Whats a fun Blaster?




Title says it all.



My three favorite blasters are Fire/Elec, Fire/Energy, and Fire/Ice .

I've also played to high levels and enjoyed Sonic/Mental and Ice/Ice. En/Fire is a special case: my second character ever started, and about my seventh level 50. Went through at least six respecs and I never really enjoyed her.

If I was going to do another Fire/* blaster it would be Fire/Mental.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



I personally enjoy my Energy/Energy Blaster. I love the look of the Energy blasts.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



Originally Posted by Rush_Bolt View Post
I personally enjoy my Energy/Energy Blaster. I love the look of the Energy blasts.
Yeah same... my first 50 was an Energy/Energy and he's my favorite blaster still; I also have enjoyed my Sonic/Energy.

I solo a lot and both of these have been good for that.



Hands down my Archery/Energy. TOO much fun. I have tried them all the primaries and Archery remains my #1 favorite for pure fun. Funnest from 1 to 50 I have ever had in all my 50's.

Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1



I agree with Le Blanc. I am currently playing an Archery/Energy and I love it. My first 50 was an Ice/Fire and it was fun as well.

I'm a Mac user, no Mid's for me



I really enjoyed playing my Archery/Fire, but I don't imagine it would be as much fun if you don't like spending a lot of time in melee range.

I'm currently playing Ice/MM and Sonic/EM. Both are a lot of fun and play quite differently from each other- the Ice/MM being far more AoE oriented.




Being an altoholic I have more blasters than any other AT and fire/fire is my favorite for the simple fact that they (IMO) represent what a blaster truly should be... their only real mitigation is killing the bad guy before they get to you.

I do however really enjoy my AR/EM blaster. Lots of fun toys with that in terms of screwing with the bad guys... a lot of the attacks have a knock down effect and if one gets to close the EM attacks have knock back to put distance between you and them again.

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



In order of Most to Least Fav. (least meaning it was just less fun, not bad by any means)

Fire/MM (Massive AoE, Ranged and PBAoE)
Ice/Elec (Awesome Control and ST)
Arch/MM (Massive Ranged AoE)
Nrg/Elec (Just Fun)
Fire/EM (Great ST with a Side of AoE)

Active 50s:
Zero Defex: DP/MM//Mace Blaster
Mutant X-7: Fire/MM//Mace Blaster
Running my Kin/EA gloriously
Come on I21!!!
Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Sure, the devs are supposed to listen to their customers, mister business 101 out there. And if I decide to start suggesting that the devs change the game from being about superheroes and supervillains to being about clowns that is my right as well, and technically Paragon Studios is supposed to pay attention to me. But I hope strongly that they assume a meth-head somehow managed to hack into my forum account and make paper airplanes out of my posts, because I hope they recognize stupid when they see it. I assume they will recognize futile just as accurately.



My favorites (and highest level,which means I played them more than the others):

Energy/Electric (with Electric APP) - tons of KB, almost more than Enrg/Enrg. Great soloing (enemies flat on their backs don't hit you), nice on teams if they understand variable KB, she was especially fun an a series of TFs playing with an Elec/Elec/Elec blaster, as we drained our foes of End repeatedly. My first character and my first 50.

Fire/Ice - Fire has really big orange numbers (with those extra ticks of damage) while /Ice gives a a touch of control. Laying down an Ice Patch then backing up and laying down a Rain of Fire makes me giggle. Currently level 40ish.

Sonic/Enrg - not sure why, but she's fun and level 30ish.

Fire/Enrg - again, I love KB. Currently approaching 30.

One blaster I have been working on for some time now is an AR/Dev. She's one of my first batch of characters, and only now has her nuke. I think she will be more fun now, but I ignored most of her secondary powerset as too gimmicky. Definitely an acquired taste and not much like my others.

I also have about a dozen blasters in the 10-20 range that I cycle thru as the mood strikes me.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



My Fire/Fire is a blast(GET IT) to play.

Build Up, Fireball, Fire Sword Circle, Fire Breath and then Rain of Fire to finish off anyone left alive. That's considering you survive, though.



Ill go with giving you my favorites , my one must avoid and some that are fun if you are single target oriented


Really nice AOE with these, good mixes of secondary effects and utility powers. /ment is one of the great sets if you want to slot IOs for bonuses. /En has some really nice powers and has boost range.

Must avoid

Its a pointless ouch in pve.

If you are more single target oriented



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Ill go with giving you my favorites , my one must avoid and some that are fun if you are single target oriented


Really nice AOE with these
I don't know that i'd call Sonic/En "AoE"... has Howl (pretty good cone) and Siren's (very low damage).



Love my Fire/Fire/Fire.
Aim+buildup+nuke (clean up with attacks), run to next group aim+buildup+fireball and sword circle... Do fireball etc 1 or 2 times more, then its nuke time again.
Fast packed action, and even more so when I got a kin with sb (I'm sooo a sb junkie) or with a tank.

It was through my fire/fire blaster that I discovered my playstyle... Blapper.
And if I fall, its always Rise of the Phoenix. She hits hard, quick and she is still my primary character.

Currently fiddling around though with an elec/elec blaster aswell. Love the thought of having a ranged nuke.
But I do believe I should make an energy/energy aswell soon.

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Originally Posted by Majek View Post
I don't know that i'd call Sonic/En "AoE"... has Howl (pretty good cone) and Siren's (very low damage).
Aoe control vs Damage. Sirens Call is arguably the best blaster AOE in the game. It needs no recharge enhancement to be up every spawn. Set your difficulty settings to no bosses, stealth to spawn, siren song them then go to to town on them one after the other move to the next spawn.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Aoe control vs Damage. Sirens Call is arguably the best blaster AOE in the game. It needs no recharge enhancement to be up every spawn. Set your difficulty settings to no bosses, stealth to spawn, siren song them then go to to town on them one after the other move to the next spawn.
I have several Sonics and love Sirens, but I still wouldn't call the set an AoE set.

/edit: in my mind "AoE" blaster set would be sets that deal high AoE damage and take out large spawns quickly. While Siren's allows you take out large spawns essentially risk-free, you're still doing most of your damage with ST attacks on individuals after everyone is put to sleep.



I would have to go with Arch/elec

Dusty2k5 Lev 50 Elc/Dev/Mun Blaster; Capt. Rostov-On-Don lev 50 bot/trap: Conchabar Iver level 50 Arc/Elec; Pandora Makinze Elec/ice; Rod Lighting ELEC/ELEC; Rannios Tyler Duel blades/Willpower/Physical Scrapper; Entrophile Elec/fire/ice Dom
I Live life by a code unfortunately no one else has seen the code key.



Depends on what your preffered style is, really. I've only managed to get two Blasters past the teens:

Arch/EM. I play this as a hover blaster, flying around and making my enemies resemble hedgehogs from afar, laughing at how their feeble attemps to meelee me just bunch them up for AoE carnage. The only meelee attack I have is Bone Smasher, because I think it looks absolutely adorable when done while hovering.

Ice/Elec. Blapper, with heavy ST focus. Render all enemies absolutely unable to do anything. Then punch them. Hard. Perhaps plays more like a Dominator than a Blaster, but I don't think that's a bad thing.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Aoe control vs Damage. Sirens Call is arguably the best blaster AOE in the game. It needs no recharge enhancement to be up every spawn. Set your difficulty settings to no bosses, stealth to spawn, siren song them then go to to town on them one after the other move to the next spawn.
If thats what you'd call fun, then ok.

I wouldn't.

I have a Son/EM sitting at lvl 38..no fun to play. Until Im on a big team..then I boost range and go to town. But that solo tactic is boring.


Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
Member of St0rm Batallion SG on Guardian



I'm currently having a lot of fun leveling an Ar/Ment.



Personal opinion from me is a Fire/Energy blaster - Boost Range is a huge bonus and Fire does exceptional damage. Energy Manipulation is primarily melee which helps with soloing.

@Drake Crator - Chosen of Mystra Super Group Leader/Founder
Diffidentia Angelus - 50 Willpower/Dual Blades Tanker
Solar Baron - 50 Fire Blast/Energy Manipulation Blaster
Adonis Soul - 50 Earth Control/Storm Summoning Controller
Constantine Krauss - 50 Kinetic/Psyonic Blast Defender



I'm a huge fan of blasters. But if I had to really choose so far my favorite combo blaster is my Fire/Fire blaster. I'm an AoE *****. And I usually run with a friend of mine on his Tank so he keeps most aggro away from me and I can just melt faces so quickly it's just to awesome. Archery/Mental is a ton of fun to play as well, that's another really good AoE machine. If you're more of a Single Target person try Ice/Ice or Ice/Energy, both are rather fun.



Well I've played a Fire/Devices up to 50 (it was my first 50, 2nd char I ever made) I really enjoy playing it, though I did go with a few variations on the "standard" build by Skipping Smoke grenade, Trip mine and Gun drone, taking Time bomb instead.

Also I currently have a L37 Radiation/Electric though the only things I've taken from the secondary so far is the mandatory first tier and Build up (in hindsight I should have taken energy secondary instead)

Both are very soloable and yet Team Friendly.

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post
Well I've played a Fire/Devices up to 50 (it was my first 50, 2nd char I ever made) I really enjoy playing it, though I did go with a few variations on the "standard" build by Skipping Smoke grenade, Trip mine and Gun drone, taking Time bomb instead.

Also I currently have a L37 Radiation/Electric though the only things I've taken from the secondary so far is the mandatory first tier and Build up (in hindsight I should have taken energy secondary instead)

Both are very soloable and yet Team Friendly.
Actually I'd say skipping smoke grenade is pretty common, keeping time bomb isn't though. I'd be curious how you use it, I heard so many bad things about it I never even bothered with it. I as well find I don't use trip mine much, caltrops is really the star of /devices for me.

Anyway, Fire/Devices is about to be my first 50 blaster ever (at about 49.5 right now ) I only tried about 100 combo's to this point. I think IO's letting me get my ranged defense to over 40% helped, I had a hard time liking how squishy blasters use to be. Between the defense, hover, and caltrops (also great to use with rain of fire), I'm pretty darn safe while at the same time still going through missions at a very quick clip. Fire's AoE of course makes teams fun.