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  1. Hai again Pinnacle.

    Here for a month..or so to see the new patch and see whose still left.

    -Teh Ninjamonkey
  2. Muffins

    Hai Pinnacle

    [ QUOTE ]

    This. Like, totally. Were you in prison for two years?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Worse. Was a 92% attendance rate member of a hardcore raiding guild in WoW.
  3. Muffins

    Hai Pinnacle

    So I've been gone for 2 or so years. Whats new and exciting on Pinnacle?
  4. Never understood why so many of my fellow mage class cry about being water(end) vending machines. I make 10-100g a day off of it. (100,000-1,000,000 inf).
  5. Wheres Pantsy and Bimbot when you need them to hijack a thread?
  6. You've just guaranteed the mods' wrath
  7. [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *beatdown* NO TOUCHY
  8. This topic is far too sober
  9. For about....12 hours I think
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Congrats to T A Z Z (evil dad's number 1 fan) who just hit 50!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Moderators are pooheads
  11. After being deleted and re-rolled nearly 50 times since Issue 1. Muffins finally hit 50 at 1:29 AM today.
  12. BAM Hugs is finally 50. Dispite Lagville's best attempts.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    As you can tell, I have rarely posted on the forums. That being said, I do read through select ones nearly every day. Lately I have noticed a disturbing trend regarding rants and the forums and Lighthouse.

    More and more discussions/rants are being closed down by Lighthouse. I realize he is the Community Relations go-to person, but in trying to establish his unique presence in that role, I feel he has gone a bit too far at times, more than not.

    I cringe everytime I see his name in a discussion. Maybe I am not very sensitive to people's feelings but Lighthouse seems to be politically correct to the extreme. Someone could use the word "butthead" in a post and he will close it down. Have we become such a community that we cannot tolerate even minor rants and dissenting responses?

    I wonder how many respones this will generate before Lighthouse closes this thread down.

    What I would like to see is a bit more balance from Lighthouse, more leeway being given to rants. Maybe it is me, but the rants lately have been generating some good discussions, some good feedback with only a few poor posters using inappropriate language.

    Rather than merely closing down the rants, Lighthouse could close them and then open up a new discussion forum where he has distilled the rant's thoughts/points and then invite feedback. Would that mean some more work for Lighthouse? Yes, but he is the Community Rep. Wouldn't his job be to not only monitor but also direct and redirect discussions in a more positive vein?

    I know that this post will divide many on the issue of Rants in general and I know some will take sides over Lighthouse. I do not dislike Lighthouse - I have seen some quality respones from him. MY OPINION is that he could back off a bit on his politically correct stick and allow us to work out our rants on our own or step in only when really neccesary.

    A final suggestion - a forum dedicated to rants only? A free for all rant forum where users would have to agree that what is said in the forum stays in the forum?

    Thanks for listening. This has just been something that has bugged me from day one of Lighthouse being here....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    He's still not closing down enough topics. Either that or one sub discussion forum needs to be made that is for pissing and moaning, as there is a great of excess of it to make most of the forums useful, outside of being a screaming 5 year old in a supermarket.

    I'm being excessivly harsh there.

    What my point is since we have a suggestions and improvements forum we need one flat out made for complaints that way they're focused and more likely to build the support many the users intend to garner, rather then having 100,000 "OMG I GOT NERFED TODAY" posts, consolidate it into one giga-normous one that at least gives a population sense of how many people are pissed.

    I tend to see 100,000 of the same target it skipp. But if i want a population of how many people are pissed at the recent patch and they're consolidated into one then you have a better sense of how many users who are willing to take time to post are actually "pissed" annoyed or whatnot at something.

    ANd yes if such a forum were to exist I would support an offical stickeyed omg Red Names are Nazis because...topic where those who feel a need to do so can post essay long topics on how lighthouse, States, Posi, etc are Satan incarnate, that and it makes it easier for me to pass over them when I dont feel like reading htem.

    Although given the nature of a video game forum. The Piss and Moan forum would infact probably be the one with the highest amounts of posts.
  14. I would think Rularuu himself would be cast as his own "Critter" like Hamidon does.

    Still "No tricking him" Im fairly sure Purple Pants there has never met 200 very pissed off Rad Controllers and Defenders >_>
  15. Well they have to revive the answer hamster as they've kicked a couple of times too hard.
  16. Favorite Villians? The 5th. I miss my Nazis
  17. PeeVeePee followed by costumes. I like busting heads, and I love doing it while looking guud.
  18. Did you know?

    In the days of Issue two if you had teleport you could go beyond the war walls? One such hole existed ontop of the Brickstown Hospital and another on Monkey Island in Peregrine Island.

    Hellions used to charge Atlas Plaza.
  19. I miss

    Them. They were scarier then space luchadores from planet X.

    Paragon Radio before they became MMOradio and Wor-radio.

    The sense of awe towards a level 10 on my first day of the game.

    Spending 5 hours in Atlas Park trying to type out a friends' name for a tell because he had the game at launch and I didn't. Turned out he couldnt get on that day....


    My old friends who got me into this game and the day they left. I was sad to see B.I.O.S. the Elec/Elec blaster and The Bedazzler Grav/Rad Controller quit after 16 levels of glory.

    I deleted my scrapper shortly after they quit.

    The Issue 1 preview video and watching the "demo" hero fight 2 Kronos Titans in PI at the sametime. I couldnt wait to do that...oh ignorance is bliss.

    Resucing Statesman only to find the [censored] was noticbly absent. (issue 2)

    The Invasion of the Rularuu being narrated and sound fx'd on Paragon Radio.

    DJ Cirga holding dance parties for level 2s(this was before you could skip outbreak) in Founders Falls, next to the Eden gate.

    A level 50 giving me 100k influence in my first week, telling me that as payment I had to do the same for lowbies when I hit 50. Of which I followed for a year, I've become far more elitistbastage/bitter since then.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    For the longest time I wrote off the super strength-using Capos as using some kind of hi-tech gear too, based on their enemy info. The Family outright drops Black Market Supergear as one of their salvage, so I imagine not all their gravity control and super strength comes from 'dine. Taking drugs doesn't make your tommy gun shoot harder, after all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ever since I found out that even the hellions and skulls are "beyond average human abilities" I've figured that the Family not only have SS gear, probably built into thier suits, but due to thier access to underground money sources probably have Tommy Guns that hit as hard as an M-50 with each bullet. It was how I justified that thier bullets could actually hurt, they're bullets designed to invidually take down a squad of tanks(vehicle, not the AT).
  21. This topic scares me, the winterlord babies are now collecting Social Secruity. And I was old when they were born...GET OFF MY LAWN GOD DAMNIT!! Cause it was the style of the time to wear an onion on your belt....zzz.z..zz.zzzzz
  22. I was digging through my screenshots when I found this little beauty.

    Now this makes hurl boulder look like hurl pebble.

    Imagine how much thats gonna hurt when it hits.

    This wasn't photoshoped. Just used camera angles.
  23. On a funnier note. I can't wait to here when Domsitron gets a mission go fight Positron. oooooo