Top Issues 8.10




Hollows.. must.. be.. nuked.

I can understand teaching how to avoid mobs but sometimes it's just ridiculous. Someone mentioned running around the gulch.. that takes forever as it is. But how about when the mobs lining the gulch are higher level than those in it? And the buildings are so close you have to go around the gulch, around the mob and around the building.

They need to have lowbie missions that give temporary travel powers. "5 minutes of superspeed" etc. Which would also aid in lowbies being able to test out a power before taking the wrong one. (I ran into one last night who took SS and thought Hurdle would make him jump like the Hulk - poor guy. I then had to explain what a respec was)

PvP kill steals are awful. (*thwaps stalkers*) Fix that. Then fix it three more times to make sure you got it right.

Server move! Dear God server move! Or at least let us transfer money between servers or trade in Pocket D. A "nominal" fee was mentioned. Nominal better mean a couple of bucks not 15 or 30 like most companies implement.



I think the lesson of The Hollows can be taught without making it a 1.5 mile hike..something like 600-700m would get the same point across without making it mind-numbing at the same time. Plus, the price for failure in this game is usually debt, but at that level its wasting twenty minutes of your playing time...something that they should endeavor to never waste.

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QFT.......... and

from Creole_Ned

Strangely enough, I learned to play the game just fine before The Hollows even existed. How did I ever manage such a thing?

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also QFT! this one made me laugh and reminded me that there are still other people out there that remember life without the Hollows...........



Y'know, the SG storage is nice, but why the hell can't there be a central bank we can use in the game? I mean I know they exist, I have robbed 13,000 of them on CoV!



Y'know, the SG storage is nice, but why the hell can't there be a central bank we can use in the game? I mean I know they exist, I have robbed 13,000 of them on CoV!

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Would you want to put your stuff in a bank that gets robbed that often?

50 ill/rad Troller
50 bs/invul/bm Scrap
50 stone/fire Tank
50 ar/ice Blaster
50 db/stone Brute



Y'know, the SG storage is nice, but why the hell can't there be a central bank we can use in the game? I mean I know they exist, I have robbed 13,000 of them on CoV!

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Would you want to put your stuff in a bank that gets robbed that often?

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Obviously I would be doing offshore banking



How about the ability to Trade more then 99999 Inf at once? That wouldnt be game breaking would it? For costume contests or just shuffling some Influence to your lowbie Characters, why does something like that have to be a pain?



How about the ability to Trade more then 99999 Inf at once? That wouldnt be game breaking would it? For costume contests or just shuffling some Influence to your lowbie Characters, why does something like that have to be a pain?

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I think it's been suggested more than 99,999 times, so why not raise it respectively?



How about the ability to Trade more then 99999 Inf at once? That wouldnt be game breaking would it? For costume contests or just shuffling some Influence to your lowbie Characters, why does something like that have to be a pain?

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Simple, the devs DONT want us doing that, they dont want us buying all SOs at lvl 22, and they dont want us giving money to our lowbie alts, if that was the case they would put in a bank like all the other MMOs out there so we wouldnt have to.

We (the player base) have been asking for this for a LONG time... even if it was just a mill at a time, it would make things alot eassyer for us, but apperntly they would prefer it stay a pain in the butt as to discourage us...but it really dosent.. or at least for me it never has.

The Official Resident Fanboi of dUmb
Always Allow/Disallow Mystic Fortune Prompt!




* Debt in PvP Zones. Currently we "Pro-Rate" debt depending on how much damage you took from NPCs vs. PCs. When this is fixed we will zero out any debt if the killing blow comes from PCs, and Pro-Rate debt if the killing blow comes from NPCs.

* Salvage disappearing from storage objects. If you click too fast, some salvage may get lost in the transaction when pulling from a Storage Object. This is a high priority bug to fix.

* Back Alley Brawler gives debt in Recluse's Victory. Yeah, he was not set up as "debt free". Sorry.

* Ability to drop missions. Coming soon!(TM) I know this will make a lot of players happy that they don't need to contact Customer Service just to continue thier story arcs.

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Those are pretty weak man. Do you guys listen to the player base?



* Debt in PvP Zones. Currently we "Pro-Rate" debt depending on how much damage you took from NPCs vs. PCs. When this is fixed we will zero out any debt if the killing blow comes from PCs, and Pro-Rate debt if the killing blow comes from NPCs.

* Salvage disappearing from storage objects. If you click too fast, some salvage may get lost in the transaction when pulling from a Storage Object. This is a high priority bug to fix.

* Back Alley Brawler gives debt in Recluse's Victory. Yeah, he was not set up as "debt free". Sorry.

* Ability to drop missions. Coming soon!(TM) I know this will make a lot of players happy that they don't need to contact Customer Service just to continue thier story arcs.

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Those are pretty weak man. Do you guys listen to the player base?

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These are old issues- there is an updated list for September-

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.



- Please do not touch the hollows, it's one of the best zones inthe game IMHO.

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i couldn't agree more. i've heard from some who started in CoV and came to CoH later that they despise the hollows, so maybe that makes a difference. i started in CoH, and the hollows is (as i believe it was designed to be) the first real wake up call to what a hazard zone should be. watch out for the mobs, watch out for the gulch, and, "whoa, what's with all the igneous that just sprouted from the ground?!" were wonderful lessons to learn, and i wouldn't replace them or change them one bit.

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Ugh! too each his own....but comon'!!! I can't believe anyone would "like" a zone that
!. you are almost forced to go to at a very low level
2. you have to travel insane distances with no travel power
3, There are mobs that are not just higher lvl, but waaaaay out level you. like one shot you out level you
4 no hospital
5. no trainer

I understand it's a hazard zone.....but most people enter it at level 6-10, and there is no reason for it to be so tedious. Chances of your level 6 making the ten minute trip to the bottom right corner for a mish is slim. The cop should tell you(for new players) that it might be a good idea to load up on wakies for the hospital is in another zone.

What really surprises me is that NCSoft doesn't mind that this is the first impression people get of COH. My first toon was a tank and I quit for this reason at lvl12 and only came back because COV. I occasionally suffer thru COH because I like the ATs, but I'm hoping for some major changes here.



I love the Hollows! Well, i -would- love the Hollows if it were half the size it is. I've learned to avoid mobs of unusual size and number, I've learned to run around a big hole in the ground, I've learned that repeatedly traveling so far with no travel powers -sucks- beyond words.

I like the zone's flavor, I like the missions there, but the layout/size is ridiculous.



I'll add my name to the list of those who hate the Hollows. The concept is ok but, like Majek said, the zone is way too large and dangerous for it's level range, and almost forces you to group at a stage when most players are flying through the early levels too quickly to want or need to group.

I view the single requisite Hollows mission as something to be endured, like a trip to the dentist, so I can get on with "the rest of the game". That's not something you should have to say about an activity that's supposed to be fun.



I love the Hollows. Especially with a WS or PB. The travel power makes the difference. Plus everyone on the team loves you for being able to port them to the mishs.
When Sprint is your travel power, not sooo much fun but still a great zone. After my 15th ff mish, I kinda wish the map was randomly generated though to break up the monotony 8)



I love the Hollows. Especially with a WS or PB. The travel power makes the difference.

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That probably sums up the hate other ATs tend to have for the Hollows right there. With no travel power, it's a HUGE pain. If it happened post travel power, or even if you could just get a temp power from Wincott that only works in the Hollows (SJ pack or something) it would be much more tolerable.



LOl the "impossible mission"



psst.....the CoH version of Mayhem missions should provide our lil heroes with some temporary travel options...



I've been reading the Hollows-issue the last few pages. I don't know if this already suggested nor I know if it's codewise possible, but how about how about keeping the doors in Hollows for lowbee toons' missions in the lowbee enemy-areas near Atlas gate? ... And of course have the doors go farther and farther away the higher the level the toon is without making them have to walk to areas with like +3s or more (with no more than like a half mile to run with toons that are lower than lvl14)

Brutes are built to kick @$�, not to save that of yours - Double Electro

My DeviantArt |



While El Humidor does agree that the Hollows is more enjoyable with a travel power (such as the Christmas Jetpack), he does not agree that the zone should be changed much, if at all. The difficulty of the Hollows is more of a learning curve than a design flaw. El Humidor can run any character all the way across the zone without taking so much as a scratch because he is smart about how he travels. The Hollows is something of a right of passage. If you can traverse it safely, then you can traverse any zone safely. Indeed, with the occasional free costume changes given out, El Humidor has even taken several very low level (i.e. around level five) characters to the tailor in Steel Canyon (again, with out a scratch).

There are a few doors on that big hill in the southeast of the Hollows, that we all know and love, which are usually used for the offending missions. To get there, you should head straight south from the Atlas entrance, sticking to the road, where villains can be avoided, and then continue on to the water. The water is free of villains and offers safe passage to the base of "the hill". The rest is merely a matter of paying attention to where the mobs are and not simply running blindly up the hill. Traveling around in this matter is hell of a lot faster than running right across the middle of the zone, getting yourself killed, running all the way back from the Atlas hospital, and repeating the same process several times (which El Humidor has seen more times than he cares to count). Use the terrain and the obvious nature of the mobs to your advantage. Play smarter, not harder, and don't whine that El Humidor's suggestions are not the solutions you want.

So sayeth El Humidor's talking [censored]*!

*{edit} Er, burro.



I've been reading the Hollows-issue the last few pages. I don't know if this already suggested nor I know if it's codewise possible, but how about how about keeping the doors in Hollows for lowbee toons' missions in the lowbee enemy-areas near Atlas gate? ... And of course have the doors go farther and farther away the higher the level the toon is without making them have to walk to areas with like +3s or more (with no more than like a half mile to run with toons that are lower than lvl14)

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Seriously, this is one of my least favourite aspects of the game, not just the Hollows. Contacts send you across the zone and even into other zones. I can understand if it is a "talk to this guy" mission, but instanced missions really need to spawn sat within 500 yards of the contact that gives then to you.



...The difficulty of the Hollows is more of a learning curve than a design flaw. El Humidor can run any character all the way across the zone without taking so much as a scratch because he is smart about how he travels. The Hollows is something of a right of passage. If you can traverse it safely, then you can traverse any zone safely.

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I agree with you on that. I've learned that fences and walls act as cover, and it's easily possible to avoid (and sometimes lose) mobs by keeping obstacles that block LOS between you and the mobs. It's definitely a learning experience on how to travel without Super Powers.



This one makes me happy purely because I keep getting on teams and out-level my own missions. It's just pathetic having Atta when you can't squeeze any exp out of it.

Lvl 50 fire/rad troller Wantonya - Infinity
Too many other alts and servers to bother counting



Oh how I hate the Hollows. Getting through the Hollows at low levels is like driving a rusty nail in your eye. Oh and then when a teammate dies in a mission, and one has rez. Well, now that toon gets the great pleasure of running all the way back from Atlas and through the Hollows 1.8 miles to the mission he struggled to get to the first time, all over again.



So my 2nd contact gives me the talk to Wincott mission. I get back and he gives me the Jewel of Hera CoT mission. This mission will be in Perez if you are high enough level. I've even had it spawn in Kings Row if the contact is in Kings Row. But I am level 5 and my contact is in Atlas. The mission spawns in the Hollows. IN THE OPPOSITE CORNER OF THE MAP FROM THE ATLAS GATE, 2 MILES AWAY!
This is the kind of crap I hate because I am not slogging through the Hollows by choice.



So my 2nd contact gives me the talk to Wincott mission. I get back and he gives me the Jewel of Hera CoT mission. This mission will be in Perez if you are high enough level. I've even had it spawn in Kings Row if the contact is in Kings Row. But I am level 5 and my contact is in Atlas. The mission spawns in the Hollows. IN THE OPPOSITE CORNER OF THE MAP FROM THE ATLAS GATE, 2 MILES AWAY!
This is the kind of crap I hate because I am not slogging through the Hollows by choice.

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That happend to me and I petitioned it. When the GM came they said it was completely normal for a lvl 5 hero to get a mission 1.9mi from Atlas gate, when I replied, "um no usually its about 500yrds."... They replied, "Well make a post on the forums"..
I did and got a bunch of crap from people here..

Fix: Make all missions in same zones as contact and further if under lvl 14 within 500yrds of contact.