Did you know... The unofficial history thread




It would be a nice tribute to add an NPC called Christopher Reeve or something similar to the game (with the family's permission of course).

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I think the best idea posited before was to add a statue somewhere like in Atlas, or to slightly change one to have no distingiushing "Superman" textures or other costume textures that could infringe, that has a similar build to Christopher Reeve.

It could have a clickable plaque that says "In honor of Christopher Reeve," with his date of birth and passing. Maybe similar ones to other comics or industries greats, who have passed. Or, if not a statue, perhaps simply place a row of clickable plaques in City Hall, or outside it, on the stone facade/lower level that surrounds it.



All the signature heroes left their respective pedestals and appeared in Atlas Park to honor the recently deceased Christopher Reeve. They all lined up and briefly saluted the real life Hero.

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Did this actually happen?



All the signature heroes left their respective pedestals and appeared in Atlas Park to honor the recently deceased Christopher Reeve. They all lined up and briefly saluted the real life Hero.

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Did this actually happen?

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I'd like to think it did but I can't imagine it would happen and not be all over the forums. I've never heard of it before today. Unless someone can provide a screenshot (and there should be many available of such an event) I'd have to classify it as apocryphal.

It sounds like someone said "Wouldn't it be cool if..." and 4-5 repetitions later it had morphed into "Did you hear that...".



There are many stories of GMs appearing in unusual guises.

Did you know... there was a GM who always appeared as a PINK policebot. I forget her name but she was said to appear as a beautiful PINK Bot.

Did you know... a GM appeared once as Countess Crey. According to the story I heard, a player used the Countess Crey name or some variety of it and didn't want to change it. The GM appeared as the genuine Countess Crey to deal with the issue.

The most likely story of unusual appearances was...

All the signature heroes left their respective pedestals and appeared in Atlas Park to honor the recently deceased Christopher Reeve. They all lined up and briefly saluted the real life Hero.

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What server did those happen on? Are there any screenshots?



Did you know…

The cave in Cascade Archipelago has two contacts standing around in it: Dr. Huxley (who passes out Kora Fruit missions) and Sara Moore (who starts one of the SS TF’s).

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Sara is wearing a tee shirt with a neato Statesman picture on it. I wonder where she got it? And I wonder where I can find one. Oh, if only that was a costume piece.



Did you know... before the Council took over the Fifth Column, the flying robot missile-shooters were called Valkyries. Instead of a dome where the brain was, they had an oversized Sergeant Schultz helmet. This made an otherwise sinister robot drone look rather comical.



All the signature heroes left their respective pedestals and appeared in Atlas Park to honor the recently deceased Christopher Reeve. They all lined up and briefly saluted the real life Hero.

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Did this actually happen?

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No, it didn't.



Did you know... Statesman's Statements

City of Heroes had a forum operating for close to two years before the game went to beta test. In the winter of 2002/2003, Statesman posted a series of articles talking about his views on comics, comics history, and the future of the genre.

Of the seven published articles, four are still available and have been re-posted on the current forum for the edification of the current batch of players.

Statesman's Statements #1 - Top Ten Trade Paperbacks

Statesman's Statements #2 - Top Ten Villains

Statesman's Statements #6 - Comic Book Camp

Statesman's Statements #7 - Comics and Heroes



Did you know... That this thread really needs to come back?

Can someone confirm something for me? It would be really awesome to write here "Did you know that the computer monitors behind the counter in Hospitals show the infamous Excel Sheet used to balance new powerset numbers?" but it's unreadable to me, even on Very High. Anyone with Teleport and an unstoppable graphics card able to actually read that thing? Even if not, it'd be cool to see what that Excel sheet actually says...



That last weekend we had a double xp extravaganva. Many people finally made it to the big 5-0 incliding myself.



DO YOU KNOW THAT DEVCON IS THE GAMESTER!!! Look at there logos! (click the festival of terror report.)



DO YOU KNOW THAT DEVCON IS THE GAMESTER!!! Look at there logos! (click the festival of terror report.)

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Nice catch. You're right!

Another "did you know" --

The Spines power set was originally called Quills. The name was changed after multiple complaints that it "didn't look like quills". The animations were the same as they are now.



Did you know:

- that the Christopher Chamberlain on the "Lone Hero" poster outside of Paragon City Cinemas shares the same name as an artist mentioned as working for Cryptic? I'm guessing someone got the job of doing the posters and thought they'd sign them as well!

- that you can find the name Mike Apolis on certain parts of the Rogue Isles landscapes? This is another zone designer who has signed parts of his work.



That under Grandville there is a secret hidden easter egg that is actually quite large. Sorry not gonna give it away.



Doesn't look like anyone's mentioned it yet (although it came close), but...

Remember when Hasten could be perma'd? My blaster ruled the day back then...


Also, Inferno had a shorter recharge time than the other blaster's "nuke" powers and that you could immediately start to regain endurance after you fired it off (so you could hit Consume and keep going)?



a did you know:

back in the good old days we didn't have no capes or weapons? the scrappers used to be martial arts, spines, and claws?

the web grenade was horrifically broken in the early days? /dev blasters would kill +8's with just the grenade?

the origional project lead didn't get fired in bad terms. he actually thought it was for the better?

during statesmans strike (end of COV beta) the GMs were given a Lonbow Ballista's skin and an at to make a monster out of and several of the were VERY good players?

By the catapillars hooka you WILL smile!



That the game used to be a whole lot more fun to play than it is now, before nerfing became the dev solution to every single problem?



back in the good old days we didn't have no capes or weapons? the scrappers used to be martial arts, spines, and claws?

the web grenade was horrifically broken in the early days? /dev blasters would kill +8's with just the grenade?

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Um...how early are we talking here? AFAIK, Scrappers always had the same powersets they have now. The capes part is correct.

And unless I'm missing a piece of CoH history, I think you mean Smoke Grenade.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



back in the good old days we didn't have no capes or weapons? the scrappers used to be martial arts, spines, and claws?

the web grenade was horrifically broken in the early days? /dev blasters would kill +8's with just the grenade?

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Um...how early are we talking here? AFAIK, Scrappers always had the same powersets they have now. The capes part is correct.

And unless I'm missing a piece of CoH history, I think you mean Smoke Grenade.

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Unless he's talking Beta... I guess... >.> I've been around since one month after release <,< Smoke Grenade was indeed stupidly broken; we didn't have capes...

But we *DID* have Katana (using the same animations as BS), Broadsword, Martial Arts, Spines, Claws and Dark Melee all.

>.> Unless he means beta, which is all I can think of, since I wasn't around back then.



Yeah, he's wrong about the scrapper sets. I was in 3rd wave beta and my character was regen/katana.

We've had the same sets since I joined beta.

Also, doesn't smoke greneade deal no damage, hence they cannot beat +8 mods with only that.



Yeah, he's wrong about the scrapper sets. I was in 3rd wave beta and my character was regen/katana.

We've had the same sets since I joined beta.

Also, doesn't smoke greneade deal no damage, hence they cannot beat +8 mods with only that.

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Yup as far as I can remember the problem was something like a wrongly placed decimal in the numbers for its debuff so once you smoked something it couldnt hit you. You basically just sat there and widdled it down.



It could have been sarcasm.



This is one I hadn't run into in awhile, until I SKed into Grandville over the double XP weekend...

Did you know that in the early days, if there were two instances of a zone, when you exited a mission you didn't get to pick which zone you went into? You were thrown into the first one available. This caused a lot of scrambling in teams, until people figured out that you could get into the same mission regardless of what instanced zone you were in (Atlas Park, Atlas Park 2, etc.).



Did you know that in the early days, if there were two instances of a zone, when you exited a mission you didn't get to pick which zone you went into? You were thrown into the first one available. This caused a lot of scrambling in teams, until people figured out that you could get into the same mission regardless of what instanced zone you were in (Atlas Park, Atlas Park 2, etc.).

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Maybe it was like that in beta, but you could choose which copy of a zone you wanted at release.



Did you know that the names of the Magic/Natural DO Relic enhancements are taken from actual historical or legendary figures?

Crowley referrs to Aleister Crowley, a magician who was involved in the Golden Dawn in turn of the century England, and led a rather scandalous life.

Nectanebo was one of several pharaohs of the last native Egyptian dynasty, probably Nectanebo II, before Egypt was conquered, first by the Persian Empire, and then by Alexander the Great, and then by the Romans.

Li Tieh Kuai is "Iron Crutch Li", one of the eight immortals of Taoism. He was apparently fond of out of body experiences, and one of his students found him apparently dead, and cremated his body. When he returned, he had to take over the body of a crippled beggar, while of course keeping his magical kung-fu powers; thus the Iron Crutch.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison