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  1. *blush* <~_~>; Hehe, thanks all <^,^>

    (Lol Graver <,<; Thanks for the critique earlier btw <^,~> it helped)

    <^.^>;; I'm just... WEE!!

    And Yuri, its well worth trying I can tell ya >_< I've grown alot in the last couple months; I've been drawing since I was 16 (well, 5 when I started; but I didn't get remotely serious till 16)

    <. .> it took me *that* long to get to this >_< I've still got a ways to go but <~_~> yes, today I am proud hehe <^-^>;

    <,< I'll shuddup for a bit now <'x'>; Just... excitiment <,<

    Now if I can just get back to my writing too >.<;; /sigh; we shall see on that front <,<;
  2. <'x'> My temporarily ENORMOUS ego requires this see the front page one more time <,<; (then I'll leave you all alone about it <'x'> I promise!)
  3. That'd be a scar <^-^> I should have mentioned >< this is the Novel version of the character - the CoX version has spots and lighter skin; the novel version has scars on her back and one on her face. >.>;; I didn't explain that cause I was too excited I guess <~_~>

    Glad you like it <^-^> <bounces up and down on Katfood's head> <^,^>
  4. First - Pardon me while I freak out and dance around like in a rabid frenzy of excitement.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Now then. I finally finished the project I've been working on for the last 4 or 5 days; working probably 4-8 hours each day... it was ALOT of work, but I am *very* proud of this ><; That doesn't mean don't critique though <,< By all means, I wanna know what you think! This is my current best though <^_^> so Uhm... the squirrel is beaming atm <,<
    Yumii - Full Color

    <^_^>!!! <passes out from lack of sleep> <X_X>

    Oh, and I'd like to thank this entire forum - without everyone's support, critiques, and teaching, I'd never have tried color - let alone done anything like this. You all saw how I was when I came here... needless to say I think there's just a bit of improvement. And alot of its thanks to all of you >.< So; the squirrel thanks you all!
  5. Squirrel_Mark1

    WIP: Feral Kat

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ty for the observations!!! I have made several changes..

    1. claws completely reworked
    2. Trailing leg tweeked (ty kat I though it looked off too)
    3. Hair simplified
    4. Tail shortened

    Feral Kat Revised Sketch

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Excellent revision Celsia >< Excellent!

    My suggestion on the eyes - I notice the one on my left (her right eye) the top line is crooked just a bit; at least I *think* thats what it is ><

    Otherwise you're really comming along <^_^> great job fixing the claws.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    I did edits here and there on Maru, mostly on the arms. I think the hands are okay in relation to everything else.
    Maru (Updated)

    I also drew this in class today when I was done with everything:
    Peeping Tom

    [/ QUOTE ]

    haha, Peeping Tom is *priceless* <,<

    You been reading the "Useless Super Powers" thread by chance? <'x'> (In Forum Games; its pretty funny)

    I think the arms are definitely improved <^_^>

    I think you could do alot with the head >.< I think you're flattening it too much; but I know sometimes you just have to say "I'm done with this pic, moving on..."; so I won't say to keep messing with it <^-^> Just keep working! Doing good man.
  7. Cool <^,^> I wanna see the changes. Keep pushing yourself - you're really comming along.
  8. [ QUOTE ]

    Here's a newer version. I chose to switch back to a vertical format so I could push the characters together. I also made some improvements based on feedback from this thread, including adding more powerful effects (Thanks Juggertha) and more dirt to the world (thanks Graver).

    It's not finished til TA is happy, but I feel a lot better abot this version.

    PS - I rendered this at 200 dpi, so it'll make a grat wall poster at about 20" x 30". Might just have to print 2 copies.

    THOR'S ASSASSIN versus ASSASSIN OF THOR - (version 2)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    At the risk of sounding like a drunken redneck (because my state - especially the part I'm from - is known for those) -

    HELL YES! ><

    I love what you did with this. It was good before... this though; this is what I've come to expect >_< I especially love the way the staff is charged... just... awesome ><;

    <CHEERS>! <^_^>

    Oh, and that smoke is excellent as well >.<;;
  9. I like that Maru piece; the face and hands are kinda off (hands too small; face too flat >.&gt *BUT*

    You did the torso and legs *wonderfully*. Those are areas I have a hard time with myself >.< Also, nice shoes!

    Good work Aaron <^_^>
  10. Hehe <^_^> Olly! You didn't edit those parts like we talked about way back <;.;>

    Still though, it was good then, and its good now <,< Was just hoping to see it even more polished, oh well <@_@>
  11. Squirrel_Mark1

    WIP: Feral Kat

    That's a great start Celsia! <@.@>

    Good enough in fact that I only have a singular suggestion.

    The claws... seem to point "inward" (ie: the outer two claws pointing toward the middle); while the claws should (unless it was requested differently) point outwards.

    Its not a big deal or anything though <^_^> I love the way this looks overall!
  12. Squirrel_Mark1

    Psyche or Widow?

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Yay! I made that Ghost Widow render last year! It's cool to see it in use.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    DAMN YOU! >_< Lol, I thought that was an official COX promotional piece <'x'> cause thats how it looks!

    >.> <shakes fist> <;.;> DJ pwnz my eyes again.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, it *is* official. It comes from the Fan Kit. I did 20 renders or so just before the release of COV for Cryptic as a one-time thing. It's completely cool to use as a backdrop since it was released officially by Cryptic.

    Sorry for playing with the squirrels

    [/ QUOTE ]

    <head explodes> <X_X>;;;

    Thats even more awesome <,<;;

    <. .> Hmm.. Lets see... I've already started a pagan squirrel cult of Juggertha... I got it! Rodent sacrifices >.> That's the ticket.

    <honors Dark Jedi's ridiculous talents with a sacrifice of mice> <@_<>/)

    ^ Not crazy, really! <,<
  13. Squirrel_Mark1

    Psyche or Widow?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Yay! I made that Ghost Widow render last year! It's cool to see it in use.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    DAMN YOU! >_< Lol, I thought that was an official COX promotional piece <'x'> cause thats how it looks!

    >.> <shakes fist> <;.;> DJ pwnz my eyes again.
  14. I think its a great idea Juggy <,<; I just suggested people I knew <'x'> cause they're who I know hehe; I just wanna see how this is done.

    Art is by its nature a tad subjective and elitist >.> How many of us have gotten at some point "You can draw?! I wish I could draw."

    Anyone can draw <>.<> if you try. But people have this disposition to view artists as "something set apart" somehow <,<

    Same with writers actually.

    >.> But anyways... thats all I'm saying, I wanna see how it turns out!

    (and if you wanna include a ghostly squirrel somewhere <^,~>... (JK! seriously <,<b <-- unfamous to the nth degree >.&gt
  15. Squirrel_Mark1

    Psyche or Widow?

    I don't like either too much <'x'>

    <-- blasphemous squirrel

    >.>; MYNX FTW!

    <runs away>
  16. I don't know their links >.<; I can probably find Pep's out pretty easy tomorrow (well, later today!); and Taser you could prolly just PM <@_@>

    Hex of course is around here <,< Athyna tends to hang out in General and Suggestions from what I've seen >.>;; Not that you should go hunting or anything <'x'>; These are just the people I see alot who seem to be fairly well known. But of course - that's just in my limited experience too <,<;
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Alright, here's the finished (hopefully) version of MysticFire.


    I had a lot of issues with the media this time, but I think, in the end, it all worked out for the best. I would say more, but I already commented the hell out of it on the DA site and if you are wanting more to read, well, there's plenty more there for you to read

    Oh, and PMD, just so you know, I didn't get into art for the art... it's all for the art supplies... mmmmmmm art supplies... :drools:

    Edit: damned art supplies... almost forgot to give y'all a heads up on who's next in the ol' queue. Up next, we have The Imperial as well as, ever so slowly coming along, Battle-Angel (a WIP for her shall be posted soon...). After which shall be the ever playful Dragonberry. To all patiently standing in line, I again want to thank you for your patience and apologize for the magazine girl falling over dead. I'll have a replacement for her soon and you will get your reading material and snacks. Again, thank you.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You want me to bow down and worship now? Or later? <,<;
  18. ArcSalvo >.>

    He's pretty well known on the boards anyway...

    But then again; <'x'> lotsa people are well known on the boards I guess... which comes to the crunch I suppose.

    Are you wanting people from the boards? or in-game?

    Cause if someone's going to transcend their server they're almost surely on the forums >.> (Which'd definitely make Taser a candidate at least; he's all over the place. But then you'd have Athyna, Hex, BeefCake, Pep Cat, Sleepy Kitty, Nymie gets around lesee...)

    I got a long list if we're going by forumites <,<

    People in-game who've become popular that I personally would know of... I'd say Pep's pretty darn popular to tell ya the truth. <@_@>; someone recognized her by a character she had in CoV beta on the boards yesterday.

    Hmm... Rowr I only know from the boards... but then again with the exception of the cats; that's the case for me in all cases >.>

    Err.. nm me, I've been up all night and I'm kinda muddling.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    ooh lol!


    [/ QUOTE ]

    <gives TA the "Egomaniacal" badge>

    <,< (JK, funny though <,&lt
  20. hehehe <,< nice! <^o^> coot kid
  21. Wow, <@_@> That's really cool! <,<;
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    UPDATE - I just talked with Thor's Assassin on the phone and we've critiqued the piece at length. There's a couple items that we both think could push the scene further, so expect another version shortly...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Most excellent! <^_^>

    Can't wait to see it! >< You do awesome work... but I'll confess; I wasn't feeling it quite as much as your others (But given my own artistic skills; or lack thereof... I didn't want to say so <~.~> especially because I have absolutely 0 useful advice)

    I can't wait to see what you do with it, like I said >< You do great work.
  23. WOOT! <^_^> Welcome back AARON! <^_^> <cheer!>

    Rawwwwr >.>

    <;.;> hate it when the comp goes.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    The guy I quoted was actually referring to my ability to express things other than combat with body language in this particular case. However, he also said that I should practice my storytelling ability. It's completely true, and something I plan to work on (just not with this particular drawing)

    I'd love to draw comic books for a living... but I'm not there just yet. I need to get better at drawing characters with more quality and in less time. I have the education, I just need practice, and these pinup style commissions are perfect for that.

    Anyway, my love of talking aside, here's the latest version of the drawing!


    I only say semi-complete because only pictures that have deadlines can ever officially be complete. As of now, I do not plan to really go back and work on this drawing any more, so it's "done." That doesnt mean I won't go back and tweak it more if I notice something, or someone here gives a really noteworthy critique.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have just one thing to say.

    Giggity-giggity. >.>

    (JK: Great work <@_@>b)
  25. Great as always >_<; /sigh

    I think the best thing in this piece... is the way TA is comming in, almost like he's taking back a whole section of city (Given that AoT is standing near the Recluse version of the Atlas statue).

    Its just.. well, I hate to use the overused word... but Epic.