12 -
I'm on Vista 64, since I moved to Vista neither my g11 or my razer diamondback mouse has worked.
I sorely miss my mouse buttons and holding down the scroll wheel to move my camera.
[/ QUOTE ]
Under Vista (either version) the logitech keyboard profiler for the G11 and whatever helper program you have for the razer have to be run with elevated permissions. Start them in administrator mode. Unless you do that, they can't talk to the client and pass along the commands. -
(with apologies to Gilbert and Sullivan)
(and yes, the 3rd stanza is the weakest. Started loosing the muse's kiss around then I guess. )
(oh, and not claiming to be a mover, shaker, or even a wannabe. Just had a flash of twisted inspiration when I read you're post about what might go through the mind of a mover and shaker)
I am the very model of a modern Major-Forumite,
I've information powersets both heroside and villainite,
I know the names of the Cartel, and quote the flames historical
From ED to Stalkers whine, in order catagorical;
I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters trollical
I understand derailment, both simple and quadratical,
About flashback theorum I'm teeming with a lot o' lore,
With many cheerful posts about gaining the badge Isolator,
I'm very good at slotting and have opinion on it anecdotal
I know the scientific name of classes archetypical
In short, in matters powersets both heroside and villainite,
I am the very model of a modern Major-Forumite.
I know our mythic history, Statesman's and Lord Recluse's
I answer hard acrostics, but perhpas that's too obtuse,
I quote in elgiacs all the crimes of Arachanos
Though perhaps on thinking of I sometimes get morose,
I can derive proper meaning from word sense disambiguation,
Though I will never understand this cat-girl infatuation,
Searching through the topics I can find all sorts of spam,
but never find the post that's 'gone to the Americans',
Many time I've written flames to the point and quite succinct
Only to think better, hit cancel, and erase them in a blink,
In short, in matters powersets both heroside and villainite,
I am the very model of a modern Major-Forumite.
In fact, when I know what is meant by "QFT" and other TLA's,
When I can tell at sight which costume sets are Jay's,
When such effects as Mez's and Immobs I'm more wary at,
And when I know precisely what is meant by "commissariat",
When I have learned which mobs to farm for those rare drops,
(thought I'll never understand how the game relates to crops),
In short, when my post count approaches the 10k mark
You'll say a better Major-Forumite has never shown the spark.
Leader I am not, either of forum, SIG, or group,
Play the game I do though, and have since they called it soup.
So still, in matters powersets both heroside and villainite,
I am the very model of a modern Major-Forumite. -
I can't imagine what Recluse and Manticore are searching for or who the mystery "rebels" they're fighting really are, but I have a feeling it's really bad news.
[/ QUOTE ]
The 'foreign terrorists' are almost certainly the Fifth Column.
<ul type="square"> [*]The mysterious foreign terrorists were driven out of America. The Fifth were driven out of America, by the Council coup. [/list]
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, not all of them were driven out. I have 3 on retainer as Gladiatorial talent. Some of them stayed and freelanced -
Looks like it was a blast and I'm still POed about missing it.
I was about an hour from heading out the door here in Ft. Worth and hitting the road when I got a call from work. Kept hoping we could clear the issue up quickly, but as the hours passed, I realized I'd never make it. <sighs>
I consoled myself by catching the 10:30p showing of Resident Evil.
Maybe next time, if they come to the Dallas area, and my terrible luck strikes, I'll still at least be able to make some of it. -
if your handing out so much free game time will the loyal get a few extra days tacked on to there billing?
[/ QUOTE ]
Most likely not. The loyal get rewarded every 3 months with extra perks (Vet Rewards).
This is simply a way to showcase the recent changes to those who have left in hopes that they will like what they see overall and return to the fold. -
These were the pics I posted sometime back. The base hasn't changed yet since inventions and my 30month base items. I'll probably be updating some of the decorations in both bases soon though.
Hero Base - Overview
Hero Base - Entry
Hero Base - Teleport and Planning 1
Hero Base - Teleport and Planning 2
Hero Base - Lounge 1
Hero Base - Lounge 2
Villain Base - Overview
Villain Base - Entry
Villain Base - Teleport
Villain Base - Medbay 1
Villain Base - Medbay 2 (Personal living)
Villain Base - Library and Control 1
Villian Base -- Library and Control 2
Villain Base - Energy and Lounge
Villain Base -- Workshop 1
Villain Base - Workshop 2
[/ QUOTE ] -
Okay, I"ll give it a go:
Hero Base - Overview
Hero Base - Entry
Hero Base - Teleport and Planning 1
Hero Base - Teleport and Planning 2
Hero Base - Lounge 1
Hero Base - Lounge 2
Villain Base - Overview
Villain Base - Entry
Villain Base - Teleport
Villain Base - Medbay 1
Villain Base - Medbay 2 (Personal living)
Villain Base - Library and Control 1
Villian Base -- Library and Control 2
Villain Base - Energy and Lounge
Villain Base -- Workshop 1
Villain Base - Workshop 2 -
some base items like the wall plaques of weapons, the city of heroes comic covers, etc are veteran reward items that you have to have been around for a certain amount of time to be able to build
[/ QUOTE ]
No, I know all about the vet rewards. I should have explained myself better.
Stuff I'm talking about is like in your latest pic. Where did you find the statues at? You've got two statues on the sides of the podium.
[/ QUOTE ]
Those are arcane control auxilary items (I forget the name off the top of my head) created from salvage. -
Say Doc,
What will happen to her from the experience? Although Buffy stays the same, Marvel characters tend to go off in awhole new direction when they come back. Are you planning on a total toon change via the respect and all [and RP attitude change]? Just curious what plans you might have, that also might help us get the suggestion juice flowing.
[/ QUOTE ]
<laughs> Or do a Dr. Who regeneration thing. Of course that would entail actually deleting the toon and starting over. not sure if you want to go that drastic though -
Pretty much echo what everyone else has said so far. The 2 electrons with that I'll throw in can be summed up with one title: Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
I forget how many times the main character died and was brought back. Season 1 was a very plausible cause and effect. The next time she died and was brought back was very well done and very emotionally and intelectually satisfying. The 3rd time, well it was a great sacrafice that she performed, and when she was again brought back it not only became a ho-hum experience, but it also cheapened the emotional impact of the original deed.
I'd not invested any emotion into the original sacrafice because in the back of my brain I knew they'd bring her back. It'd become stock and boring. Afterword any and all "mortal danger" that the core characters in the story faced, I no longer cared about. We'd established that death is not permant, therefore if they lived or died was completly pointless.
Same thing began to happen in Xena. "Oh look, Xena's died again! I guess Gabby will have to do something cute before the end of the episode to bring her back." The only thing that saved Xena from the ho-hum who cares mentatily is that in an overall sense, they didn't take it seriously -- it was all camp. Even so, after a while, the plot device ran thin.
In general I have zero problem in a properly contructed fantasy world where death can be turned back and the those who have fallen rise again, and not in some creepy zombie/litch kinda way, but that's also an angle.
No, my problem stems from its overuse. If death is not permanant, or does not have the chance of being permenant, then any sacrafice that the death is accountable for is cheapened and the emotional promise is broken.
My advise/suggestion is to leave the dead dead. If they must be brought back, write it very very carefully so as to not cheapen it, nor insult your readers. And don't over do it. It should be a universe bending event to turn back death's hand. -
Name: Cold Kitty
Real Name: Becky L. Murdock.
Apartment: 1313 (everything I have looked at says that this apt is vacent. if it is not, PM and I'll change it.)
Current Location: Moving in.
StoryTeller: SunsetSam
Age: 29
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Platinum/Blue
Becky Murdock originally came from a dimension/world where cats made the evolutionary leap to H-mo Sapien status rather than primates. H-mo Sapien developed out of the Filidea line rather than the Homidea line. She is NOT an ordinary cat that mutated to stand erect. In all other aspects the world she came from can be described in comparison to our own OOC world with the Original Star Trek series MacGuffin: an amazing case of parallel development, with the single difference being the leap of evolution for higher sentience.
When the Heroes of Paragon City stormed the Rikti base and blew the power supply for the Rikti portal in November of 2003, a shock wave spread out through the dimensions. On its outbound journey, the shockwave knocked Becky out of synch with her home dimension and all the other dimensions as well. A little more than a year later, the shockwave on its return path, caught her and carried her to the dimension of the City of Heroes. To her subjective consciousness one moment she was walking through the restaurant where she worked and the next she was falling from a height of ten feet onto a busy freeway.
Lost, scared, and confused by what happened to her she went into a near catatonic (no pun intended) state of denial and was institutionalized for her own safety. It was there that it was discovered that the trip she took through the dimensional barrier had altered her genetic makeup and endowed her with freezing powers. The social services tele-empaths were able to work her through the worst of the emotional trauma shed experienced, and with the help of the Paragon City Meta Outsource Placement office, she was trained to use her newly discovered powers safely and wisely. With no place to go and no way to get home, Becky accepted the offer the city extended for housing in return for using her new powers to help keep the streets safe. A stranger in a strange land, she is simply trying to survive and not go crazy.
(( edited because the filters didn't like H-mo Sapien fully spelled out and I found the censored tag annoyinng :P )) -
How come you go on two missions but use the same door?
[/ QUOTE ]Criminal elements move swiftly to take these abandoned warehouses over after they've been cleared out of their previous occupants.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, what bugs me is that I go to a dingy first floor apt in a bad part of town (more like a motel than an apt really), enter the door and find myself in a very spacious and modern multi-story buisiness office -- one that by no stretch of the imagination could ever have fit into the physical confines of the building, much less the single room flat, I just entered....