Did you know... The unofficial history thread




Did you know... That Cryptic cannot do anything with offending some portion of the playerbase?

that both the Cabal and Coven were offensive to Witches,

That the Hellions using the symbol of Baphomet (Or whatever it is called) is offensive to Satanists,

And more!

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you have got to be kidding me. offensive to witches? ummm, are these the kind of people who sue Sabrina? and offending satanists? Where I come from, that's a good thing.

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You must've missed the wiccans decrying the Cabal as offensive. Yes, there is nothing Cryptic can do that won't be offensive to someone.



Most of the wiccans I saw posting about it thought the Cabal/Coven were great.



Uhm... ok. Not gonna argue. I saw a lot of threads get locked or deleted after degrading into religious debates and such. Ah... the good ole days...



Tart and Vixen are in Port Oakes, on the balcony of a building not too far off from Drea the Hook.

The only reason I know this is because I got "invited" by one for the first time while playing a lowbie alt tonight.

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I have screenshots of them, although its when they werent on the balcony. I'll find them in a bit.



Uhm... ok. Not gonna argue. I saw a lot of threads get locked or deleted after degrading into religious debates and such. Ah... the good ole days...

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The only true religion. Is Waffles.



Uhm... ok. Not gonna argue. I saw a lot of threads get locked or deleted after degrading into religious debates and such. Ah... the good ole days...

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The only true religion. Is Waffles.

[/ QUOTE ] But I believ that this land promised to the Pancakes. TO WAR!. And thats how middle eastern wars start.



Did you know...?

- The Issue 5 Trailer has never been released on the internet? It was played exclusively on a special episode of G4's Cinematech and then lost to the ages...

- Originally when you died in the Arena, you would respawn as a camera drone and be able to scout for your team? The downside would be that you could be targeted and destroyed! However, most likely due to concerns of exploits (like being able to surround your last teammate with camera drones so as to cloud enemy targeting), this feature was dropped.

- Originally, the Shivan Shard temporary power from Bloody Bay would transform YOU into a Shivan? This was billed as one of the features of the zone, with the transformed players becoming the "bosses" of the zone, but probably due to technical issues as well as conflicts with origins (and maybe even balance concerns), this was scrapped and didn't even make it into Beta, AFAIK.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



- Originally, the Shivan Shard temporary power from Bloody Bay would transform YOU into a Shivan?

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Yes! I remember them saying that!



Did you know...

There used to be some nearly impossible to find mission doors due to a navigation bug? One such door was underneath a basketball court in the SW corner of Brickstown (/loc of 367.2 -30.6 2280.1, if you'd like to check it out). The bug was that for some reason, perhaps because it was located below some minimum terrain threshhold, it produced no beacon to follow in your navigation window, and by guesstimating using your map, it lead you to an empty basketball court. Only by noticing the narrow, fenced-in ramp adjacent to the court could you find the mission. Occasionally, you could find several toons just meandering about this basketball court unable to find their mission . I'm pretty sure this was fixed (or that door is no longer used, perhaps), although I can't recall the specifics of how or when.

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I believe they have fixed the bug and made it so you see that the mission is below the ground a significant amount. There are actually 2 locations in Bricks. The one you noted and one on the north side near the middle.

The author of this post is speaking in generalities from his personal experience.
Your experience may vary.



Did you know...

There used to be some nearly impossible to find mission doors due to a navigation bug? One such door was underneath a basketball court in the SW corner of Brickstown (/loc of 367.2 -30.6 2280.1, if you'd like to check it out). The bug was that for some reason, perhaps because it was located below some minimum terrain threshhold, it produced no beacon to follow in your navigation window, and by guesstimating using your map, it lead you to an empty basketball court. Only by noticing the narrow, fenced-in ramp adjacent to the court could you find the mission. Occasionally, you could find several toons just meandering about this basketball court unable to find their mission . I'm pretty sure this was fixed (or that door is no longer used, perhaps), although I can't recall the specifics of how or when.

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I believe they have fixed the bug and made it so you see that the mission is below the ground a significant amount. There are actually 2 locations in Bricks. The one you noted and one on the north side near the middle.

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I remember there being a mish like this in Skyway. The arrow would lead you to a stretch of roadway with no obvious doorways. The mission door was actually at the end of a drainage tunnel underneath the city, and the entrance to that tunnel was on the other side of the map. No way you'd ever be able to find that door without help or prior knowledge.



As far as I know, it still is there.
It was a few months ago. They might have fixed it since then.



Shadow Shard TF's didn't get there badges until after the rest of them

The AV in Moonfire's TF was initially nearly imposible to kill

Statesman used to appear chained up in the defeat Tyrant mission

It used to be possible to create multiple instances of zones, leading to hammi being farmed by forcing multiple instances of the hive

It used to be possible to get higher than 50 HOs

Q. Has anyone ever failed the timed mission in Manticore's TF? What happens if you do?
Q. Why is Numina the only one of the Freedom Phalanx TFs not to have an AV?



Did you know that the late game Tyrant mission was once in a generic cave?

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Did you also know that in the original Tyrant Mission, If you were able to fast track with invis powers. States would be chained up at the end overtop of tyrants Throne, and if you freed him, you could then lead him to the exit and watch states hit Mobs for 4000 dmg a hit!!

Seeing how much damage that is, people would SK lowbies into the mission, stealth through to Tyrant, defeat him, then Let the newly Released Statesman powerlevel the group by owning everything in the face. Hence why Statesman was removed from the Mission.

sometimes I wish they'd bring States bake and just remove any exp from kills he got. I didn't care about the exp, I just had fun watching statesman KO blow someone through the roof and see more damage than a brute with full fury



4) That there was a glitched that caused the Kronos titan to spawn in the Hive and kill an entire hami raid as it was in the process of combat.

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Not a glitch. The owner of the "Shut down Project Wildflower" mission is ambushed by the Kronos in whatever zone they're in when the mission completes. There was actually a project to try and spawn the Kronos in every zone (but is unrelated to that particular occurence in The Hive).

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Here's a good example of just that situation. Mind You hami griefing I hate, but I still can't help but laugh at this.



It used to be possible to create multiple instances of zones, leading to hammi being farmed by forcing multiple instances of the hive

[/ QUOTE ]Still can - Freedom does it on occasion.

Q. Why is Numina the only one of the Freedom Phalanx TFs not to have an AV?

[/ QUOTE ] It does have a Monster, but I would like to see an AV there. Positron also does not have an AV - Cortez is only an EB.

-- War



Did you also know that in the original Tyrant Mission, If you were able to fast track with invis powers. States would be chained up at the end overtop of tyrants Throne, and if you freed him, you could then lead him to the exit and watch states hit Mobs for 4000 dmg a hit!!
Seeing how much damage that is, people would SK lowbies into the mission, stealth through to Tyrant, defeat him, then Let the newly Released Statesman powerlevel the group by owning everything in the face. Hence why Statesman was removed from the Mission
sometimes I wish they'd bring States bake and just remove any exp from kills he got. I didn't care about the exp, I just had fun watching statesman KO blow someone through the roof and see more damage than a brute with full fury

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They did that?
That's omega level of suck! States' mission was one of the coolest in the game because of that: teaming with the living legend and being in awe at his power level.
Doh, I really with they do like oyu suggested, I don't care for XP, I care for the fun of teaming with States!



...that for a while after Singularities were added to Gravity Control, Singies were able to use every power they have now, PLUS Dimension Shift?

However, as you'd expect, a frequent and random application of Dimension Shift not only rendered the Singy useless, it also tended to frustrate teammates.

(And for years you could still put Intangibility enhancements into the Singy, but they wouldn't do anything. You might still be able to, I'm not sure.)



...that it was originally much easier to hit enemies that were higher level than you? Despite that fact that XP was capped at +5, you'd often find teams of 8 in Baumton taking on +6 and +7 enemies.

This all changed with the first major nerf of CoH, the "purple patch", which was pre-Issue 1. The purple patch dramatically reduced heroes' effectiveness vs. higher-level enemies, effectively limiting players to +4 enemies.



They did that?
That's omega level of suck! States' mission was one of the coolest in the game because of that: teaming with the living legend and being in awe at his power level.

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It's a glitch. I ran the mission a bit ago - you can even see the one minion standing there punching States, but no States. He's definetly supposed to be there. He just hasn't been showing up for, I dunno, two or three issues now.



Oh, me be happier now.

Might be related to the glitch of mission specific item (the one we only find in one mission) being invisible...



Did you know the original Pocket D still exists?
I have a Spine/Dark Scrapper on Victory who's still there.

. . . it's lonely in there.

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Yep, I visited it the night before the new "D" went live and logged from there. When I logged in the next day, I had the whole place to myself...not that that was much dfferent from most of the other times I was there...

The cleavage helps me deflect attacks...its a Hold and Mezz. ~ Diabolic Acid Queen

Remember: Empathy just means you can feel their pain. It does not mean A) You care or B) You plan to do anything about it. ~ NetMinder



...did you know that originally you only could have 1 power tray visible at a time, they later added it where you could expand the tray upward where you could have up to three. You use to have to either key bind everything or change the tray that was visible to get to your other powers.

.... did you know that phase shift was originally a toggle until they changed it to a click due to abuse.

... did you know that you use to not be able to change the difficulty of your mission.

... did you know that while you could side kick lower level players, exemplaring a player didn't come til issue 2 or 3.

... did you know you use to be able to have perma hasten by 6 slotting it with recharge, but after Enhancement Diversification it was no longer possible.

... did you know 6 slotting stamina use to be awesome, now anything more than 3 is useless.

... did you know the 5th column use to have one of the cooler logos of the villain groups.

... did you know Giant Monsters actually use to be fun to fight and did not take many many people to beat them and the risk used to be worth the reward

correction from a previous posts
... did you know that gravitys 9th power used to be wormhole, while its 8th power was fold space which made this powerset rarely used due to its uselessness.



Did you know that tons of people used to actually go to Perez Park!?

It's sad because most of this stuff, I remember in I2 and so on. I miss it all!!!



Statesman used to appear chained up in the defeat Tyrant mission

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Thankfully, this has been fixed. Statesman is chained up once again.

The Dark Blade
"I've felt your mouse on me before, you perv...." - Troy Hickman
Paragon Wiki



Did you know....
Tram stations did not always have the spotlights as markers.

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Did you know...
Spotlights were not originally in place at the base of the American Flag on top of Paragon City Hall dome in Atlas Park. It was added in because of the Players' shouts that the 'American Flag' should not be flown in darkness during the Night-Cycle.

Did you know...
that originally the City Hall dome Flag did not move or animate from its fully-open state. This movement was added in some time later.

Did you know...
Early Players had trouble finding the newbie Signature Trainers in Atlas Park and Galaxy City, because of the sheer number of Players who logged in at once looking for those Trainers. So the Multi-level Dais 'platforms' were added underneath where Ms. Liberty and The Back-Alley Brawler now stand to make them more targettable. Later the Glow-Rings were added at the base of the Signature Trainers as well.

Did you know...
That many NPC Pedestrians who happened upon a street-crime taking place, not only threw their hands up in the air, turn and ran off, they also ran "vocally-screaming" away from the scene as well?

Did you know...
that the Clockwork drones/minions who were defeated in any street-fighting, fell forward with a Male (not robotic) grunting sound?