Top Issues 8.10




for dropping missions, specifically where you have go see someone (the annoying one where you have to see wincott in hollows and you have to run from kings row), if we drop that mission will the contact just recycle it or do we proceed on with the more fun missions?

If the good guy gets the girl, it's rated PG;
If the bad guy gets the girl, it's rated R;
And if everybody gets the girl, it's rated X
- Kirk Douglas



Clean up user experience issues:
-Contact enumeration performance is insanly slow.
-Allow user to sort contacts based on available missions. This could also assist the first part.

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Or at least automatically filter out contacts with no mishes to give us. Let those appear on another tab or be viewable only when we click an icon.



Well if this is gonna turn into a suggestions thread....

-Make it so that I can sell anything to a contact that I can buy from them (inspirations, same origin enhancements)

-Make SG storage bins (Insp, Enh and Salvage) hold infinite ammounts.

-Remove NPCs from PvP zones (Other than the big guys in RV)

-Make the early PvP zones SMALLER and the later ones BIGGER.

-Make an incentive to use the Arena

-Make contacts less sadistic, don't let them send you to street sweep lv 10s 3 zones away when you are lv 6. Don't have them send you out of zone on missions until you are lv 14.

-Revamp the hollows to make it less hellish for pre travel power toons. Perhaps reverse it's and Perez's level ranges.

-Overhaul all the travel powers to actually make them cool and fun to use.

-Add more hero groups to CoV for you to fight. I am so damn sick of CoT and Council, Malta. I play CoH to fight these. All the hero groups other than longbow dissapear by late game.

-Make GMs equal risk/effort vs reward.

-Even out the aproximate difficulty of all AVs /Av>EBs. Some are WAY harder than others and some are a joke.

-Take a good look at the power pools and which ones are too necessary (fittness) and which ones are never used (presence).

I could go on but it's late...



-Remove NPCs from PvP zones (Other than the big guys in RV)

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Those guys give missions and those missions almost all the time give badges! Don't get rid of them!



- Please do not touch the hollows, it's one of the best zones inthe game IMHO. I learned how to pull, and avoid detection there, you also quickly learn how cool it is to have a party member with recall friend. Maybe add a hospital there?

- NPCs in PvP: I hate them. When I take my /rad troller out, i always end up with max debt after a few hours. The idea that there are mezing/immobing/two-shotting mobs in pvp zones, who can take you out in passing, is extreamly off-putting. No to mention the debt that creaps in when your target runs around aggoring things with your debuffs.

I have many more ideas about how to improve pvp, but i'll spare you. In general though, the way the proper build, with the correct insps, can take out any squishy, and get away consistantly is slowly driving me away from pvp. Combinations of extream moblity, high damage, and excellent defenses (think some stalker builds, and SS brutes).




Please do not touch the hollows, it's one of the best zones inthe game IMHO.

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It's one of the few zones i avoid like the plague. To each his own. i'd rather spend a month in FBZ with only SS or SJ than a day in the Hollows.

For my issue, i would like Mastermind pets to actually work correctly. i'm tired of them just randomly deciding that some floors are better than others in multi-level buildings (to the point where i have to recreate them to get them to stay on the same floor as me, though they'll repeatedly go up and down the 'vators in confusion.) i'm tired of them deciding to just randomly run across a map for no apparent reason, even when i have them on passive/follow. i'm tired of them refusing to enter a room, crossing the threshhold. The MM pet AI needs some serious tweaking. The last "tweaking" only seemed to break it more than it was before.



... I love Fire Base Zulu too

Pet AI in general, yes that could use some work. It is however a global issue in almost every game i've ever played, so I do forgive them some.



-Remove NPCs from PvP zones (Other than the big guys in RV)

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Those guys give missions and those missions almost all the time give badges! Don't get rid of them!

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I meant NPC Mobs outside missions, sorry.



- Please do not touch the hollows, it's one of the best zones inthe game IMHO.

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i couldn't agree more. i've heard from some who started in CoV and came to CoH later that they despise the hollows, so maybe that makes a difference. i started in CoH, and the hollows is (as i believe it was designed to be) the first real wake up call to what a hazard zone should be. watch out for the mobs, watch out for the gulch, and, "whoa, what's with all the igneous that just sprouted from the ground?!" were wonderful lessons to learn, and i wouldn't replace them or change them one bit.



I am guessing that the "Character Transfer" issue has been pushed back again.

Gad, I think this was brought up back in or arround I-4.

Oh well



I would rather PAY for more slots on my server than to PAY to move my chars to someplace i dont know anyone...

I dont teamup alot now.. I wont, I play with my husband and our few friends. We are full up and starting to delete high 30's and 40's ... Not because we want too but because we are going off the .. "Hmm what am I least likely to play in the next 3 months... hmmm..." Grrr.. Let me buy more slots.. or something.



I would rather PAY for more slots on my server than to PAY to move my chars to someplace i dont know anyone...

I dont teamup alot now.. I wont, I play with my husband and our few friends. We are full up and starting to delete high 30's and 40's ... Not because we want too but because we are going off the .. "Hmm what am I least likely to play in the next 3 months... hmmm..." Grrr.. Let me buy more slots.. or something.

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I can understand that, and I like that idea as well, though I personally would not partake.



The only reason my SG and I ever ventured off our home server was because we ran out of slots. Now we all have toons on different servers that we rarely if ever play. I myself have 38 toons on 6 different servers and I still delete toons off my home server because I need the room for a new idea/consept character. One of my guild mates has over 100 toons spred across all the servers.
The 2 ideas I want implemented more than any other are additional slots per server and SG mebership based on accounts not individual characters. If these 2 things were put in I can telll you there would be a lot of consolidation going on.



- Please do not touch the hollows, it's one of the best zones inthe game IMHO.

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i couldn't agree more. i've heard from some who started in CoV and came to CoH later that they despise the hollows, so maybe that makes a difference. i started in CoH, and the hollows is (as i believe it was designed to be) the first real wake up call to what a hazard zone should be. watch out for the mobs, watch out for the gulch, and, "whoa, what's with all the igneous that just sprouted from the ground?!" were wonderful lessons to learn, and i wouldn't replace them or change them one bit.

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That's fine, but don't put the mission entrances 1.5 miles from the entrance you come through, forcing you to go through level 15 enemies (stuff you find in Steel Canyon) as a level 5 character. That's the only reason I don't go to Hollows any more.



- Please do not touch the hollows, it's one of the best zones inthe game IMHO.

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i couldn't agree more. i've heard from some who started in CoV and came to CoH later that they despise the hollows, so maybe that makes a difference. i started in CoH, and the hollows is (as i believe it was designed to be) the first real wake up call to what a hazard zone should be. watch out for the mobs, watch out for the gulch, and, "whoa, what's with all the igneous that just sprouted from the ground?!" were wonderful lessons to learn, and i wouldn't replace them or change them one bit.

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That's fine, but don't put the mission entrances 1.5 miles from the entrance you come through, forcing you to go through level 15 enemies (stuff you find in Steel Canyon) as a level 5 character. That's the only reason I don't go to Hollows any more.

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2 nights ago or so I was lvl 6 got my first mission from the guy in the hollows.. and it was 1.9 mi from the atlas gate it was a teenie tiny fraction of a distance from the back wall of the hollows. All of the foes in the area were Supa High... and I had to go through all of cherry hills all of the up and down part the gulch the lvl 14 trolls and outcasts..

needless to say my husband logged onto his 50 to tp me to the entrance.



- Please do not touch the hollows, it's one of the best zones inthe game IMHO.

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i couldn't agree more. i've heard from some who started in CoV and came to CoH later that they despise the hollows, so maybe that makes a difference. i started in CoH, and the hollows is (as i believe it was designed to be) the first real wake up call to what a hazard zone should be. watch out for the mobs, watch out for the gulch, and, "whoa, what's with all the igneous that just sprouted from the ground?!" were wonderful lessons to learn, and i wouldn't replace them or change them one bit.

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That's fine, but don't put the mission entrances 1.5 miles from the entrance you come through, forcing you to go through level 15 enemies (stuff you find in Steel Canyon) as a level 5 character. That's the only reason I don't go to Hollows any more.

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2 nights ago or so I was lvl 6 got my first mission from the guy in the hollows.. and it was 1.9 mi from the atlas gate it was a teenie tiny fraction of a distance from the back wall of the hollows. All of the foes in the area were Supa High... and I had to go through all of cherry hills all of the up and down part the gulch the lvl 14 trolls and outcasts..

needless to say my husband logged onto his 50 to tp me to the entrance.

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I LOVE doing that. Such an adrenalin rush



there is some sort of code that places the mission entrance in a zone furthest from the place you enter from. still, i dont relish the idea of zoning to skyway and running to the hollows gate just to get the mission to set near the atlas gate then having to zone 3 times again just to get there.

however, there is something about mission placement in zones...there are 1000 doors per zone yet no more than 5 are used, does that seem right?

If the good guy gets the girl, it's rated PG;
If the bad guy gets the girl, it's rated R;
And if everybody gets the girl, it's rated X
- Kirk Douglas



Well I expect/hope we will get temp travel powers till lvl 20 just like the villain side, that should make the hollows somewhat tolerable. It's not fair that they can get around faster with a stupid jet pack!

@Ninth Cloud



The only reason my SG and I ever ventured off our home server was because we ran out of slots. Now we all have toons on different servers that we rarely if ever play. I myself have 38 toons on 6 different servers and I still delete toons off my home server because I need the room for a new idea/consept character. One of my guild mates has over 100 toons spred across all the servers.
The 2 ideas I want implemented more than any other are additional slots per server and SG mebership based on accounts not individual characters. If these 2 things were put in I can telll you there would be a lot of consolidation going on.

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Your last phrase is probably why it won't happen. I would think the devs want toons spread across servers to avoid smaller servers getting less populated, and larger servers having more congestion.



well i run a thugs mm and i havnt had any problems. my boys run in and kill what i tell them to kill and come right back to me unless something attacks them... then they get killed too and my boys come back



* Debt in PvP Zones. Currently we "Pro-Rate" debt depending on how much damage you took from NPCs vs. PCs. When this is fixed we will zero out any debt if the killing blow comes from PCs, and Pro-Rate debt if the killing blow comes from NPCs.

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For the love of god, use this tech to make sure people get a share of the credit for a players defeat if they contributed to it, regardless if they are on a team.

One huge contributor to some people not liking PvP is how easily you get screwed out of the hard earned reward for an enemy's defeat because of someone else strolled by and landed the final shot.

You already do this in PvE, combine that with the above tech and eliminate some of the issues around kill-stealing!

Dominators don't need mitigation from their secondaries. Even if they did, there's ice (slows), psi (-recharge), and fire and elec (death).
-Talen_Lee commenting on Energy Assault's Utility



That's fine, but don't put the mission entrances 1.5 miles from the entrance you come through, forcing you to go through level 15 enemies (stuff you find in Steel Canyon) as a level 5 character. That's the only reason I don't go to Hollows any more.

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that's the purpose of the hollows, to teach you not to go through mobs of 15s, but around them. try and remember the essence of the game, it's not the destination, but the journey. i understand it's frustrating when you're halfway across the hollows and get waxed by a mob 8 levels higher than you, only to rez back in atlas park. i know because i've done it more than a few times. if all you want is to burn your way to your mish by yourself, then of course you'll want to quit pretty quickly. but if you get a few people together, run the perimeter around the gulch, making sure you're looking around so as not to run into a mob you can't handle, that is the essence of a hazard zone. it's hazardous. take out a few mobs on the way, get a real feel for the difference between the different ATs, start to see how everyone's designed to do their job... that's why you're there. and don't forget you don't incur debt before level 10. i would see being angry if faultline or boomtown was your first really treacherous zone, getting outside debt 4 or 5 times trying to get to your mish. it's like your first day in high school; sure you know what the bell sounds like, and how the cafeteria smells, but it's a different world. you're not supposed to walk in the first day and start dating the prom queen. you've got to earn it. nowhere else in the game is there so much to learn so quickly, which is why the hollows is still my favorite zone. it separates the heroes from the characters.



Strangely enough, I learned to play the game just fine before The Hollows even existed. How did I ever manage such a thing?



I think the lesson of The Hollows can be taught without making it a 1.5 mile hike..something like 600-700m would get the same point across without making it mind-numbing at the same time. Plus, the price for failure in this game is usually debt, but at that level its wasting twenty minutes of your playing time...something that they should endeavor to never waste.

Dominators don't need mitigation from their secondaries. Even if they did, there's ice (slows), psi (-recharge), and fire and elec (death).
-Talen_Lee commenting on Energy Assault's Utility



Can't see what I learned from having to hike through the hollows.
Maybe this:

1. No travel power sucks.
2. Large differences in levels can kill me quickly.

Sure I could cross the hollows with my low levels, but after the first couple times, it's boring and a waste of time.

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