Top Issues 8.10




hopefully, the Marvel game will offer more than just "the same old" characters. I am expecting the gameplay to be awesome.






Bobby, is that you?

Horatus - lvl 50 Fire/Elec Blaster




And as for Microsoft turning games to crap, I think you have them confused with Sony.

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*sneeze* Planetside *sneeze*

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The Core Combat expansion, anyone?

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MechWarrior. You should all Fear that because M$ got control of that and just sat on it like an 800 pound gorilla. Seven years since a new MechWarrior game for the PC came out. A game that was once #1 in sales.


"I did not say this. I am not here." -Guild Navigator



hopefully, the Marvel game will offer more than just "the same old" characters. I am expecting the gameplay to be awesome.

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Ya know, the thing is this: people will play Marvel's MMO because they want to be Wolverine or Hulk or Spiderman. But without resorting to cheesy clone storylines, they can't let everyone who wants to be Wolverine become Wolverine, can they?

So I guess players will have to be content with creating all-new characters. In that case, what's the point of switching from CoX to Marvel unless the other game's engine and character system are clearly superior?



Although it looks like this thread got hijacked, I'll throw my two cents towards the original postings. Issue: While it's great that the recharge speed for henchmen equips and upgrades was reduced, but now that just means that I'm waiting for end to regen instead of the powers to recharge. No problem was fixed! MM's shouldn't be kept out of a fight for 2 minutes to redo bots, or forced suck blues faster than a dark/dark scrapper. Reduce the end cost and recharge please.



Look I know this is prolly unimportant compared to some of the bigger things in this issue.

But i just loaded up the test server and now i can't TP my turret anymore. And the fact is that crap. I mean i use that ability in my fighting strategy, when i play on mishs.

especally since placing the damn thing causes suffusion of my cloaking device. Why oh why did you take that away. and dont tell me its because its not fair to the other players who dont have recall friend. because the fact is I *Chose* a power for that ability, meaning I made that choice to get that instead of another power.

and its not like its easy to TP it in a fight, you have to remain un interupted while your doing it. it's a good ability, Plz give it back. it was useful

Protector - CyberExeider



Look I know this is prolly unimportant compared to some of the bigger things in this issue.

But i just loaded up the test server and now i can't TP my turret anymore. And the fact is that crap. I mean i use that ability in my fighting strategy, when i play on mishs.

especally since placing the damn thing causes suffusion of my cloaking device. Why oh why did you take that away. and dont tell me its because its not fair to the other players who dont have recall friend. because the fact is I *Chose* a power for that ability, meaning I made that choice to get that instead of another power.

and its not like its easy to TP it in a fight, you have to remain un interupted while your doing it. it's a good ability, Plz give it back. it was useful

Protector - CyberExeider

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Let me know if this works out for you.



let you know if *What* work out for me? If its gets resolved or commented on?



Fixing Force Fields maybe? I think they were broken back in April '04 or something and I notice Corrupters did not get this set which should be a natural fit really.... except Force Fields would need to be on the level of Elude to actually have any effect in PvP.

My fix is to have Force Bubble debuff accuracy or allow FF Defenders to shoot out of Personal Force Field, but be unable to run Dispersion Bubble and PFF. Anyway, Force Fields are completely eliminated/nullified by Aim or any other Accuracy Buff and that is all an FF Defender gets. No Heals, no Damage/Recovery buffs. Anyway, not giving Force Fields to Corrupters is not a Fix.


"I did not say this. I am not here." -Guild Navigator



Fixing Force Fields maybe? I think they were broken back in April '04 or something and I notice Corrupters did not get this set which should be a natural fit really.... except Force Fields would need to be on the level of Elude to actually have any effect in PvP.

My fix is to have Force Bubble debuff accuracy or allow FF Defenders to shoot out of Personal Force Field, but be unable to run Dispersion Bubble and PFF. Anyway, Force Fields are completely eliminated/nullified by Aim or any other Accuracy Buff and that is all an FF Defender gets. No Heals, no Damage/Recovery buffs. Anyway, not giving Force Fields to Corrupters is not a Fix.

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Good call.

Make FF a set that's also good as a Primary and not just something you take as a secondary. Right now, playing FF's is dropping buffs every 4 minutes and then going back to Gears of War. First let the buffs actually mean something(+tohit on single target buffs, +HP on buffs, longer duration of Dispersion bubble buff outside of aoe effect, +perception on Dispersion bubble, Improved repel rate tick on Force Bubble, more secondary effects that are not just easily resisted and more....), Second give us something to do while we're not buffing(Debuffing abilities?).

ps, Dispersion Bubble already doesn't work while in PFF technically. It does work on yourself, but not on your teammates in the Bubble, while you're in PFF, which is perfectly fine.



Thank you for updating us Positron!



Has anyone else noticed a weird shadow image when over the water in some missions? It's like a wavy copy of the character and especially weapons (like the Broadsword and the Battle Axe) slightly offset to the right and only visible when the water is behind them on the screen. Is this a bug or something specific to my video card?



Also the new maps, mobs are able to target and fire through the walls and from one floor to the next.



Server: Freedom, character: Beefy. I helped with half the Hamidon raid and got my several hits on Hammi and I was not awarded a HO as usual, but I and most the zone got dc and Hammi Despawned. Please award me my HO.

Response (Hylda) 12/12/2006 08:17 AM
Hello Michael,

Thank you for contacting PlayNC Support Team. Due to the nature of online games, connection issues can occur between players computers and our servers. We understand your frustration resulting from these issues; unfortunately, support will not be able to reverse any resulting losses. Again, we apologize for any frustration or inconvenience this issue may have caused you.

My response:
The "nature of online games" does not include mass disconnections. Examine your logs and you will find in broadcast how many people where affected. Hammi Despawned by himself, no one got a HO. When that many people get affected it's a server/I8 issue in your care. Crediting players what they earned is your duty and costs you nothing since they earned it.

Still waiting for my HO.



Yea I noticed that. A Crap load of freaks targeted my group through a wiandow. I saw them running to get us freaked me out. But live and learn!



I agree and disagree here. As a person that has had a variety of schedule changes and late night or early morning playing sessions get interrupted by the maintenance, I can say that it is very annoying. But it is scheduled. I can anticipate the servers being shut down around 9am and I check periodically to see when they are back up.

Yes, this is an annoyance, especially for people that have this time set up for their daily game sessions.

But I would rather have that schedules downtime and have it fixed and maintained than have them do emergency maintenance on the server at 9:30 or 10pm on a Friday or Saturday. Which is exactly what happened to people on Protector last week.

And saying that 9am to 11am isn't their deadest time may not be completely true. When would you like them to do it? I have had a majority of my supergroup online and doing PvP or missions until 6 am here and there are still quite a few people playing. I have stayed on doing a Respec until the kicked us from the servers some mornings.

I understand the frustration of people not being able to get on the game when it is most convienent to them, and right now the hours of 9 am to 11 am are the most convienent for me to play as well.

The staggering of server downtime would possibly fix this complaint. If the east coast server went down at a different time than the west coast servers, at least you could have a server up to play on, but this may impede Cryptic from performing the tasks necessary, or doubling the amount of work and resources they need to allocate to it, which people will then complain about Cryptic not making new content of not offering Power customization.

And it is not like this happens all the time where the servers are down for hours at a time for days in a row. Only occasionally.

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Firstly:Nice post man

Secondly:I'm a noob so this is my first post


To begin I had major problems installing and patching this game.Took me 2 days to get it up and running but that's a different story.To keep on topic with the quote yes I'm a nOOb.I live in New Zealand and friggin love this game so far but to have server downtime at, what for us is prime time (10pm-3am+) is a friggin joke for a game WHICH DEMANDS SUBSCRIPTION COSTS.

So I pay for a game which is down 3 times a week when I want to play?


To be frank this is a joke for players outside of America.I play a lot of MMO and this has never...NEVER...been an issue.Most patch and do there service on the fly.Not even noticed.

Honestly get a clue COH employees and sort it out or your 150,000 subs, which is crap given the current state of the MMO market, will shrink as you are no doubt well aware.

Many people like me love your game.....LOVE IT....but to log in to only be told we have to sign off (2 hours my [censored].Normally it's 3-4) is complete garbage when other FREE and vastly more popular MMO's don't have anywhere near similar issues or constant downtime.

You do it on a Friday.ARE YOU COMPLETE MORONS?

Don't get me wrong.I love the game and you have answered many of my MMO dreams but I will not pay to play a game which I can never play when I want to.

I'm a gamer...not an idiot.




I agree and disagree here. As a person that has had a variety of schedule changes and late night or early morning playing sessions get interrupted by the maintenance, I can say that it is very annoying. But it is scheduled. I can anticipate the servers being shut down around 9am and I check periodically to see when they are back up.

Yes, this is an annoyance, especially for people that have this time set up for their daily game sessions.

But I would rather have that schedules downtime and have it fixed and maintained than have them do emergency maintenance on the server at 9:30 or 10pm on a Friday or Saturday. Which is exactly what happened to people on Protector last week.

And saying that 9am to 11am isn't their deadest time may not be completely true. When would you like them to do it? I have had a majority of my supergroup online and doing PvP or missions until 6 am here and there are still quite a few people playing. I have stayed on doing a Respec until the kicked us from the servers some mornings.

I understand the frustration of people not being able to get on the game when it is most convienent to them, and right now the hours of 9 am to 11 am are the most convienent for me to play as well.

The staggering of server downtime would possibly fix this complaint. If the east coast server went down at a different time than the west coast servers, at least you could have a server up to play on, but this may impede Cryptic from performing the tasks necessary, or doubling the amount of work and resources they need to allocate to it, which people will then complain about Cryptic not making new content of not offering Power customization.

And it is not like this happens all the time where the servers are down for hours at a time for days in a row. Only occasionally.

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Firstly:Nice post man

Secondly:I'm a noob so this is my first post


To begin I had major problems installing and patching this game.Took me 2 days to get it up and running but that's a different story.To keep on topic with the quote yes I'm a nOOb.I live in New Zealand and friggin love this game so far but to have server downtime at, what for us is prime time (10pm-3am+) is a friggin joke for a game WHICH DEMANDS SUBSCRIPTION COSTS.

So I pay for a game which is down 3 times a week when I want to play?


To be frank this is a joke for players outside of America.I play a lot of MMO and this has never...NEVER...been an issue.Most patch and do there service on the fly.Not even noticed.

Honestly get a clue COH employees and sort it out or your 150,000 subs, which is crap given the current state of the MMO market, will shrink as you are no doubt well aware.

Many people like me love your game.....LOVE IT....but to log in to only be told we have to sign off (2 hours my [censored].Normally it's 3-4) is complete garbage when other FREE and vastly more popular MMO's don't have anywhere near similar issues or constant downtime.

You do it on a Friday.ARE YOU COMPLETE MORONS?

Don't get me wrong.I love the game and you have answered many of my MMO dreams but I will not pay to play a game which I can never play when I want to.

I'm a gamer...not an idiot.


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well ther is the option if you dont like the dowentimes that you can play the EU version of the game... it have dowentime mroe fitting for EU players i my self live in denmark and have playede this game since launce and i got no problems whit the dowentime userlay it is from arunde 15.00 in the after noon to arunde 18.00 ( thats 3 pm to 6 pm) and it dont bother me at all i just make my day fit arunde it or go play an ohter game the houer or two the server is dowen


Sorry for spelling errors i am word blind