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  1. Majek

    Not impressed

    Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
    you can, except it resets every time you load a new area/screen.
    wow that -is- annoying.
  2. Majek

    Not impressed

    Bad install... just set your computer to not sleep, let the patcher run over night, and go to bed. If it is still working on the download in the morning, a) upgrade your internet connection
  3. Majek

    Good BS/SD name?

    No back story or context for the name? Just want to relate the idea of swordiness and shieldiness?
  4. I play a lot of blasters, but every time I consider the Rad primary I'm underwhelmed by the -Def debuff it brings.

    What's the point really? Characters that don't have -Def are going to slot for enough accuracy to make your -Def unnecessary, and your own character has to be able to make the initial hits on the target to even apply this -Def effect.

    So what does this secondary effect bring to your build? If you short your attacks on Accuracy (anticipating the -Def in your attacks will pick up the slack) you're going to have a lot of trouble with hitting the target on first salvo.

    Is the power set just that good without considering the secondary?

    I've not played one beyond the mid 20s because i've never been captivated by the set... maybe my large amounts of soloing is the difference, let's hear it from the experts... Thanks!
  5. I think Sonic/Energy is a nice combo for self-sufficiency and team contribution. It's a good single target set with -Res debuffs on all attacks in primary. Has plenty of control with Sirens Call, and can stack stuns for boss control.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    Aoe control vs Damage. Sirens Call is arguably the best blaster AOE in the game. It needs no recharge enhancement to be up every spawn. Set your difficulty settings to no bosses, stealth to spawn, siren song them then go to to town on them one after the other move to the next spawn.
    I have several Sonics and love Sirens, but I still wouldn't call the set an AoE set.

    /edit: in my mind "AoE" blaster set would be sets that deal high AoE damage and take out large spawns quickly. While Siren's allows you take out large spawns essentially risk-free, you're still doing most of your damage with ST attacks on individuals after everyone is put to sleep.
  7. White bubbles are terrible to see through when the entire team has them and there is a big dome bubble over the team. Go with grey at least so they are dimmed.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    Ill go with giving you my favorites , my one must avoid and some that are fun if you are single target oriented


    Really nice AOE with these
    I don't know that i'd call Sonic/En "AoE"... has Howl (pretty good cone) and Siren's (very low damage).
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Prof_Radburn View Post
    looking for help on this build have been looking but it seems its not a popular choice any help will be welcome
    I assume you mean Sonic primary and Electric secondary?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rush_Bolt View Post
    I personally enjoy my Energy/Energy Blaster. I love the look of the Energy blasts.
    Yeah same... my first 50 was an Energy/Energy and he's my favorite blaster still; I also have enjoyed my Sonic/Energy.

    I solo a lot and both of these have been good for that.
  11. Majek

    By the way:

    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    When playing a videogame, my rule is to never do something that isn't fun. There's more than plenty of opportunity for that in real life!
    Well i find having certain IO sets makes playing certain characters more fun, so even in video games you often do unfun things to further your eventual fun. :P

    I flip numinas. It isn't fun, I never use them, just flip them for cash. Since I don't build billion-Inf characters, i never need these particular high demand recipes. It tastes bad but I do it for the Inf so i can buy Thunderstrikes and Crushing Impacts for my doezens of alts
  12. Majek

    Blaster Nukes

    Originally Posted by Mr_Connery View Post
    Boost Range, Power Boost, Aim+Build Up

    I snipe with nuke nao?
  13. Majek

    Ninja Run

    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    Yeah I noticed that while doing the Lost Cure mission. It's even funnier if you do it with the lost curing wand out.
    Haha! that's awesome, will try that tonight
  14. Majek

    Ninja Run

    Originally Posted by Player99 View Post
    ninja run ... looks cool as all hell
    I think it looks atrocious on most of my characters. I mean if all of your characters are... ninjas, i suppose it looks OK, but running in that strange pose, and even more bizarre, standing still in a pose like that, is pretty lame.

    HOWEVER, it could make all of my characters look like they just came from the Ministry of Silly Walks and I'd still use it because it's movement effects are wonderful.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cheese_Martini View Post
    ...Now we're married and have 4 computers and 6 monitors on side-by-side desks.
    So you're saying you reproduced?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
    [And Ninja Run jump is not slowed by stealth. At lev 35 I'm going 62mph jumping but only 42ish running.]

    Dang, too late, here comes the patch to fix that.
  17. Does Electric/Fire have a chance of competing as a farming build, or is it too squishy? Seems like it would dish serious AoE.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
    ET has the third highest DPA of any attack that Brutes possess when Arcana Time is factored. It seems that people are still fixated on the ET reanimation, when only Clobber and Seismic Smash outperform it in DPA.
    Do any of the attacks that exceed or have dpa anywhere near ET also have the negative effect of doing damage to the attacker? Out of curiosity...
  19. Awww man, you guys are making me regret rolling up a DA/EM. I love my character concept but it sounds like the upper tier powers blow; nothing sends me deleting a great concept character faster than a low fun-factor in play.
    At level 25 his KB hole (working on that but WW isn't cooperating) and his craptastic ability to mitigate incoming damage via stuns or whatnot is making playing him hellish. I was hoping Whirling Hands next level would help, but it sounds like that won't be the case.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
    Quiz question #1:

    In the following group, who would you attack first?
    a) Tsoo Sorcerer (healer, hurricane, foe hold)
    b) Tsoo Green Ink Man (melee stun)
    c) Tsoo Yellow Ink Man (ranged sleep)

    I asked a number of SG mates this question, and I was fairly surprised at their answers. Assume you're a level 23 blaster, and the minions are orange con, which means you can probably take out one of the minions outright with 1 aim + build up blast but would take 2 shots to take out the Sorcerer. Who would you attack first and why?

    Quiz question #2:

    In the following group, who would you attack first and why?
    a) Vahzilok Mortificator (ranged -slow, revive fallen cadavers, hard hitting melee attack)
    b) Vahzilok Embalmed Cadaver (explodes, dumb AI)
    c) Vahzilok Murk Eidolon (downgraded from a boss to a Lt, Midnight Grasp, Opressive Gloom)

    Assume you're a level 11 blaster, and have build up but not aim. The Lts con yellow while the Embalmed cons white.
    (without looking at others' answers...)
    #1 -- At 23 I'd have a stun (let's assume Screech since my current blaster is sonic), so I'd probably slap the sorcerer from range, then Kill a Green Inkman. I don't remember the last time i was slept by a yellow... they must suck at it
    /edit -- after reading other replies... DOH i forgot about Siren's... yeah sleep the whole group and then stun (Screech at range or Stun for melee) and kill each one at leisure.

    #2 -- Embalmed first, those things can wreck a team. Then I'd probably work on the Mort and save the Eidolon for last.
  21. I was wondering if anyone has tried to take advantage of the Oppressive Gloom stun combined with Hand Clap? Seems like you could pretty much perma some mag 4 disorient this way. Or would the Hand Clap blow them all out of range for further AoE stunnings?

    I have a Dark/SS in progress/on hold but have not reached a level high enough to experiment with this.
  22. I'm generally impressed with my 44 BS/DA whenever I play that toon, but for some reason get bored with it very quickly. Not sure what my problem is... and I really like the idea of the DA power set... made a DA/SS tanker too which was pretty addictive to play until I rolled up my next alt
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
    The name for me at first glance suggested a flying Sonic/Elec blaster.
    I like this.

    I also like a Superspeeder ("blitz" can work as lightning-fast, not just electricity), so a speeding scrapper would work for me as well; maybe MA/Electric Armor...
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dj13 View Post
    ... I was in a cave map with a grotesque bubbler that had such hard bright bubbles I couldn't see anything most of the time.
    This! Bubbles of white might look like cute soapy things while in Icon, but they absolutely suck when you're on a large team... nearly opaque!