Free Costume Token For All Characters
More free tokens, whee!
Great Gubbly Be-Grubbly! How many tokens do we need Lighthouse?? I mean, I am not upset or anything, but wow, some of us have a box that we keep under the bed filled with the tokens. There are a ton of vet bonus costume tokens, now another??
=@ @=
Well, I am certain there are a lot of people who can use it. Just, wow, they sure get given out alot, you know, is all.
=^ ^=
Great Gubbly Be-Grubbly! How many tokens do we need Lighthouse?? I mean, I am not upset or anything, but wow, some of us have a box that we keep under the bed filled with the tokens. There are a ton of vet bonus costume tokens, now another??
=@ @=
Well, I am certain there are a lot of people who can use it. Just, wow, they sure get given out alot, you know, is all.
=^ ^=
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Gift horse -- mouth -- DON'T LOOK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, will these be the old style 1 Free costume change per Costume Slot tokens? (eg, if you had 3 costume slots unlocked, that character would get three free changes) Or like the new vet reward Costume Changes which are good for one change total?
Also, theres probably going to be a comment about the value of the veteran reward costume tokens in relation to these free ones any minute now.
Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn
Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad
hey i like free stuff give me anything and everything as long as it's free !!!!
Great Gubbly Be-Grubbly! How many tokens do we need Lighthouse?? I mean, I am not upset or anything, but wow, some of us have a box that we keep under the bed filled with the tokens. There are a ton of vet bonus costume tokens, now another??
=@ @=
Well, I am certain there are a lot of people who can use it. Just, wow, they sure get given out alot, you know, is all.
=^ ^=
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Gift horse -- mouth -- DON'T LOOK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Sorry, wasn't trying to look. The announcment caught me off guard. There are people who will and do need it of course. So I am not looking at it in that sense... Am I? =O.o= Mew was just trying to comment on how they get handed out a bit, not that I am complaining! =^.^= I change my costumes two or three times a month! I have spent more time in Icon on some alts then in missions. =^o^=
Heh, I'm down to two left of my main who's been around for almost two years now. What I'm waiting for is the response from those who burned vet tokens/respecs to hear that there will be freebies shortly.
The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.
Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?
A: You crash into another one.
Thankyou Devs!
So, will these be the old style 1 Free costume change per Costume Slot tokens? (eg, if you had 3 costume slots unlocked, that character would get three free changes) Or like the new vet reward Costume Changes which are good for one change total?
Also, theres probably going to be a comment about the value of the veteran reward costume tokens in relation to these free ones any minute now.
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To be honest, I'm not sure. Blame me as the newbie I'd wager that they will likely be in the style of free ones given out in the past. Take that for what you will
EDIT: To follow up on this, the script is planned to give an additional 4 costume change tokens and should (barring any sun spots, tidal waves or other fun things) go up with the maintenance on 11/30/06.
Community Relations Manager
If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.
Also, theres probably going to be a comment about the value of the veteran reward costume tokens in relation to these free ones any minute now.
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Eh, don't care. You can't choose not to use a freebie token, but you can choose when to claim the vet reward.
While this is great news (and I hope it's one token per slot), I'm curious about what actually got changed in I8, since the previous patch on Sept. 20th.
I mean, in late October, after finally getting the 5th costume slot on my main, I re-created her original outfit for the first slot (it had been the Retro costume, from the PD contest months ago). Even with the name changes, and all, that occured in I7, I was able to make the costume just as it used to look.
However, logging her into I8 today, a look at the costume in Icon shows that Metallic body, face 15 (female), triange eye mask, cat ears, and one of the stripe patterns don't register. That is, something got changed to all of those pieces, so that I have to re-make the costume all over again.
Okay, I know that Details 1-Cat Ears went to the Ears tab (unless you have a hood or half helmet, then it's still Details 1), but none of the other pieces should have been changed. In fact, they are still there, in the same place, as they were in I7's code.
I like having new costume pieces, I like fixes to said costume pieces, and I certainly don't mind free costume tokens, but I'm curious as to what's causing all these costume discrepancies on pieces that don't seem to have changed at all. =0_o=
Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls
Pep Cat, it may be that new pieces are "bumping" existing pieces in the database, so if you have one of the bumped pieces, it's suddenly switched to whatever was next in the list, even if it wasn't actually changed. My guess, anyhoo.
I suspect the tokens will be per slot, as they have been in the past. The intent of the tokens is to allow players to fix up costumes that have been altered due to changes in the costume editor. Since those changes can carry across all of a player's costumes, it makes sense to award one token per slot.
the more the better
Also, theres probably going to be a comment about the value of the veteran reward costume tokens in relation to these free ones any minute now.
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Eh, don't care. You can't choose not to use a freebie token, but you can choose when to claim the vet reward.
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And that is why I love my Veteran Rewards tokens.
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

Oh good, I got wings for Birdy tonight and she only has 14 tokens left now. I was afraid I was going to run out soon.
Poor Serge is going to go out of business.
So, will these be the old style 1 Free costume change per Costume Slot tokens? (eg, if you had 3 costume slots unlocked, that character would get three free changes) Or like the new vet reward Costume Changes which are good for one change total?
Also, theres probably going to be a comment about the value of the veteran reward costume tokens in relation to these free ones any minute now.
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To be honest, I'm not sure. Blame me as the newbie I'd wager that they will likely be in the style of free ones given out in the past. Take that for what you will
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*Pats Lighthouse onna teh noggin. Little puffs of flour fly from her paws with each pat*
Poor Lighthouse. Now there are gonna be posty people who think that they be garaunteed the token per costume slot.
Silly munkies read to much inna to dev post some times and put wordses in to your mouths. Never Fear, Tundara and her Otter Horde will take up yer banner and violently and with extreme prejudice linky to here and point this people this direction to show them that it be a guess on your part, not a facty.
Come Otters, we must patrol for these malevolent rumors and smite-ith them as if they be a vile Necropost!
........=^.^=...............=^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^ .^.^.^.^=........
<(^)(_____)B:::::<(^)(______________________ _________)B::::Patrol!!!!
.........V........................V............... .............................................
What is that? The duckmobile? X_o
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

What is that? The duckmobile? X_o
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Duck-mo-bile?? Those are mews Battle Pengies! From teh back of teh battle pengy mew smites evil and um... stuff!
=^ ^=
What is that? The duckmobile? X_o
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Duck-mo-bile?? Those are mews Battle Pengies! From teh back of teh battle pengy mew smites evil and um... stuff!
=^ ^=
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Someone needs to stop trying to get high off of the inhalants in bottles of Pam cooking spray.
What is that? The duckmobile? X_o
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Yes....yes it is.
I...think? O.o
*EDIT* Also....wooh! More tokens!
Instead of giving out these infernal tokens every time the wind changes, how about simply lowering the price of costume pieces?
Also, theres probably going to be a comment about the value of the veteran reward costume tokens in relation to these free ones any minute now.
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Personally, I could care less. I have, like, 40 costume changes on my older characters. I'll never go through them all.
Brother of Markus
The Lord of Fire and Pain
The Legendary Living Hellfire
Fight my brute!
To paraphrase Samuel Jackson in Kill Bill 2:
"Lighthouse, he's the man."
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
We will be issuing a free costume change token to all characters soon, pending testing. We wanted to let people know this so they can better plan out any costume changes they may be considering.
Our apologies for any inconvenience caused with costume changes.
Community Relations Manager
If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.