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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vivace View Post
    Welcome back!

    Thanks V!! It's good to see ya! We had some great times. Hope to have many more! :P
  2. Well, it's been a while all. I've been away for a while seeing if the grass was greener on the other side (CO). It was a nice place to visit, but I don't want to live there. It was NO replacement for CoX!

    So, I'm looking forward to running with all of you again and hope everyone is doing well!
  3. Thanks for the build suggestion. I've got to brush up on the whole IO Origin thing. I'm SERIOUSLY out of touch with my tank. I haven't used him in a about a year and a half! LOL!!!
  4. TOTALLY jealous of you! You pull off a kick-[censored] look!! I've yet to complete the task force for the Roman pieces!!!
  5. Hi all! I'm looking to bring my namesake out of retirement and was hoping for some suggested builds. He's level 50 and I want a build where he can contribute as a main tank in TFs, but also hold his own in PvP. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks!!
  6. Happy Birthday Larissa!!!!!
  7. Buckeye, GREAT job finding such a great artist! His composition makes the piece very intimate and the detail just pulls the viewer in. I could stare at it until I go cross-eyed! Again, congrats on a great addition to your collection!
  8. Outstanding! If I were a villian, I'd pee myself!!!
  9. Care to add me to your "posse"? You can enter my friend code above. See ya in game!!
  10. Howdy all and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

    Are you looking for something to do at work, BESIDES WORK?!?! Check out EPIC PET WARS!!! It's totally addicting and FREE!! I thought it would be cool to get a bunch of us art folks together for some brutal pet battle!! LOL!!!

    Anyway, go ahead and sing up, create your pet, and DO BATTLE! You can invite others to your "posse" by entering in a "friend code". Mine is kmruhzo

    Look forward to doing battle with you all!!!!!!!
  11. LOVE the way you did Ascendant! Great job!! Bruce Timm would be proud!
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    That is exquisite work!

    That being said, if a small child wearing that shows up at my door this Halloween, they are promptly getting the door slammed on their face and the authorities will be alerted. The image of that on a tiny body is.... disturbing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    OMG! You made me spit my coffee out my nose! I'm still giggling like a dim-wit!!!
  13. Are you kidding me?!?! That's freakin' fantastic!!! NOW, get to work on the body suit!!! LOL!!!
  14. Very cool design Juggs!

    MAYBE you can find some time to do the SCION of ZEUS?!
  15. Mr_Majesty

    Scion of Zeus!!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Well if anything...

    Everyone knows who "Scion of Zeus" is now

    [/ QUOTE ]

    True dat!
  16. Mr_Majesty

    Scion of Zeus!!!

    Would you mind giving it a rest. I've apologized already.
  17. Bayani, I love the She-Hulk piece! Sorah always does some CRAZY COOL coloring!!!
  18. Mr_Majesty

    Scion of Zeus!!!

    Thanks! I really had fun coming up with the concept and having it mesh with an established CoX character.
  19. NEW baby girl trumps lady out of cake! Congrats and happy B-DAY!!
  20. Mr_Majesty

    Scion of Zeus!!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    "Oh my..." /end Takei

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Holy CRAP! I giggled my butt of at THAT one! I love GEORGE!!

    OK all, I've mellowed out and can accept all the "gay" comments in with a smirk and a sigh. If the women think he looks hot, cool! If there are some dudes that think he's'll be a compliment. All's fair in love and art! I just wanted to apologize for coming across as a crab-[censored] without a sense of humor. I DO love you all!
  21. Mr_Majesty

    Scion of Zeus!!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Listen, I'm not trying to stir a dying fire but this started the comments
    [ QUOTE ]
    Once he plows through Statesman, maybe he can kick TA in the behind. :P

    [/ QUOTE ]
    not anything TA said. Wording a reply that way HAS to be on purpose ... there is no way someone opens so many doors for innuendos without truly looking for it.

    And with he :P at the end, it gave the impression it was what you were doing ... anyway ... I'm just saying that acting shocked and all is fun drama ... but if you pour the gas and light the match ... expect the fire.

    (( that wasn't a gay comment btw, it's true for any sentence that would be worded similarly. ))

    As for the topic at hand, I really like the bolt on the chest on a thin stripe of black ... that works well. I have never liked that face but once I read he was a villain ... it works better but I just don't like the snide-smirk look it has ... but it may be what you are looking for. I personnaly don't like how the angelic finishes with at "ring" at the neck level. To get rid of that feeling I would like to see how a neck cover would carry that up a little higher and reduce the necklace feel.

    I would try different patterns with the gold on the legs too. They give the impression of high heel boots. I know the sharp pattern is used on many costumes without that effect but ... I would try something different. But, that is just me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, you're right Thorn. Wording a reply like that was on purpose. The purpose was to pick a "fight" with TA's character. Seeing that Scion and TA share a mythical origin in common, it seemed like a fun idea to throw down a challenge. If people took it as a cheeky "gay" thing..then I guess it speaks more of the person taking it that way then of me.

    As for your feedback on his look, I liked the smirk. Scion is arrogant and cocky. I think the look pulls that off brilliantly.

    I totally get what you're saying about the neckline. It would be nice if it extended more up on the neck and looked less like a freakin' necklace. In some angles, it's not as noticeable, but you totally have a valid point there.