Whats a fun Blaster?




I'm seeing a lot of Fire/Fire Blaster recommendations, which I agree with, and I find them endless fun in groups, but I also find them particularly weak solo...



Playing right now:

It's the most (widespread) AoE hands down.

Shockwave - Irradiate - Bomb - (step back) Scream - Haze - Discharge

It's slow and dangerous, and that's fun for me.

High risk / High reward is fun for me. Pushing the limit of this build is what's so fun.

Slap the electric shield for high RES to Smash/Lethal/Energy and you've covered half the damage in the game. Cherry pick your foes, get the cooldown shield in electric for perfect coverage. Drop a couple purps, run in and decimate.

On teams your activation is SLOW ENOUGH YOU DON'T GET AGGRO, yet you can usually unload all six AoEs per spawn.

Nuke whenever necessary, rinse and repeat.

Not to mention you have a seriously solid ST chain.

It's the best of both worlds. Without sacrificing an AOE slot for Siren's or having a narrow cone like Fire breath, or putting up with massive knockback to ruin your AoE chain.



Originally Posted by Rush_Bolt View Post
I personally enjoy my Energy/Energy Blaster. I love the look of the Energy blasts.
This. You just feel powerful doing energy blasts. To me, they feel very superheroic



Originally Posted by Riverdusk View Post
Actually I'd say skipping smoke grenade is pretty common, keeping time bomb isn't though. I'd be curious how you use it, I heard so many bad things about it I never even bothered with it. I as well find I don't use trip mine much, caltrops is really the star of /devices for me.

Anyway, Fire/Devices is about to be my first 50 blaster ever (at about 49.5 right now ) I only tried about 100 combo's to this point. I think IO's letting me get my ranged defense to over 40% helped, I had a hard time liking how squishy blasters use to be. Between the defense, hover, and caltrops (also great to use with rain of fire), I'm pretty darn safe while at the same time still going through missions at a very quick clip. Fire's AoE of course makes teams fun.
I'll throw my favorite out there as Archery/Devices/Fire.

That being said, I use Time Bomb as well. I know it is not a widely popular power, but personally, I'll smoke grenade a group, stealth in, drop a time bomb, fly straight up, drop melt armor, then toss out as many AOE's as I can before time bomb goes off. Works beautifully for me.



AR/DEV, my favorite toon
i recently rolled a Fire/Energy, wich i like a lot.

.... and i'm thinking for DP/mental when GR comes out

defiant only

my public list : http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/9355



Any blaster that allows you to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and listen to the lamentations of their women is a fun blaster.

I enjoy Fire/Fire and Archery/Devices. Two completely different blaster experiences.

Global name: @k26dp



I enjoy Elec/Elec/Elec, it's a fun and unique blasting experience.



Q: What's a fun blaster?

A: The one you're playing. If you're not having fun, play a different AT. Or a different powerset.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I've never seen another of them in game, but I was recently moved to make an Electric/Mind blaster that I'm enjoying. On paper, at least, it looks like the two sets complement each other fairly well. Not a heavy player of blasters, but I am enjoying this.

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"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
Title says it all.


As for primaries & secondaries these are my blasters and why I find them fun:

  • Rad/Fire: has many AoEs of doom :3
  • Energy/Devices: all that KB strangely synergises with her devices (i set up bombs/trap them, then KB and they are dead)
  • Archery/energy: because rain of arrows with BU + Power Boost + boost range = awesome
  • Assault rifle/energy: as above, except with full auto
  • Fire/ice: I superspeed into a group, ice patch flips em, chilling embrace slows em' down, build up + aim, drop rain of fire, then FOOM inferno.
  • Elec/elec/elec: its a theme thing, plus its fun draining mobs dry of their blue bars.
  • Sonic/mind: several cones and added control

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



Originally Posted by CaffeineAddict View Post
[*]Fire/ice: I superspeed into a group, ice patch flips em, chilling embrace slows em' down, build up + aim, drop rain of fire, then FOOM inferno.
I find everything prior to build up and aim leading up to inferno unnecessary, lol typically when on my fire blaster if I run in and inferno most of the group of mobs is dead.

However, if you're going for style points you win!

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



I knew a fun blaster once, but he has left the game for some feeble fantasy game that promised free mohawks to everyone or something like that.

Other than that, all blasters are awesome fun on good teams, but /mental is quite nice most of the time.

Any and all spelling, grammar and logic errors are intentional so this post will blend seamlessly into the Internet
Unbelievable. You, [subject name here], must be the pride of [subject hometown here]!



For me, I'd have to say Fire/EM. Pure damage in your enemies faces. Not as AoE heavy as Fire/Fire, but I prefer with blasters to be a precision instrument of mass destruction. I get in, 2 shot this guy, 3 shot that one, and finish it off with Fire Ball and Inferno. Next mob, please!

Fire/Ment is a pretty safe AoE heavy build, having a good mix of mezz and Drain Psyche to keep end up and help keep you alive while you lay the smack down. Arch/Ment is another good combo, one that's used for farming, too. Rain of Arrows plus Shockwave means dead mob. Anything left over can easily be dealt with with Blazing Arrow.

Both Ices have lots of control, but I just never was able to get into em. Same with Energy Blast and AR. Rad is flashy, but just not my style. The ability to slot Achille's Heel -res proc in it is very tempting, though. Stacking that up (if it stacks) would be very nasty, especially with the -def meaning you hit more often. And I imagine Neutrino Bolt could be quite fun with 1-2 acc and a bunch of procs in it.

Sonic is very powerful. I've only leveled it on defenders, but even that's pretty awesome. I could just imagine what it could do with blaster base damage.

But really, the most fun blaster is the one you find the most fun. Energy/Fire may not have a lot of synergy, but if you like the concept, or the colors you picked for it, or just like masochistic combinations, then by all means go for it. If you are having fun, that's all the matters.


Just my opinion, feel free to disregard...



fire/elec is really what you are looking for.



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
Title says it all.
My personal favorites are Ice/Elec and Energy/Energy. I also enjoy Psi/Mental, but I rarely play her because Fortunata's are so much better villain-side.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



Originally Posted by RosaQuartz View Post
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and listen to the lamentations of their women!

Your making me wanna break out my Conan Collectors DVD again!



Honestly, any blaster is fun in its own respect, and in my opinion, any blaster combo can be more fun than any other character you make. I like to think more along the lines of theme with blasters than anything, but then again, there are some nice out of theme combos that are very synergetic.

Combos I suggest: Ice/Ice, Elec/Elec, Fire/Fire, Anything/Energy (no really, /EM is amazing).

@Mazzo Grave
Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
you *******!!!!



I must say that I'm having an awesome time with my nrg/nrg. It's a young character, but so far, the most fun I've had with a blaster. Good range, good close up dmg - not the highest damage... I'm really geared to visual stimulants so the nrg blasts are awesome for me.

I also have a rad/mm and a fire/mm and they're both fun as well - and fire, does some great dmg.


The Trust



I love my Ice/Ice, which is why he remains my main despite all.

Sure, he doesn't level fast, but between the melee-ranged control abilities and my own tendency to play kind of blapperish to begin with, I sort of have something I have, perhaps unimaginatively, dubbed a Blapptroller.

And a fairly effective one, I might add.

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.



I love my Sonic/Mental. I have it specc'd for lots of AoE: 3 cones attacks, a cone sleep, a cone KB for herding, 2 PBAoE damage/stuns (though one of them is my nuke), plus Drain Psyche and World of Confusion. It also has a 3-shot ST attack chain, a nice ST Stun, and a melee spike in Mind Probe.

The -Res and -Recharge effects on the powers are pretty nice, too. The debuff isn't big enough to be the deciding factor against an AV, but it makes taking down bosses much easier. It's a fun character who can solo anything short of an AV with few problems if done right.

My Radiation/Energy is just pure damage, with a little bit of -Defense to make the damage more likely to hit.

Energy/Energy is what I consider to be the Jungian Blaster Archetype. It's got cool animations, good damage, and mitigation in the form of KB. Bing bang boom.

Too many alts to list.



I am loving my Sonic/Mental too!

It is my 2nd blaster after a Fire/Nrg which I didn't really enjoy and the way it is going at the moment may become my favourite toon!

The thing I love the most is that by level 12 I already have all the attacks I am going to take until the epic pools, including 3 single target attacks and 3 cones. Then as I go up in levels all that happens is I get stronger and stronger but the playstyle stays the same.

Managed to get to 20 last night and every mission makes me enjoy him more and more

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Does anyone have a high level Psi/MM blaster? They look interesting but i'm curious at what they are like at high levels.



I've played a few into the 20s or 30s and then deleted, AR being the most notable in that I found it boring to have guns compared to the flashier powers around me.

While Sonic always feels great on a Defender, it's due to the massive res debuff. It feels weaker in a Blaster's hands, where my role feels like it ought to be "killer" not "debuffer". A chunk of that is subjective opinion, but it doesn't seem like an uncommon reaction.

Similarly, Ice feels like a Defender set (heavy-hitting blasts between de/buffs, Blaster-damage AoEs, 2 holds) to me. The slow recharge of its first two attacks felt like a hindrance at level 1 and level 50, and I hate the sensation of slowness when I'm playing a Blaster.

I could say the same about Rad, except Rad is just a bloody fun set to play. The numbers say it's not that great compared to the other sets, but it is fun.

I've struggled with my Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster for almost a year now. Built for Recharge, he's a mass-murderer on teams. Mobs simply melt (unavoidable pun) under the onslaught. But that's with someone else taking the alpha. Solo, I find the Fire/Fire blend awkward and I die far too often to enjoy taking him out alone.

My recent Fire/MM is pure
I also don't feel the compulsion I had with my Fire/Fire to pick Fire as my APP, so I can S/L softcap with Cold Mastery or pick something life-saving like PFF or Hibernate.

As much as I've invested in my Fire*3 (e.g. several IO builds, getting all the Accolade Powers), he might face deletion because I've played very few characters that are as consistently fun as my Fire/MM.

tldr; Fire/MM =

Last edited by Harkness; 02-23-2010 at 04:19 PM.



Anything/ ice. The main reason is that Ice gives you easy breathing room to blast, especially once a few sets are allocated to the /ice cornerstone powers of BU, Ice Sword, Shiver, Chillblain, and Freezing touch. Of course Ice Patch is taken but really in the late game is often not needed for survival. Frequently this cool, frosty 6-pack of goodness is all that is taken from the /Ice, freeing up the hero to take medicine or other desired pool. With Gaussian's FCS in BU, Pacing o'Turtle in Shiver, Thunderstrike in Chilblain, Mako's Bite in Ice Sword, and Lockdown in Freezing Touch the astute /ice blaster is rewarded with 16.88% ranged def, a very pleasant benefit for the IO-oriented.