Discussion: Former Accounts Reactivated




Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement:


Any and all Superpowered individuals are needed immediately to stave off the Rikti Invasion that threatens all of humanity! To support the fight against this ruinous alien invasion, all former players in good standing have their accounts reactivated from Thursday, August 2nd through late Sunday night (August 5th, 8:59PM PST / 11:59PM EST). Anyone who has previously played City of Heroes or City of Villains is able to log in get into the fight! Spread the word to your supergroup or guild mates and online friends who might not be playing CoH that now is the time to come back and check out the great new Issue 10, for FREE!

Welcome back to these Heroes and Villains! Join the fight against the Rikti Invasion Force and have a great "City of" weekend!

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



So if you reactivate all the dormant accounts, doesn't this utterly defeat the name reclaim policy just announced? Or will they actually have to log in for their account to get flagged as active?

Rockburner, Fire/Stone Tanker (50)
Doc Disaster, Earth/Storm Controller (44)
Icewall, Inv/Ice Tanker (42)
Wings, MA/Inv Scrapper (42)
Shockblast, Elec/Elec Blaster (36)
..and many others.



Since they just announced they reactivated all former accounts, does this mean that technically the name policy won't go into full effect until October? They have to be 90 days inactive but if they are all reactivated...



So if you reactivate all the dormant accounts, doesn't this utterly defeat the name reclaim policy just announced? Or will they actually have to log in for their account to get flagged as active?

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They'll have to log in and subscribe.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



Ah... tied to billing, then. Gotcha.

Nice idea. I hope to see some of my long departed friends return this weekend.

Rockburner, Fire/Stone Tanker (50)
Doc Disaster, Earth/Storm Controller (44)
Icewall, Inv/Ice Tanker (42)
Wings, MA/Inv Scrapper (42)
Shockblast, Elec/Elec Blaster (36)
..and many others.



Amusing. The weekend after which my billing ends (don't have time while in college) is the free one. I'd have four extra days of play if this was *next* weekend instead.

Oh well.

Hey, you guys gonna do this for I11? I wouldn't mind getting to play on occaison during the school year...



I'm in Thanks COH/V!




Hey, you guys gonna do this for I11? I wouldn't mind getting to play on occaison during the school year...

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Probably, although, like most things in life, there are no guarantees

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



I would hope to see some of my old friends that have left, but all my global friends got deleted in the bug last year...

(yes, I'm still sore about that)



Welcome to lag city. Well, more so than before.




Hey, you guys gonna do this for I11? I wouldn't mind getting to play on occaison during the school year...

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Probably, although, like most things in life, there are no guarantees

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In fact, thats the only Guarantee in life.

*Thinks about it for a moment*

OH GOD MY BRAIN! *Collapses into a fetal position*



Would be nice, but it's not working for one of the game accounts. I placed a accounting support ticket up (says contact billing support, but didn't see any).

Edit: Logged on in live game, the account there (at least) has been reactivated



Does this include trial accounts?



Hmm, my brother in law tried to play the game (he's been gone for a good few months playing other games) and he said his account hasn't reactivated.

Doesn't really matter though, since my husband and I are giving him 3 months of play time as a birthday present.



To bad I can't remember my account name or password. Gonna call support tomorrow and see if they can email me my account name and password. Would be nice to get into my old account I used 2 years ago when the game first came out.

Would my character still be there after 2 years of not playing? I really hope so now that I have dropped wow and can't stand playing that game anymore. Would LOVE to find my 40+ tank fully entact.




Hey, you guys gonna do this for I11? I wouldn't mind getting to play on occaison during the school year...

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Probably, although, like most things in life, there are no guarantees

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woot, these rock the last one got me to resubscribe:P



So if you reactivate all the dormant accounts, doesn't this utterly defeat the name reclaim policy just announced? Or will they actually have to log in for their account to get flagged as active?

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They'll have to log in and subscribe.

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Or get them all to level 6+

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Good initiative, but how much buzz do you plan to generate with such short notice?



if your handing out so much free game time will the loyal get a few extra days tacked on to there billing?



Stupid question, but I'm assuming this means banned accounts AREN'T included in this reactivation? Cuz I'd hate to have to deal with those people again.



Stupid question, but I'm assuming this means banned accounts AREN'T included in this reactivation? Cuz I'd hate to have to deal with those people again.

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Only accounts in good standing (aka not banzored!) are allowed back in, so no worries!

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



This should be fun.



Does this include trial accounts?

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I'd also like the know this, if someone would be so kind...



Again this is why COH/COV is diffirent from other games online, always thinking of its clients! I tell you, its why I've stayed year after year.... And of course the great improvements to the game itself! lol God I still remember when the Hollows were new!