28 -
Quote:Remember that was 4000 people during a zone invasion and not just roaming around doing missions, standing around for costume contests, etc.Well Paragon.. do remember that during the stress test of Freedom, yes we managed to get 4000 in that period... BUT there was lag... major power lag during the battles in Atlas (where I was at the time). Had I been a F2P'er at that time I would not have been impressed and maybe tried another game instead.
Just saying.. mind.
Donning my hat and my fingers for easy click on the spam inf seller button though... hope I do not need that hat.
'Events' typically cause issues due to the sheer amount of new NPC's having to be accounted for and dealt with. -
Quote:Umm, so I guess anyone else who has *ever* logged onto Virtue or Freedom can just so stuff it then?Instead of adding yet ANOTHER server, I wish you guys take Virtue and Freedom and make them VIP servers, as they are heavily populated as is. It would keep the resource needs down for them as well as minimally disrupting large established communities.
I am not trying to dismiss the communities of other servers, I'm just saying to take the 2 largest server populations that already exist, Virtue and Freedom, and not have them pushed even more to the brink with F2P people.
Or, instead of a VIP server you could have made this new server the F2P server. Kinda like a Free-to-play-Alcatraz!
This is a horrible idea unless you have an elitist snob mindset. I don't know how long you've been on Virtue/Freedom, but I have never played on any server *but* Virtue. I'd hate to think that the chance I may have to play with people I haven't seen in years would be crushed because *you* want to be an elitist on a server that many before/during your time, may have well called home.
How about you climb down off the horse and let the dev's and Paragon worry about handling the new influx of players, eh? -
Quote:The gated approach works, and is often the only way to differentiate between those who pay a sub to get access to everything and those who use micro-transactions to gain access.Again, it depends on the F2P structure.
If the players of an established MMO reaallly hate the F2P structure of another MMO - do you think that established MMO switching to a F2P business model would be smart to copy it - or - try something different?
I don't believe an MMO moving to a F2P business model would be wise to take the "gated approach" - i.e. have to pay to advance - but instead allow the entire game to be accessible on a free account level and the microtransactions involved would have to be something that enhances the gameplay experience instead of "completing" it.
How do you make your long time players happy? By NOT granting free players access to everything and having them gain access the same way the monthly sub paying customers do, i.e. open the wallet.
Of course this does nothing for those who measure their self-worth and epeen size based on the pixel-stuff they have "earned" in said game, and somehow think they are diminished because someone can pay more cash for what they paid for in time.
Some have more time to earn and some have more cash. As long as someone doesn't impact your game play directly it doesn't matter what someone else has. -
Quote:And implying that anyone who shares a differing opinion than yours is either 1) stupid, 2) gullible, or 3) both.Actually, I'm am capable of being happy with most of the game. On the other hand I tend to fully voice my opinion on the stuff I don't like.
It's your opinion you;re spouting, which is not any more factual or 'right' than anyone else's opinion, and you may need reminding of that. Hence having your post reported by the way.
Feel free to disagree with others, just don't imply they are stupid because you think you're more intelligent or simply because someone doesn't agree with you.
Thanks. -
Quote:/signedNot everyone wants to run trials that often, or AT ALL in some cases. Yes, the world is out to get you, you're being fleeced, screwed, your hard earned influence is being sunk using the in-game influence sinks that those hateful devs keep making, so you can't play it all on the market.
Actually, you're being "fleeced" out of $14.95/month being forced to pay for a game you don't like..oh wait...
Having played MMO's for 5+ years I still don't understand the concept of people who continue to play when they are so obviously unhappy with things...
If someone doesn't like what the dev's do, QUIT. Simple choice. Sheesh. -
Quote:Nope, not a logic fail. Using a power that's obviously broken and then claim it's been "nerfed" is the logic fail.You left off the fact that's a BUG, and is not working as intended (the one target effect). The 10 second proc limit is intended, and it will stay that way, no matter how much you whine about it.
I've seen it countless times in MMO's. People are overjoyed they sudden have over-whelming power and then are upset when they are brought back into line with everyone else.
That's not a 'nerf' it's an adjustment. When a power is lowered too far down to make it useless and then never adjusted, that's a "nerf". -
Quote:Umm, do you work in IT?If I wanted to see if my current population could be supported by less hardware, a stress-test is exactly what I'd do.
I ask because as technology increases performance it's often much easier to support the same "load" in processing and traffic on smaller and cheaper hardware.
Remember the picture from the 1950's of a "computer" that literally took up an entire room? Some phones have more processing capability than that computer did.
To put it another way, if you had a vehicle whose purpose was only to get you to work and back home, would you still drive the same car 10 years later if it only managed 10 m.p.g. when you could buy a new one that had 30 m.p.g. and still spend less with the car payment and new gasoline costs than just the gas costs in your old vehicle?
Amusing how people cite new server hardware and network traffic utilization as "DOOOOMMMM!!" when I know one of the companies I used to work for managed to shrink their server hardware farm by 50% and achieve the same performance and our IT team was hailed as saving the company money to spend for other things.Of course, I work in IT and actually like the game so may be biased in applying common sense and business experience, but please if it makes you feel better, go on with your doom-saying.
Quote:Monday night? You do know that May 27th is a FRIDAY right? So basically you're unavailable from 4-7 PM PST, or 7-10 PM EST on a Friday night? Or Midnight Friday/Saturday morning 00:01 AM for those in Europe.That's actually a very helpful suggestion. Guess I'll have to try that.
But since it still doesn't help me to participate in the invasion event on
a Monday night, it's still not an acceptable event. They've obviously worked
really hard on all of this. So why so limiting?
It's not like this was a Tuesday at midnight or something. -
Official? No wonder I missed it, I was looking for something silly like "pistol belt" or "police belt", imagine that.
Thanks guys! And the PPD hardsuit looked pretty nice in game. -
Ok, back playing since GR went live and saw someone running around in what seemed to be a PPD uniform. I actually saw both, the hardsuit and the "beat cop" uniform. I searched and found that the hardsuit was a Halloween treat, 14 day limitation, but have yet to find any options for the police uniform.
What I really would like is a gun belt like on that uniform. Any idea where to get it, was it limited release? -
Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement:
Any and all Superpowered individuals are needed immediately to stave off the Rikti Invasion that threatens all of humanity! To support the fight against this ruinous alien invasion, all former players in good standing have their accounts reactivated from Thursday, August 2nd through late Sunday night (August 5th, 8:59PM PST / 11:59PM EST). Anyone who has previously played City of Heroes or City of Villains is able to log in get into the fight! Spread the word to your supergroup or guild mates and online friends who might not be playing CoH that now is the time to come back and check out the great new Issue 10, for FREE!
Welcome back to these Heroes and Villains! Join the fight against the Rikti Invasion Force and have a great "City of" weekend!
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Umm, yeah... Does this mean all those accounts that haven't been active for 90+ days now get reset to this weekend?
I ask this in reference to the new character name policy that's supposed to go into effect soon. If this does reset the timer's on those accounts, it's a bit silly to do this then start a policy that people who haven't had a live account in 90+ days lose their names, eh? -
Below level 6? How many names is that expected to free up?
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All the ones on 14 day trials that never subbed?
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The first day of my trial I made a Scrapper and was almost level 10 before trying a different character. I doubt this will free up as many as they think.
Maybe if it was below level 10, since that's technically still a "new" character in that they can't get debt, etc, woul dhave been a better choice. -
I really love the way the story fits in with the CoX universe but why are the bad guys alway British? lol
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They aren't always British. :P Hero 1 was one of the most respected and trusted hero's on the planet before he disappeared during the invasion. If you mean the Vanguard mission arc, well... He was probably picked because any French character would be a stereotype (at least here in the US) and the British don't seem to find offense at being the "bad guys" much like if the villian had been from the US. *shrugs* -
There is a rumor that Issue 10 will include more base enhancements and upgrades. Care to comment?
I dont know where the rumor started, but we didnt have any time to include new base items for Issue 10.
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You don't know where it started? Seriously?
From the Interview with Serdar:
LadyMage: Positron mentioned back in an interview last year about looking into changing SG membership from 75 characters to 75 accounts. Could we get an update on that? Is it feasible, is it coming, is it backburnered or scrapped, and why? It's a feature I know a lot of SGs, preticularily larger ones are looking forward to.
Serdar Copur: Something along the lines of this is definitely coming. In fact, I will go so far as to say that both Supergroups and Bases will be getting some much needed love over the next few updates. We are fully aware that MMOGs are all about the social element and we want to support that as much as possible.
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Right hand, allow me to introduce to you left hand.
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Hmm, he said "next few updates", not I10 specifically. -
The point I would like the Devs to get is: how bad we all want spines to get a new look.
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I don't need a new powerset, just make Spines bearable to look at, would have the same effect for me, one more usable set.
I really like the concept behind it, i even tried it, for all of six levels, then the hideous look made me delete the char.
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You have a melee character tha has ranged attacks with none of the wekaness of the Blaster AT.
I'd say the spines look are one of the "negative" things arout the set. So let's redo their look and take away the ranged attack, would that be better?
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This never gets old... or does it? Are daggers melee or ranged? How about batons/billy clubs? Yes the character V throws daggers at about the same range as spines Impale, and Dare Devil and Night Wing both throw battons/billy clubs at a far, far greater range than spines. Does that make these three characters blasters? No. All three are clear examples of comic scrappers with ranged attack.
And silly me I left out the big one Batman...
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And you don't see a MA/SR/Devices, which is what Batman, Nightwing, et al, would be in the game now either do you?
I'm talking game balance, and keeping the focus of the AT's in what they are meant to be, which is Scrapper = melee, Blaster = ranged and only melee at potential great cost.
To use your examples as to what is in the comic's should be in the game we'd have a combo of Storm Defender (super breath), Rad/Kheld blaster (eye blasts specifically), Invul, Super Strength, Super Speed hero like Superman. Yes I know you can have about 95% of Superman in game now, but the point is game balance does not equal comics. Period.
If you want ranged then play a Blaster or deal with the ugly look of Spines. Seems like a fair trade off to me. -
The point I would like the Devs to get is: how bad we all want spines to get a new look.
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I don't need a new powerset, just make Spines bearable to look at, would have the same effect for me, one more usable set.
I really like the concept behind it, i even tried it, for all of six levels, then the hideous look made me delete the char.
[/ QUOTE ]
You have a melee character tha has ranged attacks with none of the wekaness of the Blaster AT.
I'd say the spines look are one of the "negative" things arout the set. So let's redo their look and take away the ranged attack, would that be better? -
My wife has problems with the Ranged shot issue. It happens when targeting drone is on. Causes the draw animation to happen 2x, there by slowing the attack and wasting some of her Aim.
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This should be fixed on the Training Room server currently. Give it a shot and let me know if it's still a problem.
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Since I8 went live all the archery shots I have seen seem to shoot the arrows from half way behind the character. The normal draw animation plays but the arrows fire from behind the character, i.e. the back half of the arrow is sticking out of the character and then it goes forward.
Has this been fixed? -
Can we get a change to the taunt sound effect?
Tired of sounding turned-on when I taunt criminals....
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QFT. One of the reason I hate taunt so much is that it sounds so stupid.
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It's always sounded like a dramatic belch to me.
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How about they change the sound of taunt to be vage real taunt by random. Kinda like "Your mama...", "It's that all you got?"," My grandma hits harder","Did you just touch me!", or "Let's see what you got!" Any sort of short phrase might be nice for a taunt's sound instead.
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How about instead...
"Come get some..."
"Hail to the king, baby.." -
I'm extremely disappointed that an image of Statesman would be used in such a way. I know that we designed City of Heroes to appeal to "children of all ages." My proudest accomplishment with the game is that many parents (including my brother) play with their children...sharing, I hope, the same joy for the comic book world that I've had ever since I was 8. I cannot express the shock that I felt seeing that a character created by Cryptic would be used in the same sentence as Columbine.
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It's called libel, and lawyers would probably love to represent Cryptic and yourself in that case. -
The webpage says the Gamester will put presents in the zones on the 18th, but the email I received says the 21st.
Is the Gamester just trying to keep us on our toes?
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We decided to move the "phase 2" of the event up to the 18th so that people would have more opportunities to open presents. Because well, we all love the presents!
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I assume the "very recognizable hat" can only be obtained from people giving gifts to you and not fromt he presents itself?
Also.. Ah, the "sack ful of inf" is pretty amusing when it's a static 250 inf no matter the level of the character. Any character above level 5 or so, can easily gain more than this by arresting/defeating a single enemy.
Other than that, the entire zone/missions is a lot of fun, thanks.Just with I could get the Santa's hat on my main without having to try to team up with soemone who's willing to make oodles of alt's just in hopes that one of thm -might- grant the hat since I missed it last year.
True, rules are rules and they need to be enforced - to a point. In Washington State the speed limit is the law - no grace limit like oh, 5 miles over is okay but 6 and we'll hit you with a ticket. So imagine going one mile over the limit and getting pulled over and getting a ticket. Tell me, would you thank the officer and say "Rules are rules. I will pay the ticket first thing tomorrow"? OR would you try to reason with officer, maybe get him to give you a warning? Maybe say that there are worse crimes he could be policing? May even just take the ticket but then go to court to fight it, knowing that the judge would probably reduce the ticket? Where is the rules are rules line then? Rules are rules ONLY when they suit us. I have never had a post edited or deleted or had a thread closed. I have complete freeness of speech in this...
The fact that a rants forum is currently against the rules does not make it impossible. The rules can be changed.
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Using your example, a policeman/woman could pul you over and give you a ticket for that 1 mph over or let you skate by at 30 mph over the limit. That is their choice, however their selective enforcing the law does not change the law. It is still the law.
You can't disregard a forum rule just because you don't like it or feel it's 'fun' or whatever. It's there, and there for a reason. This forum is not a public forum, it is owned and operated by NCSoft in support of the CO* series.
Free speech is only guarenteed int he US regarding the government's ability to make laws that could possibly curtail freedom of expression. "Free Speech" does NOT exist on a privately owned forum, unless such rights have been given to you, or anyone else that frequents the forums.
Read the forum rules and abide by them. Seldom does a "rant" mean that a logical, rational, educational or whatever discussion will occur. All too often someone who rants just posts to 'vent' and then someone else posts in response, and before you know it any real value is gone, even if the issue was legitimate, and the thread is locked or deleted.
If you have an issue with the game or another (general) player behavior then post your thoughts in a well laid-out manner for true discussion. If you want to yell, complain, whine, whatever then more often than not your thread will be locked or deleted as per the forum rules.
If you don't like said rules, you can do one of three things. 1) Try to work to have the rules changed, and this is done NOT by complaining and b****ing, but by proving wth fact and example how the rule is more detrimental than beneficial, or 2) deal with it, or 3) leave. Those are the only choices that any of us have ultimately. -
This may have been covered already, but any idea when the Hero side version of the LR TF will be implemented instead of the Hami hunt? I8 maybe?
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This is a feature of I9
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All righty, thanks for the reply.Looking forward to I9 then.
* "Looping Sound Crash" - We think we MAY have this finally fixed.
* "Invisible Players/Enemies on Map" - Again, we think we may have this fixed.
* Choice table for Lord Recluse's Strike Force. - Upon completion of the mission, you will get a choice table, instead of the Enhancements simply being put into your tray (and if your tray is full, put into oblivion). You will NOT be able to pick the specific Synthetic Hami-O, but you will be able to choose a +3 level SO instead of the random SHOE if you want.
Yes this means that the Freedom Phalanx will drop SO's again.
I don't know when these will be hitting Training Room, but these will probably be the last big fixes in I7... onward to Issue 8!!!
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This may have been covered already, but any idea when the Hero side version of the LR TF will be implemented instead of the Hami hunt? I8 maybe? -
On a funnier note. I can't wait to here when Domsitron gets a mission go fight Positron. oooooo
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Domsitron: "OMG WTH, I"M wayyyy too hard, someone nerf me!"
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