Did you know... The unofficial history thread





2) The Hydra in Perez used to be farmed for xp. 8 man teams would be constantly hydra hunting in the lake.

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And Hydra exp was nerfed, but not because of the players hunting them in PP, but because they were farmed in the abandoned sewers and in the portal missions.

Originally Posted by Megajoule
We're being invaded. Again. This time, instead of aliens, zombies, or eyeballs with teeth, it's the marching band.



I can't remember in which issue exactly it was changed (Issue 3? Issue 4?), but for a week or two after that issue was released, the glowies made no noise! You had to just roam around looking behind every desk, crate, or other object to find them! The outrage reached a furor for a while until they added the low-pitched noise in.

I actually thought it was pretty cool, like a glowie scavenger hunt.

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Issue 3, I believe. It was quite explicitly stated to be a bug, especially after a forumite posted a ranty thread about it and called the devs some unflattering names. I think "baby-eaters" was actually one of them. CuppaJo posted at the end clarifying that it was a bug, and locked the thread.

The only other "historical" thread I can think of right now which had me scratching my head in bewilderment was one stating that the anime-inspired costumes in I4 would be the death of the game's superhero comic book origins. I found it notable in that the OP instantly dismissed anyone with an anime avatar as not having anything worth saying on the issue.

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



CoT in Kings Row spawned only on some rooftops, and only at night?

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They also spawn in alleyways, underneath bridges, and in parks. There are even spawn points on the ground just a few hundred feet from the tram, just past the history plaque across the street (to the left as one is exiting the tram).



When the Hero Corps. Analyzers first came out, Task Forces were bugged so that their Difficulty slider of the Task Force would change either depending on the first person to enter the mission or to the leader of the team's setting. Now Task Forces auto-set to "Heroic".

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Sorry for going a little off-topic, but this is the second biggest complaint that I have about Task Forces to this day.

You try to get a team together and once you finally get the required amount of members, someone on the team will speak up and say that EVERYONE has to lower their difficulty slider to Heroic because of this.

Can't tell you how many times I've had people curse me out and try to get me kicked from the team because I refuse or else they outright quit, even after I patiently explain to them that it had been fixed. However, that still doesn't stop the "experts" from calling me a liar and destroying the team before we even start.

Back on topic, with the release of Issue #7 in which signature heroes and signature villains could be fought and defeated in Recluse's Victory, the regeneration rates made it nearly impossible to defeat them or any other "AV" status NPC without being required to have regeneration debuff (on the CoH side, this meant you had to have a Rad Controller) cast on them. This controversy rocked the CoH/CoV forum boards for weeks as many people testified in the test server thread that it violated the documented belief that "no one single AT should ever be required to complete a mission".

The Issue was not addressed and went live "as-is". The larger portion of the CoH community that doesn't play the test server were certainly surprised, confused, and upset over the change. Many instances occurred where task forces were unable to be completed, resulting in a flood of petitions.

After the outrage, the game developers finally agreed to scale back the regeneration rates of the game's Arch Heroes/Villains from impossible to simply difficult.



CoT in Kings Row spawned only on some rooftops, and only at night?

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They also spawn in alleyways, underneath bridges, and in parks. There are even spawn points on the ground just a few hundred feet from the tram, just past the history plaque across the street (to the left as one is exiting the tram).

[/ QUOTE ] They USED too. back in pre I1 you'd get a kill cot mission in kr and join a team that'd sit around for 20 minutes waiting for darkness, then you'd find a green explosion on a roof and go up the fire escape... it got bad enough that they finially changed it at some point.

By the catapillars hooka you WILL smile!



CoT in Kings Row spawned only on some rooftops, and only at night?

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They also spawn in alleyways, underneath bridges, and in parks. There are even spawn points on the ground just a few hundred feet from the tram, just past the history plaque across the street (to the left as one is exiting the tram).

[/ QUOTE ] They USED too. back in pre I1 you'd get a kill cot mission in kr and join a team that'd sit around for 20 minutes waiting for darkness, then you'd find a green explosion on a roof and go up the fire escape... it got bad enough that they finially changed it at some point.

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Bleh. My mistake, ignore everything I said. I'm not quite that old and crusty.



Did you know that Rikti swords did double damage when Issue 2 became live. This made the Cape Mission pretty tough if you were at the right level to face Rikti during it. Just another bug that was squashed long ago but caused a stir when it was happening.

The Dark Blade
"I've felt your mouse on me before, you perv...." - Troy Hickman
Paragon Wiki



Well if we are also including some recent events.

Not too long ago on the Test Server, Dark Astoria was not dark and cycled day and night just like the other zones.



This was probably mentioned already however, what the hey...

Did you know...

that you didn't have 1 hp remaining minimum on falling damage so you could die simply by jumping off of a tall building?



Back on topic, with the release of Issue #7 in which signature heroes and signature villains could be fought and defeated in Recluse's Victory, the regeneration rates made it nearly impossible to defeat them or any other "AV" status NPC without being required to have regeneration debuff (on the CoH side, this meant you had to have a Rad Controller) cast on them. This controversy rocked the CoH/CoV forum boards for weeks as many people testified in the test server thread that it violated the documented belief that "no one single AT should ever be required to complete a mission".

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Well, to clarify:

Only a handful of powersets in either game currently do -Regen. Dark Miasma, Kinetics, and Radiation Emission are the only three I can recall on the CoH side. There's a few more (such as MM's /Poison) but not many more.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



Shield Tankers were dropped from development. It would have been the single-most costly powerset to produce.

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When did this happen? I must have missed this announcement. Do you have a link to the post or the story about this?



Remember the days of fly-by sniping?

With Issue #5 (I believe...was around that time frame), they added a negative fly speed component to the game so that if you activated a power, there was a two (or so) second delay before you could fly at normal speed.



Suprised nobody's mentioned....

Before many tanker attacks were Knockback. Most have since been changed to "knockdown". Coupled with the problem of melee attacks on running mobs and the rooted status protection the knockback was a nightmare.

I remember issue 2 being a huge issue. I believe it came on a tuesday or thursday and it was so fun coz people were dyin all over the place. Really felt like the whole game was a hazard zone.

There was a big bump to hp and regen for bosses and lieutenants (iss 3?); this really affected some of the nuking powers in the game. Coming up, I'd heard awesome stories of Atomic blast dropping +1 bosses, +2 lieutenants, and +3 minions. By the time I got the power, i had a hard time dropping even level minions- nice to know i waited 38 levels for a cruddy power.

Used to pick fights with multiple +4 lieutenants and even a single +4 boss with my rad/rad. These days I'm lucky if I can take a pack of +1 or +2 minions.

I REALLY miss being able to cast debuff toggles onto anchors while Phase shifted. The debuff wouldn't take effect until phase shift dropped, but it helped to aggro and herd.

Choking cloud used to be extremely end costly, didn't take acc enhancements, only hit a small number of mobs at a time, AND WE LIKED IT.



... there used to be a bug with Freezing Rain where the -RES debuff would be applied again with each tick.

-- War



A little forum history...

AASQ (Ask A Stupid Question) was one of the first forum games and because of it and several others, the Forum Games part of the forums were added. AASQ was also a massive problem for the search engine of the forums, as almost anything you could think of was popped into it. CuppaJo permanently archieved it and keeps posters from posting in it again, after AASQs death, it was reborn by Cuppa as Son of AASQ, one of the most popular forum games...and the stupidest >.>



Did you know...... (forgive me if this is a repeat)

Before Statesman got his powers he was a notorious Thief AND also the Cop trying to catch him.
Before Lord Recluse got his powers he was Statesman's partner in crime.
Statesman's wife was Lord Recluse's sister--"Maiden Justice".
Lord Recluse killed Statesman's brother.
Statesman had connections with the Family before he started stealing rarities.
Statesman "cleared his name" through bribery before coming to Paragon.

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These items are all out of the book, "Web of Arachnos." While they may be considered part of the "cannon" of the game, they have nothing to do with changes to CoH, which is what this thread is about. (How the game used to play, what mobs used to do, old bugs, etc.)

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Not too long ago on the Test Server, Dark Astoria was not dark and cycled day and night just like the other zones.

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This was not just on test. DA was fog-free on live for a day or two. I popped in to check it out. Meh. Without the fog, those mobs of milling BP zombies just look stupid.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Did you know....

That unlike what has already been mentioned here, (the CoV bug in which villains could wind up in an empty iteration of Atlas Park), one villain really did wind up, on Liberty server, in the real Atlas Park?

Heroes kept killing the poor guy, who kept winding up in the hospital. This went on until 2 lvl 50s of the SG True Blues befriended him and took him under their wing. While they were waiting for the Devs to put him back where he belonged, they took him on a badge tour, invited him into their SG, and set up a Hero SG portal in the Rogue Isles.

Last time I talked to one of them (the True Blues are Starfire allies), they said the the portal was still there. They can actually teleport their heroes into the Rogue Isles....they can't stay long, only a second or two before they pop back to where they belong, but in the meantime, they can give fledgeling villains a real scare.... ;-)

And they also told me that they still show the villain as being on their Hero SG list.

Hopefully, one of the True Blues will post here and fill in the information that I've forgotten, names and the like....

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<. <.

.> .>

Confirmed. We do indeed have a deep cover spy in the Rogue Isles. He was rescued by Fey Blade and Shield Jones. We were even able to take him into our base.


- Jock Tamson, True Blues - Liberty.



All the signature heroes left their respective pedestals and appeared in Atlas Park to honor the recently deceased Christopher Reeve. They all lined up and briefly saluted the real life Hero.

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Did this actually happen?

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No, it didn't.

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Actually it did but not in the way presented...on freedom, on the night of his death, I flew into atlas on my 50 and saw a number of heroes (players) who were saluting under the statue. Each of them had afk messages about Mr. Reeve. I promplty joined them for about 2 hours before I had to log. There were no words, only a silent tribute. It was quite nice actually even with the two new players who insisted on making fun of it.

I do not know if this was repeated on other servers though. I tried to find my disk with the screenies of it but could not

You PERCEIVE what is REAL only as it is strained through your CONSCIOUSNESS....
...but your consciousness is BIASED toward your own sense of IDENTITIY, or SELF.



on freedom, on the night of his death, I flew into atlas on my 50 and saw a number of heroes (players) who were saluting under the statue.

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Yes, exactly the same thing happened on Virtue. I was there. That was the PLAYER led tribute. But this story about the signature heroes leaving their places just isn't true.



We do indeed have a deep cover spy in the Rogue Isles.

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And Spurned Soldier is...*gets piled on by rest of the True Blues*

Enjoying every AT in the game.
Remember the Golden Rule: Skill > Build
Leader of the True Blues on Liberty



On Virtue (the RP server if you didn't know), the forumgoer, RPer, and generally well-liked Sorah held an awards ceremony in Pocket D. I wasn't there, but I will still talk about it because I know the stuff that happened.

The awards went fromt he predictable "Best Male RPer", "Best Advertiser of the Tanker AT", to the bizarre such as "Most likely to monologue", "Most amusing fake accent" and "Most likely to faceplant" (Synapse was nominated in that last one).

It all started in the way everyone sor tof predicted. Then an unexpected visitor showed up: Ghost Widow. Piloted by a dev, and accompanied by another dev, the low-profile pohsyb (I think that's how you spell it), they gave out custom titles like Karnal Sin's 'Master of Ceremonies' (Sorah's character), the famous Ascendant's 'Sauled', Bayani's 'Hotter than Xanatos', Xanatos' 'Smarter than Bayani'. and such.

Most of the attention moved to Ghost Widow, who actually attempted RPing but there was too many people there to really RP effectively. The Last Vanguard, an anti-Arachnos villain group, moved into another, mostly empty instance of Pocket D because of this. Eventually, Ghost Widow followed them. She seemed to know what the Vanguard was all about, but one of the greatest long-term effects was that there was an RP proposal, because we're RPers and that's what we do. Oh yeah, and after a while she went back to the main D instance - outside the walls.

Sometime after I7 I believe, the wedding took place somehwere in Nerva from the screenshots. Everyone was all dressed up there (The image of Mountain Troll in a tuxedo=priceless), except for the special guest: Ghost Widow.

To this day, I believe that Ghost Widow has beent he most involved signature character in the CoX community because of her appearances. When was the last time Positron ever danced with you, huh?



Did you know: Early in beta all three levels of inspirations could be purchased from vendors. The development team quickly realized that there was no reason to buy any other inspirations if you could get the biggest, even at very high influence costs. So the second and third tier inspirations were changed to drop only.



Oh, crap. I should have mentioned that. Catwhorg and Margat had their ingame wedding awhile back. All the FC and a fair number of other folks showed up for it, including a few devs. I can't find the thread in Player Events anymore, but I know Samoa and some others got pics. Most tuxedos I've ever seen ingame.

Also, caltrops make a good rice substitute.



Did you know that Rikti swords did double damage when Issue 2 became live. This made the Cape Mission pretty tough if you were at the right level to face Rikti during it. Just another bug that was squashed long ago but caused a stir when it was happening.

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When I2 went live, the cape missions were bloody hard even if you were facing Lost. Damned Pariahs...

I think they were supposed to be mini-Trials (after all, there was a juicy reward), but too many people complained and the devs eventually dialed down the difficulty to approximate a normal Lost or Rikti mission.

"Destiny's powerful hand has made the bed of my future, and it's up to me to lie in it. I am destined to be a superhero. To right wrongs, and to pound two-fisted justice into the hearts of evildoers everywhere." -- The Tick