Did you know... The unofficial history thread




Did you know that in the early days, if there were two instances of a zone, when you exited a mission you didn't get to pick which zone you went into? You were thrown into the first one available. This caused a lot of scrambling in teams, until people figured out that you could get into the same mission regardless of what instanced zone you were in (Atlas Park, Atlas Park 2, etc.).

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Maybe it was like that in beta, but you could choose which copy of a zone you wanted at release.

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It was like that in beta for awhile. They adjusted it before the end of beta though.



That the game used to be a whole lot more fun to play than it is now, before nerfing became the dev solution to every single problem?

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Purely subjective. Some of us enjoy the experience a whole lot more now than we did before the changes. Try keeping this to facts and not to personal perception.



That the game used to be a whole lot more fun to play than it is now, before nerfing became the dev solution to every single problem?

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Purely subjective. Some of us enjoy the experience a whole lot more now than we did before the changes. Try keeping this to facts and not to personal perception.

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People just love to complain about things that are changed. I suspect it tastes like chocolate to them.



Did you know the original Pocket D still exists?
I have a Spine/Dark Scrapper on Victory who's still there.

. . . it's lonely in there.

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Paragon Dance Party is now officialy closed. There is a homeless guy hanging out by the old enterence in Steel Canyon you tells you to look for Pocket D now.



Did you know that Warshades can teleport across outbreak, even the area's they are not supposed to?

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Did you know that you can climb-jump up to building roofs and then jump down into blocked off areas?



Did you know the original Pocket D still exists?
I have a Spine/Dark Scrapper on Victory who's still there.

. . . it's lonely in there.

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Paragon Dance Party is now officialy closed. There is a homeless guy hanging out by the old enterence in Steel Canyon you tells you to look for Pocket D now.

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They couldn't actually totally remove the PDP from existance, otherwise any character that was logged off there would be seriously screwed over.

Thus, if you simply parked a character in there and never left, you can continue to rock out in the original Pocket D.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



It could have been sarcasm.

[/ QUOTE ] twasn't sarcasm. I did get it wrong it was smokies and I guess I was wrong about the scrappers... TANK weapons didn't exsist until later. (please o lasergod let me be right)

By the catapillars hooka you WILL smile!



Did you know…

In the Shadow Shard (FBZ) there is a cave off to the right as you exit the portal. This cave contains another portal that takes you to a second cave in Cascade Archipelago. The cave in Cascade Archipelago has two contacts standing around in it: Dr. Huxley (who passes out Kora Fruit missions) and Sara Moore (who starts one of the SS TF’s).

When the Shadow Shard first came out, both caves appeared to be entirely empty of equipment, walls, floors, and even the portals themselves! Every non-cave item in each one was invisible. The contacts and soldiers stood around floating on air. You would try to move around in the caves and continually would bump into invisible barriers. It was several issues before this odd bug was fixed.

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Not entirely true. The Shard was introduced in Issue 2 with all of those interior textures intact. Issue 3 rendered virtually all interior textures associated with the Shard invisible, the sandbags in the Portal Corp building that leads there, and the interiors of the Mole Points. These textures slowly began reappearing with Issue 4 and most were back by Issue 5, the sandbags on one of the floors of the Portal Corp building were taken out rather than being made visible again.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



46 pages of awesome!

Here are a few:

1) I am one of the few known players to go a full 10 levels in debt without ever leaving it. I officially went from levels 23 to 33 without ever leaving debt, tis how I got the first 3 debt badges. Even then, after I got to L33, I didn't get out of debt until my final bar and leveled to 34.

2) There was a glitch that cause a hallway's entrance to turn black and make you be unable to see through it until you walked through the black wall.

3) That, although the devs say they have no impact on the game, choosing certain origins massively effects your character. Even from the beginning, a character with a Science origin will have a horrible time soloing missions because they will be forced to fight Vahzilok at low levels.

4) That there was a glitched that caused the Kronos titan to spawn in the Hive and kill an entire hami raid as it was in the process of combat.

5) That Fire Blast is the only AoE focused set and thus was very sought after for herding and farming groups. I recall many instances where I was picked up at low levels only to go into L40 missions, be SK'd and blow apart mobs with my AoEs.

6) That there were sometimes up to 12 Winter Lords spawning at one time in King's Row, thus making it the most popular zone in winter 04-05.

7) That by being here for two years and getting both Celebrant and Reveler, you get a 5th Column gladiator as a tribute to the lost VG.

There are also a few other instances which they are referenced.

a) The supposed glitch in which scientist's spawn as 5th Mek Men.

b) The missions in which the Council took over the world have a billboard of the 5th logo.

c) And if you sometimes come across it, you can find a rare few boxes in Council missions with the 5th logo on it.

All for now, keep it up.



Did you know...... (forgive me if this is a repeat)

Before Statesman got his powers he was a notorious Thief AND also the Cop trying to catch him.
Before Lord Recluse got his powers he was Statesman's partner in crime.
Statesman's wife was Lord Recluse's sister--"Maiden Justice".
Lord Recluse killed Statesman's brother.
Statesman had connections with the Family before he started stealing rarities.
Statesman "cleared his name" through bribery before coming to Paragon.



I don't believe this was mentioned having read the whole thread a long time ago:

Citadel was originally named Bastion. He changed names somewhere around Issue 3, I believe.

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



2) There was a glitch that cause a hallway's entrance to turn black and make you be unable to see through it until you walked through the black wall.

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That glitch is still around. It's due to map tiles not synching totally. The real scary thing is that sometimes the map tile is really out of synch, causing you to fall out of the map.

4) That there was a glitched that caused the Kronos titan to spawn in the Hive and kill an entire hami raid as it was in the process of combat.

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Not a glitch. The owner of the "Shut down Project Wildflower" mission is ambushed by the Kronos in whatever zone they're in when the mission completes. There was actually a project to try and spawn the Kronos in every zone (but is unrelated to that particular occurence in The Hive).

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



Did you know? Kraken used to spawn every time he was killed. I remember a friend and I going to a spawn location, killing him, checking next one, killing him, and to the next one, killing him, etc. That is why he rarely spawns now



2) There was a glitch that cause a hallway's entrance to turn black and make you be unable to see through it until you walked through the black wall.

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That glitch is still around. It's due to map tiles not synching totally. The real scary thing is that sometimes the map tile is really out of synch, causing you to fall out of the map.

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Yeah - this happened to me in a CoV map not long ago. It was pretty fun, actually. I was walking around on top of the hallway.

Similar to this, I once found a black hallway in a misison with my team, and when we tried to pass through it, we fell. For a long time. Then.. we stopped. Hit some invisible ground. We turned on Superspeed and such and it seemed to go on forever. Flying up, I was able to get out, and teleport through to the other side of the blackness. But that was the weirdest thing. It was insanely fun, though, having your own bottomless pit to run around in.



A pedant would say that if you could run around in it, it wasn't a bottomless pit.

But I'm not a pedant, so I won't.

Soul of Virtue



A pedant would say that if you could run around in it, it wasn't a bottomless pit.

But I'm not a pedant, so I won't.

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*kicks Raynebow* I fell for a long time. It was bottomless for a while.



Some that haven't been mentioned so far. Hey, remember when:

The Tanker Super Strength power "Knockout Blow" used to be a single-target disorient that did next to no damage? After months of complaints that revolved around how SS utterly lacked any high-damage attacks, this was changed around (I think) Issue 2 or 3. Personally, I cackled with glee when first trying out the "new" KO Blow on the Test server.

Slotting enough Slow enhancements in Caltrops would reduce enemy movement to zero? This led to /Devices Blasters, especially AR Blasters using the dread Caltrops/Ignite combo, powerlevelling risk-free enough to get "nerfed" around (again, AFAIK) Issue 1ish.

Certain original costume parts were changed? The original suit, pants and at least 1 of the skirts have been changed to the point where if you have an old (Issue 1-2ish) character with them, if you stop by Icon they won't even show up in the costume window and are replaced by generic tights.

CoT in Kings Row spawned only on some rooftops, and only at night?

The "Rescue The Fortune Teller" mission used to be unpopular? Before it became a Badge/Accolade mission, it was just a huge PITA mission, since it was just deep inside Perez and on a cave mission map. And everyone had it, and so Perez teams had to run it over and over and over again? At least two years have gone by and Paragon's worst fortune teller still can't predict when she's going to be kidnapped.

There used to be separate Endurance Recovery and Endurance Drain enhancements?

Paragon City Police Drones were the biggest PL'ers, since they gained 10 levels overnight after Issue 1 hit?

Task Forces were bugged to the point of being unplayable, and the Devs actively warned players not to try them?



The Tanker Super Strength power "Knockout Blow" used to be a single-target disorient that did next to no damage? After months of complaints that revolved around how SS utterly lacked any high-damage attacks, this was changed around (I think) Issue 2 or 3. Personally, I cackled with glee when first trying out the "new" KO Blow on the Test server.

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I remember going off the power description from the manual, I couldn't figure out why my tanker friend was so psyched about getting it. I chalked it up to tankers having a lack of status effects... until I saw it for the first time.
Did the old KO Blow have the same animation? It's hard to imagine a target doing anything but soaring into the sky after being with with the current animation.

"OOOOPPPSSSS." -Statesman



There used to be separate Endurance Recovery and Endurance Drain enhancements?

Task Forces were bugged to the point of being unplayable, and the Devs actively warned players not to try them?

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There were also Cone Increase Enhancements before the AOE limitations and the system went to the "flag checking" system it has now.

When the Hero Corps. Analyzers first came out, Task Forces were bugged so that their Difficulty slider of the Task Force would change either depending on the first person to enter the mission or to the leader of the team's setting. Now Task Forces auto-set to "Heroic".

There is a pay phone in Steel Canyon that never stops ringing. (Just found out about this one yesterday and verified it myself)

When Kheldians first came out, anyone that teamed with them were doomed to have Nictus Enemies in their missions for up to 36 hours after the Kheldian left the team. AFAIK this status now only lasts a few missions after a Kheldian drops team.

In COV Beta, there was a bug that allowed anyone using the /trade command to spam across the server. Temporary Link to Photo

Shield Tankers were dropped from development. It would have been the single-most costly powerset to produce.

Rikti Swords were once bugged where they did 99,999 dmg. <If I remember right>



Not sure if it was already posted or If I even posted it but there used to be a portal mission with a bunch of glowies that would give xp to the entire team no matter where they were. The XP did not scale properly either so for the low levels a few clickies would give you a level.

Even had some toons that were like lvl 15-20 and still in the tutorial zone (just couldnt train the levels)

Was just before i3 I think.



Here is something everyone forgot.

Until just recently, you started getting debt at L6. Thats right, level six. When they added in the arenas in i5 (IIRC), they bumped it up to L10. All us old farts had to be very careful when entering the hollows or perez park!



2) There was a glitch that cause a hallway's entrance to turn black and make you be unable to see through it until you walked through the black wall.

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That glitch is still around. It's due to map tiles not synching totally. The real scary thing is that sometimes the map tile is really out of synch, causing you to fall out of the map.

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Yeah - this happened to me in a CoV map not long ago. It was pretty fun, actually. I was walking around on top of the hallway.

Similar to this, I once found a black hallway in a misison with my team, and when we tried to pass through it, we fell. For a long time. Then.. we stopped. Hit some invisible ground. We turned on Superspeed and such and it seemed to go on forever. Flying up, I was able to get out, and teleport through to the other side of the blackness. But that was the weirdest thing. It was insanely fun, though, having your own bottomless pit to run around in.

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You can still get this by going into Bloody Bay and getting the mission for recovering the technology. I'm not sure if this exists in the other zones as well, but every single time I have tried this mission there, I've found a giant, gaping hole near one of the archways that enemies just seem to wander right through, never to be seen again. You can go through it and hunt them down, though it takes a bit of doing.

On that same map, I've even seen Mu fly right through the floor to get away.



The 'Heroic' difficulty setting used to be called 'Hard Boiled'.



Well, since this thread will be read five years from now, we might as well include the more recent stuff. I apologize if this was already covered.

In July of 2006, the devs decided to give us an unprecedented reward. Or, at the very least, they decided to undertake an experiment.

The official announcement went like this:

Double XP Weekend!!!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Heroes and Villains, prepare to experience our first ever Double XP weekend event! The rules are simple. Hero and Villain characters will receive double the XP for all of their accomplishments in the game. Take advantage of this opportunity to level up your favorite characters. Good luck and have fun!

Double XP Event Timing:

Start: Friday, July 21st at 9am PST / 12pm EST
Finish: Sunday, July 23rd, 8:59pm PST / 11:59pm EST

For those of you without currently active accounts, this is a great opportunity to reactivate your account and spend some quality time with your Hero or Villain.

There was also this:

Free Prestige!
Friday, July 21, 2006
As part of our special Double XP Weekend, each Supergroup member has been granted 20,000 Prestige!

This event caused quite a stir on the Forum, generated a storm of related threads and was a subject of lot of debate over should this be made a permanent event or just an occasional boost.