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  1. I actually found that if I put a delay after the first <enter> and before the last <enter> in the macro, it would work... So yeah, something changed to where it can't handle the macro just flashing up like that, but with a small delay seems to be fine...
  2. No one? No one else uses a G11/13/15?
  3. I have a G11 gaming keyboard, and was using the macro keys for emotes, mainly for costume changes and fly poses and stuff, but after the game patched a few days back they no longer work. Is this some "fix" for a supposed "exploit" or something? Does anyone know a way to set up the macros on the keyboard to work properly now? It doesn't really hamper my gameplay in any way, but it's annoying cause of the theme of my toons for a particular SG I tend to use the new costume change emotes frequently, kinda ruins it for me to have to go through the GUI to do it.
  4. [ QUOTE ]

    However, they are there so people can play where they want to play. We don't want to force someone to not be able to play with their friends.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Except for the fact this is EXACTLY what you have done with the caps... Ironic, isn't it?
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Synapse is a tool.

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    Maybe he hasn't patched yet & is still affected by the SS Acc nerf .

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    Nah, he's been patched... He was just forced to start strolling around once he threw a punch and was an easy target that couldn't escape...
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    Still confused about one point: if (for example) you've got a three person team, each person on the team is 400' away from each other person, and person X defeats a bad guy -- does person X get "solo XP" or XP for being on a 3 person team?

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    He'd get XP with the 3 person team multiplier...BUT that XP would still be divided appropriately between each teammate. The others, however, wouldn't receive their shares.

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    I see... So we have been encouraged to team with changes in the past, and now with a change like this it's actually looking like it's more beneficial to solo. If I run a chance of losing out on XP because we spread out too far, or if I am doing work that isn't benefiting my team and getting less XP for it at the same time... Why? I understand you have some personal vendetta against PLing because it doesn't fit into your vision of how things should be, but try listening to the customers. This is such a trivial thing considering everything else that needs to be done in the game, please stop wasting your time and ours with it.
  7. I can see why the arenas will be the next update... CoV is coming up, what would be a better way of gathering some data to see how PvP works live then to put in the arenas and be able to see what works there and use what's learned there to go toward CoV. Personally I'm interested in seeing how the arenas play, cause there have been a couple of heroes I've met that I'd like to stomp...
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Yes, there's a mission difficulty slider now to provide a challenge to those of us who want more than your average gamer. But there's also a manual that states 3 even con minions per hero and that bosses are not to be trifled with. Too bad they're still trying to work this into our reality.

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    Alas, the face of the game changed pretty much overnight as far as soloability, regardless if the way the game was before was their Vision(tm) or not. It also seems like a lot of the players liked it the way it was before, but not so much now... I'm not even opposed to upping the difficulty some, I just think it was way overdone.

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    You wouldn't want them to get sued for falsely advertising a product or anything would you?

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    Uhm, yeah, I'm sure this was a problem... Now you are just being silly.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    Anyway, point is, no warning, yet a named boss that all of a sudden becomes yet another boss to handle.

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    Statesman already posted that they're working on an interface to show when bosses show up and if a mission is supposed to be soloable or not.

    As for dying to a boss, that's supposed to happen. Just because it isn't as common as you would expect from reading the manual doesn't mean bosses aren't meant to be hard. I for one, have always wanted things to be tougher. We're slowly getting there, now I can have a challenge.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, goodie for you... But judging from the posts on this thread you are in the minority as far as being satisfied with the changes. The mission slider was implemented so that you can up your challenge, unfortunately the difficulty being upped is forced on all of us currently.
  10. I have another great one here... I got a council mission from a contact in Bricks, and I don't have the description handy, but basically all it said was that I am to stop the council from resurrecting some of their old members (retrieve 4 corpses, defeat all enemies). No mention of a boss or anything. So, I manage to get through to the end, and low and behold, a Council vampire (orange) boss. Named Ulor. As in a named boss. So I suck down half my inspirations and get to work. After a little cat and mouse, I'm able to take him down. Or so I thought. He transforms into an (orange) Eclipse Warwolf (boss) at full health of course. So now I am fighting a 2nd boss in a row with my inspirations severely depleted. He nails me once for 90% of my health (one shot), but I manage to escape. I exit the mission, find a contact and buy all lucks, head back and suck 'em down and managed to chase this idiot all through the map until I'm able take him down.

    Anyway, point is, no warning, yet a named boss that all of a sudden becomes yet another boss to handle.

    Yeah, I love having to run out of my missions to buy inspirations all the time. Fun fun.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    Considering how many other threads Statesman has been replying on, I think we can conclude the answer to the claim that bosses are now too hard is "It's the VISION tm, suck on it!"

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    Agreed... As soon as the complaints come in about this, he's a true superhero... Able to dodge speeding complaints, can leap big issues in a single bound...

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    Well, to be fair, he is getting hammered a lot. I expect an announcement about it on Monday.

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    Maybe... He NEEDS to get hammered right now, because at least he is giving off the impression right now that he is totally ignoring the pleas of the players.

    I hope you are right about an announcement, I'm about at the end of my rope, and it seems like I'm not the only one...
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    *turs around*

    Ok, how about here?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm sure we could do this all day, but nah... Just slide on the ice my friend, slide on the ice.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    *pulls down pants*

    Right here, if you would.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nah, nothing to really hang them on...
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Damn, do you people actually play this game, or sit around in your pity parties all day?

    I have my difficulty set to invincible. I walk into a Rikti mission. +1 and +2, giant [censored] mobs. How many times do I die? Not once.

    I get a team together. Me a DM/Regen scrapper, and an inv. tank. How many deaths? Nadda.

    Another team: just me and the Scrapper. How many deaths? Zero, zip, and ziltch.

    Every mob spawn had at least 1 boss. Even solo.

    And I'm a Gravity/Kinetics controller. According to the "experts" on the Controller forum, I'm weak. Yet I'm able to solo +2 Rikti bosses, no problem.

    Maybe the game isn't hard, and you just... what's the word I'm looking for... suck? Hey, I'm a "gimp" Powerset taking on bosses no problem, but you can't. Something to think about it.

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    Where would you like your gold star and brownie badge?
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Considering how many other threads Statesman has been replying on, I think we can conclude the answer to the claim that bosses are now too hard is "It's the VISION tm, suck on it!"

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    Agreed... As soon as the complaints come in about this, he's a true superhero... Able to dodge speeding complaints, can leap big issues in a single bound...
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    Actually, isn't the point of the game to be a SUPERHero? Not just a hero? That logic works both ways.

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    True, and even Batman, a hero with no super powers, is still a superhero. Because he's not a quitter. Nor is he a whiner.

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    And just because someone enjoys just being able to jump on and solo on occasion makes him antisocial?

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    Nope by his comments Snow Lionne said the following:

    "I DO NOT team well, I play games so I don't have to be social. If I wanted to chat with people, I would go hang out with friends. A lot of teams ask me why I don't chat, what's wrong with me that I don't type "LOL" everytime one of them says something remotely humourous. I don't want to team, I don't care for the changes in the bosses as it makes it next to impossible for me to solo, with ANY of my chars "

    I'm not being mean by saying he's antisocial. Batman is a classic antisocial hero. There's nothing wrong with that. I sure as hell wasn't being flippant with him as you are with me. I even admitted that I too am antisocial sometimes and that from time to time we are all like that. (practically speaking)

    [ QUOTE ]
    Or just a casual player that wants to just jump in on occasion, or they are RPing or playing a theme character that is the "Lone Wolf"?

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    I took his words by the context he used them. He wasn't speaking as one of his characters, to my knowledge, so yes I assume he is speaking about himself. I am not calling him a loser, mean, etc. I am just saying that someone that ADMITS he doesn't want to be social, doesn't want to chat much, doesn't want to team, etc. I take him at his word, and I take him seriously, which is more than I can say about you.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I know and agree that AVs and Elite Bosses are supposed to be tough enough to require grouping, it's within the whole Superhero genre where there are epic badguys that need at least a handful of superheroes to defeat, but we are talking about just the common, garden variety, generic bosses that in the comics the superheroes should be able to take solo with a moderate effort. Named bosses, maybe Elite Bosses, should be the toe-to-toe, knock down dragem' out fights.

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    And you know, I think the bosses are a little too hard, compared to the LT's and minions. If you use the baseline, right now a LT equals about 1 minion but a boss equals about 8 minions. I think that's just a little too steep a curve for me.

    You can either a) recognize that I am offering constructive and valid opinions, and either agree or disagree with me, or you can keep making flippant comments that I never asked for or provoked. It's your choice. But my purpose on these threads is not to play tit for tat forever with you or anyone else over irrelevant comments.

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    Kinda hypocritical here... The last post I had made that you continued to be "flipant" with me on had no jabs at you and was attempting to voice my opinion, yet you felt the need to continue to be insulting toward me.

    Now maybe my initial post toward you was a bit too much on the smart-[censored] side, I was quite irritated at the time, and frankly your post at the time came off to me as your being a bit of an A-hole about the concerns being addressed, basically to the tune of "deal with it and shut up", which I have little appreciation for.

    Anyway, if I took it out of context to your intent and came off a little forward, I apologize. But I think you need to step back a little too.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    While I understand your complaint, your situation is in large part your own doing. Being antisocial is more of an impediment now than before Issue 2. I solo when I am not in groups, because it gets boring sitting around and doing nothing, and like you because often I want to do missions on my own. Similar to Batman. I don't think it's bad to want to "go it alone" because that is QUITE a common theme in comics.

    But so is teaming up when you fight villains too big for you to handle on your own. Hence teamups, comic crossovers, even super hero leagues.

    Just keep in mind that being a hero and being super are 2 different things. You didn't play this game just to be super, right?

    Be a hero. Don't give up.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, isn't the point of the game to be a SUPERHero? Not just a hero? That logic works both ways.

    And just because someone enjoys just being able to jump on and solo on occasion makes him antisocial? Or just a casual player that wants to just jump in on occasion, or they are RPing or playing a theme character that is the "Lone Wolf"?

    I know and agree that AVs and Elite Bosses are supposed to be tough enough to require grouping, it's within the whole Superhero genre where there are epic badguys that need at least a handful of superheroes to defeat, but we are talking about just the common, garden variety, generic bosses that in the comics the superheroes should be able to take solo with a moderate effort. Named bosses, maybe Elite Bosses, should be the toe-to-toe, knock down dragem' out fights.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    Hey, with that thinking, you could be a Cryptic dev! Apply now!

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    Hey with that pessimism you could be walking the streets with a sign saying "The End is Near!"

    Uhm, ok... Sure... I'm sure that makes sense in your little world somewhere.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Your right, we can adapt... Now my blaster can just avoid his missions altogether so he won't get beat down by generic bosses! YAY, how fun! Thank you for that nugget of wisdom...

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    You're blaster is no hero. He's a quitter. Remind me not to activate the WhinerSignal for you.

    If you say so. Sorry, I guess I just don't subscribe to your narrow little vision of things (thank god). I find it completely amazing that if you have any complaint that another person doesn't agree with your instantly a whiner. If you'd like to consider me a quitter be my guest, but usually if I find something that is heavily biased against me I don't see the need to keep "beating my head against the wall" so to speak.

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  19. One thing that seriously concerns me about this issue is how deafening the silence from the devs on this issue is... I see States having no problem replying to a Kudos thread, but on this issue that seems to be causing a huge uproar, and making unhappy many of the people that help provide for his salary I see NOTHING.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I apologize if this has been mentioned before, but how is this:

    [ QUOTE ]
    If a player sees a boss of his level, he should probably get help...

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    NOT forced grouping? What else has to happen before the "there is no forced grouping in City of Heroes" bandwagon-riders finally realize that that is EXACTLY the direction this game is going in?

    At the current level, without adjusting the slider upwards (I am not even TOUCHING that thing) bosses can be found frequently in missions, sometimes there are even two, and more often than not, bosses are a level above. How does this NOT tie in with forced grouping?

    I would very much like one of the devs to just come out and admit that this is their plan for this game. No more beating about the bush, no more avoiding questions or giving vague and ambigious answers. Just the plain and simple truth. At least that way, everyone will know what to expect.

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    Your hoping for a lot, wanting a straight answer that is... I used to have some respect for the devs, but I've noticed how selective they are in what they will actually reply to. There are a lot of valid complaints here, which means the thread will be ignored.

    Perhaps Cryptic should join forces with SOE.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    The only way deaths would occur significantly more often is if people refused to adapt to changes. It's sort of a self-punishment in that case.

    If anyone can't figure out they need to be more careful than before about bosses they either have a minmaxed solo-friendly build, or have always had problems with bosses. For the rest of us, we're pretty smart and can adapt.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey, with that thinking, you could be a Cryptic dev! Apply now!

    Your right, we can adapt... Now my blaster can just avoid his missions altogether so he won't get beat down by generic bosses! YAY, how fun! Thank you for that nugget of wisdom...
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I think you can find a decent correlation with the Xmen. With them you see a fairly good range of powers and strength.

    You had Sentinels, which qualify as monsters and required a team to defeat. Then there was Magneto, Mr. Sinister and Apocolypse who were archvillains also requiring a team, and being extremely difficult to defeat.The Xmen normally didn't win in a direct confrontation with those guys.

    Then there were the rest, who I'm convinced qualified as bosses. The Xmen definitely could take those solo. Wolverine could handle Sabertooth, Lady Deathstrike and anyone like that alone. It was common to see battles where each hero had his or her respective opponent. There was the occassional elite boss, like Omega Red who required a handful of heroes, but those were less common.

    Prior to issue 3 City of Heroes seemed to follow those conventions. I'd argue that bosses were a bit on the easy side. However, to say that they should require a group to defeat the majority of the time is a bit surprising.

    It may be consistent with the RPG genre in general, but I don't think it quite suits a superhero universe. Then again, the developers can do anything they want, can't they?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thank you... The X-Men analogy was perfect. I agree the named bosses (Elite Bosses?) should be harder, and may require a small group, and that AVs of course being a great challenge, but your run-of-the-mill generic bosses should have been left alone or maybe just tweaked up a SMALL bit. I see Statesman is pretty much convinced he is right, and we should play HIS vision of the game, instead of his listening to what WE (the paying customers) enjoy.

    It's too bad, I was looking forward to CoV for a while, but if this is how the continuing dev cycle is going to be like, forget it. I'll still hang for a bit to see if the devs do something uncharacteristic like listen to us, and in the meantime I'll put a little more time into WoW and less into CoH.

    I know I don't represent the player base, nor do I have any figures on how many people feel this way, but some of the people I talk to in the game that generally don't complain about changes and tweaks are pretty incensed about the boss tweaks, and have mentioned that they will not be putting any additional money forth for any expansion packs or CoV because of things like this.

    Also, I would like to clarify, I'm not saying that I3 is crap or anything, overall I like it... But frankly the boss tweaks alone have just killed the fun factor for me right now.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Defeat All missions and Named Bosses are the only ones you accually have to fight." Did you miss that? Those are the only 2 times you have to defeat the boss[

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    Unless the boss is in a corridor and you have no stealth, or he's standing close to a glowy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And Statesman isn't forcing you not to take a Stealth power ... you are. And many of the Controller and Defender Powers sets have some form of Stealth/Distracting powers in them .... I wonder why?

    Controller Primaries: All before level 25
    Fire: Smoke --- It's main use is Stealth
    Ice: Artic Air --- Group Stealth
    Illusion: Deceive and Superior Invis
    Mind Controll: Confuse --- If used before combat the mob will ignore you [Aplies to Deceive also]

    That's 4 of the 6 Primaries that a Controller can get.

    Defender Primaries:
    Darkness: Shadow Fall --- Group Stealth [Only non-Controller Secondary]
    Force Field: PFF and Repulsion Field to keep the power hungry madmen at bay.
    Kenetics: Repel --- Keep mob at bay
    Storm Summoning: Snow Storm --- Group Stealth

    Then ther is Concealment and Super Speed from the Power Pools. And sloting Controller Hold powers for longer durations will let you get that last, herd to get to, glowie.

    Maybe I should have said "have to defeat" in steed of "have to fight"?

    Fight Smarter not Harder.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That is SUCH a lame argument. By that thinking you HAVE to build your character a certain way to be able to effectively play the game, instead of building the character to your "vision" of what you want, hence you are being painted into a corner as to how you build your toon.
  24. [ QUOTE ]

    The devs forgot how common bosses are. Any given TF with a good sized group is FULL of them.

    For that matter... AV's and Monsters are pretty crazy. Go do the Numina TF. Have fun dying in the final mission... That's all I can say.

    That said: These are Statesman's changes and with his attitude, he's going to stick with them.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Eh, I hope you are wrong and they change up their "improvements" to the game, but I'm not going to hold my breath I suppose... I've been splitting my time between CoH and WoW, I'm probably not going to leave here yet in hopes that they tone things down, but this may bias my time toward WoW more for the time being, and if the devs prove knuckleheaded enough not to listen to us, then I'll vote with my dollars.
  25. I'm glad I'm not the only person disgusted by the boss changes... I'm a lvl 36 Energy/Energy blaster, admittedly not the most solo-centric build, but able to handle most of my missions solo. So, I3 hits, I look around for a few mintues and decide to continue with my missions. I get a mission in Crey's Folly to find a computer in an abandoned Crey facility. I zip on over there, and there is an orange Paragon Protector. I buff up, hit aim and build up, and snipe. I peg him, and MAYBE hit him for 15%-20% health, whereas he runs over and rapidly two-shots me into the ground. The first hit did probably 75% of my health, and I turn to start to run and WHAM here is the kill shot. This is just stupid. I'm glad the devs have "fixed" the difficulty in this game. Other posts have it dead on, if you aren't the power gamer, don't even bother to try to solo any more.

    Great job devs, I love having my arm bent into playing it the way YOU think I should play it.

    I expect that this will be changed back somewhat after enough people get completely put off with these "improvements", but for now a lot of the fun has been sucked out of the game.

    And I'm sure we won't see a dev response to this thread unfortunately, as they seem to be quite selective on what they will actually address.