Did you know... The unofficial history thread




Well, not any more, Mr. slow-poke-on-the-killing.


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Where'd you get those crackers? Can I have some?



Liberty Server was home to a really interesting roleplayer who called himself "Cog Warlord" in the days of I1/I2. The Cog Warlord tried very hard, within the restrictions of CoH, to be a real villain, long before CoV came out.
He played using fairly high level Tanker, and in his "Warlord" guise, he'd announce via broadcasts as well as on the Liberty Forum here, that he was going to further the plans of the Clockwork King by leading a charge of mobs to area X in zone Y.

In essence, he created zone events where he'd herd up dozens, maybe hundreds of mobs and lead them back to common player areas like the AP entrance to the Hollows. I can understand why someone might think he was griefing lowbies by doing that, but he DID repeatedly announce his intentions and give plenty of warning of his nefarious plans. The net result was that higher-level players would come out to protect everyone. Given the sheer size of the herds, lots of people had a chance to help and there was a very tangible sense that the bigger toons were protecting the smaller ones. Plus, we got to show off our high level powers.

I'm fairly certain that Cog Warlord eventually got banned for what he was doing, but I will remember him as the first player villain in the game.

Things I hate: Anime. PvP. Lying MMO Developers. Outleveling content. Manga. ED. Comic Store Employees. Anime.



Liberty Server was home to a really interesting roleplayer who called himself "Cog Warlord" in the days of I1/I2. The Cog Warlord tried very hard, within the restrictions of CoH, to be a real villain, long before CoV came out.
He played using fairly high level Tanker, and in his "Warlord" guise, he'd announce via broadcasts as well as on the Liberty Forum here, that he was going to further the plans of the Clockwork King by leading a charge of mobs to area X in zone Y.

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Oh man, I remember that guy. He was great.



Did you know.....they took out every 5th Column reference in the game except for Atlas' plaque?



Did you know.....they took out every 5th Column reference in the game except for Atlas' plaque?

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And then put a fair number of them back in?

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And then had a tea party???



Not sure if this has been mentioned yet:
orginally you could target specific body parts, like head, arms, etc.

Atlas was originally called Liberty Square

All of atlas was originally a high lvl zone

In CoV, if you died you would have gone to jail. Originally

All of these were cut from the game or re-worked into it



Did you know.....they took out every 5th Column reference in the game except for Atlas' plaque?

[/ QUOTE ]And then put a fair number of them back in?

[/ QUOTE ] And furthermore...
That some were never removed in the first place?
That jokes about the switch are currently in the game?

The Council->5th switch was big enough, it really doesn't need to be exaggerated to be worth mentioning.



Did you know....

That on September 1st 2006 there was a huge party called Cuppathon (hope I spelled that right) on Test server to say goodbye to CuppaJo? Events including Jello Wrestling (Hamidon in a instance of Pocket D), Find the Dev (Dev hides, you find), and more?

I was there for the lagathon (I'm laggy anyways, but with 6 instances worth of Pocket Ds, 3 of which were full, it was horrible. I spend most of my time drinking coffe by War Witch or on the villain balcony). I did hear about Hamidon spawning in one of the Pocket Ds. After he killed everyone, Manticore showed up and one-shotted him, and everyone (even the lv 1s) got level appropriate Hamis. Then he made Kronos and a few of the smaller Malta mechs spawn. In other instances of Pocket D, those mini-Hamidon things spawned. I, unfortunately, have never been able to fight things in Pocket D.

Did you know that....

Ghost Widow can phase through the floor of Pocket D? During the Oct 28th Costume Contest on Guardian (hosted by Strike Force and Laureth), Ghost Widow showed up. She was getting a bit swarmed, so she phased through the floor. Then she hung out just outside the window. Very cool.

Did you know that....

Immediately after I7, the insane AV/Hero regen rate also effected Giant Monster? Yet, there are still reports of people taking a few down. Eventually, people around during that time will tell story to newbs that complain about Giant Monsters being hard to kill.

Did you know that....

Not too long after CuppaJo left there was a computer glitch that resulted in lots of people getting banned. According to Cricket, "I have not gone mad with the ban stick. I repeat, I have not gone mad with the ban stick. "
The cause of the problem was "a problem where many accounts were banned from the boards. These bans were not done manually - it was a system error. At this time all of these accounts have been unbanned. This was an AoE kind of ban stick...this affected thousands of users. Unfortunately, I did not have a way to contact all affected users to explain what had happened."
CuppaJo returned to offer a correction, " She lies. She dinged 32 and got the Nova Ban power and just wanted to test it out. "

Did you know that...

Once, when asked about some features in a screenie from Vet Rewards that had some cool features we wanted, Positron replied, "Many players have commented today that they would like something like this, so we are looking into the possiblity of maybe someday thinking about maybe implementing something similar to this, in the future."



Did you know....
Right now, outside the Magic Store in Talos hangs a sign for a Mexican Supermarket

Did you know....
Your personal biography wasn't always available in the format it is today. Way back when, you could only read your own biography on the screen you created/edited it.

Did you know....
Tram stations did not always have the spotlights as markers.

Ddi you know....
Snipers were so dangerous in Peregrine Island that players were getting killed getting off the ferry and at Ghost Falcon. Massive public outcry led to the snipers being subsequnetly removed.



Did you know....
Your personal biography wasn't always available in the format it is today. Way back when, you could only read your own biography on the screen you created/edited it.

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I also remember the darn thing being really bad with any sort of editing attempts too, with word insertions causing words after the insertion to become all messed up.

Did you know:

The phrase "Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls." is from 2 different sources?
(link in player guides, link in general forum)

Fireplug's post is about the hero who says "Kill Skuls". Spoogey's reply post is about a hero that said. "Go. Hunt."

The two were brought together like chocolate and peanut butter on a lazy friday afternoon inofficially in the forums, by some bored forumites. It turned into a meme that even Statesman used. Later on, the Kill Skuls badge was introduced, and a section added to the Skulls villain group info, officially merging into one phrase, "Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls."

There's a http://www.killskuls.com/ website, and a wiki entry in Paragon wiki as well.

There was also a photoshop thread in which people added "Kill Skuls!" to many pictures. My favorite is this one, which, while work-safe, is pretty high on the gross-out and shock factor: (click to go blind)


(btw, getting to post a link to that photoshop pic is the whole reason I did this writeup. 8)



p.s. - I gotta say that I ended up reading this thread instead of logging into the game today. :P

Someone do the Uniquedragon GONE TO THE AMERICANS! thing




The Atlas statue's globe used to be hollow and characters could get stuck inside.

Also, the Paragon City map was very different, including a completely flooded zone.

Click here for the original Atlas Park loading screen.

Also, here's a list of the powersets in development in 2003. Some made it to the first release, some had to wait quite a while (Sonics in Issue 5), some got released in City of Villains (Poison), some are still tucked in some concepts folder somewhere:

Super Strength
Super Agility
Super Stamina
Super Intelligence
Super Willpower
Super Personality
Darkness Control
Density Control
Earth Control
Electricity Control
Fire Control
Force Fields
Gravity Control
Kinetic Control
Life Drain
Light Control
Plant Control
Radiation Control
Shape Shifting
Sonic Control
Super Vision
Super Speed

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Did you know..
Tesla Cage used to be a Sleep?

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The Tesla Cage that the Clockwork Tesla Princes will use on you is still a sleep.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



-Both the Arenas and Universities had construction sites at their present locations during the issue before they were finished being built. The workers would say funny stuff when you got near them.

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Even more amusing, late in the run-up to the debut of the Arenas, the contruction sites got paved over with concrete -- but if you wandered around the paved areas, you could still hear the conversations of the construction workers beneath the concrete, who, since there were no openings into the understructure, were presumably trapped there.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



2) There was a glitch that cause a hallway's entrance to turn black and make you be unable to see through it until you walked through the black wall.

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That glitch is still around. It's due to map tiles not synching totally. The real scary thing is that sometimes the map tile is really out of synch, causing you to fall out of the map.

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Yeah - this happened to me in a CoV map not long ago. It was pretty fun, actually. I was walking around on top of the hallway.

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In the Arachnos Base maps, one of the end rooms -- the one with an elevated platform inset high into the left wall as you enter the room (for those of you who did the Wretch arc from Seer Marino, it's the end room where you find Ghost Widow) -- has a gap in the back of this alcove. There is a group of pipes that go down through a hole in the floor mesh, and on the right side of the pipes, the gap in the floor mesh is large enough for you to get through and escape to the outside of the map; if you have Flight, you can follow the hallways back toward the entrance/elevators and see what the structures you can see through the walls from the inside actually look like.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Did you know?

In the days of Issue two if you had teleport you could go beyond the war walls? One such hole existed ontop of the Brickstown Hospital and another on Monkey Island in Peregrine Island.

Hellions used to charge Atlas Plaza.



Did you know?

In the days of Issue two if you had teleport you could go beyond the war walls? One such hole existed ontop of the Brickstown Hospital and another on Monkey Island in Peregrine Island.

Hellions used to charge Atlas Plaza.

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I actually got to see such a hole in Faultline a month ago or so, and it allowed you to get into the area behind the dam, which is finally part of the zone as of I8 on the Test server.



Did you know...

There used to be some nearly impossible to find mission doors due to a navigation bug? One such door was underneath a basketball court in the SW corner of Brickstown (/loc of 367.2 -30.6 2280.1, if you'd like to check it out). The bug was that for some reason, perhaps because it was located below some minimum terrain threshhold, it produced no beacon to follow in your navigation window, and by guesstimating using your map, it lead you to an empty basketball court. Only by noticing the narrow, fenced-in ramp adjacent to the court could you find the mission. Occasionally, you could find several toons just meandering about this basketball court unable to find their mission . I'm pretty sure this was fixed (or that door is no longer used, perhaps), although I can't recall the specifics of how or when.

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I got that mission a few weeks back and bugged/petitioned it again.

Unfortunately I had to use the mission dropping feature.

But yeah, not fixed (or not fixed in its entirety).



Did you know...

There used to be some nearly impossible to find mission doors due to a navigation bug? One such door was underneath a basketball court in the SW corner of Brickstown (/loc of 367.2 -30.6 2280.1, if you'd like to check it out). The bug was that for some reason, perhaps because it was located below some minimum terrain threshhold, it produced no beacon to follow in your navigation window, and by guesstimating using your map, it lead you to an empty basketball court. Only by noticing the narrow, fenced-in ramp adjacent to the court could you find the mission. Occasionally, you could find several toons just meandering about this basketball court unable to find their mission . I'm pretty sure this was fixed (or that door is no longer used, perhaps), although I can't recall the specifics of how or when.

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I got that mission a few weeks back and bugged/petitioned it again.

Unfortunately I had to use the mission dropping feature.

But yeah, not fixed (or not fixed in its entirety).

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One of the devs (I believe it was Positron himself) admitted once that while playing an alt in Brickstown he too was unable to find this mission door. And he too petitioned one of the GM's to help him find it.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



In CoV Beta, there were a couple of scantily-clad npcs near Mercy (I think) called Tart and Vixen that would make 'suggestive offers' to passers-by.

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they're still there, and it won't let me in the building



In CoV Beta, there were a couple of scantily-clad npcs near Mercy (I think) called Tart and Vixen that would make 'suggestive offers' to passers-by.

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they're still there, and it won't let me in the building

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Where are these two? I've never seen them around Mercy. Are they near the elevators or something?



Tart and Vixen are in Port Oakes, on the balcony of a building not too far off from Drea the Hook.

The only reason I know this is because I got "invited" by one for the first time while playing a lowbie alt tonight.



Did you know...

There used to be some nearly impossible to find mission doors due to a navigation bug? One such door was underneath a basketball court in the SW corner of Brickstown (/loc of 367.2 -30.6 2280.1, if you'd like to check it out). The bug was that for some reason, perhaps because it was located below some minimum terrain threshhold, it produced no beacon to follow in your navigation window, and by guesstimating using your map, it lead you to an empty basketball court. Only by noticing the narrow, fenced-in ramp adjacent to the court could you find the mission. Occasionally, you could find several toons just meandering about this basketball court unable to find their mission . I'm pretty sure this was fixed (or that door is no longer used, perhaps), although I can't recall the specifics of how or when.

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I got that mission a few weeks back and bugged/petitioned it again.

Unfortunately I had to use the mission dropping feature.

But yeah, not fixed (or not fixed in its entirety).

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This is a bit different, though. There is a marker to missions that use that door, it's just that the door is under the street level and it is very difficult to find if you don't know what you're looking for. I have led at least 2 different people to that door over the Help channel in the last couple of months, not by physically showing it to them, but just by giving these simple instructions:

1. Head to the East a short distance.

2. Look for a fence.

3. Hop over that fence.

4. Follow the ramp down.

That will get you to the door under the Basketball court in SW Brickstown every time.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Did you know... That Cryptic cannot do anything with offending some portion of the playerbase?

that both the Cabal and Coven were offensive to Witches,

That the Hellions using the symbol of Baphomet (Or whatever it is called) is offensive to Satanists,

And more!

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you have got to be kidding me. offensive to witches? ummm, are these the kind of people who sue Sabrina? and offending satanists? Where I come from, that's a good thing.