Personal Best! >_< WOOT!!!




First - Pardon me while I freak out and dance around like in a rabid frenzy of excitement.

Thank you for your understanding.

Now then. I finally finished the project I've been working on for the last 4 or 5 days; working probably 4-8 hours each day... it was ALOT of work, but I am *very* proud of this &gt;&lt;; That doesn't mean don't critique though &lt;,&lt; By all means, I wanna know what you think! This is my current best though &lt;^_^&gt; so Uhm... the squirrel is beaming atm &lt;,&lt;
Yumii - Full Color

&lt;^_^&gt;!!! &lt;passes out from lack of sleep&gt; &lt;X_X&gt;

Oh, and I'd like to thank this entire forum - without everyone's support, critiques, and teaching, I'd never have tried color - let alone done anything like this. You all saw how I was when I came here... needless to say I think there's just a bit of improvement. And alot of its thanks to all of you &gt;.&lt; So; the squirrel thanks you all!



That is by far your best piece yet! Grats! The only thing I am not sure of is the thing on her cheek. Is that a lock of hair...or a scar...?



Squirrel, congrats on a job well done! Given how much you put into getting this done, you should dance yourself silly because the effort really paid off!



I get a very strong feeling of the ancient Japanese paintings/portraits style when I look at this.

Excellent. The colors blend magnificently.



That'd be a scar &lt;^-^&gt; I should have mentioned &gt;&lt; this is the Novel version of the character - the CoX version has spots and lighter skin; the novel version has scars on her back and one on her face. &gt;.&gt;;; I didn't explain that cause I was too excited I guess &lt;~_~&gt;

Glad you like it &lt;^-^&gt; &lt;bounces up and down on Katfood's head&gt; &lt;^,^&gt;



&lt;'x'&gt; My temporarily ENORMOUS ego requires this see the front page one more time &lt;,&lt;; (then I'll leave you all alone about it &lt;'x'&gt; I promise!)



Nice job squirrely, It has a very nice solid amine feel to it . I really like it alot.



Yup, I'd agree, it really did turn out quite nice!...

if you can get past her tinny itsy-bitsy eyes



It looks good!

Well on your way, oh Squirrely one. Keep it up!

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