Yellow Snow Griefing
Oh look, more DOOOM.
Oh look, more DOOOM.
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No. Not doom. A reasonable question.
If someone can make hot pink fire armor buffs and green ice armor that last a couple minutes of duration, what's unreasonable about asking for the option to click and switch off those buffs you receive from other players.
Folks are going to be excited when PC comes and are going to want to show off their cool color choices. That's all fair and good. But some inevitably are going to be a bit obnoxious about it standing near busy thoroughfares in game tossing these buffs as quickly as they recharge.
Not saying we shouldn't get PC because of this or that the hideously-ugly-as-it-is ice armor shouldn't get the same abilities to be tinted as all other powers... just thinking ahead in advance that a simple (no idea if it's simple to program, but simple in terms of function and interface) long requested QoL option to cancel any buffs we receive by selecting them from the buff tray would go a long way to give us the tools to deal with any obnoxiousness immediately on the spot.
Similarly, we used to be able to delete all the safeguard/mayhem buffs if the auras irked him or her. Eventually they canned the auras for those buffs in particular.
Again, just thinking ahead to the inevitable 9 year old at heart ruining some costume contest or something by fire buffing everyone with the brightest lime green possible. If each player can cancel that buff with a couple clicks, problem solved.
(Conversely, someone might *really* want to get someone's wild colored buffs in favor of a buff already applied. An option to cancel said buffs in that instance might also be quite handy.)
Edit: For clarity, grammar and all that stuff. Still probably didn't get it right.
They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!
If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville
I want to throw yellow snowballs during the winter event!
Wait, that means I touched them.
Never mind.
There are ways in game currently to turn off effects. They are far from perfect, and certainly improvements wouldn't be a bad thing. Not a bad idea, but I would want to place this on the back burner compared to power customization. In any case, if someone really enjoys 'pinkifying' CoH, perhaps it is that person that needs too look within themselves.
In other words - not a bad idea to implement, but I rarely run across griefing issues.
Previous thread on the subject.
Global @StarGeek original is still the best!
My Hero Merit rolls
Accuracy needed for 95% ToHit spreadsheet
Forum font change stripper for Firefox/Opera/Chrome. No more dealing with poor color choices, weird fonts or microscopic text
Search Wiki Patch notes, add inurl:patch_notes to your Google Search
I agree with the OPs sentiment, but this is why I already avoid Atlas Park and don't need to deal with it (usually).
This change will definitely encourage it a lot more.
I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.
The ability to voluntary remove buffs has been a desired Quality of Life change as long as I can remember. Starting with those who find Speed Boost difficult to control due to lag or similar, it's something we probably should have gotten a while ago.
I can only foresee tinted buffs as raising the issue to a new level.
Previous thread on the subject.
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Thanks for the headsup and link. Don't often go into that section of the forum, so I missed the existing thread.
At a total guess, I'd say we're more likely to get an option "Turn off other player's power customization", than to get "remove buff".
At a total guess, I'd say we're more likely to get an option "Turn off other player's power customization", than to get "remove buff".
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I'd like the option that the Fortune Telling provides of not to even accept a buff in the first place.
Or add an Options Page entry for "Always Accept Buffs" or "Only Accept Buffs from Teammates" or "Never accept buffs".
If someone can make hot pink fire armor buffs and green ice armor that last a couple minutes of duration, what's unreasonable about asking for the option to click and switch off those buffs you receive from other players.
[/ QUOTE ]Don't diss the University of North Dakota!
In all seriousness, i don't think this will be a huge problem for most. This game is already full of colorful buffs, so it shouldn't be too bad
I wonder what will happen if different players cast the same buffs in different colours at the same time.
I wonder what will happen if different players cast the same buffs in different colours at the same time.
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City of Colors Out Of Space? Everyone will be a playable Singularity?
Storm Summoning is great because it makes you better than everyone else in the game. - Camma
Knockback is mitigation. It won't be removed just because meleers ***** and moan. - Chaos Creator
At a total guess, I'd say we're more likely to get an option "Turn off other player's power customization", than to get "remove buff".
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I'd like the option that the Fortune Telling provides of not to even accept a buff in the first place.
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Not too long ago I was on a team and had the Tower cast on me three times in a row. About 20 minutes later:
Some idiot: Want Fortune?
Me: No thanks, I have seen the Tower enough for one evening ty
Some idiot: HAHAHAHA! TOO BAD! *casts Fortune*
Bad: *declines fortune*
Pretty damn sweet, I say. I'd like to foil idiots like that more often.
At a total guess, I'd say we're more likely to get an option "Turn off other player's power customization", than to get "remove buff".
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That'd work.
Or add an Options Page entry for "Always Accept Buffs" or "Only Accept Buffs from Teammates" or "Never accept buffs".
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But I like this better. I'd like to never receive non-teammate buffs.
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
I am sooo gonna make a big chocolate brown WS and follow B/I all around the game for like 10 minutes til I get bored..
I want to throw yellow snowballs during the winter event!
Wait, that means I touched them.
Never mind.
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That's what the mittens are for, or even better the rubber gloves in the upcoming super science pack.
"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker
Someone mentioned in the old thread that the game currently can't tell the difference between a buff and a debuff. which would mean that, as things stand, the devs would have to hardcode each and every power to be 'droppable', no? That seems like a lot of work.
My current guess is that the ongoing effects of powers on others will use the default colors, rather than the customized tints. It seems to me that tracking the source of all the buffs stacked on a character for tinting purposes would be a nightmare, and would introduce precedence problems as well.
Say SilverAgeFan is a blaster, and has three empaths, Balanced, Hobo Healer, and LadyMage, trying to keep him alive. All three emps apply Fortitude to Silver, in alphabetical order. Balanced's Fort is yellow, Hobo's is green, and Lady's is blue. What color is Silver's head going to glow? Is the color picked by the first Fort applied? The last? Does it change when one of the Forts wears off? Does it just stack all the different glows (yuck)? How does it track the associated color for all the buffs applied?
Like I said, I'm just guessing. Maybe the game will track it and sort it out in some sensible fashion. In some ways, that would be better, as it would make the effects consistent with the player's color choices. On the other hand, it would be simpler to avoid the whole mess, and it would eliminate the issue Silver is concerned about as well.
The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.
At a total guess, I'd say we're more likely to get an option "Turn off other player's power customization", than to get "remove buff".
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I'd like the option that the Fortune Telling provides of not to even accept a buff in the first place.
Or add an Options Page entry for "Always Accept Buffs" or "Only Accept Buffs from Teammates" or "Never accept buffs".
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My current guess is that the ongoing effects of powers on others will use the default colors, rather than the customized tints. It seems to me that tracking the source of all the buffs stacked on a character for tinting purposes would be a nightmare, and would introduce precedence problems as well.
Say SilverAgeFan is a blaster, and has three empaths, Balanced, Hobo Healer, and LadyMage, trying to keep him alive. All three emps apply Fortitude to Silver, in alphabetical order. Balanced's Fort is yellow, Hobo's is green, and Lady's is blue. What color is Silver's head going to glow? Is the color picked by the first Fort applied? The last? Does it change when one of the Forts wears off? Does it just stack all the different glows (yuck)? How does it track the associated color for all the buffs applied?
Like I said, I'm just guessing. Maybe the game will track it and sort it out in some sensible fashion. In some ways, that would be better, as it would make the effects consistent with the player's color choices. On the other hand, it would be simpler to avoid the whole mess, and it would eliminate the issue Silver is concerned about as well.
[/ QUOTE ]It wouldn't be harder tot rack then the magnitude and duration of a buff. Just another flag. Now which color should be displayed if tracked...hmmm
I want rainbow buffs.
Doom crying on a yet to be released feature....

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho
At a total guess, I'd say we're more likely to get an option "Turn off other player's power customization", than to get "remove buff".
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I'd like the option that the Fortune Telling provides of not to even accept a buff in the first place.
Or add an Options Page entry for "Always Accept Buffs" or "Only Accept Buffs from Teammates" or "Never accept buffs".
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I highly doubt such a thing is possible (the game doesn't know where the buff/debuff effects on you come from and also doesn't know how to differentiate from buffs and debuffs, and it wouldn't be easy to teach it), and I highly doubt you'd want a pop-up message every .75 seconds from Shadowfall, anyways.
So with i16 and power customization will we also finally get the oft requested QoL feature to select and delete any buff from another player?
I see great potential for all sorts of obnoxious drive by prismatic buffs. With color modified powers comes great responsibility...