Did you know... The unofficial history thread




Did you know? -- Positron's Task Force

The following is quoted from another discussion about the Positron Task Force, in which Matt Miller aka Positron, discusses the origins of the task force.


Yes, you have entirely -me- to blame for that Task Force.

Here's some (not so) interesting background tidbits:

* Task Forces were originally supposed to be "supergroup missions" where then entire SG could partake at once. We couldn't get the tech working in time, so we came up with the idea of a "mini-raid", where a couple people could spend an entire day doing missions together for cool rewards. This is why Task Forces allow you to go offline and return and still be in the TF. It allows players to say "let's meet up every night from 8 to 10pm and work on the TF", without having to start over.

* Positron's TF was the very first TF ever made. It was supposed to be the precursor to the (cut) Faultline Trial.

* Positron's TF was originally written as TWO Task Forces, but we didn't have the tech to have a single contact give out Task Force A and B, and only give out B if everyone completed A, so it was merged into a Single Ginormous Task Force.

* Positron's TF never got full benefit from cool stuff like custom mission maps, because it was done so early in development.

* I am still trying to get a rewrite of Positron's TF onto the schedule... but I want to know how you guys would feel about an "easier" or "shorter" TF? It would obviously give out the same badge as previous (or the badge hunters would have my head), but would that cheapen the badge for those that had it already?

Lead Designer, City of Heroes

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Please note that I have quoted the entire post for its historical value, but that discussion of the task force itself (per Positron's questions at the end of the quoted text) belongs in the original thread. This is both to keep this thread on topic and also to make sure that your comments about the task force will show up in a thread that might actually be read by Positron occasionally.



[ I remember exactly what I said in one of those threads! It was started by a guy who was a Wiccan and claimed to be a witch.


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Many practicing Wiccan Males choose not to be labeled as a, 'Warlock' because they find the term offensive by general definition. So they accept the idea of being better referred to as a, 'Witch' the same way many practicing wiccan females do.



6) That there were sometimes up to 12 Winter Lords spawning at one time in King's Row, thus making it the most popular zone in winter 04-05.

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A bit incorrect. The KR Zone had that many separate Zone Map *locations* in which Winter Lords would spawn, but at no time during the famed Event did the KR Zone have anywhere near a dozen active WL spawns all occurring at the same time...on any CoH Live Server.



6) That there were sometimes up to 12 Winter Lords spawning at one time in King's Row, thus making it the most popular zone in winter 04-05.

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A bit incorrect. The KR Zone had that many separate Zone Map *locations* in which Winter Lords would spawn, but at no time during the famed Event did the KR Zone have anywhere near a dozen active WL spawns all occurring at the same time...on any CoH Live Server.

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And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this was before levels were removed from GMs, which made KR even more attractive for fighting Winter Lords as high level toons could easily solo them (since -- again, correct me if I'm wrong -- WLs wouldn't spawn in Atlas or Galaxy).



6) That there were sometimes up to 12 Winter Lords spawning at one time in King's Row, thus making it the most popular zone in winter 04-05.

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A bit incorrect. The KR Zone had that many separate Zone Map *locations* in which Winter Lords would spawn, but at no time during the famed Event did the KR Zone have anywhere near a dozen active WL spawns all occurring at the same time...on any CoH Live Server.

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And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this was before levels were removed from GMs, which made KR even more attractive for fighting Winter Lords as high level toons could easily solo them (since -- again, correct me if I'm wrong -- WLs wouldn't spawn in Atlas or Galaxy).

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WLs did spawn in AP and Galaxy.



Did you know that on the original map that came with CoH the real name for Crey's Folly is Venice



I must confess.. most of these "did you know it used to be that" factoids suprise me... because I didn't realize these things have changed.

Bastion changed his name? Rooted no longer roots you? Positron has colouring on his armor? The list goes on and on. I must not be paying attention



Did you know:

Our community beloved community coordinator, Cricket, who replaced CuppaJo on September 1st 2006, announced that she would be leaving us in order to become community manager of Auto Assault, Exteel, Dungeon Runners and Lineage 1.

Her last day of work, keeping our insanity in some sort of order will be January 31st 2007.

Good luck Cricket and try to stay of the road over in Auto Assault. No one wants to be peeling you off their grill.

Also did you know,

I was the one who put CuppaJo's departure in the "Did you Know..." thread.



Since April Fool's Day is around the corner...

Did you know... The Hidden Badge!

It wasn't long after CoH went live that someone figured out how the data files were compressed and went "pigg diving". With Issue 2 on the horizon, a lot of the upcoming badge info was dug out of the .pigg files and enough spoiler info was posted to the forums that the forum moderators ended up making it a bannable offense to read the .piggs and upload their contents to the forums.

In March of 2006, a new badge appeared in the .pigg files and got the "pigg divers" buzzing about an upcoming April Fool's event in City of Heroes. Despite the speculation, April 1 came and went with no special event heralding April Fool's Day. Positron got the last laugh when he revealed that the "April's Fool" badge was an easter egg inserted into the data files to tease the "pigg divers". To date, there's no way in-game to become "April's Fool".

(Note to self - Try /settitle just for laughs.)



Did you know... Inside jokes and references

A lot of the homages and inside jokes in the game are documented in this thread, but many others can also be found in the Inside Jokes and References thread!



This type of thread pops up every month or two. Someone should collate this stuff on ParagonWiki or some such.






This thread is really interesting for returning players because I'm reading this sort of "X used to happen" stuff and am sometimes glad, sometimes dismayed at the changes. =/

Did you know...

When a zone gets too many players at once, it spawns instances? In the early, super-populated days of launch, Atlas Park would have two to three copies of itself (Atlas Park 2, Atlas Park 3, et cetera) and Galaxy City would generally have one. You had to pick which instance you zoned into at an exit; a box would pop up, and your instance was completely seperate from the others.



Did you know...
There were two more origins than there are now? Magic Artifact and another one I forget the name of. I believe it was technology related. Anyway, they were combined into what is our current origins.

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Do you perhaps mean Gadgets? I wish I could find the original website, but it seems to have disappered.

TW/Elec Optimization



When a zone gets too many players at once, it spawns instances? In the early, super-populated days of launch, Atlas Park would have two to three copies of itself (Atlas Park 2, Atlas Park 3, et cetera) and Galaxy City would generally have one. You had to pick which instance you zoned into at an exit; a box would pop up, and your instance was completely seperate from the others.

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Yup, it happens much like this.



Did you know...

There used to be some nearly impossible to find mission doors due to a navigation bug? One such door was underneath a basketball court in the SW corner of Brickstown (/loc of 367.2 -30.6 2280.1, if you'd like to check it out). The bug was that for some reason, perhaps because it was located below some minimum terrain threshhold, it produced no beacon to follow in your navigation window, and by guesstimating using your map, it lead you to an empty basketball court. Only by noticing the narrow, fenced-in ramp adjacent to the court could you find the mission. Occasionally, you could find several toons just meandering about this basketball court unable to find their mission . I'm pretty sure this was fixed (or that door is no longer used, perhaps), although I can't recall the specifics of how or when.

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I realize that this post was made well over a year ago, but I just had a radio mission at this door on my toon, and I was running all over the place trying to find a way down there. It wasn't until after I'd almost given up that I'd found the ramp that leads under the court.



Did you know...

There used to be some nearly impossible to find mission doors due to a navigation bug? One such door was underneath a basketball court in the SW corner of Brickstown (/loc of 367.2 -30.6 2280.1, if you'd like to check it out). The bug was that for some reason, perhaps because it was located below some minimum terrain threshhold, it produced no beacon to follow in your navigation window, and by guesstimating using your map, it lead you to an empty basketball court. Only by noticing the narrow, fenced-in ramp adjacent to the court could you find the mission. Occasionally, you could find several toons just meandering about this basketball court unable to find their mission . I'm pretty sure this was fixed (or that door is no longer used, perhaps), although I can't recall the specifics of how or when.

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I realize that this post was made well over a year ago, but I just had a radio mission at this door on my toon, and I was running all over the place trying to find a way down there. It wasn't until after I'd almost given up that I'd found the ramp that leads under the court.

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Hehe... that happened to me, too, years ago. Finally I got a GM to help me and so there we were.. a scrapper and a police drone, wandering aimlessly about, until I literally fell down the ramp.



Did you know that I have the only stickied idea in the Suggestions forum? (Signature Powers)

Did you know I originally posted that thread in the General City of Heroes discussion. Its popularity took off so much I asked a moderator to move it to Suggestions and Ideas. It later became stickied after so many kept bumping it.



Did you know I created a thread and within 30 minutes it had 4 different developer replies and community managers?

That thread



Did you know I created a thread and within 30 minutes it had 4 different developer replies and community managers?

That thread

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You're a forum superstar.



I know it's been said once before, but you don't get the true feel of how pooey the stone tanks looked like. Here are some screenies of how they looked.

First someone in Brimstone armor.

Now for some pics of stone armor. BTW, Granite armor looked just like Stone Armor did, only grey. so you were petrified poo, oh and GRanite used to only give a 15% resistance to all types but psionic, and no def whatsoever.

The above is also an old picture of rooted.

I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.



Somehow this ought to be collected and preserve on a website somewhere. Make sure it gets into the WayBack Machine.



Did you know there is blood (non animated) in this game.


Did you know there is a secret spot under the arena where it is rumored, that the dev's hang out at.


Did you know this is what a zone looks like from underneath


Did you know there's a spot in Perez where you can swim underwater.




When a zone gets too many players at once, it spawns instances? In the early, super-populated days of launch, Atlas Park would have two to three copies of itself (Atlas Park 2, Atlas Park 3, et cetera) and Galaxy City would generally have one. You had to pick which instance you zoned into at an exit; a box would pop up, and your instance was completely seperate from the others.

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Yup, it happens much like this.

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Beta ftw? I remmber that