Did you know... The unofficial history thread




You use to be able to move while logging off.
I use to do this all the time. I'd turn on auto-run then click "Quit to Login". I would be able to wander around for thirty seconds before logging.

You can still Teleport while logging.

[/ QUOTE ] On a side note, if you ran to a different zone while logging you would be back where you originally hit 'quit to login screen' when you came back.



It could have been sarcasm.

[/ QUOTE ] twasn't sarcasm. I did get it wrong it was smokies and I guess I was wrong about the scrappers... TANK weapons didn't exsist until later. (please o lasergod let me be right)

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heheh lasergod has failed you. My first toon was a fire/mace Tank made a month after release.

"Before there was Rock, you only had God."

Playing on Protector
Heroes - BurlyTorch, Johnny Tectonic, BurlyFrost, Maridon, Soul Doubt, ProtoTorch
Villians - Matt Daemon, IceLuge, Incendere, Mugwort, Vedova Mortale



Rikti Drones and 5th Column (later Council) hoverbots did not use to explode when defeated. Instead, they simply dropped to the ground.

This was changed in I think I6.

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



Did you know that recently, there was a Brute (On Victory or Freedom i thinks) that crashed while in Bloody Bay and was "Switched" to Hero Statis. He grouped with Heroes, got badges, and did TFs. Eventually, a GM took control of Ghost Widow and ordered the Brute to go to Atlas Park to be dealt with, lol.

I know there are pics, but they aren't mine, and idk where the thread is, lol.

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Thats happened to quite a few people now, same with heros/villains spawning into the opposite factions mission.

Funny to see screenshots of a hero zone into his mission and theres a mastermind there.

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I exited Pocket D once with my level 50 blaster, and emerged into the sunshine on Mercy Island. Gave the Dominator I ran into before the game crashed on me quite a scare, I assure you.



Rikti Drones and 5th Column (later Council) hoverbots did not use to explode when defeated. Instead, they simply dropped to the ground.

This was changed in I think I6.

[/ QUOTE ] yup... when they added physics to the game

By the catapillars hooka you WILL smile!



I don't recall if it has been mentioned, since it took me three days to balance my Real Life with reading this thread, but...

Origionally, Instant Healing was a Toggle, and 100% Enhancable. The Healing on it was so incredibly powerful, that Regeneration Scrappers used to say, "If you can't kill me with your Alpha, you can't kill me at all." Back at that time, I was able to take on a group of three +10 Malta that had ambushed someone in South Steel. I was unable to kill them, but I could sure hold aggro with my Auto-Hit Confront.

In the City of Villains Beta, the Brute Auto Power "Fury" was called "Rage." This was quickly changed due to the confusion between the Brute Inhearent and the Super Strength Click.

From issues One through Six, Regeneration as a Scrapper Secondary was changed in one way or another.

Dull Pain used to be permanant - that is, you could have the +40% HP Boost at all times.

In a past life, Dull Pain did not greatly benefit from +Healing Enhancements. This was changed later, so that +Healing Enhancements would increase the amount of Hit Points given to you as a buff.

At one point in the history of Changes, Gambler's Cut (Katana Power) was changed twice for Crit Chance. Both times, the former version was called a Bug.



Did you know that recently, there was a Brute (On Victory or Freedom i thinks) that crashed while in Bloody Bay and was "Switched" to Hero Statis. He grouped with Heroes, got badges, and did TFs. Eventually, a GM took control of Ghost Widow and ordered the Brute to go to Atlas Park to be dealt with, lol.

I know there are pics, but they aren't mine, and idk where the thread is, lol.

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Thats happened to quite a few people now, same with heros/villains spawning into the opposite factions mission.

Funny to see screenshots of a hero zone into his mission and theres a mastermind there.

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I exited Pocket D once with my level 50 blaster, and emerged into the sunshine on Mercy Island. Gave the Dominator I ran into before the game crashed on me quite a scare, I assure you.

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haha, i was logging in Pocket D with my hero and when it showed up, i was on the villains side of the elevators and stuff. And to my surprise, i wanted to go to the Isles. I went to the St Martial door, logged onto that side and popped up but like a split second back it logged me back into Pocket D on the heroes side, it was fun though

Ex-Mayor of Champion

I Love all my Championites. I hope to see everyone once again.

SHOWTIME - You guys are like my family!



Back up to the top of the board! You're not allowed to die!



Again, I'm not sure if this has been listed, but...

The old Math for powers like Moment of Glory and Elude used to give opponents a NEGATIVE Accuracy, which made it reset to the bottom of the bounds, five percent ToHit. This meant that, no matter how many Accuracy Enhancers an opponent used, they would always only have five percent against Slot Masters such as these.

Origin Specific Temporary Powers used to be Temporary. They would go away at level ten.

Burke did not exist in the City of Villains Beta.

Moment of Glory used to offer Psionic Protection.

Dark Armor's Dark Embrace used to replay the annoying humming sound in a continuous loop.


Positron Power-Leveled Statesman to fifty. This is why Statesman is the only Hero to have been captured by his Praetorian Self.




In the City of Villains Beta, the Brute Auto Power "Fury" was called "Rage." This was quickly changed due to the confusion between the Brute Inhearent and the Super Strength Click.

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There I thought it was because World of Warcraft Warriors have an inherent called "Rage" which works in an identical manner. CoH may have been first, but CoV was after WoW's release.

Hak Inc�
"Justice by the sword since 2005"

"......anyone who read the description of a blaster and actually rolled one up isn't capable of understanding... how to breath without visual aids and an iron lung." - TheMightyScourge

�Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.�



On August 6th at 13:25 forum time our much praised CuppaJo announced her departure from the CoX communitiy that will take place September 1st.

At this the board promptly went to code red.

I'm not 100% certain when she started monitoring the forums and thrashing her ban stick but I'm pretty sure she was here when I first started playing back in May of 2004.

I know personally she helped me tremendously times by posting that guide to getting in the game industry.

Even though your hitting the old dusty trail Cupp's, you will forever by remembered here. Keep fighting the good fight or attempting to take over the world, depending which ever character you choose at the log in screen. I know that I dedicate my stint of crimefighting/evildoing to you today.

-Farwielder/Final Twilight



Did you know... that the PARAGON DANCE PARTY has returned in Atlas Park in the form of a lvl3-5 mission?

Although not "labeled" the PDP, the Raver music, the strobe lighting, couches, and fenced in dance floor have returned as well as the bars and stools.

The main Dance Room is the same as the last version of the Paragon Dance Party, however the entrance to the mission is a bit different.



(PS, I'm on my alt account and I REFUSE to finish this mission because I can NOT give up the Map because I love the PDP better than Pocket D. If you want an invite to see the return of the PDP, look up my alt char " Freedom Corps Coyote " ***a tribute to a friend of all, Kiyotee, from the forums here*** on the VIRTUE server.)



Did you know... that the PARAGON DANCE PARTY has returned in Atlas Park in the form of a lvl3-5 mission?

Although not "labeled" the PDP, the Raver music, the strobe lighting, couches, and fenced in dance floor have returned as well as the bars and stools.

The main Dance Room is the same as the last version of the Paragon Dance Party, however the entrance to the mission is a bit different.

Pics + video to follow.

(PS, I'm on my alt account and I REFUSE to finish this mission because I can NOT give up the Map because I love the PDP better than Pocket D. If you want an invite to see the return of the PDP, look up my alt char " Freedom Corps Coyote " ***a tribute to a friend of all, Kiyotee, from the forums here*** on the VIRTUE server.)

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That mish has been around a very long time. Still, it is a good reminder of the old PDP.



Did You Know !!

Originally the Vengance power in the leadership pool only whent off when the hero with the power was defeated. Although the power was changed about half way through BETA, the text was not changed for some time later.

Now to use vengance you click on another downed hero and activate the power.

Many old school players still do not know the power changed in BETA. As the games original strategy guide still had the early beta discriptions.

Also the recharge for Vengance used to be much shorter. A common power leveling tactic was to take a noob with oyu and let them get killed. Then by using TP friend teleport thier carcass behind the team all over the zone while using Vengance to buff the party. The unconsicous lowbie would safely get XP while on the ground.


Did you know at one time the Tsoo and CoT were the most feared groups in the game. Tsoo door missions were especially despised as tactics to use vs the sorcerers were not well developed. Also the sorcs would TP from all over kingdom come. Popping in from the far side of a door misison to heal minnions and other LT's.


The choosing of Virtue as the unofficial RP server was fairly seemless. Many of the old school pre-beta super teams are still alive and kicking on the server today.



Did you know.....

That I read this entire thread in one sitting, stood up from my chair, walked to my front door, opened it up and said "Wow...."

That the heroine Cassiopeia saved the world from a rogue comet and was given citizenship in every country in the world for it?

That the same comet still fell to earth in five pieces onto the island now known as Bloody Bay?

That the hero "Sunburst" was originaly blamed for the destruction of part of the war walls and nuclear fallout in Siren's Call. And that later we found out it was an Arachnos plot.

That Statesman has pulled several "Superman outings". He would routinely journey out to space on "some mission" and not be seen for monthes at a time?

That Jack "Statesman" Emmert gave a guide to how to use the Blaster inherent power Defiance. Tips included but were not limited to asking the healer not to heal you, taking the alpha to get defiance, and not popping respites when you're in defiance range. Since then the blaster's forum has upheld the belief that the devs don't play blasters, atleast not past 10.

To right the countless wrongs of our day, we shine the light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise. What a wonderful world such would be....

I'm sorry what was that, I couldn't hear you over my TRAGIC PAST!!



Did you know.....

That Jack "Statesman" Emmert gave a guide to how to use the Blaster inherent power Defiance. Tips included but were not limited to asking the healer not to heal you, taking the alpha to get defiance, and not popping respites when you're in defiance range. Since then the blaster's forum has upheld the belief that the devs don't play blasters, atleast not past 10.

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LOL Nice!


In the spirit of assuming that this thread will be read years down the line...

Back in the day (I.E. at the time of the posting of this thread), Swift, Quickness, and Lightning Reflexes did NOT buff Flight Speed. After Enhancement Diversification (which I'm sure you've read about), it was difficult to reach the Flight SPeed cap on your own. At the time of the creating of this post, the patch for Swift, Quickness, and LR is still on the Test Server.



Uhm, no, the meteor that hit bloody Bay and the comet Cassiopeia stopped are two entirely different things. Both in type and being two different hunks of spacerock.



Dunno if it has been posted before, but when the Hollows debuted, missions had two bugs:
-part of the map was missing, so you could jump in, fall a loooooong way down and hit the ground to 99.99% HP damage. You had to be recalled out of there or type /stuck to get back to the elevators.

-if you had a full team, mobs were plentiful. One map had 15-20 mobs beneath some staircase. You would not see them when you approached the stairs (nor could you hit them, because even if you targetted them, you were out of LoS). They could target you and as soon as you got close, the whole spawn would alpha hit your entire team, causing instant wipes.



o geeze, i remember soloing missions with invisible mobs behind the stairs when Hollows debuted. Most frustrating thing ever!



on freedom, on the night of his death, I flew into atlas on my 50 and saw a number of heroes (players) who were saluting under the statue.

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Yes, exactly the same thing happened on Virtue. I was there. That was the PLAYER led tribute. But this story about the signature heroes leaving their places just isn't true.

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This happened on Liberty too. There were a number of folks who'd gone so far as to recreate Superman's costume for the tribute as well. Very touching moment. I'd forgotten about it until reading this thread (which rocks, by the way).



Did you know.....I'm bringing this thread back!



Gah! Kill it! Kill it before it eats our brains!



Well, not any more, Mr. slow-poke-on-the-killing.




Gah! Kill it! Kill it before it eats our brains!

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Oh I dunno... this isn't the worst thread that could've been necro'ed.