G11 Macros now do not work?
No one? No one else uses a G11/13/15?
I don't use any macros or a special keyboard.
I use a $10 mouse that's 5 years old and has bite-marks on the cord from the cats.
I use an old e-machines keyboard.
However, I have mapped all my keyboard keys (except the function keys and the 10-key) to my Saitek X52 flight stick. But none of the keys are 'macroed', per se.
I have a hat switch that does shift/alt/ctrl.
I bind the target command to ].
I bound tab = nop.
That way I don't accidently hit "alt+tab" during targetting and 'window out' of COH.
I bound h to "powexecname fly"
My D fire button does the H key.
What it lets me do is NOT have my travel power in my tray at all.
I made [ = toggleon mouselook.
This lets me play without a mouse pointer on the screen.
It also lets me move, target enemies and teammates, have the 3 trays open all time, access 30 tray slots at once and have access to all 9 trays...yes, I use ALL NINE trays.
Maybe someday I'll make a guide about it.
But I don't use any keyboard macros.
If I want to fire 3 powers, I have to hit the 3 buttons for those power slots, alt if one is in tray 2, and ctrl if one is in tray 3.
But I will say one thing about my set up: there is NO ONE in the game that can fly like I can. NO ONE. Flying with a flight stick is the shizzaroonski.
I'm on Vista 64, since I moved to Vista neither my g11 or my razer diamondback mouse has worked.
I sorely miss my mouse buttons and holding down the scroll wheel to move my camera.
I have a G11 (replaced a G15 with it because I really didn't care for the LCD screen) and the only times in the past I had probs were right after a patch/update. I discovered if I defrag (I use Defraggler) before I log into the game, all is well. Defraggler shows you exactly what filed are fragged...right after a patch/update, the CoH files are all messed up. Also, you may want to make sure you have the latest drivers for your G11.
G11 latest drivers
Be sure and uninstall the old ones first. Good luck, and I hope you get things to work ok!

First to Ransim
I have vista and my razer cipperhead works fine, no problems to how i have the buttons set up
then to the OP, I don't use the creative KB (just didn't care for them) but I do have a saitek cyborg with the macro keys and it depends on how you programed them originally.
The latest patch (or update dont remember) messed up some of my macro's I had universal search for cairn and some chat commands on my left keys, Those are all messed up right now.
My right keys i had powers but would program them a little funky. instead of a long drawn out thing (because with my KB it would be lets say
"{enter} powexec_name hover"
and would take a bit to type out automatically and was a pain I did it where it would just be an advanced macro of {alt}+h where the two were held down together with a .05 milisecond delay between them...
I would just put them around the keyboard with button combo's i would never really accidentally hit and I made out ok.
Maybe if you went at it this way?
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
I actually found that if I put a delay after the first <enter> and before the last <enter> in the macro, it would work... So yeah, something changed to where it can't handle the macro just flashing up like that, but with a small delay seems to be fine...
I'm on Vista 64, since I moved to Vista neither my g11 or my razer diamondback mouse has worked.
I sorely miss my mouse buttons and holding down the scroll wheel to move my camera.
[/ QUOTE ]
Under Vista (either version) the logitech keyboard profiler for the G11 and whatever helper program you have for the razer have to be run with elevated permissions. Start them in administrator mode. Unless you do that, they can't talk to the client and pass along the commands.
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I have a G11 gaming keyboard, and was using the macro keys for emotes, mainly for costume changes and fly poses and stuff, but after the game patched a few days back they no longer work. Is this some "fix" for a supposed "exploit" or something? Does anyone know a way to set up the macros on the keyboard to work properly now? It doesn't really hamper my gameplay in any way, but it's annoying cause of the theme of my toons for a particular SG I tend to use the new costume change emotes frequently, kinda ruins it for me to have to go through the GUI to do it.