Unable To Reload Saved Costumes For Custom Mobs




I'm attempting to create a custom enemy group in MA. I wanted to create a base template in the costume creator, save it, and then load the template from the file and customize for each specific mob type. (Actually I want to do this three times, for a standard minion, standard LT, and standard boss.)

However! When I attempt to load the minion template file in the costume creator for a specific critter, I get "Failed to Load: Costume does not match current bodytype." I've attempted three times to duplicate the bodytype settings to no avail.

Has anyone had any success using a saved costume as a base template for a set of MA custom critters?

"Destiny's powerful hand has made the bed of my future, and it's up to me to lie in it. I am destined to be a superhero. To right wrongs, and to pound two-fisted justice into the hearts of evildoers everywhere." -- The Tick



Actually, yes. I've used several different kinds of saved costume styles for my characters from the regular costume creator.

They just have to match up in...

~Sex (Male, Female, Huge)
~Unlocked Content (Cloaks, costume pieces, etc)

If they don't, it will throw that error at you.

~Valko - Winged Sentinel of the Qozo Griffons
Virtue Server



I believe that you also have to match on the "slim/average/athletic/heavy" selection (and possibly the sliders).

"Destiny's powerful hand has made the bed of my future, and it's up to me to lie in it. I am destined to be a superhero. To right wrongs, and to pound two-fisted justice into the hearts of evildoers everywhere." -- The Tick



I believe that you also have to match on the "slim/average/athletic/heavy" selection (and possibly the sliders).

[/ QUOTE ]

Really? That's strange. All those do is preset the sliders I think.


~Valko - Winged Sentinel of the Qozo Griffons
Virtue Server



Don't worry, he's wrong.

Body type is the only important thing, no large costumes on females, no male costumes on females.

Sliders don't matter, preset doesn't matter.

Unlocked stuff does but that is a different error then yours.



Don't worry, he's wrong.

Body type is the only important thing, no large costumes on females, no male costumes on females.

Sliders don't matter, preset doesn't matter.

Unlocked stuff does but that is a different error then yours.

[/ QUOTE ]

No -- actually it turns out to be the unlockable stuff. I can save and load a generic costume, but as soon as I add a single Valkyrie piece, the costume becomes unloadable (even though the character I'm loading into also has the Valkyrie stuff unlocked).

"Destiny's powerful hand has made the bed of my future, and it's up to me to lie in it. I am destined to be a superhero. To right wrongs, and to pound two-fisted justice into the hearts of evildoers everywhere." -- The Tick



It sounds like you haven't unlocked the valkyrie set in the MA. You might want to check which unlockables are still available for you to buy from the ticket vendor.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



No, at this point I've unlocked all the costume sets in MA. I'm adding the Valkyrie parts to each mob (they're part of the basic template) but I cannot load costumes with Valkyrie parts so I have to re-add them by hand to each critter in the custom group. Bug.

"Destiny's powerful hand has made the bed of my future, and it's up to me to lie in it. I am destined to be a superhero. To right wrongs, and to pound two-fisted justice into the hearts of evildoers everywhere." -- The Tick