Discussion: Former Accounts Reactivated




Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement:


Any and all Superpowered individuals are needed immediately to stave off the Rikti Invasion that threatens all of humanity! To support the fight against this ruinous alien invasion, all former players in good standing have their accounts reactivated from Thursday, August 2nd through late Sunday night (August 5th, 8:59PM PST / 11:59PM EST). Anyone who has previously played City of Heroes or City of Villains is able to log in get into the fight! Spread the word to your supergroup or guild mates and online friends who might not be playing CoH that now is the time to come back and check out the great new Issue 10, for FREE!

Welcome back to these Heroes and Villains! Join the fight against the Rikti Invasion Force and have a great "City of" weekend!

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Umm, yeah... Does this mean all those accounts that haven't been active for 90+ days now get reset to this weekend?

I ask this in reference to the new character name policy that's supposed to go into effect soon. If this does reset the timer's on those accounts, it's a bit silly to do this then start a policy that people who haven't had a live account in 90+ days lose their names, eh?



Hello from the UK - amusingly this reactivation for the weekend means I get to come and play on the US forums for a bit!

I'd install the US client, but I'm having too much fun here with I10 to tear myself away from the RWZ



Does this include trial accounts?

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I'd also like the know this, if someone would be so kind...

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I tried it, looks like trial accounts are not included.



I didn't have a trial account, and have 11 month veteran time, yet my account is not reactivated. Maybe has to do with not having an activated account within the last 90 days?

[edit] Nevermind, apparently I am an idiot. Must have typed my password in wrong or something as I'm able to get in just fine now.



Welcome to lag city. Well, more so than before.

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1st post. Low quality whine. Color me unimpressed.



w00t this is great, I get to play my 'ol IL again

Bad thing is, its taking FOREVER to Download all the new stuff... *sigh*... I guess 11 more hours won't hurt...




if your handing out so much free game time will the loyal get a few extra days tacked on to there billing?

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Most likely not. The loyal get rewarded every 3 months with extra perks (Vet Rewards).

This is simply a way to showcase the recent changes to those who have left in hopes that they will like what they see overall and return to the fold.

Nec Hostium Timete -- Nec Amicum Recusate
Mains (All Virtue)
Cold Kitty, Ice/Ice Blaster
Pistol Packin' Polly, Thugs/Traps MM
Alts (Many servers)
Too many to list



Whats this about nipple equality in your sig, BadStorm? I wanna hear more.

Seriously though, I'm ambivalent about these free accounts. I understand from a business point of view and I certainly would like to see the player base increase in size. But along w/ temp and trial accounts, I believe they're used for various nefarious purposes sometimes. For example, I strongly suspect that such accounts were used in a rash of base robberies on my home server, Liberty. The perpetrator(s) used lowbie toons to get into trusting (naive?) sgs who responded to their noob act. Working in concert w/ a high-ranking established sg, they robbed unprotected sgs of most of they're stored salvage. As far as I know, nothing was done about this, since technically "they weren't breaking the EULA". The offending toon(s) were then deleted. Then situation normal for the thieving sg(s), plus they're ill-gotten loot. Our group and others saw this as exploitation and theft of our playing time spent earning the salvage and enhs, though clearly Support did not.
(We also strongly suspected that this orchestrated effort was done by ppl w/ inside knowledge from closed testing of I9, since they seemed to anticipate the vastly lower drop rates for base salvage after that issue went live, plus targeting arcane salvage. But that's a topic for another time.)

Finally, it seems that these kinds of rolling, free access accounts are used for the current rash of spam tells about buying influence for real money on websites. Even if these are being investigated and blocked by Support, they'll simply move on to the next available temp/trial/free access account and keep doing it.



Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement:


Any and all Superpowered individuals are needed immediately to stave off the Rikti Invasion that threatens all of humanity! To support the fight against this ruinous alien invasion, all former players in good standing have their accounts reactivated from Thursday, August 2nd through late Sunday night (August 5th, 8:59PM PST / 11:59PM EST). Anyone who has previously played City of Heroes or City of Villains is able to log in get into the fight! Spread the word to your supergroup or guild mates and online friends who might not be playing CoH that now is the time to come back and check out the great new Issue 10, for FREE!

Welcome back to these Heroes and Villains! Join the fight against the Rikti Invasion Force and have a great "City of" weekend!

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Umm, yeah... Does this mean all those accounts that haven't been active for 90+ days now get reset to this weekend?

I ask this in reference to the new character name policy that's supposed to go into effect soon. If this does reset the timer's on those accounts, it's a bit silly to do this then start a policy that people who haven't had a live account in 90+ days lose their names, eh?

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Already answered



So if you reactivate all the dormant accounts, doesn't this utterly defeat the name reclaim policy just announced? Or will they actually have to log in for their account to get flagged as active?

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They'll have to log in and subscribe.

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Thanks Lighthouse.



So if I have a friend that recently played CoH, he can come in for free and play a bit?



Stupid question, but I'm assuming this means banned accounts AREN'T included in this reactivation? Cuz I'd hate to have to deal with those people again.

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Only accounts in good standing (aka not banzored!) are allowed back in, so no worries!

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lolz LH said banzored

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



So if I have a friend that recently played CoH, he can come in for free and play a bit?

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If they had a paid account, and not a friend code, then yes.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



This would be great if the Account Support would actually "help" you in getting your reactivated account online. I've had to go through 3 e-mails to try and verify who I am and still can't get the account activated for 3 stinking day. If this is what NCsoft calls service, then thank god it's only 14.99 a month.
By the time they decide to activate this account, which is directly linked my main game account, the weekend will be over with. If you got your accounts reactivated...Gratz to you...I now see why alot of players went to WoW over these issues.



I'm sorry you feel that way. What specifically is the problem?



I've gone round and round trying to get an account which I started 2 years ago with a 14-day pass to hopefully play during this weekend. I was asked some security questions that I didn't have the answer to...like: what is the serial number to start the pass was. Well hell, I don't keep receipt pass a week, maybe...and i'm suppose to have have kept a 14-day pass serial number from 2 years ago, good luck.
I have gotten to the point where I am seriously thinking about canceling my subscription over it, I mean...they are busting my chops over a 14-day pas that will only be active for 2 days now. I mean, come on...this isn't rocket science. If this is what I can expect from Customer Service, then fire the lot of them. Just my opinion, but I'm entitled to it. Well see after I check for the next e-mail how I feel after that one.



You're getting bent out of shape at them, because you can't remember any of the information they need to help you get back into the account? Coolness.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



I gave them all the necessary info to verify who I am...do you remember the serial code from when you opened your account? If it was as simple as me not remembering simple information, then I wouldn't have bothered post...I just would have blown it off. It's like keeping a receipt from Wal-Mart for over 2 years because you might return that toast if you really get desperate...lol



Yes!! I can come back and finally see if COH can pull me away from WoW lol.



I tried to fire up my old account, and am being told to contact billing support

It worked the last time

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



So I'm not the only one having problems with this I see.



So how does this work? I reset my COH password and I still cannot logon.



It gets worse: my wife's account, which we've been using and playing pretty straightforwardly for the last 2 years plus, always on continued pay, has suddenly been turned off. She never posts here, and we're now racking our brains as to which e-mail account, password, etc. we've signed up under.

Gee, thanks, account re-activation weekend. What a swell job you've done cancelling active accounts.

I'm now off to wrangle with customer services over something that should not ever have been an issue with us.

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



.. yeah i had no problems ... Only time i had a problem was the last Reactivation weekend, I contacted Customer Support and within maybe an hour ( and this was at 1am EST so about 10 Pacific ) they responded and Fixed my problem, But being late as it was for me i went to bed and Missed one day ( problem wasnt loging in, Problem was it thought my account was CoH when it was both and i only had villain players and it wouldnt let me use them...)