Isolator for villains
No, Mr. can't have any more cake!
How 'bout pie?
Does this mean that villains can get isolator too, if thats the case, then heroes should get jail bird too.
[/ QUOTE ]
Now we begin to see the continued shortsightedness of the Devs' handling of Isolator. The RV Isolator 'solution' has now opened up the real possibility that villains -will- be able get Isolator as well, begging the eventual whine of heroes wanting to get Jailbird.
Back when people figured out that heroes could get Reformed by getting confused and defeating Longbow in the PvP zones, a Dev (might have even been Positron) responded to it by saying that there is nothing intrinsically built into any badge that limits them to only be gotten by heroes or only by villains. Thus there is no reason to think that villains won't start showing up with Isolator eventually.
As a hero badge hunter I can honestly say that I don't have much desire to get Jailbird myself. But I can almost guarantee there will come a time when people will actively pester the Devs for this. And we all know what this kind of pestering got us...
*ponders the virtual insanity of the RV Isolator 'opportunity'*
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
The difference between Isolator and Jailbird is this: one is for mob kills and one is for exploration (obviously). I think if you are going to give the opportunity for heroes to get Isolator through allowing its mob to reappear in a PvP zone, then yes, it is fair for both sides.
Now Jailbird is an exploration badge. A hero saying they want the opportunity for this badge might as well say they want an opportunity for all the other exploration badges in CoV. It is unique to the game, not unlike mobs which can be ported between the two.
Now, of course, when turning sides is implemented, I see a big uprising for Jailbird coming...
"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie
The big difference is that Isolator is a defeat badge.........
Jail bird is an *exploration* badge tied to a *specific* map. You can't even get that badge from the 2nd incarnation of that's a different map.
Allowing mobs to cross paths in both games is a little different than having *maps* be accessible for both games. Heroes in Mercy? Heroes in CaD? Heroes in BREAKOUT?
Apples and oranges.
Bah....beerman must die
I've already forgotten about most of you

Isolator - Achievement badge
Jailbird - Exploration badge
I don't see future rants on why people would whine about not being able to get it, even though this is a far stretch...maybe the devs when they put in the Corruption/Redeem system, Heroes can start out in the villain Outbreak and Villains can start out in the Hero Outbreak
In order to fit into Project Destiny (and thus seamlessly integrate themselves into the Rogue Isles along with all the 'native' villains), fallen heroes will have to wind up in the Zig at some point during the trial. While they're there, evil heroes can grab Jail Bird. Redeemed villains can acquire Isolator in RV as normal. Problem solved.
Heck, to save yourself time, redeemed villain badge hunters can wait and pick up Isolator BEFORE changing sides. This being the only way to obtain the badge, there shouldn't be any shortage of villain hunting teams... competing with the oldbie hero hunting teams...
Wow, is Recluse's Victory going to be full of anger.
Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball
Does this mean that villains can get isolator too, if thats the case, then heroes should get jail bird too.
[/ QUOTE ]
Now we begin to see the continued shortsightedness of the Devs' handling of Isolator.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow, ye of little faith.
Isolator is marked as "Hero Only". Villains can kill the contaminated for 100 years, and never get the badge.
Only Heroes can get the badge.
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Does this mean that villains can get isolator too, if thats the case, then heroes should get jail bird too.
[/ QUOTE ]
Now we begin to see the continued shortsightedness of the Devs' handling of Isolator.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow, ye of little faith.
Isolator is marked as "Hero Only". Villains can kill the contaminated for 100 years, and never get the badge.
Only Heroes can get the badge.
[/ QUOTE ]
um... how is your average villain going to know that?
I can forsee a lot of villains trying, stealing kills from heros in the process, and then raising a fuss when they wonder why their efforts aren't being rewarded.
Just move the one Contaminated over to Peregrine or somewhere so Villains will never see him.
besides, Villains have no gain from whacking this one rare spawn that Heroes need for a badge. I bet some Villains will kill Contaminated anyways just to grief Heroes.
Does this mean that villains can get isolator too, if thats the case, then heroes should get jail bird too.
[/ QUOTE ]
Now we begin to see the continued shortsightedness of the Devs' handling of Isolator.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow, ye of little faith.
Isolator is marked as "Hero Only". Villains can kill the contaminated for 100 years, and never get the badge.
Only Heroes can get the badge.
[/ QUOTE ]
um... how is your average villain going to know that?
I can forsee a lot of villains trying, stealing kills from heros in the process, and then raising a fuss when they wonder why their efforts aren't being rewarded.
Just move the one Contaminated over to Peregrine or somewhere so Villains will never see him.
[/ QUOTE ]
As a villain, I like being able to interrupt the efforts of heroes. Sounds like a totally intentional mechanic.
I think Positron just enjoys torturing villains. I can imagine him in GM mode, hovering over the masses of villains futilely trying to earn the badge, cackling like a fiend.
Wow, ye of little faith.
Isolator is marked as "Hero Only". Villains can kill the contaminated for 100 years, and never get the badge.
Only Heroes can get the badge.
[/ QUOTE ]
Positron FTW..
/e praise
Your my fav hero that I con grey to
LvL 50's Inv/Em Tank, Katana/Regen Scrapper, Merc/Traps MM, Ninja/Dark MM, Crab
@Torell Guardian, Liberty & Freedom

/em snicker
Well, the heroes wanted Isolator and now they have a shot at isolator. Not an easy one mind you, but a shot.
You all got exactly what you asked for. A shot.
And for the record, Abigail does not have isolator either. I never expected her to level past 10, let alone become my main so I never bothered to get it in outbreak.

M'Teru couldn't get the job done. So she sent Mot to Astoria. Bad call.
I'll trade ya this Jail Bird for that Witch's Hat. Heroes also wanted the villain costume options, and are getting them with I7.
I think the hat would work better for villains. Villains need Witch Hats! We need to organize a protest. We want hat! We want hat! Down with the oppressive regime! We want hat!
Heaven forbid there should be anything special in one game or the other.
I think Positron just enjoys torturing villains. I can imagine him in GM mode, hovering over the masses of villains futilely trying to earn the badge, cackling like a fiend.
[/ QUOTE ]
IF we were to ever add a way to get Isolator post-Tutorial, it would most likely be incredibly hard to get. Annoyingly hard. Irritatingly hard. There-would-be-a-zillion-people-asking-to-make-it-easier hard.
But IF we were to add it, it would be available nonetheless.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow, ye of little faith. Isolator is marked as "Hero Only". Villains can kill the contaminated for 100 years, and never get the badge. Only Heroes can get the badge.
[/ QUOTE ]
um... how is your average villain going to know that?
I can forsee a lot of villains trying, stealing kills from heros in the process, and then raising a fuss when they wonder why their efforts aren't being rewarded.
[/ QUOTE ]
This wouldn't be any more offensive than what already goes on in PvP zones. By comparison, it's tame.
Just move the one Contaminated over to Peregrine or somewhere so Villains will never see him.
[/ QUOTE ]
Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.
besides, Villains have no gain from whacking this one rare spawn that Heroes need for a badge. I bet some Villains will kill Contaminated anyways just to grief Heroes.
[/ QUOTE ]
MUHAHAHA thats exactly what i plan on doing. now thats being a villian
besides, Villains have no gain from whacking this one rare spawn that Heroes need for a badge. I bet some Villains will kill Contaminated anyways just to grief Heroes.
[/ QUOTE ]
MUHAHAHA thats exactly what i plan on doing. now thats being a villian
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks for finally letting villains feel like villains.
All Villains repeat after me:
I <insert name here> will use every trick and ability at my disposal to try and kill the contaminated in RV, if for no other reason than to annoy a hero. For I am a villain and that what I do.
edit for spelling
Does this mean that villains can get isolator too, if thats the case, then heroes should get jail bird too.
[/ QUOTE ]
Now we begin to see the continued shortsightedness of the Devs' handling of Isolator.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow, ye of little faith.
Isolator is marked as "Hero Only". Villains can kill the contaminated for 100 years, and never get the badge.
Only Heroes can get the badge.
[/ QUOTE ]
um... how is your average villain going to know that?
I can forsee a lot of villains trying, stealing kills from heros in the process, and then raising a fuss when they wonder why their efforts aren't being rewarded.
Just move the one Contaminated over to Peregrine or somewhere so Villains will never see him.
[/ QUOTE ]
As a villain, I like being able to interrupt the efforts of heroes. Sounds like a totally intentional mechanic.
[/ QUOTE ]
Here is how I see it: lots and lots of people cried to get the chance to get the Isolater badge, even to the point of saying that they would do just about anything "in game" to get it. The Devs listened to the cries of the masses and granted thier request in the affirmative. They gave them a "chance" and even stated it that it would not be very easy. And now that the Heroes have their chance they cry about how hard it will be to get. It seems to me that a lot of people don't really mean what they say, and will find any excuse to complain even if they are given what they want.
Here is the deal folks, the chance is now there for anyone who did not get it in Outbreak, but it isn't easy. If you really want the badge then you will get it (sooner or later).
If they moved it to PI then it would be too easy. And besides, I like the idea of having to brave the PvP zones to get it, and I don't even like PvP. Also, neither of my mains have Isolater so I am in the boat of needing it.
Looks like this will become the new bounty... move over Sirens call...
50 Fire/Kin Cont
50 Fire/Axe Tank
50 Spine/Inv Scrap
50 Eng/Dev Blast
50 Claw/SR Scrap
50 Emp/Dark Def
50 Eng/Elec Brute
50 Fire/MM Blast
My DeviantArt Page
besides, Villains have no gain from whacking this one rare spawn that Heroes need for a badge. I bet some Villains will kill Contaminated anyways just to grief Heroes.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sometimes Villainy can be its own reward.
( I am reminded of the Joker's internal monologue in Dark Knight "I don't keep track... But you do. And I love you for it.")
/e muahahaha
Here is how I see it: lots and lots of people cried to get the chance to get the Isolater badge, even to the point of saying that they would do just about anything "in game" to get it. The Devs listened to the cries of the masses and granted thier request in the affirmative. They gave them a "chance" and even stated it that it would not be very easy. And now that the Heroes have their chance they cry about how hard it will be to get. It seems to me that a lot of people don't really mean what they say, and will find any excuse to complain even if they are given what they want.
[/ QUOTE ]
QFT all over the place. And saved me typing time.
"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF
Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')
Does this mean that villains can get isolator too, if thats the case, then heroes should get jail bird too.
[/ QUOTE ]
Now we begin to see the continued shortsightedness of the Devs' handling of Isolator.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow, ye of little faith.
Isolator is marked as "Hero Only". Villains can kill the contaminated for 100 years, and never get the badge.
Only Heroes can get the badge.
[/ QUOTE ]
um... how is your average villain going to know that?
I can forsee a lot of villains trying, stealing kills from heros in the process, and then raising a fuss when they wonder why their efforts aren't being rewarded.
Just move the one Contaminated over to Peregrine or somewhere so Villains will never see him.
[/ QUOTE ]
As a villain, I like being able to interrupt the efforts of heroes. Sounds like a totally intentional mechanic.
[/ QUOTE ]
Exactly. Now we see the cryptic (pun intended) unfolding of the Developers mind. He stated this would a very tough badge to acquire outside of Outbreak and that is proven by Posi's statement here.
Gotta give them a nod and smile on this one.
Sign It :
Does this mean that villains can get isolator too, if thats the case, then heroes should get jail bird too.
[/ QUOTE ]
Now we begin to see the continued shortsightedness of the Devs' handling of Isolator.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow, ye of little faith.
Isolator is marked as "Hero Only". Villains can kill the contaminated for 100 years, and never get the badge.
Only Heroes can get the badge.
[/ QUOTE ]
And this is the seldom heard, but much dreaded, Positron Burn.
Does this mean that villains can get isolator too, if thats the case, then heroes should get jail bird too.
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.