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  1. Last night my weekly SG team of 8 ran L50 arc missions for three hours and I got 9 shards.

    When I solo L50 arc missions (on double mobs) for three hours I get not one bloody shard. Zero.

    I don't have an axe to grind, but IMHO that number should be 1 or 2. Or else let us buy shards for Vanguard Merits. Or something.
  2. I haven't seen anyone mention Terry Dodson.
  3. OS: WinXP
    Browser: FireFox 3.0.12
    Forum: Any (including this one)
    Bug Description: Cannot post from FireFox (this is being posted in IE7 on the same computer). Can log in, read fora, but clicking "New Reply" takes me to the vBulletin access denied page. Flushed all cookies from previous forum software (this was necessary to be able to log in).
  4. What are the names of the four heroes who have statues in their memory at the four corners of Atlas Park?
  5. No, at this point I've unlocked all the costume sets in MA. I'm adding the Valkyrie parts to each mob (they're part of the basic template) but I cannot load costumes with Valkyrie parts so I have to re-add them by hand to each critter in the custom group. Bug.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Don't worry, he's wrong.

    Body type is the only important thing, no large costumes on females, no male costumes on females.

    Sliders don't matter, preset doesn't matter.

    Unlocked stuff does but that is a different error then yours.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No -- actually it turns out to be the unlockable stuff. I can save and load a generic costume, but as soon as I add a single Valkyrie piece, the costume becomes unloadable (even though the character I'm loading into also has the Valkyrie stuff unlocked).
  7. I believe that you also have to match on the "slim/average/athletic/heavy" selection (and possibly the sliders).
  8. I'm attempting to create a custom enemy group in MA. I wanted to create a base template in the costume creator, save it, and then load the template from the file and customize for each specific mob type. (Actually I want to do this three times, for a standard minion, standard LT, and standard boss.)

    However! When I attempt to load the minion template file in the costume creator for a specific critter, I get "Failed to Load: Costume does not match current bodytype." I've attempted three times to duplicate the bodytype settings to no avail.

    Has anyone had any success using a saved costume as a base template for a set of MA custom critters?
  9. So the characters in my superhero virtual reality game can play a superhero virtual reality game... <head esplodes>
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    lol, Cuppa left that project a while back. She's on something new now.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ah. Now we know why they failed.
  11. FireIron

    Walk Button.

    [ QUOTE ]
    There's a difference between 'not everyone will like it, but it'll only take a couple of hours' and 'not everyone will like it, and it'll take more time to do than pretty much anything else'

    Really, the 'not everyone will like it part' is a very, very minor concern.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There is an agile software planning exercise that works like this: The tech people and the marketing/sales people agree on a broad list of possible enhancements. Then the tech people go off and grade each item numerically from "hard" to "easy", while separately the M&S people grade each enhancement on how much the userbase will desire it, from "very much" to "very little".

    Then you outer join the results.

    Any enhancement that is "hard" + "not much" gets thrown right in the ashcan.

    Anything "easy" + "very much" is done right away (top priority).

    Second priority is "hard" + "very much" (possibly after another planning round).

    Edit: Fixed sentence structure
  12. Lighthouse, best wishes and godspeed.

    Gaff: "You've done a man's job, sir. I guess you're through, huh?"
    Deckerd: "Finished."

    Now, I understand that CuppaJo might be available soon...
  13. Jetpack booster? meh.

    Now if there was a Flying Carpet booster...they'd pwn my credit card.
  14. This explains why the teaser for "Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel" is using the Atlas Park theme as production music...

    (not making this up)
  15. The first time I did the STF, I wanted to 'jack one of those Big Brother screens in Grandville and set it up as my home theater screen. Very unheroic, I know, but, dude...
  16. Spending large amounts of money on a wedding dress is a longstanding tradition among brides...

    Now if NCSoft were reallllllllly eeeeeeeeevil, they would make it so that brides and grooms could buy the pack for their "virtual" wedding invitees (paid for by the 'rents, natch).
  17. FireIron

    Purple Jinniyah

    Commissioned from Daggerpoint.

  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Not sure if this was mentioned yet but isn't "Arnold Decker" the name of Harrison Fords character in Bladrunner?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Rick Deckard
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh, and LMAO at Warden McGoohan.

    Can we get Rover for a Vet Power?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes and no.

    This is close to the exact line delivered by Patrick McGoohan, playing the warden, to Clint Eastwood in the movie "Escape From Alcatraz".
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I DID consider calling her "Claire Shipman" -- an homage to both one of my fave TV shows and one of my fave movies. I'm sure it's pretty obvious what the movie is.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You do realize there is a fairly famous TV news correspondent named Claire Shipman, yes?
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Our lead programmer has been doing nothing but fixing bugs since I7 was released. He mentioned to me the other day that he hadn't written one line of code that was only in I8. We -are- trying to get the major issues fixed, but eventually the new issue has to come out, and that gobbles up the Training Room server, and we have to button down new fixes until that Issue goes to Live.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    This is a fair response to my criticism.

    FWIW, based on my observations of CoH, and the webapp I work on IRL, it appears that these kind of online systems grow to the point where maintenance alone can consume the entire bandwidth of the available development team, making new features impossible to develop unless the team is willing to forgo bugfixing -- a sort of critical mass of legacy code from which no new features can escape.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Don't get me wrong, Posi, you've got some good issues up, but as far as top? Some people have been questioning priorities such as these for a long time now. In other instances, we've been already told repeatedly that something is fixed, without a fix actually being effective.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Adding new features before fixing bugs is a choice a development organization can choose to make. There are valid reasons for doing so.

    However, let me point out that Cryptic claims here that they do not (12/12 on the Joel Test, including the claim that they fix bugs before writing new code).

    To be consistent they should either address these bugs prior to I8, or clarify their job posting.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    You will NOT be able to pick the specific Synthetic Hami-O, but you will be able to choose a +3 level SO instead of the random SHOE if you want.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Insert joke here about "the other SHOE dropping"
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Dang Necros .. I thought this was new. ;-)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I was even stupider -- I read the first post and thought "This was a known bug during the first few months...has it cropped up again?" Then I looked at the date.