKES involved, instead of Deathsurge just standing around in the middle of the city and all the supers going, "Huh, wouldya look at that," and going about their business. I would love for players to go, "Oh @#%*!! A monster wrecking important city landmarks!! We gotta stop it!!" -
What end of the world scenario would you like?
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Supermodel Apocalypse.
EDIT: Wait, you mean in the game. -
Play The Cleric™
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*shudder* -
I would like to see challenge increases which impacts the melee classes more, with out socking it to the support classes. This way the melee can expeience the added challenge with out having the challenge be several times greater on the Support. How this can be accomplished I am not sure.
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I'm not sure either, but I just had to post and throw my support behind this sentiment. I love the idea. -
I wasn't really aware of the original UD phenom when it was happening, but I am kind of nostalgic for UD's brief and anticlimactic return to the forums years later.
Two words: Unique Dragon.
CoH's very own Dexey's Midnight Runners.
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Bah!! One word!! UniqueDragon!! -
I can see some folks loving the reward and yeah just pimping out a character IS in fact the point for many. If not many folks would have stopped playing by now.
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That's my point. Why are they playing if they find the content boring?
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I personally agree with what you're saying, Barata, but you're ignoring what Aura_Familia just told you. There IS a certain satisfaction in character building for its own sake. Is it the primary reason you or I play? No. A_F even implied that it's not the main reason he plays. But the drive to build is there, and it's not hard to believe that it IS primary for a lot of "Achiever"-type players. -
Cool! Looking forward to trying the new version!
Its worth nothing that this is a problem with a lot of St. Marshal in general - I've always thought that the level order of ST. Martial and Nerva should be reversed.
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Great post, very well illustrated. -
I'm just glad that I had a string of bad luck as opposed to this being the standard way everyone plays now.
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Well, I think that this actually IS the standard way that "everyone" plays now, "everyone" in this case meaning "most if not all pickup groups".
When someone invites you to a TF and you join, you really SHOULD assume that they are going to stealth/rush it. It wasn't "bad luck" that you got a pickup group that was only interested in the reward. There ARE people out there who want to really immerse themselves, take their time, and have fun experiencing the whole thing, but I believe they are the exception. It would take pretty GOOD luck to just stumble into a pickup TF that wanted to take it slow.
The best solution is to simply not do pickup TFs. Do organized TFs instead, either leading or not, with people who share your mindset (we are out there ... statistically significant ... but NOT on every street corner).
I have found great success organizing "smell the roses" TFs in the appropriate server forums. Look around, find people who want to do it the "right" way, and either join their efforts or lead them yourself.
Hope this helps. Z -
Step 1: stop hanging around with farmers.
Farmers minimize challenge and maximize reward. That balancing act can be a fun game in itself, but it's not what you're after. -
Unforutnatley it has the same problem as allowing you to succeed at Verendi's plans in the first place - it would change the setting (specifcly in the way that Harcase would be dead). And that can't happen. Not in CoH certainly, and not really as a result of single-player instnaced content in any game, to be honest.
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Got news for you - continuity is already irretrievably broken in this and any other MMO with any story pretensions whatsoever.
Go join a team doing the Seer Marino arc. Thrill with suspense and delight as you read each mission briefing and watch revelation after revelation. Then go back and get that arc for yourself and go talk to her. Notice how she has magically forgotten everything.
Continuity breaks like this constantly. It's just part of MMOs, where characters are static with pretensions of dynamism. Sure, an amnesia pill for Marino or something like that may be easier to handwave than a resurrection pill (or Nemesis duplicate - I love that idea) for Hardcase, and it downplays the disconnect to just not be able to kill Hardcase at all, but it's all just varying degrees of handwaving. It's silly to say that killing Hardcase would break some cosmic law that isn't already broken countless times in the game.
Of course, proposing multiple bubbles isn't a bad thing, but why couldn't we just do away with the "thought trail" tailing bubbles, and have the text in the bubble include the character's name, just like the chat window syntax?
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Also a great idea. I might actually start using text emotes if they stopped looking idiotic. -
Each player gets to select the color of buffs cast on him. We set it in the costume editor or something. If I choose blue and yellow, and some dude hits me with a fire shield, it's a blue fire shield with yellow highlights. If someone else hits me with SB, I display an SB aura that is blue along with the blue and yellow fire shield. If the same two guys buff my buddy who has black and green selected, my buddy will show dark flickering flames with a touch of green and a nearly invisible SB effect.
This way our characters will still look like mostly our characters, but with the neat visual effects that come with having buffing teammates. (I won't get as annoyed any more when my Captain Fireball gets buffed with cool blue ice shields ... they will look all orangey red! Which will be weird, but still!)
Great idea Zombra! 5 stars!! -
Hey, Prof_Backfire advised being tactful to the newbs, not to you people. -
But what if I find leveling fun? Then what?Is it wrong for me to just want to level and get my lootz?!
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You talking to me? If so - I thought I was pretty clear when I said If you can't stand to do the dev-created low-level content again at the beginning of that whole thing. If you love the sewers, by god, go to the sewers and have a ball!
My whole thing was addressing the people in this thread who are hating on the low levels because they're tired of the same old content. Because you no longer have to do the same old content.
If you were addressing the thread as a whole, I agree with you - in my opinion, leveling does not suck. -
Thank you Justice_Blues and Mid_Forever for covering what I intended to before my browser ate my post.
If you can't stand to do the dev-created low-level content again, look for user-created low-level content. There is tons of it. Speaking for myself, I've learned to tell from the console descriptions or at latest the first briefing what is likely to be playable and fun and what is likely to be crap. It's a skill well worth developing. Yes, there is a lot of crap, but there is great stuff out there too. Learn to find it. Unless you really are excited to go jump down a Snake hole for the nth time, in which case: godspeed, snaking snaker. -
Something important to remember throughout the game, especially for "Defeat 10 [enemy type]" missions!
There is a little button on your mission compass that will bring up a window with the mission briefing in it. Your contact will often give you helpful information that you might miss at first glance.
It is very likely that your contact said something like, "Check Industrial Avenue and the King Garment District"! Your map will show you where these neighborhoods are.
When I'm not sure where to look, I always check the mission briefing first thing. It usually gives me solid direction.
Hope this helps.