Did you know... The unofficial history thread




Also, back in Issue 1 and 2, hackers were able to create level 50+ Heroes. Can't seem to find the screenshot I took of a Level 58 Stone Tanker next to the tram station in Atlas Park.

I asked him how he did it, and he said "Alt + F4". Which lead me to finding out how to close a program



This thread is destroying my confidence in my knowledge of the game.

Not because I didn't know most of what is being stated, but because I didn't know much of it has since changed. I am operating on outdated knowledge of this game in many ways!



I just realized I made the same basic suggestion about this thread on this thread twice.



that this thread can't die? :P

[url="http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/User:SaintNicster"]ParagonWiki User Page[/url]

[url="http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/214#list"]City Info Tracker[/url]



Did you know...

that the 5th Column took over the original Paragon Dance Party shortly before closing its doors?

The Dev's loaded the Dance Party with 5th Column, I assume, to give it some interest after people slowly stopped visiting and only used it to get from one zone to another.

Either that, the Devs wanted to keep people out of the PDP by loading it with many way-too-high-level purple 5C's.

Did you know...
that it took me over 7 hours to read this entire thread?

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Did you know...
that it took me over 7 hours to read this entire thread?

[/ QUOTE ]


That's dedication right there!




Not me. I read it when it was an itty bitty thread and I've read a couple of replies at a time. No marathon, monster thread for me!



Yes it is. I've also kept up with a few of the monster threads across the pond.



But it's not my fault I was given a Euro account - it's where I was at the time, and I thought it'd make sense to play in their timezone - until I RL got in the way, and made me play late at night
Now I'm on the home servers, I have a lot of catching up to do

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork




I've been trying to keep up with the overall EU sentiment since we had those two threads where we replied to each other.

That was pretty cool. I even asked Cuppa if cross-posting would be ok. Sadly, no. Since there are different divisions of NC involved that have little or nothing to do with each other, one account can not be activated in more than one community.



Did you know...

that the 5th Column took over the original Paragon Dance Party shortly before closing its doors?

The Dev's loaded the Dance Party with 5th Column, I assume, to give it some interest after people slowly stopped visiting and only used it to get from one zone to another.

Either that, the Devs wanted to keep people out of the PDP by loading it with many way-too-high-level purple 5C's.

Did you know...
that it took me over 7 hours to read this entire thread?

[/ QUOTE ]

Your timetable is a bit off. The 5th in the PDP were only there for a few days, during the 5th/Council wars that happened upon the release of Issue 3. That was January, 2005. They were most assuredly gone when the PDP closed its doors in February of the following year, due to the opening of Pocket D. I used to shortcut through there all of the time to avoid the heavy lag of the Talos train station, and left my main parked inside when the patch removing access to it was due to hit the live servers. There were no 5th in there at that time.

Edited: Linky to a thread from the time where we disscussed the 5th's presence in the PDP.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Your timetable is a bit off. The 5th in the PDP were only there for a few days, during the 5th/Council wars that happened upon the release of Issue 3. That was January, 2005. They were most assuredly gone when the PDP closed its doors in February of the following year, due to the opening of Pocket D. I used to shortcut through there all of the time to avoid the heavy lag of the Talos train station, and left my main parked inside when the patch removing access to it was due to hit the live servers. There were no 5th in there at that time.

Edited: Linky to a thread from the time where we disscussed the 5th's presence in the PDP.

[/ QUOTE ]

Coolness. I thought it was later and I just got schooled

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Did you know that... many of the changes between the Paragon Dance Party and Pocket D were outlined in a long-lived, stickied suggestion thread? This included graphic elements, music, placement of explore badges, special missions being given out, having bartenders sell inspirations, placement of DJ Zero, and use as a cross-faction social bridge. (The devs, however, completely thought up the Shadow Shard location and floating space station look all by themselves.)

While you are on a task force you can't talk to your normal contacts to buy inspirations, but you're supposed to be able to buy them from the TF contact. This was also part of the reason the bartenders were made public inspiration stores.



In the City of Villains Beta, the Brute Auto Power "Fury" was called "Rage." This was quickly changed due to the confusion between the Brute Inhearent and the Super Strength Click.

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Did you know: Due to that, the game still stacks Fury and Rage together.

What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?

PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes



Liberty Server was home to a really interesting roleplayer who called himself "Cog Warlord" in the days of I1/I2. The Cog Warlord tried very hard, within the restrictions of CoH, to be a real villain, long before CoV came out.
He played using fairly high level Tanker, and in his "Warlord" guise, he'd announce via broadcasts as well as on the Liberty Forum here, that he was going to further the plans of the Clockwork King by leading a charge of mobs to area X in zone Y.

In essence, he created zone events where he'd herd up dozens, maybe hundreds of mobs and lead them back to common player areas like the AP entrance to the Hollows. I can understand why someone might think he was griefing lowbies by doing that, but he DID repeatedly announce his intentions and give plenty of warning of his nefarious plans. The net result was that higher-level players would come out to protect everyone. Given the sheer size of the herds, lots of people had a chance to help and there was a very tangible sense that the bigger toons were protecting the smaller ones. Plus, we got to show off our high level powers.

I'm fairly certain that Cog Warlord eventually got banned for what he was doing, but I will remember him as the first player villain in the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

After initially hearing about this guy, I took my claw/invuln scrapper and did the same, creating a giant ambush on the atlas gate of perez park. Rather than RP a villain I sent warnings that someone was launching an attack and began herding up everything nearby. I brought them from the north, south and inside the walls all flooding in, 100s of mobs at a time. The 20 or so people there really enjoyed it and towards the end I almost was able to bring the Kraken, but my lack of a toxic resist and a mean old police drone didn't let me.

Multiple people asked me if I was a GM since I was able to control mobs like that and make them attack the area, but really it was my old wolf herding skills in play.

My 50s:
Hero: Armor Assassin (scrapper), Cross Dresser (scrapper), Surly Seaman (blaster), Defensive End (Tank), Rad Rhino (Cont)
Villain: Beast Infection (Corr), Sweet Zombie Jesus (MM), Milk Weasel (Stalker), Orgullo (MM), Agent Eris (Crab)



Did you know... Enrage inspirations used to be called just Rage, which is also the name of the drug that the Trolls take which mutates them. For a while I found it highly amusing that heroes were popping the same pills that the enemies did.

Did you know... that in beta for CoV ice armor and ice melee were in the brute powersets. Many people loved them, but the devs stole them because they said that slowing enemy attack rate was counterintuitive to building fury.

My 50s:
Hero: Armor Assassin (scrapper), Cross Dresser (scrapper), Surly Seaman (blaster), Defensive End (Tank), Rad Rhino (Cont)
Villain: Beast Infection (Corr), Sweet Zombie Jesus (MM), Milk Weasel (Stalker), Orgullo (MM), Agent Eris (Crab)



Did you know... Enrage inspirations used to be called just Rage, which is also the name of the drug that the Trolls take which mutates them. For a while I found it highly amusing that heroes were popping the same pills that the enemies did.

[/ QUOTE ]

Close but no cigar. Rage is the drug that Tsoo try to push.

What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?

PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes



Liberty Server was home to a really interesting roleplayer who called himself "Cog Warlord" in the days of I1/I2. The Cog Warlord tried very hard, within the restrictions of CoH, to be a real villain, long before CoV came out.
He played using fairly high level Tanker, and in his "Warlord" guise, he'd announce via broadcasts as well as on the Liberty Forum here, that he was going to further the plans of the Clockwork King by leading a charge of mobs to area X in zone Y.

In essence, he created zone events where he'd herd up dozens, maybe hundreds of mobs and lead them back to common player areas like the AP entrance to the Hollows. I can understand why someone might think he was griefing lowbies by doing that, but he DID repeatedly announce his intentions and give plenty of warning of his nefarious plans. The net result was that higher-level players would come out to protect everyone. Given the sheer size of the herds, lots of people had a chance to help and there was a very tangible sense that the bigger toons were protecting the smaller ones. Plus, we got to show off our high level powers.

I'm fairly certain that Cog Warlord eventually got banned for what he was doing, but I will remember him as the first player villain in the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

After initially hearing about this guy, I took my claw/invuln scrapper and did the same, creating a giant ambush on the atlas gate of perez park. Rather than RP a villain I sent warnings that someone was launching an attack and began herding up everything nearby. I brought them from the north, south and inside the walls all flooding in, 100s of mobs at a time. The 20 or so people there really enjoyed it and towards the end I almost was able to bring the Kraken, but my lack of a toxic resist and a mean old police drone didn't let me.

Multiple people asked me if I was a GM since I was able to control mobs like that and make them attack the area, but really it was my old wolf herding skills in play.

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember occurances like this happening in the Hollows on Freedom as well around that same time. It was great fun having a dozen or more heroes of all levels simultaneously fighting dozens and dozens of Outcasts and Trolls that someone skillfully herded to the gate. It was definitely a one-of-a-kind experience, something the game itself never did previously.

As an aside, perhaps the devs took note of these wonderfully fun events, cause it seems they used the concept to some capacity in the war against the 5th Column and Council -- where swarms of one mob type would suddenly spawn and start an all out war with the other faction.

And even today, to a much lesser extent, you can see some of this if you're lucky enough to be in Skyway during a Supa Troll rally.



Did you know... Enrage inspirations used to be called just Rage, which is also the name of the drug that the Trolls take which mutates them. For a while I found it highly amusing that heroes were popping the same pills that the enemies did.

[/ QUOTE ]

Was this in beta? Cause I always remember the Troll drug being called Superadyne, or just Dyne for short.



Liberty Server was home to a really interesting roleplayer who called himself "Cog Warlord" in the days of I1/I2. The Cog Warlord tried very hard, within the restrictions of CoH, to be a real villain, long before CoV came out.
He played using fairly high level Tanker, and in his "Warlord" guise, he'd announce via broadcasts as well as on the Liberty Forum here, that he was going to further the plans of the Clockwork King by leading a charge of mobs to area X in zone Y.

In essence, he created zone events where he'd herd up dozens, maybe hundreds of mobs and lead them back to common player areas like the AP entrance to the Hollows. I can understand why someone might think he was griefing lowbies by doing that, but he DID repeatedly announce his intentions and give plenty of warning of his nefarious plans. The net result was that higher-level players would come out to protect everyone. Given the sheer size of the herds, lots of people had a chance to help and there was a very tangible sense that the bigger toons were protecting the smaller ones. Plus, we got to show off our high level powers.

I'm fairly certain that Cog Warlord eventually got banned for what he was doing, but I will remember him as the first player villain in the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

After initially hearing about this guy, I took my claw/invuln scrapper and did the same, creating a giant ambush on the atlas gate of perez park. Rather than RP a villain I sent warnings that someone was launching an attack and began herding up everything nearby. I brought them from the north, south and inside the walls all flooding in, 100s of mobs at a time. The 20 or so people there really enjoyed it and towards the end I almost was able to bring the Kraken, but my lack of a toxic resist and a mean old police drone didn't let me.

Multiple people asked me if I was a GM since I was able to control mobs like that and make them attack the area, but really it was my old wolf herding skills in play.

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember occurances like this happening in the Hollows on Freedom as well around that same time. It was great fun having a dozen or more heroes of all levels simultaneously fighting dozens and dozens of Outcasts and Trolls that someone skillfully herded to the gate. It was definitely a one-of-a-kind experience, something the game itself never did previously.

As an aside, perhaps the devs took note of these wonderfully fun events, cause it seems they used the concept to some capacity in the war against the 5th Column and Council -- where swarms of one mob type would suddenly spawn and start an all out war with the other faction.

And even today, to a much lesser extent, you can see some of this if you're lucky enough to be in Skyway during a Supa Troll rally.

[/ QUOTE ]
Dear God, yes. I ran across a Supa Troll rally a while back while moving through Skyway (can't remember why).

Now I wasn't exactly in danger per se -- I was something like lv42 or 44 -- but there were one hell of a lot of Supa Trolls to claw through.

But hey, I got the Dee Jay badge

"Let your plans be dark and as impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." --Sun Tzu, The Art of War



Was this in beta? Cause I always remember the Troll drug being called Superadyne, or just Dyne for short.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is indeed correct. Dyne was and remains... the Troll drug of choice.